, 'cm morning -entfrprtstc p a "a.t. teceesi: 23, 1:12. jprBV s G5g w""l,'f;! T fc""?? SSS-n IF1 ? fel tc.--j j I 3 lc- 1 iNo. 1 J fedfeiU feSS3i fe-J l-sSS8S-3i j-aJJ 4i5 1 J feftgA) S We Give H&t Green Trading Stamps We Give Green Trading Stamps ' P w k ii rlr P WM fj lWo il k Mr w Mli IP ifiHm $ - n wH J nn I n nnnnr W LJ 11 J UUU o .We w;ere crowded otst, we needed mote ?oom and the result is the construction of out forty foot addition with ftfli basement, steam heated, which will make this the most modern and largest exclusive shop in the Willamette Valley. Now lets get down to business We must make room for the carpenters to work and we will sacrifice this enormous stock at reduction from 30 to 45 Per Cent can you beat that? Andre member we will give $100 in gold coin to any charitable institution in Oregon City if any one can dis prove the value of any article we place on sale, escept few contract articles. Note below a few of the greatest values ever offered in this community SUITS AND OVERCOATS - OF THE celebrated L System and Clothcraft make A $15.00 values $9.45 $25.00' values-17.35 $17.00 values 10.45 $30-00 vaItfCS 21.15 $20 00 vah.es 12.15 'SSSSfi, $22.50 valaes 14.85 SHOES W. L. Douglas, Stetson and Chippewa $2.35 1.85 2.95 3.25 3.65 4.95 5J5 Odd lot of W. L. Douglas $3.50 and $4.00SEocs - - - - Odd lot of Long's $2.50 Shoes, large sues only - - - $3.50 Shoes - - - $4.0.0 Shoes - -$5.00 Dayton Loggers -$6.00 Chippewa Hightop Shoes $7.50 Chippewa Hightop Shoes HAT8 IPlLJIRIriBlHIirG Odd lot of $2 and $2.50 hats . . $1.15 $rMonarch Shirts . . . 60c Heavy Cotton Ribbed garment, each 40c n rn Hai. 185 $ 1 .25 Price Bros. Shirts . 85c $5 Monarch Roughneck Sweaters 2.95 .ijunats . . . . " $1.50 and $2 Yotke Shirts . . 95c $6.50 " " " 4.85 $3 Willamette Hats . . 235 $1.50 Coopers Undergarments $1.15 $8 " " 6.35 25 per cent reduction on Trunks and Suit Cases EstabKshed 1 895 91 irv W 6th and Main Sts. Proper Clothes For Men and Young Men