scoot THE CUB REPORTER 5 ' " ' . . . . ' ) W- irm.- SH - mumrn enterprise OREGON CITY, OREGON . E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. "Entered as second-class matter Jan isry , 1911, at the post office at Oregon :itv. Oregon, under the Act of March 3 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year, by mall J3.00 Six Months by mail 1.50 tour Months, by mail i.00 Per Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER C', 1 1 .'-.W i HJ.Lil j. 17IW p.frth til i ! ih.u liiiin. Muss. t Keiijiuniii (.!! -.tin. Kevuintioiiiiry flflii T;i 1 lin icicivi-d tlif swiinl of t'ornwiillis lit -1 orkto'vii: died isio Oenenil Lincoln :v fended Charles ton. S. C. iitiiinsi the British' in 1770 mid took pun iu the assault on Suv.-iiin.ili In ITSil 1820 Henry Jnines Kuyuiond. distin guished jouriiiili-st; founder of the New York Times, horn: died lti!. 1898 United States linttleship Maine ordered on tier memorable mission to Havana. 1907-(iener!!l Kussell A: Alger, Dnited States senator from Michigan, prominent Federal general and for mer secretary of war, died: born 183t. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow. Sun sets 5:08. rises 7:17. Evening stars: Venus. Saturn. Morning stars: Saturn. Jupiter, Mars. MONTENEGRO'S Because of his LESSON TO US failure in his war against Turkey, Nicholas of Montenegro finds that his throne is shaking. Montnegro invad '; ed Turkey two or three days before : Sria, Bulgaria or Greece moved. For about a week the Montegrins ap peared to be winning. This was the story sent out from Cettinje, its cap ital, to the world, and the world ap plauded. Nicholas and his sons were with their army, and their pictures were published in the big newspapers of two continents. When they reach ed the Scutari district, however, they halted, and they are halted still. That region, which is on the Adriatic, was the objective of their campaign. They needed it as an outlet on that sea, but they have failed to get it, and Nich olas has fallen into discredit. .Nicholas failure is not the fault of his soldiers but of his system. The " men of the Black Mountains are among the fiercest fighters in Eu rope. The smallest of the Balkan states, the trained army of, the coun try is smaller in proportion to popu lation than is that of any of its neigh bors. The men who are instructed in modern methods of fighting are comparatively few. In its military scheme the United States proceeds on the Montegrin theory. While the law permits the entisted strength of the army to reach 100,000 men, which is an absurdly small number for a nation of 110,000, 000 people, including its dependencies its actual enlisted force is less than 77,000. These soldiers are as well trained as any in the world, but they are too few to be effective in a con flct with any great power, such as may come at any time without warn ing. According to the testimony of regular army officers, nearly all of the country's 120,000 militia would be a poor reliance for a second line of defense except after, six or eight months additional training, and in a war today this much time would not be permitted; Our standing army is smaller than that of Roumania, which Standards Must Be Set' Before All Food Is Pure By Dr. CARL L. ALSBERG, Government Chief Chemist BKI.TEVE that most manufacturers and handlers of foodstuffs X want to do the right thing, but most of tliem tK)X'T KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS THE RIGHT THING. The whole subject of food inspection and the demand for pure food? is new. When the bureau of chemistry was established there were no standards, no guides of any sojt. Everything had U be worked out. and it has been slow work. Only a few things defi nitely have been determined for this analysis of foods. To establish standards is not the work of days. BUT OF TEARS. WHEN WE ARRIVE AT WHAT IS THE STANDARD THEN WE MUST SHOW THE MANUFACTURER HOW TO BRING HIS PRODUCTS UP TO THE STANDARD. Ideal small Poultry Farm fully equipped to care for 50n to 1000 iiickens, small dwell ing house,. laying house and scratching pen 16 x 45 with double floors. Brooding and incubator room 12 x 16, concrete floor. Abutting on car line and only two minutes walk to station. Price $1500, $500 down, bal ance $10 per mo. Fine oppor tunity for person working in town and wanting rural home. DILLMAN & ROWLAND WEINHARD BUILDING. has much less than a fifteenth of our population, and this little force is scattered over a large part of the globe. OREGON CITY IS There is every FINE HOME TOWN reason to be lieve that more persons who have business in Port land will come to this city this year to live than ever before in one year. There is no reason why thousands of persons who have their business in terests in Portland should not live in this city and many reasons why they should. The streetcar facilities have been somewhat improved and the