Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, January 05, 1913, Image 4

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1 t !
' .im.-.; 'rr,-r-; f-n I ?! -is 5 11 51
Stories from Out of Tbwrt1
. V ' a .. t : t f v. s
i;Mr.:aod Mrs. Spaulding entertained
relatives from Baker City and Silver-
ton during the holidays.
!Tfie entertainment for the Sabbath
BChool was - well attended Christmas
eve by old and young. A box of can
dy was given to each one present A
sac d concert at the M. E. church b
the 'choir led by professor Ball, of
Sellwood, was much
those present.
,, Mrs. Rice, of Oak Grove, entertain
ed relatives with a Christmas dinner.
" Mrs. Graves and Teddy Graves, of
Portland, were the Christmas guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Evans
.. Mrs.. Evans attended a family re
union at the home of her parents at
Troutdale New Yedr's day.
;rMr. and Ms. Hedly will occupy their
former home afte the 1st of the year,
returning from Woodburn to Oak
appreciated by
! Little farm work of any kind is go
ing on owing to the continued rain
and disagreeable weather.
Mrs. Spurlin and daughter,' and
Neal Jackson and son were visiting
Mrs. C. V. Jackson a few days last
week. ' ' -' -
Henry Hatler and the Bentley Bros,
butchered Saturday. -
Amanda Rue, who has made her
home in Portland the past few months
la spending the holidays at home with
her father and mother, who reside in
Glad Tidings.
Miss Neva Wooster is still very ill
of typhoid pneumonia. She had been
attending school in Woodburn and
had returned home to spend the holi
days when taken sick.
'Frank Erickson will build a porch
on his bouse this coming week.
,..Snow to the depth of three inches
fell on the foothills near Scotts 'Mills
on the night of December 27, and we
expect a snowfall closer home in the
iiear future..- : -,-.,' - '
The . two stores in Marquam did a
thriving business during Christmas
To Sweeten
the Breath
Make a Breakfast
m J. :: :
For 1
Grocers ""'wir
week. t
Mabel Miller, clerking for J. H. 3ol
don has been absent for the past week
as she: was called home to attend' her
father, Pierce Miller,' of Molalla, who
had a paralytic stroke and whose life
for a time, hung in the balance, but
since reports are in his favor and he
will probably recover. ;' ' ---''
..JMr: Allen, who has been working In
Portland this winter has been! visiting
ati home the past few days and will
not return to Portland but will , re
main at home. V
Tom Garrett's hop baskets still lie
around upon the ground in his hop
yard, if thr. don't float down the
creek this winter they will be handy
for .nextTseason's work. : ,,
SPECIAL WmCK-AlphftbetiMllMtOTta every
pMkfcja of "Golden Rod" products, gave them till
.guoMjrpll ioldd JUd" ulfitllM 12-piaaY
White Ribbon Remedy
Is an honest attempt to aid
friends of drinking men to rem
edy what is really a dreadful
This remedy is
And may be given secretly.
Oregon City
' H. D. Aden1 was a Portland visitor
on Monday: ' . . . :
Mrs. .Marion Young "spent : some
days in the Rose City last week, the
guest of relatives there. - -
Ex-Senator Kruse was in Oregon
City and Portland on Monday.1 i ,
Mr. and Mrs.. Reed Graham went to
Portland on New Year's day, to . eat
dinner with relatives. -
The Wilsonftlle stores have had a
good Christmas trade.' : -'-r
Dwight Seely and Elmer. Hassel
brink - spent . the Christmas vacation
with relatives here.
Roy Nendel and sister, Esther, who
formerly resided here, have been vis
iting friends near our village for the
past week. ':."'. 'n "-; :
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin and daughter,
Lois, have moved to Hubbard, and
will be greatly' missed by their many
friends. : : v-' -"- vr v.' ,":: vi
- Elmer Seely, Harold Say and James
Say were among high school students
who spent their vacation at home. -1
- Mr. Marion Young was an Oregon
City ' visitor on Tuesday.: ' v : :."
Mr. Ed Baker was a visitor to. the
county seat last week,
! Mr. and Mrs. Halley were Portland
visitors Christmas -week. ' i ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Young gave a
delightful family dinner on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker , and
family spent the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs.. Clyde Baker, in Portland.
