SCOOP THE CUB REPORTER CEMT I MAP AND feSSjpf ' J&S&i ?9SIS " 1 J PAftE VOU STSAL.WX CAM (xWCYHE BAfrtQ A UrtDT A AM STtu. A COUUL, Sjy " ' fSmg&;': Tk jjSjgSSjr.- --i? .vl LAPtb .HAHD BAXr 1 FRlSMD BOT WHO 'WE. DICKENS i AT X WOULD MKE 1 4 - ON cr-SHAc mou Uo t MEAT - 1 MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BRODIE, Editor and PubHeher. "Entered as second-class matter jan iary 9. 1911, at the post office at Oregon City. Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879." ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, by mall JS.00 Six Months by mall -l.M Kour Months, by mall i.00 Per 'Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Dec. 24 In American History. 174" - Benjamin Rush, "signer," colo - nin l congressman and eminent med- leu I practjtiouer. born; died 1813. W.)- Christopher t"Kit"( Carson, sol dier and scout of the plains, born died 18l8. - US11-Burning of the Richmond thea ter, Richmond. Va.: 70 persons losi their lives, including the governoi of the state. 1814 Treaty of peace between th United States and Great Britain ending the war of 1812. signed al Ghent. Belgium. 1903-Rear Admiral Edwin White, 0 S. N.. died; born 1843. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Prom noon today to noon tomorrow., Sun sets 459, rises 723. Evening stars: Venus. Saturn. Morning stars Mara, Mercury, Jupiter. TRADE WITH With an opti SOUTH AMERICA mism that is far ' . from being whol ly justified, the country at large is confidently expecting a tre-. mendous development of our trade with the various South American countries upon the opening of the Panama Canal. .But" most of us don't realize that Uncle Sam is way behind the other" commercial na tions in the fight for South American markets. Even the vast pile of money we have spent on the canal, does not ""begin to" "compare with that spent by England, Germany, France and Hol land on railroads and harbors through out Argentine, Uraguay, Brazil, Chili, Peru and other countries. The Argentine is practically British, as Brazil is German. Indeed one hears more German than Portugese spoken in the streets and hotels of the Brazilian capital. Chile, Peru and Uraguay go to England for their ships, railroad supplies, and capital, with the inevitable result that John Bull con trols their important trade. It is not enough that we have built the canal, we must also build ulp a trade with our Latin-American cous ins, and develop a merchant marine to handle it. One of the rarest sights on the ocean highways is to see an American merchantman, flying the stars and stripes. FARMERS' SOCIETY The organiza OF EQUITY tion last Sat urday of a local of the national organization known as The Farmers' Society of Equity, marks a forward step in the direction of co operation, which if it is honestly car carried out will be to the mutual bene fit of both consumer and ..producer. The consumer however will be scep cal until the society proves by its works that it is playing fair with him. The past is loaded with cases where the consumer has merely charged Preventable Disease Is Man's Greatest Destroyer, Not Wars 3y R. D. W. CONNOrt. Author and Historian 'HE past will tcacli that the power and stability WELL BEING' OF soaked in human blood, strewn with maniiled bodies and groaning from the suffcriris: of its victims lills us with nnspeakahle loathing, mitl. turning away with horror -.1 iikeii faces, e crv aloud against "MAX'S INHUMAXITV TO MAX." With a thousand voices from every pulpit and press in the land we denounce war as the great crime against civilization, and upon a thousand gilded trumpets we hail the dawn of universal peace as civilizatMm'a last and greatest triumph. BUT P WAR IS A CRIME AGAINST CIVILIZATION. WHAT SHALL BE SAID OF THE EXISTENCE AMONG US OF THOSE CONDITIONS WHICH PRODUCE PREVENTABLE DISEASE? WHERE WAR HAS CLAIMED ITS THOUSANDS DISEASE HAS REAPED ITS TENS QF THOUSANDS. City Property AT A BARGAIN 7 room house, woodshed and chicken house. Lot 74 x 100. Near school in good resident district $1000.00. For terms see Dillman&Howland WEINHARD BUDDING. tribute collectors, without any advan tage in the way of lower prices. One Of the things the society should agitate is the issuance of marketing reports, and the organization of a bur eau similar to the one in Canada, known as the "Extension of Markets" Division. Its work includes the in spection of cargoes and .supervision of refrigeration and many other de tails of that sort. It also includes, however, a system of compiling re cords of wholesale prices in all mar kets of Canada, Europe and the Unit ed States, day by day. It furnishes the