fare between the cities probably will be reduced. It is a fact that per sons having business in Portland could live in this city and save mon ey. In the east there are hundreds of thousands of commuters, and with the population of Portland constantly growing, there is no argument against Oregon City obtaining a big per cen tage of the overflow The fact is, Oregon City will get most of it and it should.. The Portland Railway, Light & Power Company can do much to increase the population of this city, and we believe that it should do all in its power to induce persons wishing to get away from a ig city to come to this municipality. The question is a big one, and one the Live Wires should consider. Another suggestion for Main Trunk Cross. If it happened It Is In me Enter prise. Wants, For Sale, Etc CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our many friends 1 and acquaintances for their kind ness and sympathy to us in our-re-cet bereavement and for the beau tiful floral offerings. A. WENDEL and FAMILY WANTED Female Help. GIRL WANTED Phone. Main 1501 GIRL wanted for general housework at Bridge Hotel, 110 Seventh Street. WANTED WANTED Light housework. Address j Annie Bowers, Colton, Ore. FOR SALE COAL COAL The famous (King) coal from Utah, free delivery. Telephone your or der to A 56 or Main 14, Oregon City Ice Works, 12th and Main Streets. FOR SALE A 1300-lb. mare, also A-l Fresh' cow. Robt. Clarke, Mount Pleasant, R. F. D. No. 1, Oregon City. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 organs $20, $12.50, and $8.00, one farm wagon $20, one single buggy $10.00, one Iowa Craem Separator, $30.00, good as new. Come and tell me 'what you have to exchange. J. H. Mattley, 1010 Seventh St., City. Do you want a new cook stove or range? I have some good ones to 1VLU U.JN hU JJiiN Enough sell cheap and ' will take your old stoves as part payment. I have some heaters that I am closing out i at reduced prices to make them a ! bargain for you. J. H. Mattley, the i Home Furnisher, 1010 Seventh St., City. Party wishes to buy restaurant, room-1 . . . l, i . . . . i : i l i mg house or boarding house. In quire Enterprise Office- FOR SALE 30 tons of No.' 1 clover hay $8 00 per ton, f. o. b. boat land ing. Chas. Eilers, Route. No. 3, Aurora, Ore. . - WANTED LIVESTOCK ! WANTED Cows fresh or coming fresh soon, W. C. Berreth, 1480, Macadam Street, Portland, -Oregon. ATTORNEYS PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney-at-law Deutscher Advokat Room 2 Beaver Bldg. MUSICAL VIOLIN LESSONS Mr. Gustav Flechtner, from Liepzig, Germany, is prepared to accept a limited num ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may also be engaged for solo work or ensemble work. Address for terms, etc., Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City EXCURSION RATES EXCURSION RATES Monogram, Guckenheimer, and Penn. Rye Whiskey, $1.00 per Full Quart. Port Wine 25c per Qt. Buy your wines and liquors from us and Save Mon ey. Kentucky Liquor 'Co., Cor. 5th and Main Sts. MISCELLANEOUS. Rheumatism cured.- I will gladly send WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO I at First and and First 1 ilin.i'XtlCi t KIM X . d AJN To Make Any Cop "Tired" any sufferer a Simple Herbal Re cipe that cures Rheumatism, also a Trial Treatment, all sent -absolutely free by one wto was cured. Enclose a two cent stamp.' W. H. Sutton, 2601 Orchard Ave., Los An geles, Calif. ' It will pay you tc trade .vith the Chi- ci. r a - n . : n . . i' cago Store, 505 Main Street, Ore gon City, for Clothing and Gent's Furnishings. We also do cleaning, pressing and repairing, at reason able prices. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO , F. M. Bluhm. Wood and eoaj ; delivered to all parts of the city ; SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone! your orders. Pacific 1371, Home f b m ; NOTJCES Ordinance No. An ordinance appropriating $411.75 1 to the Columbia Hook & Ladder ; Company and the Fountain Hose ' Company. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: -. i Section 1. sThere is hereby ap propriated out of the general funds , of Oregon City, the sum of $411.75 I or so much thereof as may be nec- i essary to fit up the rooms of the i Columbia Hook & Ladder Company j and the Fountain Hose Company, j and to furnish the said rooms, and ' the City Recorder is hereby author-; ized to draw a warrant for said j" sum. , ' " j Read first time and ordered pub-I lished at a special .meeting of the j City Council, held on the 22nd day of Jan., 1913. - j L. STIPP, Recorder, i Notice of Sale of Funding Bonds of Oregon City, Oregon. ... Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, Finance Commit- j tee of the City Council of Oregon '; City, . Oregon, at the office of the : Recorder of said City until Febru- j ary 12th, 1913, at 4 o'clock, P. M., ; for the purchase of not less than j at First and IVforrisoan and First and Yamhill These two Moyer stores are clos ing out at cut prices their big stocks of Winter Suits, Overcoats, Rain--coats, Underwear and Furnishings for men and boys. It's a great money-saying event for you who buy, if you buy now while we have the goods. We in vite you to look and to profit by these bargains. . . Every reduction is genuine you save on every purchase. Morrison and Yamhill PORTLAND MOYER1 . Z4. ycJ. par value and accrued interest of funding bonds of said city to the' , amount of Fifty Thousand, ($50, 000.) Dollars. Said Bonds will be issued in de nominations of Five Hundred ($500.) Dollars each and will bear date, Jan.l, 1913 and will mature in twen ty (20) years after said date and will bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, sand interest, to be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds, interest and prin ciple payable in United, States gold coin at the office of the Treas urer of Oregon City, at Oregon City, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a check epual to five per cent (5 per cent) of the total amount of the bid, this check must be certi fied by some accredited bank en tirely separate from and indepen dent of the perscon of compay sub mitting the proposal and must be payable to Oregon City or the Treasurer thereof without condi dition. It shall be a guarantee of the fulfillment of the bid submitted, should the bid be accepted by the undersigned Finance Committee ; and should the bidder fail to com ply with the terms of hiis bid, if accepted, the check will be forfeit ed to the said Oregon City, and. payable to it absolutely. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved by the un dersigned committee and the Coun cil of Oregon City. By order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon. F. J. MEYER, R. L. HOLMAN, F. J. TOOZE, . Finance Committee of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon. Proposals for Improvement Bonds, Oregon City, Oregon. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, Fininace Commit tee at the office of the City Record er of said City, until February 12th, 1913, at 4 o'clock P. M., for the sale of at not less than par value and accrued interest of improvement bonds of Oregon City, Oregon, as the st me has been authorized to be issued, for the sum of $19,000.00. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO . " By MOP Said bonds will be issued in the following denominations: Thirty eight (38) for Five Hundred ($500. 00) dollars' each. , Said bonds are dated March 1st, 1913 and will ma-! ture in ten years after date and ' will bear interest at the rate of six.j per centum per annum from date, 1 payable semi-annually, said interest j to be evidenced by coupons attach- ! ed to said bonds, interest and prin cipal payable in United States gold coin, at the office of the Treasurer of Oregon City, at Oregon City, Ore gon. Oregon City reserves the right to take up and cancel said bonds or any of them, upon pay " ment of the face value thereof with accrued interest to date at any semi-annual interest paying period, or after one year from the date t thereof. Said bonds are to be issued in pursuance of an act of the Legisla ture of the State of Oregon known as "The Bonding Act" as the same has been amended, and are issued for the improvement of streets 'and the construction of sewers in Ore gon City, Oregon, and shall not ex ceed ?1 9,000.00, in the aggregate. Each bid must be accompanied by a check equal to five (5) per cent of the total amount of the bid, this check must-, be certified by some accredited bank entirely sep arate from and independent of the person or company submitting the proposal ad must be payable to Ore - gon City or the Traesurer thereof without condition. It shall be a guarantee of the fulfillment of the bid submitted, should, the bid be accepted by the undersigned Fi nance Committee; and should the bidder fail to comply with the terms of his bid if accepted, the check shall be forfeited to the said Ore gon City, and payable to it abso lutely. Ths right to reject and all bids is hereby reserved by the under signed committee and the Council of Oregon City. By order of the Council of Ore gon City, Oregon. F. J. MEYER, R L. HOLMAN, F. J. TOOZE, -Finance Committee of the City Coun cil of Oregon City, Oregon. Resolution and Notice for the Im provement of 13th Street, Ore gon City, Oregon. WHEREAS, pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, hereto fore made, the City Engineer of said city has submitted his report and filed in the office of the City Record er, plans and specifications for the improvement of Thirteenth Street, said city, from the east side of Monroe Street, to the west side of Jackson Street, and estimate of the work to be done thereon and the costs thereof, and WHEREAS such plans, specifica tions and estimates are satisfactory