Store will be open every business nigHt from now until Select your Gifts Early and let us store them for you Adams Department Store QIFTS that are practical, useful and orna mental can be found at this store in abundance. Gifts for Men, Gifts for Wo men, Gifts for Children, easily selected from our well stocked departments. May it not be something to wear, the variety at this store is great come and see. A New Suit for the Lady OR A WINTER'S COAX We have them in abundance in our Ladies' Suit Room. Our Christmas Gift Sale is now on and prices in many instances reduced half or more. B9R Aft TaiIahjmI Ciilfo m a neat variety yuu.vv i aiiui tu nulla are put on sale at $12. 50 Special Christmas Price of Ladies' Winter Coats many ofh st 'iT at our Christmas Sale from Vf Meil'S SuitS The Hart Shaffner & Narx Speak for themselves, in quality, style, and fin ishwe only speak for the price. Let us show you our $25.00 to $30.00 Suits at only Adams Special Suits Are the best at a lower price. We offer big inducement in Men's Suits, regular value $15.00 to $20.00, (flj'l J djfl (J special Xmas price 0 Wit) CHristixias Hart Marx $22 Shoes As America leads the world in shoe making so our own famous brands of shoes over tops all others in our large shoe store. The Crossetts for Men The Grovers for Ladies' Comfort The Utz & Dunn's for Misses' and Children The Selz Shoe for Boys Christmas Slippers for Men, Women and Children Gifts for Men Give us something to wear is the un spoken wish of every man. You will find it at this store. Dress Shirts Half Hose Handkerchiefs Arm Bands Umbrellas Bath Robes Mufflers Pajamas Hats Shoes Underwear Neckwear Suspenders Garters Gloves Night Gowns Jewelry Outing Robes Caps Slippers Boys or Overcoats Nothing could be more welcome to the boy than a new Suit. Our Special Christ mas offers enables you to buy just what you want in Boys Suit from $10.00 down to $2.50 Our Dress Goods Section will cover a multitude of Xmas wants. New patterns in Silk Waistings, soft wool challies in handsome designs, a suit or dress pattern of most up to date fabrics, Cloaking for a desired winter coat. T l I of pure Irish make, most suitable for Xmas presents, hand- IdlllC LilllCild some cloths and Napkins, Center Pieces, Dress Scarfs,, Doilies and fancy linen towels. Ladies' and Misses' Sweater Coats tJSxESS' Stoves It may be a fine Range or a small Cook Stove, a wood or coal Heater, a Gasoline or Blue Flame, or any other kind of a Stove, but We Have the Stoves and you should see us before you buy The Basement Toyland Gifts for the Children in our Basement Toy Department Merry making toys for boys' and girls. Dolls Drums Banks Horns Books Tops Bells Toy Horse Toy Trunks Toy Pianos Building Blocks Teddy Bears Work Box Tool Box Hobby Horse Rocking Horse Express Wagons Toy Beds Magnic Laterns Toy Animals Cash Register Rubber Toys Toy Dishes Doll Carts Tree Ornaments Harmonicas Toy Chairs add comfort and beauty to your home. A handsome Colonial Dining Table, a Leather Covered Davenport, a Morris Chair, a Reed Rocker, a Book Case, a Bed Room Set or Kitchen Furniture. 1 i A Large Assortment at Adams Department Store Cash or Instalment Oregon City, Oregon Adams Department Store Always Ask for the Red Trading Stamps they represent the Most in Value and The Best Premium. i