MORNING ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. "' Witling to Please. "I have a for tune in n n:a.v that 1 Will sell for a bout $l.noo.iiuii' mid it is cheap at that." "Better keep i! , nituer thmi s.irri ,fice it." "Say. you are a shoef nianiifactiir erV!" "Yes " 1 ' "This name Is for new footwear I would call it the president's shoe, and everybody TOnnM ho nnvimia S'(?,r;J to step into it" LOCAL BRIEFS - O. E. Freytag, secretary of the Pub licity Department of the Oregon City Commercial Club, who has been in Minneapolis and Chicago, in charge of the Oregon exhibit, will return the latter part of this week. R. L. Shepherd, freight agent in Oregon City for the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and who is in the Good Samaritan Hospital, suf fering from a severe case of typhoid fever, is slightly improved. The elevator is not built yet, but it will pity the dcwut-nvn people to see what they can do on the hill. D. C. Ely has" a large line of Christmas goods of all kinds at right piice3. . A. C. McMicken, sales manager of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, was in Oregon City on bus iness Thursday. Willis Potter, right of way agent for the Portland Railway, Light & ' Power Company, was in Oregon City Thursday on business. H. L. Young, agent of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, was in Portland on business Wednes day. No use to' bake bread when you can get bread so near like home made as BLUE RIBBON. Ask for it at The Hub Grocery, 7th and Center. T. J. Mendenhall, general agent on the Pacific coa6t for the Fidelity In surance Company, was in Oregon City on business Thursday. . Born to the wife of Frank Sajovic, Eighteenth and Stain Streets, a ,10 pond boy. Rev. Allin Darling, of Portland, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Linton, of this city, Thursday. i Mrs. C. H. Meissner wes in Port land Thursday afternoon visiting friends. ; Ira F. Dodge, a ' lumberman with offices in Portland, was a visitor in regon City Thursday. . Large naval oranges. ' The 50c size at 40c per doz. at the Hub Grocery, Cor. 7th and Center. J. Campbell, an attorney of Port land, waB in Oregon City Thursday on legal business. t Edward Cox, a farmer of Barton, was a business visitor in Oregon City Thursday. Largest line of Richardson's Em broidered Cushions in the City at $2.50 each, at Duane C. Ely's. Gustav Johnson, of Muiino, was in Oregon City Thursday transacting business. , .;X: H. A. Kay lor, of Molalla, was in Oregon City Thursday transacting business. ,":'.,. will I get We The Portland Railway Light and Power Company Beaver Building Main Street f". ELECTRIC! 1 The Hub Grocery is-selling fine po tatoes at 65c per hundred.. V; - Miss Helen Sheahan is seriously, ill of typhoid fever. - . ' Mrs. Sholtz,' wife of the minister, is ill. ., Mrs. Edward Warren, of Qag. Grove, was an Oregon City' visitor Thursday. ' Erma Benson is ill of bronchitis and is at the home of Mr. andIrs. Bluhnv. W. N. Carter, of Portland, was in Oregon City Thursday on business. Try our 25 cent coffee. Hub Gro cery, 7th and Center. G. E. Conkey, of Cleveland, O., was in Oregon City Thursday on business. Mrs. L. Heckman, who is ill of ty phoid fever is slightly improved. Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason ic Building, Phone Main 399. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. M. Robinson and wife to R. A. Brayman and -wife, 11 1-2 acres in Section 16, Township 2 So., Range 3 East; $1000.00. J. M. Robinson and Wife to R. A. Brayman and wife, tract in- Section 15, Township 2 So., Range 3 East; $r.oo. Josephine Loomis and R. B. Loom is, to Bertha McNeill, lots , 6, 12 and 7, in Blk 18, Windsor Add. to Oregon City; $10.00. Frabk Vorhies to Sarah A. Goodyear 1 acre in D. L. C. of William Holmes and wife, in Township 2 So., Range 2 East; $10.00. ; Alice M. Starkweather to H. G. Starkweather, lots 1 to 8 inclusive, all of Blk. 2, lots 1 to 8 inclusive in Blk. 3, lots 