Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 19, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Stories from Out of Town
On Tuesday evening, January 6th,
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holman gave a
supper for. a few of their friends. Af
ter they had partaken of a fine supper
me evening was spent with music
and games. Those present were : Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Holman 'and son, Chas.
the Misses Mabel and Ruth Chindgren
Misses Myrtle, Hazel and Nettie Lar
kins and Martha Toliene. Herman.
Bennie Ruben Chindgren and Glenn
Mrs. Louis Staudinger two children
, and sister, Mrs. Jim Hunt, and two
cmidren of Washington, was visiting
at A. L. Larkins last week.
Miss Martha Toliene of Colton,
visited at Mr. Chindgren's the last
Two women have been holding
meetings at the Meadowbrook school
house which have been quite well at
A very pleasant time was spent by
a few of the young people at Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Chindgren Thursday ev
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chase called on
A. L. Larkins Tuesday afternoon.
We are glad to hear that Miss
Mabel Chindgren who is ill is im
proving. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Orem. called on
Mr. and Mrs. McClure Sunday after
noon. Will Dohlender took" a load of sheep
to Oregon City for Bob Snodgrass
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Chase are going
to spend a few days visiting relatives
at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins and
children, Allen, Ruth and Alma spent
Sunday at Louis Standinger.
Dr. Bi'own and family have moved
into their nice new home.
H. D. Aden went to Portland on
business on Wednesday.
Elmer Jones and Mr. Nendel have
bought some sheep, and Mr. Jones
went to bring pasture last
Jud Seely went to Portland on Sat
urday on business for the Onion
Growers Association, of which he is
the efficient manager.
Claira aind iVolet Epler visiter their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ridder, re
cently. Mr. Young spent a day or two in
Oregon City on business last week.
We are pleased to note that the
.name of Mrs. Cora Hasselbrink, of
Wilsonville, was in the list of names
given of those who recently passed
the teachers' examinations in Clack
amas County. Mrs. Haselbrink is a
very popular teacher and her many
friends are glad to know that she
will continue in the work.
Another free lecture, given under
the auspices of the parent teachers'
association will be held in the village
schoolhouse in the near future. This
affords a splendid opportunity to hear
the best speakers in Oregon and' it
is to be hoped everyone who can do
SO Will tnlro QllirQntnfrn r.f
the ladies are giving.
Two freight cars jumped the track
at the Wilsonville crossing on Satur
day night but little damage was done
and everything was quickly repaired.
xue KeDeKan Lodge installed offl
cers on Wednesday evening January
Sth at which time Miss Helen Mur
ray became Noble Grand and Mrs. H.
u. Aden vice-Grand. Refreshments
were served and a delightful time
spent by the members of the order.
Two or three carloads of onions
are being shipped this week from
wilsonville by the Onion Growers'
We are informed that the suit of
Clarence Giles against the Oregon
Electric for injuries received at the
time of his accident has been settled
by compromise.
Timber seems to be in big demand
at present, and some of the farmers
are contracting in this . line.
A license to marry was issued at
the County Seat on Thursday last to
Edna E. Dill and A. C. Fuller. Miss
Dill IS a popular and highly esteemed
member of the younger set here, and
Mr. Fuller is a capable young man
nolding a good position on the Ore
gon Eleetric. We wish them happi
ness and prosperity.
Prof. Wilson, of the O. A. C, and
others who accompanied him, lectured
in Wilsonville on Friday afternoon at
two o'clock, but owing to a misunder
standing about the time, there were
not many in attendance. The farm
ers understood that Saturday was the
day for the lecture here, while some
did not know about it at all. These
lectures are of great benefit to the
farmers and really amounts to hav
ing the best agricultural- knowledge
of (he day delivered free at their
Twilight farmers are waiting for
several things, among the more im
portant are, better weather so that
the plowing that was started last
fall may be completed in readiness for
the spring seeding and some kind of
an opening in the potato market in
order that some of the tubers may be
moved out of the way and some of
that ever needful cash may be receiv
ed for it is this time of the year that
all farmers are thinking of the never
failing taxes that make their annual
appearance even though the . wheat
crop was short, appless will not sell
and potatoes are a drug on the mar
The dairymen of this neighborhood
seem to wear the gladest faces for
it seems that the monthly cream
check is a great pacifier at this time
of the year when it seems rather slow
on the farm.
