4 MORNING ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, JAN. 11. 1913 Bef ore-Inventory Stock Reducing Sale Today, SALE CONTINUES FOR TEN DAYS The Cash Basis On which this store is operated admits of no credit losses. The credit store MUST sell for more to pay the losses of your neigh bor's unpaid account. WHO CAN SELL FOR LESS. Obtain your share of the bar gains listed here and you will always buy at this popular store. DOUBLE Green Stamps During the 10 Days of This Sale on All Pur chases. Stamps are your discount for paying cash. The leading stores in 700 cities of the United States give them. No matter where you make your purchases the S & H stamps can be applied in our books and redeemed for handsome premiums at our store. Our First Annual Before Stock-taking Sale starts today and will be continued for the next ten days with the most Thrilling Bargains on very hand We are preparing for the new business year making way for the arrival of thousands of dollars worth of new Spring goods which are due here February the First. The coming year finds us filled with enthusiasm and a determination to further demonstrate to you that BANNON'S is a right good place to trade. Read about the bargains offered below, and remember that they are only a k EW of hundreds more just as great, that we are offering for this mammoth ten-day sale event. Every value quoted is shorn of all exaggeration, we permit of absolutely no misrepresen tation either in our advertisements or through the medium of our sales people this fact is be coming well and favorably known, we feel proud in being a little different in this respect. Come expecting to receive the full measure of your expectations, you will not be disap pointed. . Remember the sale lasts but ten days, after which time we commence inventory DOUBLE W GREEN TRADING STAMPS WILL BE GIVEN ON EVERY PURCHASE DURING THE NEXT TEN DAYS. .11 ' We Will m Give Double Green Stamps on all Purchases the next Ten Days HL best stores in Oregon City, Portland, and over 700 cities in the United States give Green Trading Stamps to induce Cash buying, no matter where you get your stamps they are good in our books and redeem able at our store. Any White Wool LJ1 D Blanket in thostnr 1 lClIl 1 IltC We have an even 75 pure white, extra large size strictly all-wool blankets that are marked for a quick "good bye." Every housewife is proud of her bedding, you will become doubly so by owning a pair of these. These blankets are of the best western wool and at our regular prices are excep tional values, when you purchase them for exactly one-half of their real value, you are indeed fortunate, the regular prices range from $6.50 to $ 15 per pair. ON SALE AT HALF. SHADES 19c 20 doz. green cloth - window shades, mounted on Columbia Rol lers shade and fixtures, complete for hanging at each 19c Lace Curtains Best $1 Value 65c Pair White or ecru, 0f the best $1.00 quality, 2 1-2 yds. long, extra wide plain net centers or floral Jesigns , a big feature, at the pair ........65c 10c OUTING FLANNEL 5c Yard 50 pieces light & dark patterns of best 10c outing flannel, a splendid weight and qual ity. But 10 yds. to a customer at yard -5c BUSTER Baits 69c 3 lbs. best qual ity pure white cotton batts clean and s a n i t a ry enough for a full sized comfort, all in one layer, best 90c grade at roll .......69c Rubbers tor Men wle 50c Pair Our cash purchasing power never was more forcibly demon strated than in this offering of standard quality rubbers for men and women at this price we have sold literally thousands of pairs of these self same rubbers this season and have yet to hear of one complaint. The greater part of the rubber season is yet to come, this is an opportune time to fortify yourself for rainy days. Bright or the heavweight dull finisn rubbers, men's and women's sizes, 850 pair on sale at 50c 500 PAIR OF SHOES $1.00 New Spring shoes are on the way, colossal reductions prevailing in our shoe department. Women's all leather shoes values to $3.00. Children's all leather shoes values to $2.00, a score of styles to choose from at the pair $1.00 Childrens Rubbers Sizes 3 to 10 PAIR 25c An excellent quality rubber for boys and girls, cut in the high cut storm style. Keep the little ones feet dry the" price is surely small enough, any size from 3 to 10, at the pair . .. 