THE WEATHER 4s Oregon City Rain today, south-$ f easterly winds. S Oergon Rain west, rain, or $ j snow east; southeasterly winds. $ WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I 5 6 6j if1 J sn P4P4$.$$$$9 Th otriy daily newspaper be- tween Portland and Salem; clr- cutate in every section o Clacte- S amas County, with a population of 30,000. Are you an advertiser? VOL. IV No. 139. OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1912. Per "Week, 10 Cexts HOUSEHOLD TAX IS rOUR ARE HANGED HELD TO BE VALID: WEST OBDURATE ASSESSMENT OF 1912 IS UPHELD GARRISON DECLARES ON SCAF- BY STATE BOARD OF COM- FOLD THAT HIS LIFE IS TAK MISSIONERS I EN BY ENEMIES CRAWFORD TRIED TO MAKE CHANGE CONDEMNED MAN SAYS HE IS VICTIM Report of County Clerk Fields 'Multnomah Shows Futility of i ' Stand Taken by Opposition of Fauldner, Morgan and Roberts j Others to Die All Walk to Grim Scaffold With Firm i Step SALEM, Or., Dec. 13. Decision was reached at a meeting of the State Boara of Tax Commissioners . today that the 1912 assessment on house hold and other furniture coming un der the exemption amendment passed by the people should remain on the assessment books as now assessed. Recently Attorney-General Crawford furnished an opinion that he believed the assessment of 1912 should be elim inated inasmuch as the amended stat ute of 1912 as passed by the people is now in effect and the assessment against household property will not become a lien until at some date in 1913. (Continued on page 3) SALEM, Or., Dec. 13. (Special.) Four murderers from four different counties of Oregon were executed at tLe state prison today. Governor West remained firm in his announced determination not to in terfere. Protests were made to him by various persons up to the very hour for the executions. The men executed today were: Noble Fauldner, slayer of Louis Gebhart, in Klamath County. Frank Garrison, slayer of Roy Per kins, in Josephine County. H. E. Roberts, slayer of Donald Stewart and George Hastins, in Mult-1 nomah County. ""nntiinied on naze 3) Pyrography Outfits and Wood To Burn 33 1-3 per cent discount Today we place on sale our complete stock at 33 1-3 off the marked prices. YR0 -witch Outfit PRICE, COMPLETE, $1.25 EXTRA POINTS 20c. ON SALE TODAY AT 1-3 LESS ' CONTENTS 1 Burning Machine, with one point and shield, complete 1 Alcohol Lamp 1 Wrench 1 Metal Funnel 1 Instruction Book Complete Instructions The Pyro-Witch Burning Machine This little outfit has com pletely revolutionized the irt of pyrography. It is held and guided the same as a ' pen or pencil. It is complete in itself, has no rubber tub ing, bulb or expensive point to wear out. Burning wood alcohol, all fear of fire or danger is eradicated and makes it perfectly safe for a young child to handle. The point is a strong, durable one and does not require the careful attention which was needed on the fragile alum inum and platinum of the old style. The reservoir is in the handle, feeds auto matically and can be adjust ed to give any desired heat, with a continuous steady glow. One filling but-ns for four hours. Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, extra special 1 2c Necktie Racks, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Dresser Boxes, Tabourets, Nut Bwls and many other useful articles all at 1 -3 less'than regular price. -Flemish Wood Scroll Outfit, No. 5005 This outfit is larger and of better quality, containg also four com lete pieces ready for finish ing. While this is highly in structive for the young folk, it ;s nevertheless for the old er ones, who will watch with an ticipation and helpful suggestions' the making of these useful and beautiful little articles and the un limited possibilities opened for fu ture endeavor. Price, complete, packed in carton, $1.35. Other styles at $1.00 and $2.00. Today 1-3 less. CONTENTS OF EACH OUT FIT AS FOLLOWS 1 Designed Picture Frame 1 Designed Tie Rack 1 Designed Match Safe 1 Designed Calendar Assortment of Mosaic Stones Assortment of Oriental Jew els Scroll Board and Clamp 1 Small Jig Saw Frame 1 Brush 3 Saw Blades 1 Jig Saw Awl 1 Can Adhesive 1 Match Cup 1 Calendar Pad Instruction Book 1 Instruction Sheet 1 Set Water Color Paints Colored Backing Paper Small Sheet of Sand Paper 2 Necktie or Pipe Rack Rings Have you ordered those picture framed yet? Time now to select that Talking Machine. The early book buyers get first choice. HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. The