Walter Meade, who has resided, at
uentrai Foint.lor several years is
building a house in this neighborhood
and expects to move into his new res
idence in the near future.
Mr. J. C. M. Dodds is spending a
tew days in Portland with relatives
A brother of C. F. Schmeidecke, re
cently from Nebraska, has arrived in
this neighborhood.
Thomas Kelland, the late benedict
of Twilight has been serving jury du
ty tor several weeks and has pros
pects for several more weeks of the
same kind of pleasure. This seems
rather unfair at this time but the
court shows favor to no one.
the meeting of the Community
Club was largely attended last Satur
day -evening. A resolution was unan
unousiy adopted endorsing the bill
proposed by F. M. Gill, regarding the
management of road work by a com
mission, similar to the director of a
school district. The election of offi
cers resulted as follow: President, A.
H. Harvey; Vice-President, J. C. M.
Dodds; Secretary, M. J. Lazelle;
Treasurer, B. L. Harvey; Sergeant at
Arms, D. G. Hylton. The program
was in charge of Miss Marie Harvey
and consisted mainly of a mock trial
to do with a breech of Dromisp rase
which proved that acting attorneys
Curtis Dodds and J. F. Spiger were
well fitted for court practipe. Miss
Rose Spiger, very ably edited' the Twi
light Record, a semi-monthly paper
and mentioned much news and the
comment editorially was very good.
The club will give a play next month
and a committee of three was named
to rebuild the stage and make new
stage settings, as follows: M. J. La
zelle, Misses Rose Spiger and Alta
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dedrick and lit
tle daughter have returned to their
home at Baker City, Oregon, after a
visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Dedrick of Oak Grove.
Mrs. j; B. Evans entertained the
social club Thursday with an after
noon tea.
Mrs. F. W. Graves and Mrs. Frank
Wells of Portland, were visitors at
Oak Grove Friday.
Mr. Stokes, our genial grocer, was
married during the holidays. May
joy and happiness attend them.
They are faithful workers and ex
perts in their line of work. -
J. H. Bolden, successor to F. J.
Riding, held an auction at his store
in Marquam January 11 with Charlie
Birchett acting as auctionner. There
was a large crowd in attendance and
bidding lively. A large amount of
goods was disposed of, the goods in
each instance proved as represented
and Charlie performed his part in a
creditable manner and at the close
the crowd dispersed in good humor
each one satisfied with their purchase
as regards both price and quality.
Mrs. George Bentley who has been
ill a long time is no better and-TMrs.
Jack's mother of Barton is we under
stand near death's door with little
hope of recovery. She has been
making her home with heT son- in-law
Tolbert Hook, for several years.
One by one the early settlers "'of
this county are passing away but their
noble deeds and many sacrifices will
remain in the minds of the living
while life lats. Let. us hope that in
a future state of existence they will
each receive their just reward for all
the good deeds done while sojourning
here on earth.
Mr. Christian Giger, a highly es
teemed German citizen of this vicinity
is critically ill at this writing.
C. A. Bengle has been appointed
road supervisor in the Glad Tidings
district. He served as supervisor
year before last giving general satis
fastion to all.
Ole Rue has not returned from
Minnesota where he went to visit his
aged father. '
A surveyor has arrived upon the
ground and will at once proceed to
establish the east and west line be
tween Pode Jones and Henry Hatten,
We surmise that there is a surprise
in store for one of the parties when
the line is established as there opin
ions diner widely, still no doubt each
is honest in his opinion.
Frank Ericson has taken a position
of grubbing for John Wooster.
Mrs. Eva Bengle called on Mrs.
Dina Leyman Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Karton of Portland, is j
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Emma
Ed. Jackson has finished ah addi
tion to his chicken house termed as
a scratching pen. Straw is thrown
in to the depth of 4 to 6 inches
grain is thrown upon it, and in that
way the chickens .exercise this chilly
weatner to procure their feed which
works up an appetite, warms up their
Diooa, consequently, greater returns
J. H. Bolden our enterprising mer
chant, win hold an auction sale of
merchandise and if the venture prove
remunerative will hold auction sales
again at different times in the future
He is a wide awake business man, a
square dealer and well liked by all. -
Ernest bkirwin who has made his
home in Montana for many years, is
visiting relatives in Marquaini.