Mrs. Marion Young chaperoned a
party of young people, who went , to
Newberg on -Christmas night, -in Mr.
Stangle's launch, to attend the mas
querade. . ...
A telephone meeting of importance
will be held in the A. O. W. W. haII
at Sherwood on Saturday, j an. 11th,
1913, at two o'clock.
Eva Baker and Wm. Turner were
married in Portland on Monday, and
will reside there permanently. ' The
bride has host of friends here, who
join, in wishing the young couple suc
cess and happiness. ?!
' Mr. and Mrs. Marion Young and
family spent New Year's Day iu .the
Rose City, the guests of relatives.
Subscribe for the Enterprise and
while so doing, give Supt. Gary a vote
for that automobile.
The Christmas tree festivities at
the school house, were much enjoyed
by the large crowd attending.
The bazaar and supper given by the
Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E.
church recently, was a great success
and netted them about forty dollars
for their treasury.
On Monday evening, the 16th -of
Dec, the many friends and neighbors
of Mr. and Mrs. White gave them a
surprise, and served a banquet for
them in the basement of the M. E.
church, the occasion being in honor of
the fiftieth anniversary of their mar
riage. A purse was presented to this
estimable couple as a token of the
loving esteem in which they are held
in our community. After singing the
"Golden Wedding Day," all joined in
congratulations and good wishes for
these elderly people, of whom it may
easily be said "none knew them but
to love them, none named them but
to praise."
New Year's eve was the occasion
of a number of delightful family re
unions, and neighborly gatherings,
where the good'people of our village
watched the old yeaf out and the new
year in.
J. Lazelle, ,were. Christmas guests , at
the. iiome.' bf.ttqrneycF.. J.r..Meadl inl
seiwood: '.:'';;; ;.' '
Twilight school. will commence next
Monday, 4fter two, weed's vacation. ,,"
' Mr. and ' Mrs. ' A.J 1L Harvey enter
tained Christms at . dinner.Mr. "and
MrsBalls,, of Portland. " 11' .'
Geo. Schrewe is on the sick list."'" "'
A business meeting of .the. Commun
ity Club was held' Saturday evening:
Quite a number from here attended
the scciaL at-Mount Pleasant Saturday,
evening,' and report" having' a good
time.F..,c, -. . ''-." .
Miss 'Anna Wileiart "has returned to
her, home in Oregon City, after a visit
with her sister Mrs.-j James Hylton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Mattoon were diifc
ner-guests of their: son,, Milton, Mat
toon in Milwaukie Christmas, f r,
h.Miss- Lessie McDonald,. . of ; Coltonj
was a w eek-end guest of Mrs. Curtis
M. Dodd's, o.a j: -.- ;0
Warner Grange officers elected, for
the ensuing year are;,-v, v; -!
Master, Mrs. B. Hoffman; Overseer,
Mr. T. Chinn; Lecturer, Mrsi.. T.
Chinn; : Steward, Miss v Lois.. Cribble;,
Chaplain, Mr. W. A. Dodds; Assistant
Steward, v Mr. - T. Spulak; c.Secretary;
Mr. D. M. McArthur; Treasurer, Miss
Amy Gribble;: Gatekeeper, ?M.feJ,. La
zelle flora, -MisB.-Pearl- Chinn; -Pck
mona, Miss Lessie McDonald;, Cerefc
Mrs. T. Grace. o3 ctlc" t;l
! - SJ
r - , . . - Ms" .
iiiii iJ iv
uto Contest r:
1 i e'. Lh Si
W. A. Dodds, Curtis Dodds, Mrs.
Curtis Dodds and Geo. Alfred -Dodds
spent Christmas in Canby as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dodds.
. Mr. Moreland -and family, of Port
land, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Thorns Kelland Christmas.
Mr. Bentley is keeping bachelor
hall while his family is visiting rela
tives, in Jilarquam.
Mr. and Mrs., Geo. Lazelle and M.
