SCOOP THE CUB REPORTER rttf AT TW$ PAPER W1U- HAJ. A SANTA CLftOS WHO NU CrWE. AWftf ?RESENXS TO Yv'E VClS who coMeroc&HiH- K"'oO BETTER 5rrBUSY W r UP AS SAWT.V MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON . E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. -jz. '-i "Entered as second-class matter Jan uary 9. 1911. at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Act of March 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, by mail 13-00 Sx Months by mail 160 Four Months, by mail i.00 Per "Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Dec. 27 In American History. 1714 George Whitefield. noted Meth odist evangelist, born; died 1770. 1799 William Wilson Corcoran, found - er of . the Corcoran Art gallery' born; died 1888. 1845 Texas admitted to the Onion. 1906 A. .1. Cassatt. president of th Pennsylvania railroad, died; born 1839 ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noou today to noon tomorrow.l Suu sets 4:41. rises 7:24. Evening stars: Venus. Saturn. Morning stars Mars. Mercury. Jupiter. THE BUTTER The telegraph dis TRUST patches have been full of the Butter Trust investiga tion these last few days, and general satisfaction is being everywhere ex pressed thatUhe Ejlgin coterie has at least been called to account. As a matter of fact, the consumer is rob bed far more than is the producer, and if the producer will only exer cise a little intelligence, and co-operate with his neighbors more, he can easily get the honest value for the stuff he raises, and at the same time give the consumer the benefit he is entitled to. . A group of Chicago speculators would fix a low price when production was heavy, raising the price after the cold storage houses were filled. The producer was robbed on the one hand, and the consumer robbed stii'l worse. Yet the exercise of the most ordin ary intelligence would put this bucca neering middle man out of business entirely. . , ; Our soap-box friends are loud in their denunciations of the capitalistic ty rants, and spend much valuable ener gy after the Standard Oil, which has really reduced the price of oil, when they might do infinitely more good by getting after the parasite which fattens on a real estate option, or the cornering of butter or crops. These parasites are not necessarily resi dents of New York; they can be found much nearer home. WASHINGTON The Oregon rancher RANCHER might do worse than keep tabs on- what his. Washington neighbor is doing. The Aberdeen World tells of five carloads of fine young cattle, mostly heifers, shipped in from Montana to be turn ed into the logged-off land section of the Wishkah Valley, for the purpose of stock raising. It is the first large experiment to be tried in Chehalis County, but as the winter forage is practically sufficient to carry the Woman's Desire For Independence Responsible For Our Many Divorces 4 4 4 4 By FELIX ADLER. Educator 4 CHERE are so many homes in this country that the one hun dred thousand divorces in a year DO : NOT MEAN .THAT THE HOME ' IS BEING ' DISRUPTED. - I do not believe either that the divorces are the result of immorality, for in Bavaria, where there are no divorces, there is much immorality. : . " " IT IS A CERTAIN STATE OF MIND WHICH IS THE CAUSE. OF THE INCREASE OF DIVORCE. AND IT IS VERY LARGELY DUE TO THE DESIRE OF WOMEN TO THROW OFF ALL YOKES AND AS SERT THEIR INDEPENDENCE. IT IS THIS WHICH MAKES MANY WOMEN DESIRE AN EXPERIMENTAL OR TRIAL MARRIAGE. t - Young people, influenced by current literature, learn to think of life less seriously than they should. Married life is a triangle the husband and wife and the children . but the father and mother are too apt, to ask whether they can agree to live together . INSTEAD OF CONSIDERING WHAT THEIR. DUTY IS TO THEIR OFFSPRING. They separate and leave their children to the :ini f the stale. City Property AT A BARGAIN 7 room house, woodshed and chicken house. Lot 74 x 100. Near school in good resident district. $1000.00. For terms see Dillman&Howland WEINHARD BULIDING. herd through, a big profit on the un dertaking is confidently expected. Several additional carloads are to be bought and turned loose in the same way. Several Aberdeen men of cap ital are said to be interested in the enterprise. Then .again, in Reardon, Wash., the West Cresent Cheese Company punished the facts that in the last year the company had sold a .total of 29,562 pounds of cheese, which brought in $5, 238.03.