Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 23, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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(Continued from page 1)
Sestion 5316. The Board of Fish
Commissioners is authorized by this
. act to propagate ana stock the var
ious waters and streams of this state
with salmon, sturgeon, trout, or oth.
er food fishes, not inimical to or de
structive of 'salmon; and for the pur-
; pose of protecting the same they are
hereby authorized to'close any stream
or any designated portion thereof in
this state frequented by salmon, or
any stream which they have stocked,
and prevent any person taking or fish
ing for or catching any salmon or
food fishes therein (except that por
tion of the Columbia River west of
the Cascade locks and that portion
of the Willamette River north of the
Willamette Falls at Oregon City.
Should the Board of Fish Commis
sioners desire to close any stream
. or designated 'portion thereof fre
quented by. salmon, or any stream or
designated portion thereof which they
have stocked with food fish, they
r ir
' iWKmiDaiuir
Good to eat 'cause
they're sweet and
chewy; and good
for your health
They Chase
Sold by all Grocers
SPEHAl. NOTirE-.Ali.haHtlMl toter In er.ry
pmnkmiro of "(Jolden I'.iid" pmain'tH. Sae I'urm till
xuu can epU "4iflldeii ud get a nn
shall cause notice thereof to be filed
in the office of the county clerk in
each county in which such stream or
designated portion thereof lies, and
shall publish such notice in some
public " newspaper published at the
county seat in such -county or coun
ties for four successive weeks. Such
notice shall designate as nearly as
practicable the streams or designat
ed portion thereof to be closed, and
shall state that on and after a date
therein stated it will be unlawful to
fish (for) or take or catch any sal
mon or other food fishes therein
(which date shall not be less than
thirty days from the date of the first
publication), and shall cause like no
tice to be published for such time in
three conspicious places on the banks
of such streams or designated portion
thereof. Upon the completion of the
publication of such notice, the same,
with the proof of the publication and
posting thereof, shall be filed with the
original notice in the office of the
county clerk, and it shall be unlaw
ful at any time after the expiration of
the date specified in said notice for
any person to fish for, catch, or take
any salmon, or any food fishes stock
ed therein, until such notice shall be
filed and likewise published by the
Board of Fish Commissioners of the
opening of such stream or designat
ed portion thereof to the public for
The county court Wednesday ap
pointed Charles Krebs road supervis
or in district No. 6; John C. Miller
supervisor in district No. 58 which
was created by a division of district
No. 40-and W. M. Bumery of district
No. 59, created by the division of
(iistrict No. 14. All supervisors have
been appointed and the court does not
think there will be many declinations.
' Meritol White Linament.
Should be in every home, as its
immediate application to cuts, bruises,
sprains and wounds gives instant re
lief. It has no equal as a pain killer
and healer. Jones Drug Company
Dr. Rugg Preaches.
Dr. Rugg preached Wednesday
night in Willamette to the largest
meeting of the week. His theme was
"But." Tomorrow night E. A. Smith
will preach. His subject will be
"Bethel." There will be special music.
Alleging that her husband has re
fused to contribute to her jiupport,
Julia Egis, alias Julia Sarlandt, has
filed suit for, divorce against Edward
Egis, alias Edward Sarlandt. They
were married in Russia June 4, 1904,
and the plaintiff avers that her hus
band is now a resident of St. Peters
burg. Mattie Gordon seeks a decree
from Charles H. Gordon. They were
married in Portland October 22
1909. Cruelty is alleged. Minnie
Patterson seeks a decree from Wil
liam B. Patterson, alleging cruelty.
They were married November 1, 1897.
The plaintiff says her husband re
mained away from home at night and
contributed little to her support.
. . A New Discovery.
One of the sensations of the twen
tieth century is Meritol Rheumatism
Powders. A bo'bn to every sufferer.
The best known remedy for rheuma
tism in all its forms. Ask those who
have tried it. Jones Drug Co.
Alleged Forger Arrested.