Special Prizes For
r.c:;.-.-.- .-j -;-'., - .'.- .- - -
-- - - : , .' ';s -.i. Ji. i.", i f; -J !-.!. : . . t! !"i
,'' " " " ' a -.. --..; - ,T v;:;ic!. iirsu-
., '"' 1 -': ' ' ' 1 ''"''v':' 'r'" v:i'( u':
42 Piece Beautiful Handsome Cabinet
,: decbarted dinner set , Rogers Silverware
.o.---- .: 'su ;JV ' '.'"ir" tvu.k '"Zk:: '
Now on Display at -,':
,'.rw. 'Art;
' 1 .:
Huntley Bros. Co. Store
(See Tuesday's Enterprise'for further announcement. i1" 'i?';.?.'
This -ylcinity. has' been visited by
very stormy weather for the"!;" past
week,- the high vwinds '-wrecking
telephone wires and keeping this com
munity with very poor telephone ser
vice. The old year, 1912 will oon be
gone and seems to be-dying hard.
Mr. Crook .is, building a, n.ew.Lde
walk: along. his "property.- jf ?. jfi " r-;
Mr Evans,; the Mulmo merchant, is
conffimtilating moving hts store acrosg
the street -near his- residence, -z-"c
At the' telephone meeting last week
Lewis .Churchill was selected i lineman
for line eleven.
Born, Dec. 23, a boy, to Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Erickson., . ..... ,
', Christmas was, spent very . quietly
in this neighbohood. Mr. and , Mrs.
Davis celebrated the day with a fani:
ily reuuion. , ' ',';.".. ,.'.,'..
. Mrs. C.ito White and two children,
from Portland .spent Christmas with
Mrs., White's mother, Mrs.Crook, of
this place. '-,,., --,'-! ;,'!.', To
, Vesta Churchill, who has been con
fined to the house for the past two
or three weeks with neuralgia, is able
to be about again. .... : ... "
riHfanuary; 1st wer place on:sa!e;Trade: Goupon-Books-of- the - value-of- $5.00 J
wegiye a bonus .ol&OOU. votes, ihe Trade Coupon Books can bei
used same as cash'at Huntley Brothers;" The regular votes will be issued for Bookl
1 CoujMnj 0f I
I HuntieysTfadeSbuppBdp no'time limit-ey are goodwill used3
? ' 5 ?
5 4 i 'i t": - i v.-;-?
A "Southwester"rof many miles per
hour struck in this locality Sunday
with considerable -, force. - To be ir.
the timber at such times dodging fly
ing limbs is a -snap' to look after, i1:
' Snow is low down on the hills,, sea
soning the air with winter chills.
Liberal has become a halfway sta
tion for the Molalla traffic. Joe Mar
less Is fransferman, with team for' lb e
mail and passengers ' from Liberal
here. ; -; ; '.'
P. C. Miller is gradually improving
in health from his recent illness. ;
Molalla has about a section of land
now available to build a town on, so
all that have heretofore been disap
pointed in securing a home here may
now tell their friends that conditions
are now favorable at Molalla.
: Next. Saturday will be installation
of officers at Molalla Grange No. 310
and : Saturday night installation at
Assembly No. 82, United Artisans. :
Leo Phaver will return to the O.
A. C. next week, having spent a week
with the folks at home.
1 Otis' Eiigle came home from East
ern Washington,' t0 eat Christmas din
ner ivith Lis mother and take a look
at old Molalla before the town grew
out of 'reckoning. -"' i-
John Looney was married on Christ
ms iiay to Miss Franklin Long and
happy may they live at Molalla.
j ;; 10,000 Votes with every Suit or Oyercoat irom $15.00 up at J. Levitt's. This
Sale starts -Monday, December 30, and lasts 5 Days Only; Make hay while the sun
shines. - ,:' l K'-ISV X i ' -M
C-. v
O r
5-J. w V.,C,:,
is'iitememoer tne JLnternriRp. frwesuZ-Uitii iintw imh oiivw rir;u u a
j o - vww jr uuit idlll'-
future announcement oithe Enterprise
C. i
prove roads is money well' spent-
Miss Lillie "Anderson visited at park
place the past week.
