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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1912)
rrAAi thf xsvfi b ma Rl u - OVAVJI' REPORTER SCOOP.XM UNNvHCx Vot&t, OPEN HEART" IN NHlCU THOSt. WHO WISH To QrWE-TOTHE POOR. ENROLL THEWei-VeS AS (tOOD fellows (WD ViV PAPER SUPPLIED THEN WITH NAMES AMD (ADDRESSES-X HAVE. MERE M address op a poor boy - wili rOO UH OUT AMD SEE IF A. HE Yi fcESEWvING- -rv ? P v. MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BRODIE, Editor and PuMUher. "Entered as second-class matter Jan ary 9, 1911. at the post office at Oregon r'ity Oregon, under tne aci J 1879." of March TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, by mall Six Months by mall Four Months, by mall "' Per Week, by carrier lv CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER " Dec. 22 In American History. 1807-Ttie famous "linibargo act.' which practically susiieuUfd foreigr commerce, became law. In spit of bitter opposition by New Kng land shipowners the act remained in fnjj force until March. 180!). 1822 - Colonel Thomas Wentwortt Higginson. soldier, author and so cial reformer, bom: died 101 1. 18S9 Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist died: born 1S37. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 4:38. rises 7:22. Eveninj stars: Venus. Saturn. Morning stars Mars. Mercury, Jupiter. .. ... . OREGON Yesterday morning a CITY number of men were talk . , i ing together in a certain the biggest psychylogical mysteries of business man's office discussing Bas- the day, so far as regards social man ket balL Soon the conversation drift- ifestations.; If one had not seen it for ed to possible methods of fighting the himself, as many of us have, it would various temptations that beset the be impossible to conceive of a decent path of young men, and one man sug gested a city cliib house. At first no importance was attached to the sug gestion, but soon the feasibility of it struck first one and then the other. "My dream is in building a city clubhouse which shall be devoted to the upbuilding of good citizen ship'', said one man; "Why shoud we not put up buildings that can be used for recreation, reading, bathing, indoor sports, ev ening educational classes, just as we put up court houses and municipal buildings for the criminal trials, and business affairs of the community?" "But that would cost like sixty suggested another. "It would more than save its cost," was the reply. Another man thought that it could be managed by interested citizens of means putting up bonds, (as .do the secret societies for their buildings. But instantly the meeting disbanded. Every man present real- AN ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY Prof. F. Ramsdell (direct from Eu rope) the world's most celebrated palmist, astrologer and clairvoyant, has arrived in this city and opened offices in the Annex Hotel. 524 1-2 Main Street, Rooms E and F, where he can be consulted on all the affairs of life. Prof. Ramsdell has no equal in the profession. He stands alone, the prince of clair voyants, and is recognized 'by the press and public as the greatest mas ter of the science of palmistry and astrology the world has ever produc ed. He guarantees to reveal every incident of your life, tell when, whom and where you will marry, tell you just what you are fitted for and how to obtain money you are in need of. The happiness of your life may de pend upon the right solution and proper advice. The professor makes no mistakes, and all his predictions are true, and he may be relied upon. You may wish to know if it is advis able to make a change in business in love and in marriage. WHOM SHALL I MARRY? HOW OFTEN SHALL I MARRY? SHALL I EVER BE DIVORCED? DOES AN OTHER SHARE THE LOVE THAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO ME? IF SO, WHO? IS MY DISEASE IN CURABLE? WHEN SHALL I LEAVE HERE? AM I LIABLE TO ACCI DENT? SHOULD I INVEST MY MONEY? IN WHAT SHALL I IN VEST? HAVE I ANY ENEMIES? CAN I TRUST MY FRIENDS? IN WHAT TOWN OR STATE WOULD I BE MOST SUCCESSFUL? HOW CAN I SELL PROPERTY? HOW CAN HAVE GOOD LUCK? HOW CAN SUCCEED IN BUSINESS? HOW CAN I MAKE" MY HOME HAPPY? WHERE AND WHEN CAN I GET A GOOD POJ. SITION? HOW CAN I MARRY THE ONE I CHOOSE? HOW CAN I MAKE ANYONE LOVE ME? HOW CAN CONTROL ANYONE? . The Drofessor tells of these things ELECTRIC HOTEL ANNEX, 524 1 OVER WILSON & COOKE HARDWARE STORE. rim Y" KsoH.fWE.sou theTn- sSl I " LSM I "Hefr Qorg fsoss-zp better, hth'iG-ood -A " uvnvE LAP THAT WR0TELa I LX ----nr ( AHE-ftP OK "liQllElPiJII BU-OW '"WAT TAKES CfVRE. OF THAT J WW HAMe SAMTA CLAUS I g .' fggS- JL- -"" 