Rexall Store Christmas Headquarters ft- Tize's WILL 3E GIVEN FOR THE TWO HIGHEST SCORES ROLLED AT THE BOX SALL ALLEYS DURING THE WEEK ENDING DEC. 21st. THE BOX BALL ALLEYS SEVENTH. NEAR MAIN STREET. Holly Wreaths Holly Wreaths MISTLETOE and an assortment of extra choice Pot Plants for Christmas WILKINSON & BAXTER FLORISTS . ' - i . ' Next door to Star Theatre Phone Main 271 I THE UIMi? L ; PERPETRATED BY WALT M.cDOUGALL Kmih I THE FORCE OF HABIT - . ' 1 7 P.M. ' l 1 aMr ' ( NO. I'M DONE WITH SMOKING! ) f PE-TE "TRY ON-,- oFl f ITS A DEXESTiBLE, FOUL, j 1 ) NEVER AGAIN '. NIX! LYFOPlTV- CENT) I 1 1 UNHEALTHY; PERNICIOUS Si - 1, ' .MURDERQS.r hJ AND EXPENSIVE HABIT I 9RM aiORh' ' iff"" 10 PM "' If PM. i GLEN GROUT, WELL Glenn Grout, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grout, for many years esidents of Oregon City, died in Saint Vincent's Hospital in Portland Thurs day night of typhoid fever. His age :is seventeen 5 ears The young man moved to North ficr.d, Coos County, with his parents several years ago, and this year he l as been in Portland, living with his sisier, Mrs. Maurice Binford, and at tending the Washington High School, whers he would have graduated next, and expected to enter the Uni versity of Oregon next Fall. His brother, Alviu Grout, is a well known Btudeut and athlete at the State Uni veisky. , Gii::j Grout visitsd friends in Ore ecu City about four weeks ago, and spent Saturday ar.d Sunday here. He v. as a very popular boy at school and Icf.vss a host of fiiends to mourn his untimely demise. The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Third Presbyterian Church in Portland. MRS. JOHNSON GETS DECREE. Circuit Judge Eakin ha3 granted a decree of divorce to Florence John son against Carl Johnson, of Glad stone. The plaintiff was awarded $500 and one third of the real estate of the couple in Gladstone. The de fendant must pay the costs of the suit. HEN BRINGS $800. ; SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Dec." 13 "T ady Show YoTi," a hen that won the National egg-laying contest at the State Poultry Show this year, was sold here today for ?800 by J. A. Bickerdite, of Millersville, 111: The hen has a record of laying 281 full weight eggs this year. CHANNEL PLANNED ! RAILWAY AND MINE FOR WILLAMETTE! MEN If ET TODAY GOVERNMENT ASKS COOPERA- I STOCKHOLDERS OF CLACKAMAS TlOrsI IN PROVIDING DEPTH SOUTHERN TO HEAR RE- OF SIX FEET j PORTS OF OFFICERS . i ' LOCKS WILL HELP SOLVE - .PROBLEM ! ROAD TO MOLALLA SOON TO BE BUILT Congress Asked for Report on Project and Various Communities are Urged to Assist By dividing the entire upper Wil lamette River into pools, a channel with minimum depth of six feet of water at all stages of the river, sum mer ami winter, may be obtained be tween Portland and Eugene. This was the statement made by Major F. J. Mclndoe, United States engineer's corps to an Oregon City man Friday. "There is plenty of water in the river at all times of the year," explain ed Major Mclndoe,-"and all there re mains to be done to open navigation for tha entire distance to Eugene, is to properly direct the flow of this water by means of dams and locks." Congress has asked for a report on Ogle Mountain Mine Company Plans Installing 100-Ton Cyanide Plant at Its El Dorado Meetings of the stockholders of two big Clackamas County enterprises will be held iq this city today. The stockholders of the Clackamas South ern Railway Company will meet at the headquarters in the Beaver Build ing at 1 o'clock this afternoon and at 1:30 o'clock the stockholders of the Ogle Mountain Mine Company will meet in Knapp's Hall. The atten- I ance at both meetings is expected to I be large. Announcement has been j made by the officers of the Clackamas I Southern that the building of the road to Molalla in less than eight months is assured. The company has sold many shares of stock since the drinv- t;ie proposed project with a view of making an appropriation for the work hlif" itQ ttntinn will o n n n fl lurirnlir on the extent of cooperation indicat- j ing of lhe golden spike ln thls city ed bv the valley interests. j Tuesday. O. D. Eby, vice-president For the purpose of. organizing the i and Grant B. Dimick, secretary," urge mere!!S-n? hefvalley f. coHall stock holders to attend the meet mittee was appointed at a meeting in j . x , Salem to start a campaign among the lng thls afternoon. There is no ques commercial