Canadian farmer full information with regard to outside markets, and and a full record of prices in those articles. A bureau of this sort at Washington could be made the nucleus of a' system whereby a very large part of the leak age between the farmer and the con sumer cculd be eliminated. CHICKENS Very shortly we are to AND EGGS have another poultry show in Oregon City, and all signs point to its being on a far bigger scale even than the one last year. It is really remarkable that more farmers do not take up this most profitable industry than do, for the hardest part of the work comes at a season of the year when the farmer has most time on his hands. Poultry experts tell us that with good founda tion stock, the profits are big and certain to the man who has land on which he can raise his own feed. Certain it is that if the city man utilizing the back end of a town lot can make money out of it, buying every item of feed, the farmer with all the resources of his-land back of him ought to do infiinitely better, Harvey ' Beckwith, general agent of the Wells Fargo Express Company, who has an intimate knowledge of Oregon and its possibilities and needs, claims that poultry keeping is not only Oregon's greatest need, but one of its biggest moneymakers. Accord ing to government statistics, the egg industry of the United States last year amounted to over $500,000,000. The money paid for eggs and poultry in one year was two and a half times greater than the entire gold output of the United States, Canada and Mex ico. It exceeded the wheat harvest by one hundred million dollars. On top of this comes the supreme fact that nowhere else in the country can be found the same favorable op portunities as in Oregon, and espey ially in the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue River valleys. tin fuinliititi ujwn which rests of ilie stiiie the PHYSICAL ITS PEOPLE.' The battlefield MORNINU ENTERPRISE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1912. Scoop Has Two Store will be closed all day tomorrow, December 25, in observance of Chris- mas. J.LEVITT FORUM OF THE PEOPLE . NEW WATER SUPPLY URGED. OGEGON CITY, Or., Dec. 23. Edi tor of the "Enterprise.) With climate that is unexcelled, with soil that pro duces almost everything grown in the temperate zone, with scenery that is unequalled, with water power that has meant great things and will mean still greater things, and with an intel ligent and progresive popujation, Ore gon City 'cannot afford to have its fu ture haunted by the spectre' of pos sible typhoid epidemics. No filter-will serve the purpose. Buffalo, N. Y., and Cleveland, O., have proven this beyond a doubt. Every dollar spent, is improving our present system of filtration will be wasted. If we can get in on the Clear Lake proposition we will have our water question set tled for all time to come. I am not' aware of the expense involved," hence do not know whether it would be feasable. In any event we must get our water supply from some uncon taminated source, and this would be worth looking into. ..... W. T. MILLIKEN. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. S. Fields and wife to James H. Beckley undivided one half interest in tract 3, of J. P. Eagan D. 'L. C; U. " Sedonia Latourette to Ernest Lar son tracts 29 and 34 Elida; $1. Edward Graves and wife to Coleman Mark land in the A. E. Gribble claim No. 41, township 4 south, range1. 1 east; $50. J. K. Gribble and wife to J. Coleman Mark land in John Gribble D. L. C; $38. Joseph D. Lee and wife to H. L. Moody east one half east quarter sec tion 31, west one half of south west quarter section 32, township 1 south, range 4 east; $10. - Warren E. Davenport and wife to. Elmer Phelps, land in section 5, town ship 2 south, range 5 east, 25 acres; $875. C. D. Latourette and wife to M. Till man, tract 2 Elida; $10. . Lillie Bouland to Ola Deniston, land in sections 8, 9, 16 and 17, township 3 south, range 3 east; $750. Auyusta Stewart-Kirschbaum and Christ Kirschbaum, to Eliza Kerbs, lots 9, 10, 3 and 4 block 1, Clackamas Heights; $1,050. - - Oregon Swedish Colonization Com pany to Hult Lumber Company, lots 3, 4, and 5,' "section" 1, township ' 5 range 2 east and north half of north east quarter, section' 6, township 5 souta, range 3 east; $7,300. 