25 BOYS AND GIRLS RUBBERS QCp sizes 11 to 2 Uuu These are the kind you usually pay from 50 to 60 cents a pair for, good quality that wear well and keep the wat er out, we have an im mense lot bought espe cially for this occasion, all . sizes from 11 to 2 at the pair . v . . . . 33c Woman's GAITERS Regular 50c QCn quality, Pair Zub -Womejj's storm gaiters in black or costume colors, 12 and 16 button lengths, these qualities are sold in all shoe shops at 50c a pair. They combine warmth with style and are the ideal article for wintry days, all sizes at 25c Infants Soft nn. Sole Shoes pr Zub Here is by far the most handsome and best as sorted . stock of soft soles ever on display in this city at any price. Plain kid tops, velvet and silk uppers in an endless assortment of colors. Pretty enough for any mother's baby, best 50c kind, all sizes pair 29c MEN'S VELVET SLIPPERS 50 Cents Pair 50 pair men's velvot slippers with embroid ered uppers, good ser viceable leather soles. True home comfort se cured at very little cost every size, pair . . . 50s Royal Worcester -203 Special Through the co-operation of the manufacturer we are enabled to offer our patrons one of the most extra-ordinary corset val ues we have ever known. This beautiful model as you will not ice in the illustration, is cut up on lines t0 meet fashion's edict of "length" and slimness and will fit most any average figure. .Made with low bust, very long skirt, straight seams, six hose supporters, of extra heavy fine white coutil. The value is here the style is here, the wear is here, and comfort too. Better make your selection early as N-RUSTAB tne lot will go quickly, all sizes from 18 to 30, the regular $1.50 model at Sl-OO- Women's Suits Any Suit in the store $10.00 Plain tailored and Norfolk suits in latest models and popular materials. The regular selling prices were $18.00, $22.50, and $25.00, the assortment is by no means large, but the chances are .you can be well fitted. The materials are plain men's serges, wide wale storm serges in midnight blue and black and a few fancy mixtures. If you are in need of a new suit, by no means overlook this opportunity. The styles are of course new, all late Fall designs we make it a rule to carry over no suits rrom one season to another, you are thus assured of always securing the latest. The price is less than cost of manufacture every suit UVBl X1U $10 Double 2VC Green Trading Stamps throughout the entire store during THE TEN DAYS' SALE 600 Woman's Sample Waists at One HALF An immense assortment of New Winter Waists purchased from an overstocked New York manufacturer enables us to place before you the most wonderful values shown anywhere this season. Bargains that are worth coming many miles to enjoy, see them and you will realize the importance of lay in a year's supply. All linen tailored waists plain effects and many with rich embraidered I'ronts, insertions and medallions of hand made Irish crochet. A big lot of 'blazer and silk shirts included in the lot and practically all sizes. Buy any waist during the sale at ONE HALF THE REGULAR MARK ED PRICE. mm Double ?t Green Trading Stamps rVi -vn 4- ontiro crff Hurinor THE TEN DAYS' SALE Women's 1 fj Stockings UU I case womens plain or polk-a-dot design stockings guaran teed fast colors, all colors and splendid wearers;. A splen did time t o supply your hosiery wants at the pair . . . 10 INFANT'S Cfjn SKIRTS ZUC Infant's long ten nis flannel skirts made and adapted for this time of the year. Save time and expense by buying them ready made each 29c Women's Burson Stockings 15c 60 Doz. of these famous stockings on sale, all sizes and weights. Burson stockings are the best made for wear and true foot comfort, they are knit on specially designed machines that insure perfect fitting qualities, no seams across the toe or in the sole to bind the foot.