1 'CAUSE, HE. MISSED M Bf MaO I Mlllllr A&SVfirtHEO TD THE. JOB.MKJ-HJX LSCA. TVV5 XfAAS'CAVJSE He l S IT TO HANfrUPTHlS SAfKT f . ti - y I - IT - I r ' 1 I- t :T I I 1 OiaStev ' - I I f I f Kn -1 I x m j sr- :. ww v. m :.muw torn- i : i CANBY HOME IS DESTROYED BY FIRE Morning Enterprise, Dec. 19, 1912. $3000.00 LOSS. NO INSUR ANCE. Take out a fire policy today with Dillman&Howland WE1NHARD BULIDJNG. ized the need, and in more or less de gree favored the general idea; but when the question resolved itself into one of wavs and means, the meeting disbanded. NEW YEARS It is an encouraging EVE sign of the times when citizens get together to do away with the carnival of licentious vulgarity that of late years has mark ed the birth of the new year. Just why otherwise decent people should think it no wrong to behave like the lowest of the low, during the closing hours of the old year, and the begin ning of the new, is probably one of woman, under the . influence of cham pagne acting like the typical coquette, and otherwise disgracing herself and her family. But with many people the occasion excuses the deed. But does it? We think not. From the lobster palaces of New York, to the Poodle Dog of San Fran cisco, people of evil minds are pre empting tables so that they might the better gorge their filthy eyes with the saturnalia they confidently expect. .Time indeed for a change. How much better the sweet strains of Adeste Fideles, Heilege Nacht, Hark the Herald Angels, or some oth er of the time honored hymns of our forbears. And how much better for the children, the keenest and most intelligent of all our critics. THE GOOD ROADS QUESTION have to meet, that Of all the prob lems that our c o m m unities of the roads and many more. He is ever readv to help those with small capital to find a quick and sufr-e investment. If your business is unsuccessful, if your health is not good, or if you are in trouble of any kind, you should see this truly gifted medium at once. He has helped thousands on the road to success, ' and he can and will helpj you. He not only tells you what your life has been and will be but also how to better your condition in every possible way. Thousands of people are failures today simply because they do not see these things for them selves, oi are not following the right trade or profession. . Prof. F. Ramsdell has made a life study of these things and he is now prepared to show you how to make a thorough success of your life. His fee is reasonable and within the reach of the caller, no matter who and if he does not make youi a read ing that is superior to any you have ever had, he will positively refuse to accept any fee whatever. Notice! All diseases diagnosed as tronomically and clairvoyantly. Come, all sick people, and I will tell you exactly what sickness you have, and will also tell you where and when you can be cure'd. . Office hours: 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 1 to 4 -. M. Lady in attend ance. The reception rooms located just .at the head of the stairs, are so arranged that you meet no strangers. Perfect satisfaction by maiL Send $1, day and date of birth, for mail reading. Special. Prof. F. Ramsdell is the only medium in the country who posi tively tells your full name, age, occu pation, mother's maiden namje, street and number of your house, where you live; and he will tell it free of charge to allwho some prepared to take a reading. Capital furnished for busi ness enterprises, partners found, prop erty bought and sold, etc. - 2 MAIN STREET, ROOMS E AND F, MORNING ENTERPRISE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1912. Scoop's aud highways, is probably the most important from .the viewpoint of the farmer. The Clackamas County dele gation to the state legislature will have the great advantage of being prepared with a program that is not only original, but thoroughly work able. The three measures determin ed upon by the committee which met at Senator Dimick's residence the oth er night ought to receive the heart iest endorsement of every man hav ing the interests of the County at heart. But it is Representative Gill's clev erly thought out plan that will appeal to many. He would provide for road construction in about the same man ner that school districts are admin istered, making each district a sort of municipality, with power to issue bonds, the districts to be governed by the taxpayers themselves, the Board selecting a treasurer and road foreman. In effect this is a harking back to the old fashioned New England town meeting idea, but what' matter, if it is better than oux present methods! CHRISTMAS