VVe are waiting patiently for the
Enterprise Annual or New Year's
edition. Don't miss us; if there is
extra cost added which no doubt
there will be no difference.
The Leading Clothing Store in Clackamas County
Exclusive Outfitters For Men and Boys
Vaudeville !
Jacob Schnack has employed three
Itialians to do some grubbing for htm.
r I enjoy reducing your living
A- "expenses use
Golden Rod Oats
Golden Rod Wheat Nuts
Golden Rod Oat Flakes
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes
Golden Rod Pancake Flour
SPECIAL NOTICE Alphabetical letter In every pack
age of "Golden Rod" products. Save them till you can
pell "Golden Bod" and set a fine 42-piece Dinner Set.
mnm. oiucmi jo
At last the snow has cleared away
We are still getting plenty Of cold
wind and rain, keep the farmers busy
putting up fences and clearing; their
fields of falling trees. '
Jack Grindstaff an old resident t
this place died last Tuesday at th
nome of his sister, Mrs. Baker at
Estacada. He is survived by rela
tives and many friends.
Mis Anna Meikle is home for a
few weeks after a few' months stay
in Oregon City.
Supervisor James made a visit in
our school. The sc&ool house was
crowded with visitors Thursday.
Jessie Cox was re-elected road sup
ervisor. Nouma Vallen has been suffering
from a very sore eye.
Mr. and Mrs. Zerkle spwnt Friday
afternoon at Dan1 Stahlneckers,
Mr, Meilike was in Esta:ada us
business Friday.
The ireezing weathf dif some
damage to grain that' -sas not hover
ed with snow.
Largest Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the City.
Prompt, Courteous and Excellent Service
you know that Rexall 93 is the best Hair Tonic
you can get but watch and wait for
Best Pictures
Rexall will help you win the automobile. Read
the Enterprise every morning.
The latest standing of contestants will befound
elsewhere in this issue.
The Rexall Store
Special January Prices in Every Department
Huntley's- Have It
Best Fruits
Light Lunches
A Specialty
The Morning Enterprise
Clackakmas County's Best Booster
Subscribe now and
I-ielp Your Candidate
" : n
and Mrs. K. b. SSuth, Misse Katie Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass enfor
and Mary Junker, .Minnie Kelmn, tained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeistep
Ruth and Grace Barcmdick and JJenrj I at dinner Sunday,
and Fred Junker. TSe occasion was Dick Gibson was a Barton visitor
tne Dinnaay anmvers.nry of Dr. mr- Monday.
Any time any whiskey tastes so rough and strong
it makes you shake your head and say "buw"
let it alone.
Never put anything into yor stomach your palate
That's why Najre gave you a palate. .:
Try the New Cyrus Noble
th- numbered bottle "the soul of the grain."
"W T. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific Railroad of Mexico
traversing the states ol .
Gives Access to
Cattle, Farming, Mining, Timber
Let us list you for a copy of our new booklet soon to be pub-
H. LAWTON, G. P. A, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico,
m m
Anna Nemec who is better" and' lio-ges
to renew her studies at the" McLaugh
lin Institute next week: Mrs; P.. X
Baker who laB had several bad at?
tacks of heart disease, but" still' wi
der the doctor's care is now ire trosS
on the road to recovery: Mr, Powell!
is also improving- with Dtv Mimnt' in1
attendance. Mr.. Delkner' is: able to
be around the honse again.. Theryoung
daughter- of Mrs; Wilkihs is ott of
danger from typhoid fever; belt stiir
very weak and Eva- Seedling wlHchas
been out of school' in consequence of
ill health is- befitier,.
Mrs, Peters who has beem very
sick with complications of diseases
is semewhat batter and was tir- be
taken to. her daughters at Willamette
Grandma FriBdman who fell! and:
severely hurt bter- back, and: hijatetwo
weeks ago is resting easy mast' of
the time under-Dr.. Mount's caire but
not much hope is entertained : ot her
recovery 6n acount of: her- aajranced
age. She iSi over eighty years; old.
