1 The Gigantic Reorganization SALE Only 6 more shopping days before Xmas; get your share of the Xmas bargains at this store. Visit this store for Xmas Gifts for Men and Boys. Every article goes as advertised MORNING ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1912. Is the Greatest Sensation of All Merchandising Events Since the History of Oregon City Began Every price advertised is genuine. Every reduction is cut to the bone. No such sacrifice as this has ever been attempted. The store is jammed full of the newest and best for 1912 and 1913 winter wear and everything goes without reserve. We have by far the largest assortments of beautiful gifts for men and boys. Anything you want from a Linen Handker chief to a Hand Tailored Kuppenheimer Suit or Overcoat. This gives you a golden opportunity to buy your Christmas wants at the greatest savings you have ever known. ft Af ft ft Of the Best Merchandise Obtainable Now UUUiUU BEING SACRIFICED WITOUT MERCY A Few of the Prices The Entire Stock Goes in Proportion ""The House of Kuppenheimer" "Schloss Bros. Baltimore Clothes? "Society Brand Clothes" "Sophomore Perfect Clothes? The best clothing lines in America all go slaughtered at the greatest bargains ever known. 50- $10 Suits and $15 Suits and $20 Suits and $25 Suits and $30 Suits and $15 MandelFg Overcoats now Overcoats now Overcoats now Overcoats now Overcoats now RainCoatsnow sacrificed at sacrificed at sacrificed at sacrificed at sacrificed at sacrificed at $6.95 $9.88 $13.68 $16.45 $19.75 $9.88 $20 Mandelb'g Raincoats now sacrificed at $13.68 Shoes - Trousers - Hats $2.39 $3.28 $5.25 $1.95 88c $1.19 $1.95 90c 39c 3.50 Shoes for men in heavy or light stock at 5.00 Dress Shoes of the finest makes in different styles at $7.00 Celebrated Crome Calf 14 and 16 inch high cur, Shoes at $3.00 Corduroy Trousers of the celebrated headlight brand at $1.50 Working-Trousers made out of heavy worsted materials at $2.00 Hats, any shade or block you wish at $3.00 Hats, any block or shade in soft or stiff models at $1.50 Caps, made of the very best Scotch cloth go at 75c Caps, a large line to choose from go at Here Are Xmas Suggestions that Will Make the Men and Boys Happy - the Savings are Immense $1.25 Combination Sets consisting of Silk Socks and tie at $1.50 Combination Sets, consisting of Silk Socks and Tie, at $1.00 Combination Sets consisting of Tie Pin and Cuff Links at 50c President Suspenders, boxed at 25c Suspenders, boxed at $1.50 Mufflers, all colors at 50c Fancy Arm Bands at 35c Fansy Arm Bands at 89c $1.15 58c 29c 19c $1.10 35c 21c $1.00 Fancy Silk Ties at $6.00 Smoking Jackets, sacrificed at . . $10.00 Smoking Jackets, sacrificed at $5.00 Bath Robes sacrificed at $1.75 and $2.00 Umbrellas go sacrificed at $3.00 and $3.50 Umbrellas go sacrificed at $ l .25 Finest Quality Horse Hide Gloves in short or gauntlet at $1.50 Very Fine Quality Kid Gloves sacrificed at 65c $3.48 $6.25 $3.45 $1.19 $1.95 79c 95c $1.25 Boys' Knicker Knee Pants, abso lutely all-wool, at $6.50 High Grade EXTEAGOOD Brand Boys' Suits and Overcoats at $2.00 Fine Grade Boys' Shoes sacrificed at $3.00 Boys' Goodyear Welt Shoes sacrificed at 76c $3.95 $1.39 $1.95 $1.50 High Grade Boys' Felt Hats, sacrificed at BOYS' WEAR AT A GREAT SACRIFICE 85cl 38c 29c 15c $10.00 Youths' Suits and Overcoats, sizes tf Q Q Q 14 to 20, sacrificed at P U.OO $3.50 Boys' Suits and Overcoats, sizes LO OO 7 to 16, sacrificed at 75c Best Quality Boys' Knee Pants Sacrificed at 50c Boys' Overshirts go slaugt-'eret! at 25c Boys' Caps go slaughtered at 25c Boys' Good Heavv Stockings sacrificed 1 P J at : I0C $1.50 Boys' All-Wool Rough Neck Sweat ers sacrificed at 75c and 50c Boys' Famous MOTHER FRIEND Blouses sacrificed at $1.09 39c Overshirts - Underwear Hosiery 69c 89c 29c 89c $1.89 33c 67c $1.22 88c $1.58 7c 20c 16c $1.00 Dress Shirts, extensive line to chose from at $1.50 Dress Shirt in many beautiful pat terns,, at 50c Celebrated Army and Navy Work Shirts at $1.50 Standard Flannel Shirtts sacrificed at $3.00 exceptionally fine Flannel Shirts now sacrificed at 50c Heavy Cotton Ribbed Underwear in several colors at $1.00 All-Wool Underwear, standard quality, at $2.00 Finest All-Wool Underwear at $1.50 Heavy Ribbed Union Suits, Wilson Bros, make, at $2.50 All-Wool Union Suits with the pat ent closed crotch at 15c Black and TanSocks, fine quality at 35c PureSilk Socks go sacrificed at 25c Heavy Wool Socks go sacrificed at 1 j 1 We will leave nothing undone to slaughter the big stock now on hand. We Jtv6Hld.ll UTTltS) are reorganizing for the purpose of opening a chain of stores. It is very im- Main and Seventh Streets Oregon City, Oregon portant that the stock is reduced to the low est possible point. The greatest bargains of your life are here at this GIGANTIC RE ORGANIZATION SALE. THE GREAT SALE IS NOW ON Main and Seventh Streets Oregon City, Oregon J