10 MILL ROAD TAX VOTED BY 2 DISTRICTS Judge Beatie announced Monday night that the county court had been notified that the Sievers and Hog Hollow- districts had each voted in favor of 10 mill levies for road work. The vote was almost unanimous in both places, and the money realized in ad dition to that which comes through the regular channels will enable the communities to make rapid advance ment with road v ork. These are pros perous sections of the county, . and other sections are expected to follow the example set by them. For Herself. Ar? you sure you love me for my self aion-?" siskwl the romautic you rip woman. -Well," replied the ra'ti--jil .voutii; man. "I don't tliiiiis I love you for an; one else." Ancient Roman Theater. Near Oorchester, England, are the fpimiin.- of a Roman theater capable of (ionium iK.tMsi erwn.iiH. More Xmas Presents To Give Away HcGILL BROKE DOWN Gives Real Facts In Regard to Her Case and Tells flow She Suffered, - - Jonesbqro, Ark.--"I suffered a com plete break down in health, 6ome time ago," writes Mrs. A. McGill, from this place. T was very weak and could not do any - work. I tried ' different remedies, but they did me no good. One day, I got a bottle of Cardui. It did me so much good, I was surprised, and took some more. ' Before I took Cardui, I had headache and backache, and sometimes I would cry for hours. Now I am over all that, and can do all kinds of housework. I think it is the greatest medicine on earth." In the past fifty years, thousands of ladies have written, like Mrs. McGiUY to tell of the benefit received from Cardui: ' l' . Such testimony, from earnest women. surely indicates the great value of this tonic remedy, for diseases peculiar to women. Are you a sufferer? Tfes? , Cardui is the medicine you need. We urge you to try it v K. B Wrile to : Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chatta nooga Medicine Co., Chat anooga, Ten., for Special In'tructums. and 64-rage beok, "Home Treatment for Women, sent in plain wrapper, on request, FOR SALE BY THE JONES DRUG COMPANY Useless Test. "Are .-con feeling ve.-y HIT asked the doctor. "Let me see your tongue, please." "What's the use. doctor?" replied the patient. "No tongue can tell how Dad I feel." Success In Business. ' The path of success in business is in variably the path of common sense. Notwithstanding all that is said alxiut "lucky bits.", the best kiird of success' In every owns life Is not that which comes by accident.- Smiles. - . , . Such Is Life. "Have yon noticed any change In your busbniid with the passing years?' . "Yes; he used to ten me of his throb bing heart. Now he talks exclusively about his liver." Louisville Courier Jouru:il. - TASTEMUi A SIMPLE, HARMLESS REMEDY QUICKLY RELIEVES CA TARRHAL DEAFNESS The thousands who suffer the miser- ies of colds and catarrh and claim they have never found a cure can get instant relief by simply anointing the nostrils with Ely's Cream Balm. I Unlike internal medicines which up- i set the stomach, or strong snuffs which only aggrative the trouble, this ; cleansing, healing, antiseptic Balm in stantly reaches the seat of the trouble stops the nasty discharge, clears the nose, head and throat, and brings back the sense of taste, smell and Improves the hearing. More than this, it stren gthens the weakened and diseased tis sues, thus protecting you against a return of trouble. This remedy will cure a cold in a day, and prevent its becoming chronic or resulting in cat arrh. Nasal Catarrh is an inflammation of HEAR the membrane lining the air passages, and cannot be reached by mixtures taken" into 'the stomach, nor can it be cured by snuffs and powders which only cause additionallrritatton. .JJpn't waste time on them. Get a 50 cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist, and after using it for a day you will wish you had tried it sooner. Ely's Cream Balm for colds and. croup Mothers should give the children It is perfectly harmless, and pleasant to take . Wants, for Sale, Etc Notices under these classified headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first Insertion, half a cent additional inser tions. One inch card, 2 per month; half inch card, (4 lines). $1 per month. Cash must accompany order unless one has ar. open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be -printed for patron. Minimum charge 16c. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Painting and papering. Cut prices until Feb. 1st.. F. E. Hill, Room 19, Beaver Block. HOW would you like to talk with . 