Joe Nemea who has been, absent the
past year in. the middle west; return
ed to his-, folks last Tuesday nd; has
been shaking hands, with. qI; neighbors.
John, Shauber- bought a- launch foe
$90. and- a gasoline engine fwr $90: an
the, boys delights to go o&. little ex
cursions with him, but tsea big boys
weighing not less than 5500 pouuO
ia most to heavy a load; They con
template going up th Tualatufc as
far as Farmington in. the near future
and considering the erooks in the
river that is auite at day's; journey.
w would sueeest that they take
well filled baskets of grub antf plenty
of blankets for a night s cap.
Mrs. Mary Shauber is getting owr
her fall of a eouple of moaths ago so
she can walk about on crutches now.
Her sister and babe ar with her at
Mrs. Aerns and son were thrown
from their buggy last week when one
of the shafts broke and the horse ran
awav. They both escaped bruises
and the horse got its ankle cut sever-
Mr. Wiseman started on nis travels
aerain Monday morning, this time
hound for Denver.
A man and his wife from North Da
kota have been visiting William
Schaltz and Fred Mosers.
On Tuesday morning Stafford awoke
to a white world after two days ot
frostv weather. It having snowed
about an inch which all disappeared
in a few hours.
endick. The same company is invit
ed to auena a Dirtnda? dinner in
honor of Sir. Junker's biWhday at his
home Saturday evening.
jftr. and' Mrs. R. B. Jocfcs and two
sons, Earl and Richard, hve moved
here from Boring and are liitng in the
Shelley residence in West Sandy.
Mr. aad! Mrsv P. T. Sheifey and
daughter" have returned horSe from
Hood Rivs; where they spent tSie last
two weeks visiting Mr. Shelled par
A masquerade1 bstl will be gifen in
Shelley's Hail- tomorrow night.v by
Professor P. Aofebeek, band instruct
or. P. F. Shelley aMd' fcmily have re
turned home.
The Eastern acissnias Journal
has a new 14-foot gh fetter in gffii
Rev. Ernest Smit&Of gafetn preacii-
ed twice Sunday at thtf M. E. church':".
Mm- Ptsrcell had cl'ja-S'e? the mi
The Sandy WomafW- lf& meets 1
w.ftfr Mrs, McGugin taW wefc,
Guy Woodle took a trip to Lewis
river last week.
Last Friday afternoon some of the
members of the Literary Society of
District No. 50 debated on the ques
tion' "Resolved That Country" Life is
better' than- City Life" the affirmative
side winning. Those taking part in
the debat dif very well for the first
time. A- number of visitors were
The Douglass Mutual Telephone
Company hel its annual meeting
Monday evening, and the following
officers were elected to serve for the
coming year: - Fred Haffmeister,
president; R. B.- Gibson, vice-president;
H. S. Gibson,, re-elected secre
tary, Aleck Baiker-,. director. The
other directors are Ray Woodte and
Will Douglass.
The annual January, freeze lasted
the traditional three days,- and was
succeeded by a rain so warm "that the
SItmORnhprp. sppma filler! . with cito-tvoo.
, frt ,, . . . I. uv.v m,u ouftkw
xvioix ocumiuny w sojourning in rtions of Spring. The twitter- of the-
ouuiaein v. i raieadowlark and the swelling of the
Serenty cotroles atteifSfea'' tifre mas-! Bftssy-willow hurts tnn tmpni? ixt tho
ifruerade dcaev at Shelli' lifRE Satur-r Winter's decline. The si&riiR nf art-
day' rsiBht- i ppoaching Spring iwrnptim t
Th $ao& sfeteikiwg'nw.-ia-nkl tbjanftoK'isvery where, the mam-mads-
s OUug at the Pfsk. t'ipotn logs are disappearing,, whilft in
HDofierty of Rome, ha, gone into : eir place are scores of piles, otcord
ffie wood! business In Sandy., I QOd. The stumps yield. to dynamite
iIr- JEavis will open a pjioto studio, and the jungles or underprnsu. ei
,-;;i3rr,Trtine sW. l4v before the constantly. &lwuig
Otto; Meinig is selling ltta. on ihis
ntfw adjiition to Sandy.