- This result was made with the milk of less than seventy-five cows, and averages $70 for each tow. And all. this in logged off pasture. THE DEMOCRATS When Governor AND .PHILLIPINES Wilson was elected presi dent of the" United States the news dispatches told us of bonfire celebra tions to celebrate the event from one end of the Phillipines to the other. It is doubtful if -any person is more competent to cpeak on this important subject than is President Taft. He was their- first American governor, and studied sympathetically and ju diciary both the possibilities and the limitations of the Filipinos. Mr. Taft is very much opposed to indepen dence, and in his communication to Congress, says that the "Jones Bill" is based on the assumption that "we now discharged our trusteeship to the Filipino people and our respon sibility for them to the world, and that they are now prepared for self government as well as national sov ereignity". These assumptions he de clares, "are absolutely without foun dation,' or justification." Even a .''present declaration of future inde pendence" woujd .."retard progress by the dissension and disorder it would arouse," and would amount in fact, to "a disguised policy of scuttle." As proof that our task of educating the Filipinos is still far from finished the President points out that at present, "under liberal franchise " privileges, only about 3 per; ceiof them vote, and only 5 per cent are able to read." Revival of Braid. "" Thp revival of bra Id is :i greni factor in the evolution of this year's frocks. Not only does it add n desirable note of solidity iiniT smartness so essential to winter clot lies. hut. further, it isstrong ly suggestive of hard wearing proper ties. Kraid again In very fine, silky makes Is Hdniirablp as a trimming for the ninou bodice of the three pieced costume. MORKINU ENTERPRISE -'. FRIDAY, DECEMBEK 27, 1912. Scoop Has A BIG POULTRY SHOW (Continued from page 1.) House coffee, Larsen & Co. Brown Leghorn, brass sprayer, Straight & Salisbury. Buff Leghorn, full book of stamps, L. Adams. White- Leghomrcan Lee's Lice Kil ler, V. Harris. - Anconas, .5 pounds bacon, R. Pet zold. ' ; Buff Orpington, box of silk handker chiefs. Chicago Store. S. C. Rhode Isiand Red, one gallon lice killer, Chas. H. Lilly Co. White Wyandotte, one gallon lice killer, Chas. H. Lilly Co. Lignt Bahma, one gallon lice killer, Chas. H. Lilly Co. ' Columbian Wyandotte, one gallon lice killer, Chas. H. Lilly Co. PuHets White Plymouth Rock, subscription to Rural Spirit. : Barrsd Plymouth Rock, subscrip tion to Rural Spirit. Brown Leghorn, subscription td Ru ral Spirit. ' Buff Leghorn, subscription to Rural bpirit. White Leghorn, 1.00 seed order, Rouiiedge Seed & Floral Co. Anconas, $1.00 seed order, Rout ledge Seed & Floral Co. Buff Orpington, $1.00 seed order Routledge Seed & Floral Co. S. C. Rhode Island Red, JJ..00 seed order, Routledge Seed & Floral Co. White Wyandottes, $1.00 seed order Routledge Seed & Floral Co. '.i eart to Heart - Talks . ' By EDWIN A. NYE. TEMPI A HON. Martin Luther threw his inkstand u( the devil. He believed iu a personal Satau who could materialize himself, and when lit thought he saw his Satanic majesty li Went after him with the first weapon at hand. . We laugh, but Have you "ever thought how much easier it would be to resist temptation if one could believe in a personal devil? You tight an unseeu foe. If you could get Lucifer backed up against the wall when lie comes to tempt you and he could not retreat, you could have it out witli bim. Hut He is a smooth citizen . He- wears a myriad disguises He may make a rear or a flank attack or get you Into a coruer and compel you to bold up your hands, or he may take the shape of the Lorelei and enchant you with a lure that will put your tioaf upon the rocks. He has his Calypso Islands as well as his incarnated devils who bludgeon only you do not recognize them as such. If we only knew! We may know him when he openly tempts us with his cardinal vices of stronR drink or gambling or other dell nite uboveboard sins, and we can eas ily say to our aneient enemy: "(lot thee behind me. Satan!" But- How defend ourselves against temp tations concerning which we are blind V Suppose he tempts us through r love of ease of body or mind, through self Ishness or popularity or self righteous ness insidious avenues of approach; He does do that. Wejre like children. We-are unac quaiuted with our temptations, or. It. we do know tliem.lwe love the follies to which they lead all too much ' Wise old devil ! ' Nevertheless, if we make the most nt ourselves we must conquer the things that most easily tempt us ' We cannot throw an Inkstand t a devil we do not believe In But we ran know our weak spots We can know the temptations to wbicb our natures are most subject and thus circumvent the devil. Near to Nothing. Customer-Didn't you tell me this nurse was afraid of nothing? Dealer That's just what 1 said "Why. he shies his own shadow:' "Well, a shadow is alxmt as tieai nothing as anything I know of!" His Jubilee. Judge Are you aware of any miti gating circumstances in your case? Prisoner Yes. your honor. This is the fiftieth time l.hnve Iteeu here for vn grancy, and t thought that perhaps we might get up n small jubilee. Ostrich Feathers. "' An ostrich feather, it held nprigbt will be seen to be perfectly equal . both sides, the stem dividing it exad i iu the center. In other feathers tin stems are found to be more or less op one side. Hot Time And A Albert tT. Patrick, Sing Sing's Famous Prisoner, Now Free Man - ' ? i, - ' ' I & Copyngni, 1912. Dy American Press 'ITH a quiet smile of triumph imprisonment for the murder this striking picture the day was sitting in the office of TAT W "fork, where he had gone to consult regarding his future plans. Patrick, whose tight for life and liberty, extending over ten years, made him Sing Sing's most famous prisoner, showed no ill effect-! ,of his . worry and confine ment He looked robust and said he felt as fint.. ook1 .