1400 people about tat bargain you have in Real Estate. iTse the Enter prise. . :- - LOST LOST Ladies small purse Monday between Willamette Station and Oregon City Car Line on Main Street near 7th. Return to this of fice. LOST A ' gold piece. Liberal reward for return of same. Call Main 9 or address Box 6. FOUND FOUND Pocket Book,' containing small amount of money. Owner - Call at Electric Hotel after 6 P: M. Thomas Hunkins. WANTED LIVESTOCK WANTED Cows fresh or coming fresh soon, W. C. Berreth, 1480, Ma cadam Street, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR SALE Registered Jersey Bull coming two4. W. Kuppenbender. Oregon City, Farmers Paone 144 or Home Phone M 125. FOR SALE3 Cheap, Holatein thorough bred "Bull Calf. Fred Steiner, Ore- . gon City, Route No. 3, Farmers Phone P 151. FOR SALE Colt, two years old in April, gentle. Inquire this office. FOR RENT FOR RENT 8 room modern house op posite Barclay School. Inquire F. Koenig, Twelfth and Madison Sts. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $1500, $1400, $1000, $500 and $300. Real Estate security, current rates. C. H. DYE. VIOLIN TAUGHT H. B. WEEKS, Teacher of Violin. Grand Theatre. MUSICAL VIOLIN LESSONS Mr., Gustav Flechtner, from Liepzig, Germany, is prepared to accept a limited num ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may also, be engaged for solo work or ensemble work. Address ifor term?,, etc.," Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City EXCURSION RATES EXCURSION RATES Monogram, i Guckenheimer, and Penn. Rye i Whiskey, $1.00 per Full Quart. Port j Wine 25c per Qt Buy your wines I and liquors from us and Save Mon I ey. Kentucky Liquor Co., Cor. 6th and Main Sts. POWDER Are you using, powder? If you are, you want the best. Use Trojan Powder. No headache, no thawing. - For sale by C. R. Livesay, Pacific J Phone Farmers 217, Oregon City R. ! F. D. No. 6. - MISCELLANEOUS. Rheumatism cured. I will gladly send ' any sufferer a Simple ' Herbal Re cipe that cures Rheumatism,' also a Trial Treatment, all ' sent' abso lutely free by one who was cured . Enclbse a- two cent stamp. W. H. Sutton, 2601 Orchard Ave., Los An , geles, Calif. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AJJD FUEL CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city SAWING A 8PECIALTY - Phnnt your orders. Pacific 1371, Home will ' NOTICES Oregon City Branch Northwestern School of Music. Opens Wednesday, Jan. 8. 1913, in the Masonic Temple Building, for new winter term stu dents in various branches of music write to 129 1-2 Grand Ave., Port land for application, terms, etc. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Margaret C. Neal, Plaintiff, vs. Francis C. Neal, Defendant. To Francis C. Neal, Defendant, above named: . In the name of the state of Ore gon: You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint on file in the above entit led court and cause on or before Tuesday, the 4th day of February, A. D., 1913, the same being six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, as requir ed by law, and if you do not so ap pear and answer the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed ' - for in the complaint, to wit: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony and the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing between you and the plaintiff, and that plaintiff resume ner maiden - name of Margaret C. McGill, and for such other and further relief as is just end meet in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication by authority of an order made and entered in the above entitled court afid cause by "the Honorable J. A. Eakin, Judge of te Corcuit Court above named, and . dated December 20th, 1912. C. H. DYE, Attorney for Plaintiff, S. W. -Corner, 8th and Main Sts., Oregon City, . Oregon. Date of first publication, Decem ber 24th, 1912, date of the last pub lication, February 4th, 1913. Notice of Hearing of Acceptance of ' Sewers on J. Q. Adams, Jackson and ' Sixteenth Streets in Sewer District " No. 10. Notice is hereby given that the City Engineer of Oregon City, Oregon, has filed his certificate of the com pletion of the sewers on said J. Q. Adams Street between Eleventh and Fourteenth Streets, on Jackson Street between Twelfth and Six teenth Streets and on said Sixteenth Street, between Jackson and Divis ion Streets, and that the City Coun cil of Oregon City has set the 8th day of January, 1913, as 8 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the Council Chamber as the time and place of hearing of objections to the said acceptance and consider ation thereof. Any owner of any land -within the as sessment district for said construc tion of sewers, or any person inter ested in said land or any agent of such person at or prior to said time may file any objections which they : may have thereto and said objec tions will be heard and considered . at said time. By order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon. ; L. STIPP, Recorder, j Ordinance No. An ordinance authorizing a contract to be entered into on behalf of Ore gon City, Oregon, with the Oregon Engineering and Construction Com-, pany to construct a concrete rein forced wall on the west side of Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon, and extending northerly a distance of 208 feet and appropriating funds to pay for said walL j Oregon City does ordain as fol-; lows: '.'