Mgr: Eimsberger now prwaises -tQ
Lava tibt S'andy railroad iat commja
srihn by May 1, next.
The: Sandy Creamery' su annual-.
sibckhjoISer's meeting was held ;Tues
tfity;.. The; Strauss Lumber Co.'3KPant bet
son; operating Tuesday after-, being
shut dawn two weeks.
The directors of the SandjA&3fe b.idJ
tfe meeting Tuesday evenings
W rite Ideas For Moving Picture Plays!
VAT T CAN WRIT phot nays and
We Will Show You How
If you have ideas if you can THINK we5 will show you the
secrets of this fascinating n ew profession. Positively no experience
or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is want
ed. .
The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited' the bis
film manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth" in their at
tempts to get enough good plotstosupplytheeverincreasindemsnd
They are offering $100 and more, for single scenarios, or written
We have received many letters from the film manufacturers
urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more 'writers
and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of success.
We are selling photoplays written by people who "never be
fore wrote a-line for publication."
Perhaps we, can do the same for you. If you can think of only
ony good idea every week, and will write it as directed by us and
it sells for only $25, a low figure,
rfC6i ."o-?-,-0- 0F"Qrntw and learn Just what
tuu new profes'sion" may mean for you hd your future.
1543 Broadway
An invitation. War to th. Kn ,
Dick-Ton are such a funny girl. I Gladys-Shall you mar ry Jac Ki
never did know how to take you. Kit refuse him? Maud-Yes. and If you
ty coyly Yoa never tried. accept him' .
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barendick en
tertained at dinner Wednesday even
ing Mr. and Mrs. Casper Junker, Mr.
Mr, j. p. Strahl is on .tftecsick lisfc
RMSsei Jones, who wos
ing, tor H. S. Gibson for some uate
we to Portland last
se his mother.
Edward Chapman left: last Wedjtes-
(Jy for Portland on hisy. ta: Ceatra
tea, Washington where, fte, will: bft the
gitest of his sister, MJfi, Mi. . murs
sstaa for a few days..
H. S. Gibson wasj PorUn(3i visi
tor last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Najpi- wecej nieasauL-
lv surnrised last Wednesday evening
by several of their, neighbors, gathering
at their home anjE spenaws s 'cu
in? with them.
Mrs. Bessie fiWugias, caueja on
R. B. Gibson lasfc Wednesday. .
T.aut Thursday Vnlna a smai,
.mwH jratbeFed- at 'the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Ray Woodla and spent ttoe
oirOTiinir With thftlTl. TU6 time WttO
spent ia social chat by some and by
nthpr. tn ttlavine games. Snipper
was served about midnight ad soon
nfte the crowd dispersed.
H. G. Huntington made a trip to
TVtrtlnnH Inst. week.
Theodore Reid staiyed over night
with his grandfather, James WDaon,
Hutiirdav returnie home Sunday,
A. G. Dix, an Advent preacher liv
ing near Portland, was out this way
and held services at the school house
Sunday both morning and evening.
He expects to come out nee a month
and preach to the people. He was
the guest of Mr, and. Mrs. Howlett
over Sunday.
ray before the
' The regular souna tu. me. wm.
ee,lls that the sawmills.; arej keeping
ijw their worK.
; A case of scarlatina s has, broken out
i'a the family of Mr. Marshberger who
U-Ves in the Eby school, district. As
auite a number of the pupils, were ill
and showing symptoms: that held posr
sibility of developing, into, the same
rtisensfi it was thought best to close
the school on Thursday. Jan.. 9th,. to.
reopen as soon as. all. danger ot con
tagion is past.
Th Macksburft schooL was closed
xn account of whooping cough for the
weoir hperinnina Jan.. btn.. 'ine gram
mar department under cnarge oi A.
Baldwin, opened Monday,. January
13th. The primary,, nowever, owuis
to the illness ot Us. teacners jvirs.
Ralrtwin remained; closed tui Wett-
nesdav Jan. 15th,.