-- These stockings are "seconds" of the best 25c grades we have created an immense demand for them on the occasion of our previous sales, better come early all sizes the pair 15c Infant's Vests 12c Well made cozy fleece lined vests for baby, all sizes from the smallest to 2 years, a big quantity on sale at the reduced price, each 12c 15c Child's WOOL Mittens per pair All colors and all sizes in - children's wool mittens, good weights with long wrist bands, . keep the hands warm, Pair 15c GIRL'S PERCALE DRESSES Best $1.50, $1.75 and $2 values 95c A girl's wash dress offering that is only rivalled by our sensa tional sale of women's dresses of one week ago. Sizes range from 4 to 14 years, the mater ials are ginghams and percales, nicely trimmed with Dutch lia en tape as well as many other styles, high or low cut collars, with the new style . sleeves. Splendid values at the regular price of $1.50 to $2.00, your .unrestricted choice of the lot, each 95c HAND BAGS 39c Odds and ends left after the holiday selling, assorted val ues, most of them retailing at 85c and $1.00, a big lot, in one pile 39c Common Pins 1c A good sized paper bf steel common pins with sharp points, don't waste time looking for them, package . . 1c Safety Pins 2c Large and small si zes in a good brass pin, one dozen pins to the card at . .2c Hair Pins A n Per Box f L A full count box of assorted sizes steel wire crimped hair pins, regular 8c package 4 Pad Supporters 9c 10 doz. colored pad hose supporters with front frilled elastics, on sale at 9c Infants 1Cp Bonnets ulf Bearskin bonnetts that sold for 50c, a big lot of odds and ends, to clean them up quick we say each -15c YARNS Per Skein 5c Fleisher's and Sun light zephyrs and Floss all colors, reg ular 10c, the skein at 5c Girls' Rain Capes $1.00 Waterproof rain capes for girls, mads with plaid lined hoods on sale at $100- Woman's Cfln Petticoats JUL Dark outing flannel skirts, plain or em broidered ruffle, full length, regular 98c quality on sale at each 50 Childs Fer-nrn ris Waists Z3C Jean Ferris waist for boys and girls, the most practical undergarment made, regular 25c on sale a 25c Boys' Caps 19c 10 dozen boys golf caps in blue or col ors, worsted and cheviots, all sizes each --19c Men's Work Shirts 35c 30 doz. light and dark patterns in men's durable well made workshirts. Heavy Madras, Hickory and duck shirts, the kind you usually pay 50c for. We have all sizes, enough for every one. Buy plenty of them while the lot lasts, any size 35c Men's All-wool Sox 15 c 50 dozen men's extra heavy all wool socks at a saving of ten cents a pair. Extra warm and dur able and not to be confused with the cheap mix tures usually offered by many stores at this price. Here is convincing proof for the men folks that BANNON'S DO SELL, FOR LESS, all sizes, a great lot at pair. . . . . 15c REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE A vast collection of short lengths in percales, draperies, galateas, prints, sheetings, outing flan nels, kimono cloths and muslins. . We have per iodical remnant sales at which our customers gather like bees around a hive. All who have par ticipated will be here sure, those of you who have never attended owe it to yourselves to come. Pick out any remnant and take it home for HALF PRICE. Vool Batts at $1.39 Full two pounds wool and cotton mixed comforter batts, made in one sheet and enough to make a good size comfort. Unrolls flat 72x84 inches, each batt packed in a cardboard box and easy to carry. We have sold hundreds of these batts in the last 3 months, but 50 left, all go at the sale price 1.39 Men's Underwear 25c A broken case of men's heavy weight winter shirts and drawers, made well and will wear well, soft and non-irntating, not all sizes but a good assort ment. As an attraction for the men folks we offer them while they last at the garment 25c Men's Wool Process OA Shirts and Drawers OtC Heavyweight worsted knit shirts and drawers that will keep the cold out and the warmth in. I We have practically all sizes and to dis I pose of the lot quickly have marked I them for rapid clearance at, garment 39c Wide Embroidery 10c FloimninCS anil eilpnnfra in Sarlac nainonnlr on1 cambric materials, widths run from 4 to 12 inches wide. Most beautiful designs, in small dainty patterns or large floral openwork.. To the needle woman, who is interested in preparing for summer days this sale should prove a boon. 15c to 20c values at yd r. uccuic- 10c o MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG., ON CITY, OREGON Kiddies Rompers 18c Play suits for the little tots made of good quality ginghams and prints Prac tical little garments ready made at cost of materials, all si zes on sale at . . . Sleeping Garments Heavy weight outing flan nel sleeping garments for children, 2 to 6 years. Restless nights have no 'terrors for the little ones garmented in one of these most prac tical garments, suit 39c 1 1 I