organizations of the val-! tion that the Clackamas Southern will Isy for their support. The sooner these i Pay well from the start, organizations get to work, the sooner ! The Ogle Mountain Mine Company will the government be in position to j is the owner of property which it is act. J. W. Morgan of Corvallis, has believed will yield several millions of been appointed chairman of the com- j dollars. The company plans installing mittee and it is understood that he 1 a 100-ton cyanide plant in the near will' without delay make a canvass of : future. Thomas and John Fairclough. t'ne situation and urge immediate act-! who have proved that - gold and ;cn on the part of the various bodies, j silver are in the mine in big Major Mclndoe has made estimates quantities have arranged to ob cf the cost of the project, but these j tain the money necessary to ex-, figures will not be" announced for the j Ploit it and there is no question that nresent. Customarily in carrying pro- the yield will be amazing when the jects cf this kind, the government ex- ' cyanide plant is puft into operation, pects the local community to be ben-1 J. V. Harless, another of the promot ePtted to provide dollar for dollar ex- j ers, has worked incessantly for sever ;ended .by the government, although j years to convince the residents of exceptions are sometimes made to j this county that the mountain is tis ruie, if found to be of more than ' filled with gold and silver. Reports locl importance. i will be made at the meeting today and That the opening of the upper Wil- j it is confidently believed that the big lamette to free and unobstructed nav- j hill will be yielding gold and silver igation from Oregon City to Eugene in great quantities in less than a year. would mean a tremendous impetus to j traffic in the Willamette Valley is I conceded by all interests. It would j l,oost yourity by htlng your j 'urn naner. The Enterprise shoul be in every home. L1LLIE, HERE, SAVS HE IS INNOCENT William Lillie, of Parkplace, accus ed of criminal intimacy with his sixteen-year old daughter, Hazel, was brought to this city Friday from Washougal, Wash., by Sheriff Mass. Lillie denies that he is guilty and says he will have no trouble in proving his innocence. He has engaged George C. Brownell to defend him. The pris-. oner was arraigned before County Judge Beatie and his hearing was set for 1:30 o'clock next Monday after noon. Lillie said that he' had not in tended shooting George Brow'n, con stable, who surprised him at his home Wednesday afternoon; -He said he pemted a gun at the constable be cause he did cot think Brown had a li-ht to break down the front door of . i s nonie. 01 GROVE IflfPHON COMPANY IS SOLD The Oak Grove Telephone Company has sold its property to tne Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. Tae Oak Grove Company has issued a ttatemtnt thanking its patrons for j their patronage and assuring them j that they will be given even better ', service by the purchasing company, i The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph I Company will take charge cf the' of fice and business of the Oak Grove j '1 elephone Company January 1, and j ail payments for service after that ! date should be made to the ptfrchas ing company. (Continued on page 3) I ML L DOIJRI.E GREEN STAMPS I 1 ON ALL PURCHASES TODAYS j PROVIDING YOU BRING COUPON J jgPP ' CUTOUTTHIS . I I OSe 'oay jl Ori Sale Todby 1 gbleSlampi 8iYenon 1 p a mi uurcnases luuav li l a sM: xnrl-s nil " I 1 Wife Seeks Decree. Iva Henderson has filed suit for a divorce from D. W. Henderson. They ".era married July 28, 190G. The plain tiff soys her husband deserted her November 15, 1909. Women's "Vcltaire" kid gloves 3st $1.50 grade .$1.00 20 dozen Women's best 75c qnal- itv Holiday Aprons .. .25 Y.'r:re;:'s Fxiv trimmed Felt Slippers .98 Kp veer's "Wonder foot" silk p ! JlrEe 1k st iL.SOjmaHty, pair $1.00 I Be?t $2.C0 Real Leather Hand" 1 Bfijrs, onsale toclav .$1.00 j Brit. 50c' all colors, pair 25 Men's $1.00 Morocco Real Leatli L erbdts . . .. . ... . ... . .25 Men's combined garter and sus pender sets ......... . .G9 jest $2.00 Everett style slippers, todav Double Stamps given on all purchases today if coupon is presented, at lime of initial purchase. CUT OUT THIS m ' c-t ne ! f ' 1 I II 1 1 1 4 1 r.S I E . ruuru i i ii Men's Best 50c Holiday Neck- . j v I i wear, toolay 25 j C TEMPLE BLD6. OREGON CITY, ORE. i lJ 1 Basement sMSM 1