1 to 8 inclusive in Blk. 4, Arista, in J. S. Risley D. L. C. Town ship 2 So., Range lEast; $10.00.. Gilbert Engle and wife to R .H. Sawtell, 6.5 acres in Joseph T. Wing field D. L. C. in Township 4 So., Range 2 East; $50.00. i TO ENLARGE BUILDING i The membership of the Oregon City Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, No. 961, is rapidly growing, applicants being initiated at each meeting. The lodge was organized last July and has about 200 members. At a meeting of the lodge Thursday evening, final plans were made for remodeling the club rooms. The addition to the present qiarters in the old Masonic building on Sixth and Main Streets will be built according to plans which have been prepared by the lodge members. The new quarters will have a billiard and pool room, a banquet room and reading and card room. The construc tion of the building will commence the first of the year and willxbe com pleted by February 1. FUNERAL OF MISS PRATER TO BE HELD THIS MORNING The funeral of Miss Edna Prater, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prater, of Gladstone, who died Tuesday after noon of typhoid fever, will be held at the First Methodist Church in this city at 11 o'clock this morning. The body will be taken from the home at 10 o'clock. Miss Prater was an esti mable young woman, and was employ ed for several years by the Oregon City, Manufacturing Company. Roost your city by boosting your daily paper. The Enterprise should he in every home. It answers the puzzling question, of "What her" have a display of Electric that will gladden the heart of any woman Only those who have some labor saving elec tric utensils can appreciate their work;below we give just a suggestive list: Electric Charing Dish,; Electric Discs, Electric Toasters, Electric Irons, Electric Percolator, Electric Table Lamps. ELECTRIC TABLE STOVES We give the same low prices as our Main Store in Portlandand the same -" . courteous service. - EASY AND SURE WAY ? TO CURE COLDS j'.TO DARKEN THE HAIR v AND RE ; ' STORE GRAY AND. FADED j HAIR TO ITS NATURAL , COLOR .. ' I It is easier to preserve the color of the hair than to restore it, although It is possible to . do both. Our grand mothers understood the secret. They made a i'sage tea" and their dark, glossy hair long after middle life was due to this fact. Our mothers have gray hairs" before they 'are fifty, but they are beginning to appreciate the wisdom of our grandmothers in using "sage tea!'' for their hair and are fast following suit. ' The. present generation has the ad vantage of the past in that it can get a ready-to-use preparation called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy. As a scalp tonic and color restorer this preparation is vastly superior to the ordinary "sage tea" made vby our grandmothers. " "The growth and beauty of the hair depends on a healthy condition of the scalp. Wythe's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy quickly kills the dand ruff germs which rob the hair of its life, color and lustre, makes the scalp clean and healthy, gives the hair strength, color and beauty, and makes it grow. Get a 50 cent bottle from your drug gist today. He will give your money back if you are not satisfied after a fair trial. POULTRY SHOW TO BE BEST HELD IN COUNTY Arrangements are being made for the big annual poultry show in Ore gon City to be held in the Armory Hall, Friday and Saturday, January 3 and 4. S. S. Mohler, who has charge of the premiujm department, has interviewed the merchants of Ore gon City and the following have offer ed special premiums and will cooper ate to make the show a success: - Oregon Commission Co., Frank Busch, Huntley Bros. Co., Bannon & Co', Jones Drug Co., Burmeister & Andresen, F. T. Barlow, C. G. Miller, Price Bros., H. P. Brightbill, Working man's Store, Wilson & Cooke, C. I. Stafford, Farr Bros., George Redde way, Jack & Albright, D. C. Ely, C. W. Friedrich, . Hub Grocery Company, T. B. Schoenborn, J. E. Seeley, Lar