to the City Council of said Oregon City, Oregon, therefore, the said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby approved, and t BE IT RESOLVED that it is the purpose and intention of the City Council of Oregon City, to make the said improvement, being de scribed as follows, to-wit: The streets shall be brought to a subgrade, 9 inches at the crown and 6 inches at the gutter, below and parallel with the top of the finished pavement. On the road bed Macadam shall be placed to the depth of not less than 10 inches at the center of the street npr less than 7 inches at the curb. All curbing' shall be concrete un less otherwise ordered by the En gineer and shall be 6 inches in width at the top and 8 inches in w'idth at the base, and 18 inches in depth. Sidewalks shall be placed on each side of the streets, adjoining the property line and shall be construct ed of concrete, unless hereafter otherwise ordered, and shall be 6 feet wide with a raise of 1-2 inch to 1 foot from the curb. Plank walks shall be built in accordance with the general standard, plans - and specifications heretobefore adopted and approvedxhereby. Said streets sholl be property pfovided with drains and catch ba . sins, necessary to preserve the grades and to provide for property RES PO NS I B I L I TY for many of our misfortunes lies in our lack of forethought. We must look beyond tomorrow. It is a vital matter in these days of 'high cost' of living .to save out of present earnings something tor the future. It is not the 3 per cent interest this banTi pays on your deposit that is so im portant, but, to get into the habit of saving is of much greater importance. . THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON ' CAPITAL $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to ? P. M drainage of the said street All parking shall be filled with earth to a depth of one foot. The City Recorder is hereby di rected to cause this resolution and notice to be" published as by earn er provided. L. STIPP, Recorder. Summons. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. C. G. Morey, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie M. Mofey, Defendant. To Nellie M. Morey, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby . required to appear and answer the complaint filed aeainst von in the. above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit: on or before Monday the 17th day of February 1913, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her com plaint on file herein, towit: that the-'-bonds of matrimony be disolved on the grounds of Cruel and inhuman treatment. This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Circuit Judge of said County,, and said order was made and dated, on the 31st day of December 1912, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 3rd day of January, 1913, and the date of the last, publication of this summons is. the 14th day of February, 1913. C. H. PIGGOTT, Attorney for plaintiff, 142 1-2 2nd. .Street, Portland, Oregon. , Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Clackamas County. Ethel Lussan, Plaintiff, vs. Anthony Lussan, Defendant. To Anthony Lussan, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint fi;ed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of the summons, to wit: on or before Saturday February 3rd 1913, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint on file herein, towit: that the bonds of matri mony now existing be dissolved. This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Circuit Judge of said County, said' order was made and dated the 26th day of . December 1912, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 27th day of Decem ber 1912, and the date of the Jast publication of this summons is the 7th day of February, 1913. C. H. PIGGOTT. Attorney for Plaintiff, 142 1-2 2nd. St., Portland, Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. W. W. Martien, Plaintiff, vs. Floe Martien, Defendant. To Floe Martien, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon. You are hereby required to appear and answer' the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before the 1st day of February, 1913, said date being more than six weeks after the first publication of this summons, that being the time prescribed to so ap pear and answer and for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in plain tiff's complaint in said suit, towit: For a decree dissolvng the bonds of matrimony now and' heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons in published pur suant to an order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, County Judge of Clack amas County, Oregon, made, dated and entered on the 19th day of De cember, 1912, Judges J. U. Campbell and J. A. Eakin being absent. -, M. J. Mac MAHON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication Dec. 20, 1912. - F. J. MEYER, Cashier.