.'..' " j Section 1. A contract is hereby - authorized to be entered into by i and on behalf of Oregon City, Ore-! gon, with the Oregon Engineering & - Construction Company for the pur-, pose of having a reinforced concrete j retaining wall constructed by said ! company on the westerly side of ; ' Main street, Oregon City, Oregon, ; and beginning at the Northerly line ! ; of Eleventh Street and extending a I : distance of 208 feet Northerly, said j cont-act shall also provide for the .' proper excavation of material 'at : location of said wall and also re- j quire a bond for the fulfillment of the J contract and work according to law and such restrictions as are neces sary to protect Oregon City and pro- J vide for the- faithful completion of - the work. The Holiday Season is a good time for retrospection. ' If you haven' t saved .as much money during the past year as you should, don't you think a bank account would help you to save in the future? Why not start the New Year by opening an account at this bank; we know it will help you to save does others. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLD bT BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President THE FIRST NATIONAL TANK bF OREGON CITY, OREGON ; CAPITAL $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Bucines Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Section 2. There is hereby ap propriated out of the general fund the sum of Twelve Hundred and Fifty ($1250.) Dollars for the pay ment of Oregon City's share of said wall. Section 3. Whereas said Main Street at this location is in a condi tion dangerous to the health and safety to people traveling thereon, an emergency is hereby declared to . exist and this ordinance shall take effect -and be in force immediately upon its approval by the Mayor. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council held on te 21st day of December, 1912, and to come up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting of the said City Council to be held on the 8th day of January, 1913,' at 8 o'clock, F. M. ' L. STIPP, Recorder. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Effie Mulkey, Plaintiff, vs. Frann W. Mulkey, Defendant. To Frank W. Mulkey, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court on or before Tuesday, the 28th day of January, 1913, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to wit: for a de cree dlsolving the bonds f matri - mony now existing between plain tiff and defendant and for the con trol and custody of the minor child, Doris Mulkey. - This summons is published by or der of Honorable R. B. Beatie judge of the County Courts, in-the absence of the Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made and entered on the 16th day of December, 1912, and the time prescribed for the publication thereof is six weeks beginning with the issue dated Dec. 17, 1912, and continuing each week thereafter to and including the is sue dated January 28, 1913. T. B. McDEVITT, Jr., ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Application for- Liquor Li cense . Notice is hereby given, that we will at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at our place of business 722 Main Street, for a period of three months. DAVIS & CAMERON. Summons.. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multno mah. Jeremiah Butler, Plaintiff, vs. Ada Butler, Defendant. To the Defendant, Ada Butler, In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause and court on or before the 31st day of December, 1912, that being the time fixed by the court for you to appear and answer herein, and more than six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the com plaint, towit: That the court de cree that the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff he forever disolved. -This summons is published once a week for six successive weeks by order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, County Judge, in the absence of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge' of the said court, dated 18th day of November, 1912, directing the first publication to be made on the 19th day of November, 1912, and the last on the 31st day of December, 1912. First publication 19th day of Nov ember, A. D. 1912. J. F. SEDGWICK, Atty.' for Plaintiff, 212-14 Fenton Bldg.', Portland, Oregon. F. J. MEYER, Cashier.