Gustav Cordell, who was arrested
by Constable Frost Tuesday on a
charge of forging a note for. $100 was
released Wednesday by Justice of the
Peace Samson on $300 bail. The de
fendant denies that he forged the
We have often called attention to
the fact that every farmer should
whenever sowing grass of any kind in
clude some one of the varieties of
clover. If you expect .to use your
land for meadow purposes then one of
the larger varieties., viz., the Mam
moth Red or Common Red clover
would probably serve your purpose
best. If you expect to use the land
both for pasture and for hay, the
Alsike clover -will serve your purpose
best. While on the other hand, if you
expect to pasture the land, then we
would recommend a combination of
Alsike and White clover.
There are several ways in which
one can obtain a stand of clover. The
first under consideration is to com
bine clover and timothy with winter
wheat, sowing them at the same time
along the last part of September.
Clover should not be sown at this
time, however, provided you are par
ticularly anxious to' obtain a stand.
Clover sown in the fall will winter
kill very fcadiy under normal condi
tions and for this reason it is not ad
visable to sow clover during the fall
of the year. With timothy it may be
sown with the wheat at the same
time, either scattering the seed in
front of the drill or .by sowing the
seed first and dri'ling the wheat later,
then covering it by the use of the peg
tooth harrow, . The clover maj be
sown just before it freezes up in the
winter, but we do not recommend
this practice, because of the uncer
tainty of the weather, but prefer wait-
1 . Hera is an easy breakfast that uses the 1
ry bread and everybody likes it: . i
1-3 cup flour
1-2 teaspoon sugar
1-4 teaspoon salt
3-4 cup milk 1 egg
8 or 10 slices stale bread
Sift flour, salt and sugar together; slowly stir
in with milk until smooth; add well beaten
egg; dip bread into batter and brown in hot
fat. Add a bit of butter and dust of salt to
each slice, and serve immediately.
if German toast is at its best when made as above and served
sH . with plenty of -
How is it that Towle's Log Cabin Syrup is known from end
to end of the land, as a wholesome syrup for children? Simply
because the whole immense Towie business has grown on the
one idea of furnishing goods that are exactly as represented
the highest quality which can be produced.
There are scores o"f uses for this most
delicious of syrups just keep it in
the house and the children will help
you to discover uses for it every day.
Little folks just "love" it, and that
is because their energetic little bodies
crave and need this safe, wholesome
"fuel," for Towle's Log Cabin
3 1WV; V tuvwW- can
i him NtP M
1 A,;TV r
- I Name
Syrup is an energy producer. Active 3
children would soon lose vitality if EE
not supplied, in their diet,' with a EE
liberal amount of wholesome sweet. EE
Log Cabin Syrup is the answer that EJ
delights the children when they ask
for "syrup" and it is certainly good
for them. EE
Try this German Toast recipe for jJ
breakfast tomorrow and be sure X SJ
to order Towle's Log Cabin Syrup sj
from your grocer today. EE
Drop a line to "Jack" for a free U
recipe book. If you also send him EE
five two-cent stamps, to covler
postage, "Jack Towle will send,
with the recipe book, a miniature
ot 1 owle s liOg Cabin syrup. ,
The cunning can pleases the
children and the syrup pleases
everybody: Send the coupon
Towie Maple Products
Dept22 St Paul, Minn.
from my camp
to your table. "
Jack Towle
Care of Towle Maple Products Co
Dept22. St. Paul, Minn. .
Please And enclosed live two-cent stamps for which you are
to send nje your recipe book and a miniature can of Towle's
Log Cabin Syrup.
The Leading Clothing Store in Clackamas County
Exclusive Outfitters For Men and Boys
Vaudeville !
Largest Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the City
Prompt, Courteous and Excellent Service
Automobile Contestants!
Best Pictures
Get Saturday's Enterprise
"A word to the wise"
Best Fruits
Light Lunches
A Specialty
The Rexall Store
Special January Prices in Every Department
The Morning Enterprise
Clackakmas County's Best Booster
Subscribe now and
Fielp Your Candidate
Eft d. Lt; Ir.Uer part cf Feb-
rrrrr cr rr-f cf :'?r:Yi. j?st be
fcr tha Eri":". th.iT'-s bujin and when
Use Ip.t.6 If in a rorph ovA frozen ccn
dit.'cn is !i? bfff tir'ftT add the
clover seed. The heavin?' 'due to
freezing aisd thawing will cover the
peed s"ic'ert endr nest condi
tions. Kcv, ever, if the land is sandy
this practice might not be successful
and v.e co net reccrriD'erd it tut on
the other hand if ycur scil contains a
large snfonnt of clay you could erpect
success by followins; this method.
