CO MORNING ENTERPRISE TUESDAY, JAN. 21, 1913 BURNSBANQUETPLANS COMPLETED TONIGHT The program for the Robbie Burns banquet and musical to be held at Woodman Hall will be completed at 'a meeting to be held this evening at the tailoring establishment of William McLarty. The meeting this evening will be called to order at 8 o'clock and all members of the society are urged to be present. It was at first announced that the banquet would be held inx Willamette Hall and it is urged that persons who have obtain, ed tickets will bear in mind that it will be at Woodman Hall. Tickets may be obtained from William Mc Larty, E. C. Dye, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McLarty,, H. D. Kennedy, J. Younger, K. McLarty or other members of the society.' QUIT IT! SWISSCO STOPS IT LARGE TRIAL BOTTLE FREE L HOME SITE TO HAVE WELL WATER The Willamette Pulp & Paper Com pany has contracted with an Oregon City contractor to bore six wells 200 feet deep on its newly plotted home tract on the West Side known as Willamette Heights. It Is expected that a sufficient supply of artesian water will be found to supply the entire West Side from Willamette City line north to Bolton. It is also possible that a large iexiough flow will be found to take care of Oregon City's present need. The first well will be bored near the West Side Hill school house where there are very valuable springs and artesian water. -This tract is to- be provided with a sewerage system, perfectly pure water, paved streets, electric lights and sidewalks and it is expected many homes will be built by the company before Fall for its employes. Don E. Meldrum, en gineer, is in charge of the business for the company. Dandruff Is Maddening. Swissco stops dandruff quickly, grows new hair and restores gray or faded hair to its natural youthful color. Swissco stops baldness, bald spots, falling hair, scabby scalp, sore scalp, brittle hair or any hair or scalp trouble. To prove that our claims are true we will send you a large trial bottle free if you will send 10c in silver or stamps to help pay cost of postage and packing to Swissco Hair Remedy Co., 5311 P. O. Square, Cincinnati, O. Swissco will be found on sale at all druggists and drug departments ev erywhere at 50c and $1.00 a bottle. JONES DRUG COMPANY ST. VALENTINE'S DAY ONE TO BE OBSERVED The Enterprise, in answer to num erous questions, wishes to state that St. Valentine's day this year will be a day of abstinance for all members of the Angelican and Roman Cathol ic Churches. Members of these churches will not be allowed to dance on that day. The day falls upon Fri day, which is always a day of absti nance unle'ss it should be Christmas, and this year it also is in Lent, ev ery day of which is theoretically a dayt of abstinance It also fajls this year on one of the special days of fasting, known as Ember Day. Per sons belonging to the . Angelican Catholic and the Roman Catholic Churches could not consistently at tend dances on the coming St. Val entine's day. Meritol White Linament. Should be in every home, as its immediate application to cuts, bruises, sprains and wounds gives instant re lief. It has no equal as a pain killer and healer. Willamette Valley Trains via the IWjl SUNSET I Iogden&shastaI I I I ROUTES I I are the best for local or through travel to all points. THE "WILLAMETTE LIMITED" (Leaving Oregon City 10: 45 A. M. Daily.) With Parlor Cafe Observation Car, serving dinner southbound and breakfast northbound and all-steel vestibuled coaches, makes travel a pleasure. Quick Time 35 Minutes, Oregon City to Portland (no stops) convenient leaving and arriving hours. The train for business or pleasure. 6 TRAINS EACH WAY DAILY 6 Leave Oregon City North bound Portland Express 6:40 a m Oregon Express 7:16 a m Hub City Special 8:56 a m Willamette Limited 10:45 a m Portland Passenger 3:39 p m Portland Passenger 9:20 p m Leave Oregon City South bound California Express -2:14 a m Ashland Passenger 9:22 a m Roseberg Passenger 2:35 p m Willamette Limited 4:32 p m Hub City Special 6:50 p m San Francisco Express 9 : 02 p m WEEK .END FARES Round Trip tickets Oregon City to Portland 60 cents on sale every Saturday; good going Saturday and for return Sunday or Monday. For further particulars as to fares, limits, etc., call Agent Oregon City or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent,. Portland, Oregon. Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays! YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $i5.00 OR MORE, WEEKLY We Will Show You How If you have ideas if you can THINK we will show you the secrets of this fascinating n ew profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence neces sary. No "flowery language" is want ed. - ' The demand for photoplays Is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth" in their at tempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand They are offering $100 and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas We have received many letters from the film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON, ESSANAT, LTJBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELIANCE, CHAMPION, GOMET, MELIES, ETC., urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of success. We are selling photoplays written by people who "never be fore wrote a line for publication." Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only ohy good idea every week, and will write it as directed by us, and It sells for only $25, a low figure, YOU WILL EARN $100 MONTHLY FOR SPARE TIME WORK. a SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AT ONCE. hfPP" FOR FREE COPY OF OUR ILLUSTRATED BOOK, J. AW "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRUING." Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn Just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. NATIONAL AUTHORS' INSTITUTE 1543 Broadway ' NEW YORK CITY crrrr SOME LEADERS IN : SPORT IN 1912 : BASEBALL. 'World's champions. Boston Red Sox. National league champions, New York Giants. American league champions, Boston Red Sox. Champion batsman. National league, Heinle Zimmerman. Champion batsman, American league, Ty Cobb. FOOTBALL. Champion college team. Harvard. - HOCKEY. ' Champion' Amateur league. Crescent A. C. ' Champion college team. Princeton uni versity. . TENNIS. National champion, M. E. McLoughlln. National doubles champions, McLough lln and Bundy. National women's champion. Miss Mar garet Curtis. GOLF. National champion, Jerome D. Travers. ' National women's champion. Miss Mar garet Curtis. ROWING. Champion college eight, Cornell univer sity. Champion' N. A. A. O., single sculler, E. B. Butler. - POLO. National champions, senior, Meadow Brook team. Open champions, Cooperstown team. Junior champions, Cooperstown team. MOTORBOATS. World's championship. Mapel Leaf IV. One mile record. Tech Junior, 1 miDUte 11 seconds, nautical mile. Record In dispute. Average in statute miles, 58.30 seconds. TROTTING. World's champion,. C. K. G. Billings' Uhlan, 1:58. BILLIARDS AND POOL. Billiards, 18.1 balk line. Ora Morning star; 18.2 balk line. Willie Hoppe; three cushion, John Horgan. Pool, professional charrmion. Alfredo Da Oro; amateur champion, A. B. Hyman. COURT TENNIS. National champion. Jay Gould. RACKETS. National champion, Reginald Fincke. TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETICS. 100 meters, 10 4-6 seconds, first heat, R. G. Craig, Detroit Y. M. C. A.; final heat, H. P. Drew, Springfield H. S.; at eastern tryouts, held at Cambridge, Mass., June 8, 1912. 1,500 meters, 3 minutes 55 4-5 seconds, A. R. Kiviat, I.-A. A. C, at eastern tryouts held at Cambridge, Mass., June 8, 1912. 5,000 meters (indoor), 15 minutes 5 4-5 sec onds, G. V. Bonhag, I.-A. A. C, at Irish American games, Madison Square Garden, Jan. 25, 1912. 6,000 meters (outdoor), 15 minutes 6 2-6 seconds, L. Scott, South Paterson A. C, at New York postoflice clerks' games, Cel tic park, New York, May 26, 1912. Two miles (indoor), 9 minutes 24 2-5 sec onds, P. R. Withington, Harvard univer sity, at intercollegiate championships. Philadelphia, June 1, 1912. Two miles (outdoor), 9 minutes 17 4-5 sec onds, Tel Berns, Cornell university, at Ithaca May 4, 1912. Putting sixteen pound shot, right and left hand, with toe board, 91 feet 10 Inches; right hand, 60 feet 6 Inches; left hand, 41 feet 4 inches; Ralph Rose, at Oakland, Ca.1., June 2, 1912. One mile relay (indoor), 3 minutes 25 1-5 seconds. New York A. C. team (O. W. De Grouchy, J. W. Richmond, E. Frick, Le Roy Wood). New York city, Feb. 17, 1912. Pole vault, 13' feet 2 inches, M. S. Wright, Dartmouth university, at eastern tryouts, Cambridge, Mass., June 8, 1912. Throwing the javelin, 166 feet 10 Inches, H. G. Lott, Mohawk A- C, at Junior met ropolitan championships, Celtic park, New York, Aug. 31, 1912. Running high jump, 6 feet 6 inches, G. L. Horine, Stanford university. In dual meet with University of Southern Califor nia, at Stanford, Cal., March 29, 1912. Walking one mile walk, 6 minutes 28 