The best way to PRESENTS have a Merry Christmas is to begin now. It is a pity to get fuddled up with the idea that Christmas is just a time to spend money. Don t spend any money unless you find it necessary to spend it in order to give somebody else as good time as you are having. Then spend it gaily and never think twice about it. Christmas is not a time to pay debts (of last year) but to enjoy youT friends and be good to your enemies, if you have any. If anybody dreads the holidays he had better go some where and get inocculated with the c'vic spirit of Christmas. It will take better if he brings it with him. It will last longer if he has enough to give to his neighbors. It is contagious but nobody is afraid of it. If more people get ready for Christmas by keeping it next week, some folks will keep it next week who sometimes don't get a chance to keep it all. ADVERTIS ING TALKS NO. 7 (By Ralph Kaye) How's BUSINESS? "For the last two months business has been dull,,' said a Portland bus iness man recently. "I have been here for twelve years and have never had a worse season or known business being as dull in all those twelve years." - "What's the reason? Are the crops short?" "No, this year wiH see a Bumper Crop." Just at a time when business is at its height we offer you Winter Merchandise at a remarkable low price. Our room sell our Men's Shoes, Hats, and Furnisnings at once. Don't buy and save money. Look at our windows and they will are selling goods. $2.00 Men's Ruff Sweaters 1.00 Men's Sweater Coats '. $2.00 and $3.00 Men's Hats $1.00 Boys' Knickerbocker Pants $1.00 Men's Dress Shirts Cotton Ribbed Underwear $1.50 Mens Wool Underwear 25c Men's Suspenders .' COc" men's . Work Gloves . . , $L0 Men's Blue Flannel Shifts $1.50 or $2.00 odd and ends in wool Great Reductions on Shoes. Great Reductions on Pants Everything in the store at Sale Prices. NOTICE 2H AND MADE LADIES' BAG. 3 PAIR OF HOUSE SLIPPERS. These articles are on display in our store. Do your shopping where your money will buy the most merchandise. The most Reliable Sale ever held in Oregon City. THE WORKinOfwlEH'S STORE 506 Main St. Heart Is In The Right Place Suggestive in Questions Sunday School Lessons (11) Because Doctor Linscott bases the Suggestive Questions on the In ternational Lessons, it does not minimize their usefullness to those who do not follow that series, any one will say "that's BO,'r that watches them. Your Questions Answered If you would like to have angwered any particular "question each or any week from "The Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson" by Rev. Dr. Linscott, send in your request to this office giving the date fit the let son -and the number of the question you wish answered. You may select any question except the one indicated that it may be answered in writing by members of the club. Dr. Linscott will answer the questions either In these columns or by mail through this office. Don't forget to state what ben efit these "Suggestive Questions" are to you. Give your full name and ad dress. Send your letters to the Ques tion Editor of the Morning Enterprise. Questions for Dec. 22 (Copyright, 1911, by Rev. scott, D. D.) T. S. Lin- Christmas Lesson. Isa. ix:l-7. Golden Text Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Isa:ix:6 (Verse 1 What troubles came to saint or sinner out of which good may not be derived? (2) What trouble have you " ever known, national or personal, that could not have been worse? . (3) What beneficent results came to Israel from their captivity? (4) Which most helps a nation, mor ally and spiritually, its prosperity or its adversity? "Is it Politics?" so. It's a cinch "No, I don't think will be elect- ed.'' "How's Business?" was asked a bus iness man who advertises. "Business is Good," he said "I have heard it is dull in other lines, but personally my sales for July and August of this year are ahead of last year, same time and that is all I care." He Advertised. He identified hisgoods gave them ' o name a. neraonalitv of their own! so far as the public was concerned. He made good-on his advertised promises he delivered the goods backed up his statements. The pub lic found this out and trusts him. How's your business? Did July and August of 1912 beat the same months of 1911? NO? Then what is the matter? Is it crops or politics? here must be some cause. Did you advertise? Did you tell the people of your goods their value ,....98c 43c 79c 59c 39c ...38c .v.97c 15c 43c .... 