Artaiher way of sewing timothy and
clover Xnt one which requires a little
mere judgment cn the. part op the
fcimer is to row the wheat in the fall
and add tin- clover 2nd timothy in the
spring after the land has thawed out
aad tha surface become dry. The
plan is to bow the clover arid timothy
combined at this time by using a peg
tooth barrow, which not only covers
the seed but cultivates the wheat at
the same time. The timothy will not
show up with the f. rst season, but you
ought to get a gocd crop of clover and
the timothy will come on later. -
Either, of the latter two methods
ought to give you fairly good returns.
If you expeGt to leave this field seed
ed down for any length of time it
would be a good plan to add two or
three pounds of Bluegrass seed whenJ
Bowing the timothy.
A number .of young men of the city
at a meeting Wednesday evening or
ganized the "Fal de Ral Club." The
club will give a series of dances and
end the season with a boating party.
The following officers were elected:
Frederick Zigler, president; Joseph
Hedges, vice president; Thomas S.
Sinnott, treasurer and Ally J. Levitt,
secretary. After the meeting the or
ganizers of the club were tendered a
banquet by Mr. Levitt. y
Meritol Hair Tonic keeps, the scalp
in a healthy condition, prevents the
hair from falling out, restores it to
its natural color and used regularly
keeps the hair soft and fluffy.
Jones Drug Co.
Boost your city by boosting your
daily paper. The Enterprise should
be in every home.
Prevents Baldness and Dandruff, Re
stores Gray or Faded Hair To
Its Natural Color.
His Hairs Are Numbered, Are Yours?
Swissco stops dandruff quickly,
grows new hair and restores gray and
faded hair to Its natural youthful
Swissco stops baldness, bald spots,
falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp,
brittle hair or any hair or scalp
trouble. .-: $'4H
To prove that ours claims are true
we will send you a large trial bottle
free if you will send 10c in silver or
stamps to help pay cost of postage
and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy
Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O.
Swissco will be found on sale at
all druggists and drug departments
everywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle.
(Continued from page 1)
discharging it into that Chicago river
and thence into the lake. This was
in the late eighties and early ninties.
Then was undertaken one of the
most gigantic and costly engineering
feats, next to the , Panama Canal,
ever undertaken in the history of
the world. The divide between Lake
Michigan and the valley of the Illinois
River was cut through for a distance
between thirty and forty miles, near
ly all the way through solid rock.
The- Culebra cut of the Panama Canal
is only nine miles, this huge aque
duct thus created between the Chica
go river and the Illinois called "The
Drainage Canal" caused the Chicago
river to run backward, carrying all
the sewerage of Chicago away from
the Lake into the Illinois and thence
finanally into the Mississippi "Inter
cepting" sources were built in all
directions to carry all the sewerage
away from the Lake and into a river
thus compelled to flow the wrong way
Lake Michigan itself does the flush
ing and were it not for restraining
gates at both ends to regulate the
flow would undoubtedly rush tumult
uously through and lower the level
of all the Great Lakes As it is an
immense quanity of water passes from
Lake Michigan to the Illinois river.
Chicago sewerage is readily de
tected at St.-. Louis hundreds of miles
below. That city brought suit for
damages which dragged is slow
course through the courts for maijy
years. What was the result depon
ant saith not
The intakes at the cribs now furn
ish uncontaminable water to Chicago
and typhoid is reduced to a minimum
The writer has sailed out to the cribs
in Lake Michigan and along "The
Drainage Canal" to Joilet over thirty
miles in steamboats and can testify
to the work marvelous undertaken
by Chicago to obtain pure water. Let
Oregon City proht by the example
In the meantime "Boil the water"
"Boil the water."
rite Ideas For Moving Picture Plays!