seconds, indoor, G. Goulding. at Seventy fourth infantry games, held at Buffalo Dec. 16, 1911; VA miles, 8 minutes 20 4-5 seconds; 1 miles, 10 minutes 6 seconds; 1 miles, 11 minutes 121-5 seconds; 2 miles, 13 minutes 38 3-5 seconds; 2 miles, 15 minutes 25 2-5. seconds; 2 miles, 17 min utes 131-5 seconds; 2 miles, 19 minutes, 4-5 seconds; 3 miles, 20 minutes 49 4-5 sec onds; 34 miles, 22 minutes 36 3-6 seconds; 3 miles, 24 minutes 261-5 seconds; 3 miles, 26 minutes 17 3-5 seconds; 4 miles, 28 minutes 6 1-5 seconds; indoor walk, G. Goulding, at Twenty-third Infantry games held at Brooklyn March 30, 1912. The record committee of the Amateur Athletic union approved of the following Olympic and world's records, made by American athletes, at the Olympic games In Stockholm, Sweden, July, 1912. 100 meters, 10 3-5 seconds, Donald Lippin .cott. University of Pennsylvania. 400 meters. 48 1-5 seconds, Charles D. Reidpath, Syracuse university. 800 meters, 1 minute 61 9-10 seconds, J. E. Meredith. Mercersburg academy. 8S0 yards; r mfnute52S" seconds, J. E. Meredith. Mercersburg academy. 1,600 meter relay, 3 minutes 16 3-6 sec onds, C. D. Reidpath, M. W. Sheppard, J. E. Meredith, F. Lindberg. Running high jump, 6 feet 3.98 inches, A. W. Richards, Brigham Young univer sity, Utah. Running broad jump, 24 feet 11 1-6 Inches, Albert Gutterson, University of Vermont Pole vault, 12 feet 11 inches, Harry Babcock, Columbia university. 16 pound shot put. 50 feet 3.9 Inches, Pat rick McDonald, Irish-American A. C. 16 pound shot put, both hands, 90 feet 5.4 inches, Ralph Rose, Olympic club, San Francisco. 16 pound hammer throw, 179 feet 7.1 Inches. Mat McGrath, Irish-American A. C. SWIMMING. 600 yards, bath, two turns, 23 3-5 seconds, Kenneth Huszagh, C. A. A., Illinois A. C. bath, Chicago, March 12, 1912. 50 yards, straightaway, tidal salt water, 241-5 seconds, Duke P. Kahanamoku, H. S. C, Honolulu H. T., Aug. 12. 1911. (Made at high tide, not aided by current.) 100 yards. straightaway, tidal salt wa ter. 65 2-6 seconds, Duke P. Kahanamoku, H. S. C, Honolulu H. T.. Aug. 12, 191L (Made at high tide, not aided by current.) 1 mile, open still salt water, 21 turns, 25 minutes 36 1-6 seconds, L. B. Goodwin, N. Y. A. C, Coney Island, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1912. Plunging, 1 minute time limit, bath, 80 feet, F. B. Willis, University of Pennsyl vania, University of Pennsylvania bath, Philadelphia, March 9, 1912.- AUTOMOBILING. 78.7 miles an hour, world's record for road racing, made by Teddy Tetzlaff, (Flat) in Santa Monica 303 mile race, May 4. 78.72 miles an hour, world's record for speedway racing, made by Joe Dawson and Don Herr, alternate drivers (Nation al), in Decoration day 600 mile race at In dianapolis. 1 mile, 38 3-5 seconds, circular track. Louis Disbrow, San Diego, March 31. Grand prize, won by Caleb Bragg (Fiat. Oct. 5 at Milwaukee. r Vanderbill cup, won by Ralph D Pa ma (Mercedes). Milwaukee, Oct. 2. - LANE TO BE CONFIRMED - . AS SENATOR TOMORROW Dr. Harry Lane, United States sen ator elect, will go to Salem tomor row to see himself confirmed In the legislature' as Oregon's rightful own er of the senatorial toga. The joint action of the house and senate will be at noon, it is arranged, and, while more or less perfunctory, It is none the less necessary under the law. Dr. Lane will have no political an nouncements to make for some time yet, as, under the law, if he made any promises of positions or recom mended anyone for an official posi tion, he would have to make a de tailed statement of such act The Leading Clothing Store in Clackamas County Exclusive Outfitters For Men and Boys Vaudeville! IP T Best Pictures Always PICTURES! . Hairis Largest Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the City Prompt, Courteous and Excellent Service you know that Rexall 93 is the best Hair Tonic you can get but watch and wait for REXALL Rexall will help you win the automobile. Read the Enterprise every morning. The latest standing of contestants will be found elsewhere in this issue. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. The Rexall Store , Special January Prices in Every Department Huntley's Have It D CD O S3 '(fi rz o ' p Cigars Candies Best Fruits Light Lunches A Specialty The Morning Enterprise Clackakmas County's Best Booster Subscribe now and Help Your Candidate FINE INVESTMENT (Grants Pass Weekly , Rogue River Courier.) , From the office of the executive of ficer of-tbe Pacific Highway Associa tion there comes a circular that brings home some of the reasons oth er than that of pride for the immed iate building of the highway through this state. A good many have looked upon the thoroughfare that has been designated the Pacific Highway more as an ornament than as a public util ity. Thev have seen in it something for the added pleasure of the well-to-do tourist, but the tourist as an as set has not always been considered. California has made appropriation and is proceeding ; with the building of a hard surface roadway to the Ore gon line. Here this state should pick up the work, not only to accom modate the tide of tourist travel that will flow over it, but also because our own citizens need the road in the general run of commerce and trade. Let us suppose, says Mr. Bowlby, executive officer, that there was a modern highway "from the California line to Portland, that is, a road sim ilar to the roads that California is now building a road with v a hard surface all the way and no grades over five per cent. At least one out of five of the automobiles in Califor nia in 1915 would come to Oregon. What would that mean? At least two days would be consumed in the trip from the California line to Portland. The average cost per day for each car for . necessities and comforts would be fifty dollars. Most people who carry an automobile along, as baggage will spend one hundred dol lars a day. Assume the lower figure. Each machine would spend in Oregon in two days one hundred dollars. On the return trip an equal amount, mak ing $200 per automobile that came from California to Portland. If one fifth of the automobiles in California in 1915 made the trip to Portland, WHAT SAVED r, HER LIFE Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. RIvesvffle, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, In a letter from Rivesville, writes: 'Tor three years, I suffered with wo manly troubles, and had pains in my back and side. I was nervous and could not sleep at night. The doctor could not help me. He said I would have to be operated on be fore I could get better. I thought I would try using Cardul. Now, I am entirely well. I am sure Cardui saved my life. I will never be without Cardul in my home. I recommend it to my friends." Tor fifty years, Cardui has been re lieving pain and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will surely help you. It goes to the spot reaches the trouble relieves the symptoms, and drives away the cause. If you suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardul. Your druggist sells and recommends It. Get a bottle from him today. N. B. Frihto: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chatts apoga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Imtruetions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment far Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request. FOR SALE BY THE v" JONES DRUG COMPANY - WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO MOY First and Morrison Compelling Reductions on all : Men's and Boys' Glothing and Furnishings F"irst and Yamhill MOYER WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT'S SO PORTLAND over this hard surface roadway, they would leave in Oregon 30,000 times $200, or $6,000,000. This is money which otherwise would not reach the state at all.. But the amount spent in actual touring is the small part of the gain to Oregon. ' People who tour in automobiles have money to invest. They do not make investments in land they see looking out of Pullman car windows. They must visit a com munity before they buy. The best example, probably,- is southern Cali fornia. If . you could take away from Los Angeles the people who write checks on eastern banks, and clip coupons, how much would their ab sence be felt by the community? Bring 30,000 automobile tourists into Oregon and Washington over a hard surfaced Pacific Highway Would they make investments? It all de pends on whether Oregon and Wash ington have anything to offer, the in vestor. In scenery, climate, and qual ity of the soil, there is no comparison between California and the northwest. Oregon City a Good Town. Oregon City is a mighty good town, worthy of the best of everything. That's why we have joined the Amer ican Drug ad Press Association and offer to our people the Meritol line of preparations. There is nothing like these goods, guaranteed in every way, without an equal, made by ex perts, We want Oregon City people v ..v. . v. v.w UVJL ID. BU WH Oil H Vftll thlo 1 1 Tl n A air " ....A ir ' . - goods. Jones Drug Co. - V