Mr. Leon' LunBford moved his fam
ily down to -Castle Rock to reside... -Next
Saturday is the regular month
ly meeting of ' Harding-Grange, also-
installation of officers for the coming
year. ; tf'
Surely tne dying year is making a
desi-erate struggle in the last hours
of its existence. " The' way the :Svind
blew Monday night kept some of us
natives aviake. .
The ball at Logan Christmas night
was a success, both socially and finan
cilly. . , ,, ; -' ,- ,,; '
,- Christmas passed off quietly with
numerous family gatherings, Christ
mas trees, etc. A Christmas, tree was
one feature at the Logan church .Sun
day, also one at Stone by the Sunday
school and the school on Friday eve
ning which was well attended. -- -y -
Bertha Boss, the eleven-y earmold
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Boss,
oi this i lace is a victim of inttamatory
rheumatism. At last reportB she was
improving. o : b-.r-; ". i' ;
' Adolph Benson is ill of typhoid fev
er, t- .) -. o.
Quite a large representation of tax
payers attended: the road 'meetinjj'iat
the Grange hall Monday . afternoon.
Some favored and some did not a spe
cil levy but finally-a. 7 1-2 mill tax
carried. 5 mills tq be 'applied on the
f fpaivf.nd Barton" roau'aii't ,i rn
the Kisher road. Money spent to inv-
Physicians Failed To Help Mrs.
; Green, But She Finally Found ;
Relief in , CarduL
.- - . p AT T f '" - :
Meetze, Vs. Mrs. 3". C. iQreen of thto
place, says: "I suffered with womanly
troubles so that I could hardly sit up.
Two of the best doctors In our town
treated me, and I tried different medi
cines, until I gave up all hope of ever
jetting well. .:
One day, I decided to 'try some Car
dul. It did bo' much tor me that I
ordered some more, and it cured me!
Today, I feel as Well as I ever did in
my life. -f-. mim-.;
Th pains and the trouble 1 are all
gone;- I feel lik' another person in
every way.-1 wish every sufferer could
know what Cardui will do for sick
-WOmen.?. jj .!;;!' t.-!:-.
few doses of Cardui at the right
time, will save many a big doctor bill,
by preventing serious sickness.
-1- It tones up-the nervous system, and
helps make pale cheeks fresh and rosy,
c Thousands of weak women have been
restored,, to health, and .iappiness ,
fusing Cardui. Suppose you try it., 1 .
I It may be just the medicine you need:
' V. B. Writs to: tn'dies'! Advisory Dent;; Chatli
noosa Medicine Co., Chattanoora.-Tenn., for Speeiai
Irutructim9.-ini 64-paee book, "Home Treatment
tor women," sent In plain-wrapper, on request, uvj
jones drug compant "
: for sale by te ; ; ,;
The city of Estacada Saturday, as
a road district',' voted a 10-mill tax to
be used in the city to connect up with
the roads builtto. the eit.,limits-,by.
the' surrounding road districts.- .r ,; s.
The high wind Sunday ' did consid
erable damage " in' the Garfield . coun
try; ; The telephone lines Are. down
everywhere." Communication has been
cut off. -A small tree was. blown into
Walter Shriner's barn,, doing some
damage. j A tree was blown across the
Garfield country j- club's hall partly
breaking in1 the roof. A force of men
worked all day Monday to repair dam
ages. Miss Anderson, teacher . at
Garfield,: was marooned at her home
Monday evening because "of -' fallen
trees and higtf water in Delph creek
and wa not able to teach her school.
Saturday Garfield Grange elec ted
Mr. Mary . V-Holder master; - Mrs.
Harrison Tracey, Overseer; Edward
-j No' matter' how miserable you are
with catarrh , or a cold in the head,
nose stopped up"," throat s.ore," eyes
running, dull pain in the head, -dry
cough, fever, foul TjreatH, Ely's Cream
Balm will give you instant relief. :
V i It gets right at the root of the trou
ble clenses, 'heals and strengthens
the ' raw,- sore membranes, stops -the
nasty discharge so that you . are not
constantly blowing the nose and spit
ting. In "a few minutes after applied
you: can feel it doing its work of clear
ing the head, the pain and soreness
are "relieved, the breathing becomes
natural and the stuffed up -feeling is
gone. This clenslng, healing,- antisep
tic Balm contains no mercury,, cocaine
or other harmful drugs. It is easy, to
apply, pleasant to use, and never fails
to give relief, even in the- worst cases.