We Will Show You How
If you have ideas if yo u can THINK we will show you the
secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no experience
or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is want
ed. The demand for photopl ays is practically unlimited. The big
film manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth" in their at
tempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand
They are offering $100 and more, for single scenarios, or written
' ideas
We have received many letters from the film manufacturers,
urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers
and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of success. v
We are selling photoplays written by people who "never be
fore wrote a line for publication."
Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you c? think of only
ony good idea every week, and will write it as directed by us, and
it sells for only $25, a low figure,
Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what
this new profession may mean for you and your future.
1543 Broadway
OREGON CITY, Jan. 23. (Editor
of The Enterprise A great deal of
attention is being drawn toward our
public educational system of late,
and our leading educators are trying
to so arrange it, that our public
school system will give every boy and
girl a practical education That is,
when a girl or boy has completed her
or his education, they will be ready
to enter upon life's work, be it a
seamstress, cook, artist, blacksmith,
carpenter, or farmer Now this in
our opinion? is the only right system
to encourage, but if I understand the
plan that these leaders are gradually
developing by legislation and other
wise, it certainly will fail to produce
the desired result. The plan is, it
seems to me, to have two distinctive
systems one for the city, the other
for the country. The system for the
city aims fundamentally to transform
the city boy into a carpenter, millman,
blacksmith, lawyer, etc, while the
country system aims to make every
country boy a farmer, horticulturist
poultryman, etc. An imaginery line
to be drawn around the city and an
other around the country making two
distinct circles of citizens with two
separate notions of their own about
each other,- eventually.
Let these earnest men and women
who are striving to make this divi
sion investigate and they will discov
er more natural born statesmen, law-
yers, doctors, business men, carpen- i
ters, blacksmiths, electrians, philoso-1
pners, mecnanics,t etc., among tne
country boy than you will find among
an equal number of city boys. You
will find more natural born intellects
among the country girls to fill the
positions required by woman fn the
country than you will find in an equal
number of city girls. And it is safe
to. say that there are many natural
boru--farmers, horticulturists, poultry
men, etc. among our city boys.
Therefore, artificial restrictions can
not be made to successfully endure;
our educational system must remain
uniform to get the best results. City
and country education must be alike
Teach agricultural, horticultural, etc.,
to the city student, teach the country
student law, medicine, business, me
chanics, etc., the same as the city
lad, and you following in the
footsteps of Nature by giving every
human being his opportunity to de
velop his natural talents regardless
of whether he lives within the confine
of what we call a city or whether he
lives in the unbounded limits of the
country. To do this,-tne country
must have scfiobihJuses as large and
as well arranged for elementary
learning as are found in tha city. Not
a little old-fashioned house as we find
it today near every farmer's door.
The coutry school as it is called is the
only plan that will be successful and
money spent in any other way such
as supervisor laws for rural schools,
etc., is hard earned money thrown
away for it is only the continual pres
ence of a master mind that makes for
progress and discipline in any institu
tion of learning. It is also strange
to note that the great majority of the
well trained principals and teachers
of city schools who succeed in a city
school are a failure when they take
a one room country school; while at
the same time the great majority of
country school teachers who go to the
same city eventually, are very success
Ber Health and Strength BacH
Again by The Use of Cardui.
Tamiift. Via. Tti a Tetter frr.m fhta
City, Mrs. E. C. Corum writes: "I was
all weakened and worn out with wo
manly troubles. My husband brought
me some Cardui as a tonic, and, from
the first day, it seemed to help.
I had almost lost my reason, but,
thanks to Cardui, I did not. Soon, I
felt and looked like a new woman. I
think the remedy Is wonderful. I
recommend it to my friends, for I have
received great benefit from it."
Cardui acts specifically on the weak
ened womanly organs, strengthening
the muscles and nerves, and building
them up to health.
It helps to refresh the worn-out ner
vous system 'and relieves the effects of
overwork, both mental and physical.
Fifty years' successful use fully
prove the merit of this purely vege
table, tonic remedy for women.
In every community, there live soma
Who have been benefited by Cardui.
The beneficial effects of this tima
tested woman's remedy, soon show
themselves in many different ways.
Try it
N. H. Write to; Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chatta
fiooga Medicine Co., Chattanocea, Term., for Special
Instructions, and 64-paee bock, "Home Treatment
for Women," sem. in plain wra-er on request.