son & Co., Straight & Salisbury, L. Adams, P. A.' Kloostra, P. M. Hart, y. Harris, A. Petzold, Charman & Co., Chicago Store and C. C. Store. . C. D. Minton, of Portland, will be judge, and will explain to the poultry breeders the way to select show birds. President W. A. Shewman said Thurs day that least 50 varieties 6f birds will be on display, totaling 500 birds. Lectures and demonstrations as to raising poultry will be given each af ternoon. An orchestra . also will be provided. Various business houses will have booths at the show to. demonstrate their line of goods, prominent among which will be the Oregon Commission Company. M. J. Lazelle is manager of the show and may be addressed at Oregon City for premium lists and entry blanks. conveniences Our Reorganization Sale Is An Do your Christmas shopping at the store that saves you many dollars. Follow the throng of merry Xmas shoppers that crowd this store all day long. The world's best mer chandise goes at the lowest possible reductions. 1.00 Suits and Overcoats sacrificed at $15.00 Suits and Overcoats sacrificed at $20.00 Suits and Overcoats sacrificed at $25.00 Suits and Overcoats sacrificed at ).00 Suits and Overcoats sacrificed at $1.50 strong Work sacrificed at $3.50 All Wool Trousers i sacrificed at 50c Heavy Fleeced Underwear sacrificed at $1.00 All Wool Underwear sacrificed at 35c Pure Silk Hose sacrificed at Big reductions that meun a big saving to you in Xmas shopping, Smoking jackets, bath robes, neck scarfs, combination tie, hose and handkerchief sets, combination tie pin and cuffs link sets and many other useful Xmas suggestions that the men appreciate. FOREIGN DEMAND FOR APPLES IMPROVES While the improvement in the de mand for apples has not been a help to the market price, latest advices from Europe tell o "fa much better tone for fruif and especially the ap ples offering from - Hood River and Rogile River. . - Fancy Yellow Newtons are finding a much improved fall abroad and this is perhaps the best showing made in any of the world's markets. Throughout the United . States the situation continues" to show a very sick .character, . this being especially true of ordinary quality. Good stock is steady to firm at present prices now, as is generally shown for sim ilar goods. Prevailing Oregon City prices are aa follows: ii HIDES (Buying), Green hides 7c to 8c; salters 9c to 10c; dry hides 15c to 16c; sheep pelts 40c to 85c each. EGGS Oregon ranch eggs 40c case count. FEED (Selling), Shorts $27; bran $25; process barley $30 to $31 per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. HAYr-(Buying),Clover at $9, and $10; oat hay best $11 and $12; mix ed $10 to $12; alfalfa $15 to $16.50; Idaho tmothy $21 and $22; whole corn $40. ' j -.-' OATS $25 to $26; -wheat $1.05 bu.; oil meal selling about $55; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pounds.' - Livestock, Meats. BEEF (Live weight) Steers 6 and 6 l-2c; cows 5 and 5 l-2c; bulls 4 12c, MUTTON Sheep 4c to 5c; lambs 5c to 5 l-2c. CHICKENS 11c to. 12c. PORK 9 1-2 and 10c. VEAL Calves 12c to .13c dressed, according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb; sausage, 15c lb. POULTRY (Buying) Hens 11c; spring 13c and roosters 8cl - MOHAIR 33c- to 35c. Fruit APPLES 50c and $1. - DRIED FRUITS (Baying), Prunes on basis 6 to 8 cents. VEGETABLES ONIONS-r-$1.50 sack; tomatoes 50c; corn 8c and 10c a doz. ; cracked 40. POTATOES New, about 60c to 60c per hundred. . Butter, Poultry, Eggs. BUTTER (Buyln0. Ordinary coun try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream ery 75c to' 85c roll.. .-:.'