Never neelect a cold, and don't suf-
lecturer and W. H.;-Holder if er the miseries of catarrh nor dis-
secretary. The; grange endorsed the gusl your friends with hawking, spit
Clackamas . county .-road legislation J tine and foul breath.. Get a 50 cem
program; and requested the circulation ) bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your
of petitions ior -Gill's -home, rule road druggist, -and -start. the treatment At
once. You will find that it will be
the best investment you ever made.
Mr., and Mrs.-Geo. Eaden, of Logan :
spent' Christmas in Cherryville visit-'
ing Mf and Mrs. rarnell-Avorill. -Mr.
Arthur Eaden, of, Oregon City,
spent Christmas in Cherryville.
Rev. Mr. Reed, of Salem, Oregon,
formerly of Dover, spent Christmas in
Cherryville; " "7" ' 1
Alex Brooks, has left "for Tacoma,
Washfe where he will r stay about a
A Christmas entertainment was held
at the M. E church ' Christmas eve.
which ;was largely attended and was
a success in every way."
Vincent Friel spent Christmas in
A dance was held at' the old Tapp
home -Thursday evening.
Jerry Friel spent Christmas In Cher
ryville. 7 r : ; r-; ';:.
- Miss Smith,, of Sandy,: spent Xmas
in Cherryville. - ..... .. ,;,.'.....
, August. Bdenstein spent Xmas eve
in. Sandy. -: , ' , ' ,''., .- 'V.,.,- - -Chauncey
Coffman left for the east
a short time ago, leaving his wife and
daughter in Salt Lake City, awaiting
his return from the east. ... ' . ,;,,';
.'Vi 'r-"r-i KELSO. , , . . . . ;
, , School opened on Monday.' r
.CMiss Lamoreux spent .the holidays
at her brother's hOme in Oregon City.
The proceeds of the basket social
amount to J37.00 and will be used for
pictures to .beautify the walls of the
school . rooms and for supplementary
books. ' . ''j.'. .
Robert Jonsrud and family . .spent
Christmas in Lents with Mrs. Jons
rud's parents, .... ' ''..T
Miss Bessie Lewisl teacher at Wel
ches, was the guest of Mrs. Robert
Jonsrud the Saturday and Sunday be
fore Christms,- -en Toirte to.' her home
at Gladstone 'br the Jiolldiys: j -4
J. Lo'ndreeiand family! CMi.Vi land
Mrs, Frank, Patterson , and Mr. and
Mrs. KyerHspent; the boldiays with
palatives "at f Indepeaflenee.'i
" Mlsi "Gladys "CrenshaW, of Gresham
is spending her Christmas vacation
with her sister, Mrs. J. Stafford."
Saturdayievening"Jari.'-'ic-4;) at " s
o'clock sharp, the following question
wiU.bebalid .attcbaql;
"Jtes.olved,; .that ,the pen ,;ls-.mightier
4 ! ri
Railroad of Mexico
.'C . f traversing the states of C -l j ' 3
.' "Gives Access to -- - ,; -.- .., ?
pCattie Fanning, Mining, Timben t
rLet us list you for a' copy of our new booklet soon to be pui
lished. ; ?