-" , -'""'-- - - THE Southern Pacific Railroad of Mexico traversing the states, of SONOROA - SINALOA - TEPIC - JALISCO.. Gives Access to ' ' .' OPPORTUNITIES FOR WEALTH in Cattle, Farming, Mining, Timber Let us list you for a copy of our new booklet soon to be r1' lished. - , H. LAWTON, G. P. A., Guaymas, Sonora,' Mexico. ' EASY AND SURE JAY TO CURE COLDS " '" & . I ELY'S DON'T NEGLECT A ' COLD, . CREAM BALM WILL STOP IT IN THE SNEEZING STAGE i A cold generaly attacks the weak est part, affecting the eyes and ears in some and producing nasal catarrh and throat trouble in others A cold is due to an- inflammation of the membrane lining the air passages, and may be promptly cured with a ' little Ely's Cream Balm, which immediately re lieves the inflammation and all the distressing symptoms, such as sneez ing, coughing, running at the nose and eyes, hoarseness, sore throat, fe ver,, and headache. One'Teason why thi spure, atniseptic Balm acts so quickly is because it is applied direct ly to the tender, sore surfaces. Even in severe, chronic cases of ca tarrh, Ely's Cream Balm never fails to quickly and effectually check the poi sonous discharge which- clogs the head and, throat, causing the disgust ing hawking, spitting and blowing of the nose. This remedy not only drives out the disease, but heals and stren-. gthens the weakened membranes, thus ending catarrh. Catarrh is a filthy, disgusting dis ease. Don't put up with it another day. Get a 50 cent bottle, of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and see how quickly you will be relieved. It is perfectly harmless. .. .. Discord. - "Do they have music at. this hotel?" ' "By no means; .only an, orehestra." Judire. : '"'J Merry Christmas ft Association. Albert T.-Patrick, pardoned from life of William -M; Rice, willingly posed for after his release from Sing Sing. He his couuseU W. M. K. Olcott, in New 5 Wants, For Sale. Etc ' 'Notices under these clastjlntru headings will be inserted at one cent a word, flrflt insertion, half a cent- additional inser tions One inch card. $2 per month; half inch card. (4. hiies. $1. per ..month. Cash must accompany order unleae one nas ar- Pt'n account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors: where . errors occur free corrected notice will be printed foi patron. Minimum charge 16c. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Neat, intelligent and ac commodating young man for office position. No stenographic know ledge necessary but must be able to operate typewriter and be famil liar with Y. & E. filing systems and card index. Very good opportunity for advancement for right' man. Must live in Oregon City. Salapy depends upon ability.- Address Box C, Oregon City. ". . .WANTED Proposals for . drilling ' t.Us on the Willamette Pulp & j Paper Company's vTown3ite Spec i ificatiorjs may be obtained from the j undersigned. Don E. Meldrum, I Office of the Willamette Pulp & j Paper Company. WANTED Three or four unfurnish i . ed rooms in City. Address Box 23, j Route No. 6, Oregon City, or tele i phone Main 3881. WANTED LIVESTOCK WANTED Cows fresh or - coming fresh soon, W. C. Berreth, 1480, Ma cadam Street, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR SALE Registered .Terser Bull coming two. W. Kujpenbender. Oregon City, Farmers Pione 144 or Home Phone M 125. FOR SALE Cheap, Holatein thorough bred Bull Calf. Fred Steiner, Ore- LIWC Klcvico I gon City, Route No. 3, Farmers Phone- P 151. FOR SALE Colt, two years old in - April, gentle. Inquire this office. FOR SALE Horse Power Chopper, complete, cheap for cash, Address, L. D. Mumpower, Oregon City Route No. 6. FOR RENT FOR RENT 8 room modern house op posite Barclay School. Inquire F. Koenig, Twelfth and Madison Sts. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phones Pacific 1292, Home A 2S3. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN--$1500, $1400, $1000, $500 and $300. Real Estate security, current rates. ' - C. H. DYE. VIOLIN TAUGHT H. B. WEEKS, .Teacher of Violin. Grand Theatre. MUSICAL VIOLIN LESSONS Mr. Gustav Flechtner, from Liepzig, Germany, is prepared to accept a limited num. , ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may ...also be engaged for solo work or . ensemble work. Address for terms, etc., Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City EXCURSION RATES EXCURSION RATES Monogram, Guckenheimer, and Penn. Rye Whiskey, $1.00 per Full Quart. Port Wine 25c per Qt. Buy your wines and liquors from us and Save Mon ey. Kentucky Liquor Co., Cor. 5th and Main Sts. POWDER Are you using powder? If you are, you- want the best. Use Trojan Powder. No headache, no thawing. For sale by C. R. Livesay, Pacific Phone Farmers 217, Oregon City R. F. D. No. 6. MISCELLANEOUS. Rheumatism cured. I will gladly send j any sufferer a Simple Herbal Re- cipe that cures Rheumatism, also I a Trial Treatment, all sent abso- ! lutely free by one who was cured, j Enclose a two cent stamp. W. H. i Sutton, 2601 Orchard Ave., Los An- geles, Calif. . ... ! It will pay you to trade with the Chi cago Store, 505 Main Street, Ore ! gon City, for Clothing and Gent's j Furnishings. We also -do cleaning, ; pressing and repairing, at reason able prices. WOOD AND COAL OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bnihm. Wood and coal aeltvered to all parts of the city I SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone! vour orders. Pacific 1371 Hnma ! no NOTICES Oregon Oity Branch Northwestern School of Music. Opens Wednesday, Jan. 8. 