98c underwear, 88 With Every 50c purchase we will give you a coupon that will entitle you to a draw ing on these three articles: ' " 1 HAND MADE CUSHION (5) Verse 2 Does God ever permit or send any affliction to a nation or an individual with the intention of in flicting ultimate injury? Give your reasons (6) Is U so the light of prosperity generally follows the darkness of ad versity and that grief gives place to ojy? Why (7) What is the great light which finanally came to the Jews and to the world? . (8) In how many respects may we re gard Jesus as the light of the world? (This is one of the questions that may be answered in writing by members of the club.) (Verse 3 Why is an increase or national uopujation generally regarded with satisfaction? (10) What are the - peculiar joys which result from a bountiful harvest? (11) Why do people generally joy ful when they are making money? (12) Verse 4 What deliverance had God wrought for Israel? (13) What oppressors does Jesus de liver men from today? (14) If Jesus delivers his followers from, the slavery of sin how is it that most Christians confess that they still sin that is, are under bondage to sin? (15) How did God deliver Isreal in "the day of Midian?" (See Judges vU: 19-25.) (16 )WhaMs the power which breaks the chains of sin and sets the captives free? (17) Verse 5-What is the difference between physical and moral battles? (18) Verse 6 Of what child does Is rael speak or here? (19) What did God's ancient Israel expect their coming Messia.1! would ac complish? (20) What are some of the scriptur al names for the Christ? (21) How do the terms "Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Ever lasting Father, the Prince of Peace, apply to Jesus? (22) Verse 7 How many nations of the earth does Jesus reign over today? (23) What are the signs of the in crease of Christ's government today? (24) Will the day ever come, and if so when, when Jesus shall rule over the whole world? Lesson for Sunday, Dec. 29, 1912, Review. their usefullness why they should buy them and keep on buying? In other words, have you given your goods a personality of their own do people ask for them by name and in sist on getting WHAT THEY ASK FOR? Men, it's not a question of "How's ; your business?' But "What's your business?" That concerns the public. Mind jeading, you know, is still in its infancy. How Long Will Mary tie Awayr Before Mary went away for a vaca tion somebody asked her when she was goinji and bow long she would be away, and this is what she said: -'When it is the day after tomorrow I shall start a week from yesterday, and I'm not coming back iiutil the day le fore five weeks after a fortnight and three days liefore the day after a couple of days before 1 start!" - our entire stock of Fall and is limited for space so we must delay. Now is the time to tell the story of how cheap we 15c Half-Wool Socks 11c 15c Black and Tan Socks 8 10c Socks ... , 4 35c Silk Neckwear 15c EOc Silk Neckwear..... 29c 35c Wool Socks, Heavy 23c 10c Canvas Gloves ....... " --S0 Men's Garters 9 EOc Men's Suspenders 23 $100 Blue Flannel Shirts ...69c Work Shirts 39c SALOON LICENSE IS CALLED FORFEITED (Continued from page 1) vote. The bonds are to be used in taking up the city warrants which bear a larger Interest than the bonds, and consequently, will save the city money. The Greenpoint sewer built by Harry Jones was discussed and re ferred to the finance committee for further consideration. . The south end sewer was referred to the same com mittee. 1 The street committee was authorized "to investigate a suggestion that a new fire house be erected in Elyville. The Criterion. They met on the avenue. "Well. well, old man. I haven't seen you for twenty years." "No, it has been a long tinm." "I hear you have a must intcrestine family." "Yes. a wife and two trrown daugh ters." "Fine. tine. Just I lie risht niimtxr for bridge." - Pltlsimrjih Post Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these classified headings, will be Inserted at one cent a word, first insertion, half a cent additional inser tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half inch card. (4 lines), Jl per month. Cash must accompany order unless one has ar. open account with the paper. N9 financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed fot patron. Minimum charge 16c. TAKEN UP TAKEN UP One large Merino Buck Sheep, owner - may have same by paying for this advertisement and care. E. R. Leek, Oregon City, Route No. 2, Box 12. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Painting and papering. Cut prices until Feb. 1st. F. E. Hill, Room 19, Beaver Block. HOW would you like to talk with 1400 people about t-at bargain you i have in Real Estate. Use the Enter I prise. . . WANTED LIVESTOCK ; WANTED Cows fresh or coming fresh floon, W. C. Berreth, 1480, Ma cadam Street, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE FOR SALE Registered rsey Bujl coming two. W. Kujpenbender. Oregon City, Farmers Pione 144 or : Home Phone M 125. FOR SALE Cheap, Holstein thorough bred Bull. Call Fred Steiner, Ore gon City, Route No. 3, Farmers Phone P 151. FOR SALE Colt, two years old in April, gentle. Inquire this office. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $1500, $1400, $3000, $500 and $300. Real Estate security, current rates. E. C. DYE. VIOLIN TAUGHT H. B. WEEKS, Teacher Grand Theatre. of Violin. MUSICAL VIOLIN LESSONS Mr. Gustav Flechtner, from Liepzig, Germany, is prepared to accept a limited num ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may also be engaged for solo work or ensemble work. Address for terms, etc., Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City EXCURSION RATES EXCURSION RATES Guckenheimer, and , Monogram, Penn. Rye The Holiday Season is a good time for retrospection. If you haven't saved as much money during the past year as you should, don't you think a bank account would help you to save in the future? Why not start the New Year by opening an account at this bank; we know it will help you to save as it does others. THE BANK OF OLD :T BANK IM D. C. LATOURETTE, President. F. J. MEYER, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL LANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL Trmsacta General Banking Business. Whiskey, $1.00 per Full Quart. Port Wine 25c per Qt. Buy your wines and liquors from us and Save Mon ey. Kentucky Liquor Co., Cor. 5th and Main Sts. POWDER Are you using powder? If you are, you want the best. Use Trojan Powder. No headache, no thawing. For sale by C. R. Livesay, Pacific Phone Farmers 217, Oregon City R. F. D. No. 6. MISCELLANEOUS. Rheumatism cured. I will gladly send any sufferer a Simple Herbal Re cipe that cures Rheumatism, also a Trial Treatment, all sent abso lutely free by one who was cured. Enclose a two cent stamp. W. H. Sutton, 2601 Orchard Ave., Los An geles, Calif. WOOD AND COAL- OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the ciy SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your orders. Pacific 1371, Home no NOTICES Oregon City Branch ' Northwestern School of Music. Opens Wednesday, Jan. 8. 1913, in the Masonic Temple Building, for new winter term stu- dents in various branches of music write to 129 1-2 Grand Ave., Port land for application, terms, etc. Notice of Application for Liquor License Notice is hereby given, that I will at the next regular ' meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business between 4th and 5th on Main Street for a period of three months. E. A. BRADY. Executor's Notice Notice is hereby give that the un ersigned has been duly appointed as Executor of the last will and testa ment of Amelia Miller deceased, and any and persdns having claims against the said estate must present them to the unersigned'at Aurora, Oregon, or to my attorneys at Ore gon City, duly verified within six months from the date of this notice,. Dated November 15th, 1912. . GEORGE MILLER, Executor. DIMICK & DIMICK, ' Attorneys for Executor. Summons In the Circiit Court ol the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka - sma. Mildred Larson, Plaintiff, vs. . - Eli Larson, Defendant. To Eli Larson. Defendant above named. In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein against you in the above entitled Court and cause, within six weeks from tua 17th day of November, 1912, said date being the first day of publication of this summons. If you fail to. appear or answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed herein, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and neretoiore existing between the above named plaintiff and defendants and grant ing 'unto the plaintiff an absolute divorce from the defendant, and for such other and further relief as may seem just and equitable in the premises. This summons is served upon you by virtue of an order made and ontoroH hv TTnnnrahle J. TJ. CamD- bell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, dated on the 16th day of November, 1912, and which order prescribes that summons in this suit should be served upon you by publication once a week, for six successive weeks in the Morning Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation in the County or tjiacisa- mas, State of Oregon. G. G. SCHMITT, Attorney for Plaintiff. OREGON CITY CLACKAMAS COUNTY $50,000.00 Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M