Followins. are the names ot tne pu
pils of the Macksburg Grammar school
who were neither- absent nor tardy in
th month of Decemberi 11Z: bam
Marenb 6eser.i. Erte Boesche, George
Graves. Adam, Kali Abrin Lorenz,
ThiiBiilda Kraxberser, .Myrtle ior-
piiz. Inice keeeling. Waiburger Krax-
horzer, Elma. Kraxberger, Hilda
Mr. Baldwia spent Friday, tne iutn
at his raach. hoaaae.
Mrs. Sttt Is still seriously in oi
tvnhoid fewr.
Mrs. Nuss, witn ner cnuuren, nas
returned; to New Orleans for the re
mainder of the Winter.
With deepest regret we record tne..
death, at the age of three month,,
of the Infant son of Mr. ana MrsA Ed
Mitts. The loss was. rendered espe
cially painful by its extreme suddem
ness. The tiny sufferer was; thought
to be only slightly ill with, colcL.
when, without any warning, conges
tion of the lungs set in and immedi
ately the little one was beyond all
Mrs. Frank Hilton, sister of Mr,
Mitts, had been quite ill with an in
flannmed hand, hut was able-to be
with her brother and hli wife in their
Sol. Struhbar la quite ill of grippe.
Mr. Hilton Is taking the cream route
this week on account of Mr,
bar's illness.
Mr. Schultze is sawing wood on
Mr Struhbar's land for the Mennon.
ite "church, of which Mr. Struhbar and
Mr. Schultze are members.
Little Rexford son of Mr. ana Mrs.
Wm. Barth, is very ill of bronchitis.
The Macksburg school yard is. be
ing cleared, in preparation for a
handsome - lawn. Mr. Sylvester, tab-
son is doing the work.
A bier dance was given att tfte home
of Mr. George Eaden. Evejjjtedy re-
nn,rtpi a TOOQ time.
.Miss Anna Lunt, teachjer of the
isrorth Logan school andj Mr. Arthur
Eaden went to Logan toj e-tturch Sun
Leonard Craft, wno, ttas Deen woxn-
Ing Oregon City is, s Barton now
workine for Mr. Diyim.
Oenree Saear aads Ciclt joonsan
were out at J. B. duaffins bunaay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jjjhjgson and daughter
Iola, and Mr. J. . Cumins went to
Portland Tuesday-.
The sick are improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Gage attended Pomona
Grange on Wednesiday, also the Os
wego Grange on Saturday.
The Ladies Circle will meet with
Mrs. Gage on their regular day, the.
third Thursday of the month, instead;
of with Mrs. Poweil as they are still;
far- from well at Mrs. Powell's. A,
full attendance is desired, as a pres
ident and secretary are to be eleqted;
and installed that day.
We see by a late paper that Mra.
Ellie Sweek, daughter of Mr.. Gage,
of this place, has been elected; W'.. M.
of the Eastern Star at Burns and: slae
will be expected to visit, Bortlaadi in
the Spring in the interest" of; thJt order.
Miss Rosa Ellegseni is ; toj b sent
to the hospital to undergo, ajs opera
tion for appendicitis; Th y'ung la
dy is a prime favorite, with.jswung and
old and she and theftmllsy have the.
sympathy of all. -
Mr. Fletcher Sihealtiii has been poor
for months andihe.npStiinks he will,
have to eitherj- sellj or:- aat and movej
to town to boiuear-nvidjial assistance.
Hon DHsa ar busy with their hop
yards when th weather will permit
now clearing oft the dead vines to
bum reseitsss poles where necessary
and'reatrmsstng vines, etc. and get
ting th ground in good shape for thft
Plow... .
Jq Nemec left Monday morning or
Gerws where he and his father. Jay
rested a fifty acre hop field.
Mr. Frenael, on the Hayes- farm,
haa been clearing off the sTKbepry
Held. ,
Mrs. Mint Peters, who was taken
on a bed to her daughter's at Will
amette, is reported improving and
some hopes are entertained for her
recovery. Mrs. Charles Peters, her
son's wife, called on her Tuesday.
- Mrs. P. A. Baker had another ser
ious attack of heart -trouble on Mon
day night. " - -
Mrs. Wiseman has gone to Gresham
where her people live, for a short
Whiteflifelion Remedy
is; aA h&aejit attempt to aid
friendft dt drinking n$ to rem-.
ed vfeat is really,; a dregful
This remedy is
And may be given secretly.
Oregon City