' H. LAWTON, G. P. A. Guaymas, Sonora," Mexico. '
Get; this idea of rough, high-proof, strong whiskey
out of your head or it - will get youplay the
devil with your nerves ruin your digestion; ;
Why punish yourself.' n,: , h x v .. i
ifji" J- - ..r-,.- ' - - r.-, '
-; ;. , . Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable - ,.; -!,'
'-;-'" 1 ' bottled at drinking' strength. J f-;''.'' :;- f
CO- Sold everywhere-r-and costs no more thin lV 15
t -- any other good whiskey... r- -r . k -r
W. J. Yan Schuyver & Co., General Agents. Portland. Oregon .1 , '
1:1. W '
5 : ;;i
Four Generations
; Have Used r::
With the "high man" nearing the
half million mark, a half dozen oth-,
ers crowding for second place, " t!e
next week of the Howard Automobile
Contest starts, off with a wonderful
rush. .' When the leading merchants
of the city and the Enterprise inaugu
rated the contest, it was 1 promised
that this race would prove the great
est stunt of its kind ever pulled off
In the county, and- the management
need only to point to-the great en
thusiasm rampant all over the city
and county to substantiate their pre
dictions. "Everybody's doing 1 it'-V
literally translated means that every
one is interested in the outcome of
the race for the big $1,800 touring
car. At every hour of the dy, crowds
of men, women and children, ' repre
senting every Walk of life, will crowd
around the bulletin board to watch
the jrogress of their favorite candi
date i !-. '-:
To date there are over fift active
candidates entered with the' probabil
ity of a- score more entering -in : the
near future. These fifty menr women,
boys and girls, each have a largo fol
lowing of supporters and ,- the,. : final
outcome at the close of the contest.
May , first,, is of course a matter, of
conjecture. V
To help the willing workers, Tlunt
ley: Brdfe. Co. have introduces coupon
books which sell for $ 5.00, which en
title the holder to $5.00 worth of mer
chandise at their store. These cou
pons are to be used the same ys cash
in making -purchases at any time and
votes will be issued as "the coupons
are presented.-;: Each ..cont-estant "sell- ( v yacationdayS' are;! over, and evert
ing a coupon book receives a boims ! one is 'back. 'to work again. ' ','
of. ,5000 votes..,; a.jspecial, induce-j Quite a number of people froin this
meht the contestant, aellini? the great- ' neighborhood attended the dance' at
est number of these books from today . t&gle CTeek Christmas night and rei
to January 15th inclusive, will r'-ceive f norted a fine-time; J:J - "'' '
a .handsome 42 1 piece d'-mer set , pow :br MrSr John Githens made' a
on display in Huntley pros. Co. store, r bllsiness trip to Portland last week:' -The
contestant selling the secon larg- , . . .: ' 'i
est number of books will be awarded ?, Full, who has been employed
a; beautiful , set of silverware,;, Fur-i; te a'-wmber -camp in Washington; re
4her iaanouncement of . these :,-Mecial ; ine :'Mome' ;t0 spend the; holidays.;
prizes will be given In TueatejS?!-? ,"M;.jini'!t)6wty' 'Wfis a Pprtlad
terprise. . -.(. Visitor "'6ne AijXJep',';.,
Tor Honoy
Oousha, Colda, Grin. Astkma, Wboop
ta Ooogh and Bonatm at tb Throat,
CiMit aad Lnnga
Superior Merit aoeonnta tor tha great
aad increasing demand for tbla old rem
edy. Which la aa "Good as Brer. -
z lo Opiates "
AQ Ingredients shown in plain type
carton. Remember there Is only one
ten nine Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. , , ,
$1.00, 50c ?nd 25o y
: bottles
'' ; i-'.-ox br!9-i bus oV ;-n,i ,l. !!-.- 7,
,.ujiji 1. j.hb.1 hi iistu.jsiiiuMmiMiiiiiiMiiiiini-r
;for ; jones drug cpaipany,
under consideration unless an addi
tional tax was voted.' ; ' ;; ' ';
j CU' "Hj-G
i 8fC-i i-4 -
Mr. .and Mrs. A. E. . Sparks, of . Es
tacada,'; spent Christms . night " with
M. and Mrs; J."W. Dowty. ;- - '
Roy Alspaugh, of Corvallis,' spent
Christmas with : his parents. -
"' Mr. and Mrs. John Githens celebrat-1
ed their silver Wedding last Saturday.
"; Ward Douglass purchased a very
valuable cow ' from Mrs. Q E. Full
last week. . ' ' , ' '' ' , -
Mr. and Mrs., Charles Hively. are
visiting with the. former's parents,
Mr., and Mrs. George Hively. , , . , I
; Mrv ; and Mrs. -Harold Gordon spent
Christmas with the former's parents
at Springwater. ... -;:,v-.,. j-:
, .Willie Still is , visiting , friends, and
relatives in Washington. " ; s ' ;