1913, in the Masonic Temple Building, for new winter term stu dents in various branches of music ' write to 129 1-2 Grand Ave Port land for application, terms, etc. Summons. In the. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County.- -: Ethel Lussan,. Plaintiff, . vs. Anthony Lussan, Defendant. To Anthpny Lussan, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint fi'ed against you in - the above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeKS from the first publication of the summons, to wit: on or before Saturday" February 3rd 1913, ' andi if you fail to answer, - for '--want ; thereof, the plaintiff will apply to : the court for the relief demanded ' in her complaint on file herein, "' towit: that the . bonds of matri- mony now existing be dissolved. This summons is published by r The Holiday Season is a good time for retrospection. If you haven't saved as much money during the past year as you should, don't you think a bank account would help you to save in the future ? Why not start the New Year by opening an account at this . v bank; we know it will help you to save as it does others. , THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLD aT. BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL I AN!? OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50.010.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open frr?T ? A. M ti ? p. M Bv HOP order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Circuit Judge of said County, said order was made and dated the 26th day of December 1912, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 27th day of Decem ber 1912, -and the date of the (last publication of this summons is the 7th day of February, 1913. C. H. PIGGOTT. Attorney for Plaintiff, 142 1-2 2nd. St., Portland, Oregon. - Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given, that I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council app,ly for a license to sell liquor at -my place of business 219 Seventh Street for a period of three months. CLAUS KROHN. Notice of Application for, Pool Halt License Notice is hereby given, that I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to run and regulate a Pool Hall at my place of business, 708 Main Street for a period of six months. F. D. FOX. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given, that I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to seT liquor at my place of business 7th and Main Streets for a period of three months. ED RECKNER. Notice of Application for Liquor License Notice is hereby given, that I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business 619 Main Street for a 'period of six months. - L. RUCONICH. Notice of Application for Liquor Li cense Notice is hereby given, that I will, at the next reular meeting of the City - Council, apply for a license to sell - liquor at my place of business 520 Main Street for a period of three months. FRANK UDDERMAN. Notice of Application for Liquor Li-' cense. Notice is hereby given, that I will at the next regular meeting of the Citv Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, 714 Main Street, for a period of six months." L. A. NOBEL. Notice of Application for Liquor Li cense. Notice is hereby given, that I will, at . the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at our place of business, 501 Main Street, for a period of three months. HUNSAKER & TAYLOR, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. W. W. Martien Plaintiff, : VS. Floe Martien, Defendant." To Floe Martien, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint, filed against you in' the above en titled suit on or before the 1st day of February, 1913, said date being more than six weeks after the first publication of this summons, that being the time prescribed to so ap-. pear and answer and for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court . for the relief demanded in plain tiff's complaint in said suit, towit: For a decree dissolvng the bonds, of matrimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and. defendant. " ' This summons in published pur-, suant to an order of the Honorable "R. B. Beatie, County Judge of Clack "' arnas "County, Oregon,' made, dated and entered off the 19th day of De cember, 1912, Judges J. U. Campbell; and J. A. Eakin being absent. ..'.- M. J. Mac MAHON, .- - Attorney for" Plaintiff. " Date of first publication Dec. 20 "1912. F. J. MEYER, Cashier,