. X. L. CLUB TO MEET. The Gladstone X. L. Club will hold a meeting this afternoon, at.' the school house at 2:30 o'clock. Im portant issues will be discussed at the meeting. - 3ESSS3 elp To Xmas Shoppers $6.95 $9.88 13.68 16.45 19.75 Trousers ' QQp PL 2.29 29c 67c 20c Wants, ForSaie, Etc HELP WANTEDt-MALE Boy wanted 16 years or over. In quire this office. HELP WANTED, Female. WANTED Dressmaking. Prices reas onable. Work guaranteed. Mrs. Frank Hill, Room 19 Beaver Bid. ; ' LOST LOST At W. E. Mumpower's at Clear Creek, large black Cocker Spaniel dog, long curly hair and ears, an- : swers to the name of "Sport", has barb cut across front shoulder. Re turn to Dr. C. A. Stuart and receive reward. WANTED LIVESTOCK WANTED Cows fresh or coming fresh soon, W. C. Berreth, 1480, Ma cadam Street, Portland, Oregon. VETERINARIAN A. McDonald, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist, Phones Main 116, and B 9. FOR RENT FOR RENT 5 room modern house, enquire of Geo. Randall at corner 5th and Jefferson Sts. FOR RENT Five room cott3?3. Ad dress 324, Washington . Street, City. EXCURSION -RATES EXCURSION RATES Monogram, Guckenheimer, and Penn. Rye Whiskey, $1.00 per Full Quart. Port Wine 25c per Qt. Buy your wines and liquors from us and Save Mon ey. Kentucky Liquor Co. Cor. 5th and Main St. . . VIOLIN TAUGHT H. B. WEEKS, Teacher of Violin. Grand Theatre. . ' MUSICAL VIOLIN LESSONS Mr. Gustav . Flechtner, from Llepzig, Germany, is prepared to accept a limited num ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may also be engaged for solo work or ensemble work. Address for terms, etc., Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City FOR SALE FOR SALE Registered Jersey Bujll coming two. W. Kuppenbender. Oregon City, Farmers Phone 144 or Home Phone M 125.' , WHY PAY RENT When you can buy land on these terms? 1 1-2' acres good land, 20 minutes walk of Oregon City Post Office, $50 down, $10 monthly. Many of these tracts are owned by Prominent Oregon City business President Suspenders slaughtered at .50 Fine Kid Gloves sacrificed at .00 Rough Neck Sweaters slaughtered at $3.50 Fine or Heavy Work Shoes slaughtered at $7.00 16 inch High Cut Shoes slaughtered at 25c Heavy Wool Sox slaughtered at $1.00 Beautiful Dress Shirts slaughtered at $3.00 Fine Felt Hats sacrificed at 35c Pure Silk Neckwear sacrificed at men. Inquire of E. P. Elliott & Son. FOR SALE Thirteen head of heifer calves, ranging from six months to two years. Enquire Maple Spring Dairy, L. Hartke, Mount Pleasant. POW0ER Are. you using powder? If you are, you want the best. Use Trojan Powder. No headache, no thawing.' For sale by (J. K. uvesay, Pacinc Phone Farmers 217, Oregon City R. F.. D. No. 6. MISCELLANEOUS. Rheumatism cured. I will gladly send any sufferer a Simple Herbal Re- j cipe that cures Rheumatism, also ; a Trial Treatment, all sent abso- j lutely free by one who was cured, i ' Enclose a two cent stamp. W. H. Sutton, 2601 Orchard Ave., Los An geles, Calif. i Oregon. If taken in time Wilhoit water will prevent typhoid fever. It is of great benefit to the convalesent. For sale by Walt Little, 514, 7th Street, Sole Agent. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL Sg Special Feature IN TWO i 1 " Tamers A gripping story of love jealousy, and the fiendish revenge of a lion tamer. ' Twenty Lions in the Tragedy See the hero, an army officer, in a desperate struggle for his life in the cage with the Hons. , Immense .V CO., F. M. Bluh'm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phon. your orders. Pacific 1371, Home. DO NOTICES Notice of Annual Stock-holders Meet ing of the Clackamas Southern . Railway Notice is hereby given that the reg ular annual meeting of the stock holders of the Clackamas Southern Railway Company, a corporation, will be held in the office of said company in Room 17 of the Beaver Building in Oregon City, Oregon, on the 14th day of December, 1912, ' at the hour of one P M.'of said day, for the transaction of any and all butiness that might properly be brought before said meeting. The stock-holders and each of them are requested to be present at said meeting as there are ques tions of great importance to be considered by the Company. Dated this 30th day of November, A. D. 1912. . CLACKAMAS SOUTHERN RAIL WAY COMPANY, By O. D. Eby, Vice President, G. B. Dimick, Secretary. (Corporate Seal) REELS . - - Revenge