Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, December 12, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Very Fond.
"Are you fond of opera."
"What is your favorite selection?"
" 'Alexander's Ragtime Band.' "
This is the season when yoifr blood
needs purifying; if the blood Is pure
and healthy, you will be well. The
most reliable Dlood remedy is Hollis
ter's Rocky Mountain lea. 35c, Tea
or Tablets. Jones Drug Co.
Largest line of Richardson's Em
broidered Cushions in the City at
$2.50 each, at Duane" C. Ely's.
The elevator is not buiit yet, but
itwill pay the downtown people to
see what they can do on the hill. D.
C. Ely has a large line of Christmas
goods of all kinds at right piice3.
W. S. TJ'Ren has returned from a
meeting of the Fel's single tax com
mission which was held in Boston.
According to reports Mr. U'Ren is no
longer connected with the commission
as a paid representative.
' D. O. Anderson, of this city, left
Wednesday for Vancouver and Camas,
Washington, in the interest of the
Western Stock Journal.
Fred Suren, of Portland, was a bus
iness visitor in Oregon City Wednes
day. Mr. Suren is connected with
the Portland Journal.
Henry L. Bents, president of the
Aurora State Bank, was in Oregon
City Wednesday on business.
William Shenefield, a Portland at
torney, was a business Visitor in Ore
gon City Wednesday.
George W. Scramlin, a merchant of
Macksburg, was an Oregon City vis
itor Wednesday.
F. J. Weninger, of Aurora was a
visitor in Oregon City Wednesday on
John Kraxberger, . of Macksburg,
was in Oregon City Wednesday on
J. W. Smith, President of the Clack
amas County Fair Association, was
an Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
i Frank Himes, of Macksburg, was
in Oregon City Wednesday on busi
ness. Born to the wife of August Lange,
Eighteenth and Main Streets, Decem
ber 10, an eleven pound girl.
James K. Pope Gribble, of Macks
burg, was in Oregon City Wednesday
on business. .
Kingsley and Aline Gribble, sons of
A. D. Gribble, of Macksburg, were in
Oregon City Wednesday on business.
Dr. van Brakle, Osteopath, Mason
ic Building, Phone Main 399.
'Red Cross Seals?'1 inquired a
young woman at a selling-booth in a
Washington post-office to an elderly
man, who halted as she spoke.
"What are they for?" he asked.
"To help in the cure of tuberculosis-
"My, my," broke in the old man, "if
I had only known about these before
my wife died I might have saved
her!" and he wiped his eyes as he
went on, "Hpw do you use them?'
"You stick them on the back "
But the young woman was interrupted
"On the back? How simple! Oh,
if I had only known!" mused the man
as he walked, on with misty eyes. But
he bought no seals; it was too late
for him.
The Wednesday Afternoon Bridge
Club met at the residence of Mrs. E.
P. Rands on Tenth Street Wednesday
afternoon. There were five tables,
the prizes being won by Mrs. H. S.
'Mouit, and Mrs. L. L. Pickens. Those
present, were Mrs.' T. Clarke, Mrs.
Nieta Barlow Lawrence, Mrs. H.
O'Malley, Mrs. L. Morris, Miss Mar
jorie Caufield Mrs, M. B. Latourette,
Mrs. C. H. Meissner, Mrs. H. Hendry,
Mrs. A. A. Price, Mrs. J. H. Walker,
Mrs. A. L. Beatie, Mrs. C Greenman,
Mrs. Fred Hunmphry, Mrs. H. S.
Mount, Mrs. L. L. Pickens.
Go to
At Elliott Garage
Fifth and Main Streets
Telephone Main 1361.
White Ribbon Remedy
is an honest attempt to aid
friends of drinking men to rem
edy what is really a dreadful
This remedy is
And may be given secretly.
Oregon City .
You don't have to have gray hair or
faded hair if you don't want to. Why
look old or unattractive? If your hair
is gray or faded, you can change it
easily, quickly and effectively by using
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Reme
dy. Apply a little tonight, and in the
morning you will be agreeably surpris
ed at the results from a single applica
tion. The gray hairs will be less con
spicious,' and after a few More applica
tions will be restored to natural color.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur also quick
ly removes dandruff, leaves the scalp
clean and healthy, and promotes the
growth of the hair It is a clean
wholesome dressing which may be us
ed at any time with perfect safety.
Get a fifty cent bottle from your
druggist today, and see how quickly it
will restore the youthful color and
beauty of your hair and forever end
the nasty dandruff, hot, itchy scalp
and falling hair. All druggists sell it
under guarantee that the money will
be refunded if you are not satisfied af
ter fair, trial.
Long Coat an Important Part of th
Winter Wardrobe.
The woman who -nooses one piece
dresses and a long coat for her winter
outfit cannot go wrong.
Taffeta evening dresses have simple
draperies of chiffon caught on the skirt
with clusters of flowers. , .. '
The flowing frill effect for long
sleeves is " as much liked as ever.
Dsually it is of face or net.
Chinchillas with pin id backs are used
for long, straight street coats. Boucle
cloths are also favorites.
The model that can be used for both
the dressy and the simple frock Is the
one that will tie found most satis
factory to mothers. Sucb requirements
are found in tbe frock pictured.
This May Mantnn pattern ts cut in sizes
for girls from ten to fourteen years of
age. Send 10 rents to this office, giving
number. i64S. and it will-be promptly for
warded to you by mail. If In naste send
an additional two cent stamp for letter
postage When ordering use coupon..
It is propesed to issue bonds to
the amount of $20,000 for the purchase
of the present water plant, if terms
can be arranged, and if not to con
struct a municipal plant, and also to
so amend the charter that taxes to
the amount of 10 mills may be lev
ied to enable Milwaukie to establish
an efficient fire department.
At a meeting of the Milwaukie coun
cil Tuesday night the joint committee
appointed by tne council to prepare
amendments reported recomm'ending
that a special election be held to pass
on the bond lsste and the amend
ments to the charter. In addition to
the bond issue the committee submit
ted an amendment to the cnarter
providing for the opening of streets,
following the main features of the
Portland charter, with some 'limita
tions. The report of the committee
was received and the amendments
were ordered submitted to the city
attorney to examine their legality.
A special meeting of the council
was called for Friday night to pass
on the bond issue proposition and the
amendments, and aiso to clean up all
business for tin year preparatory to
the new city officials at the first meet
ing in January, 1913.
The First Woman Suffragist.
A modern historian ni.-ikcs the claim
thiit (ioujrrii Hrolf. the mighty viking,
who iifterwii'd hern me the first- Iiuke
of Xormitndy mid the progenitor of
, William the (.'oninror. was tbe origi
nal vom;in Ktiffrasift nml that it was
J this valiant .Norseman who sounded
the first clarion rail for woman's rights
ten centurifs ago.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will be inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions One inch card, $2 per month; half
inch card, (4 lines), $1 per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
lias ar. open, account, with ther paper. Mo
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed foi patron. Minimum charge 16c
Boy wanted 16 years or over. In
quire this office.
WANTEDDressmaking. Prices reas
onable, .Work guaranteed. Room'
19 Beaver Bldg.
LOST At W. E. Mumpower's at Clear
Creek, large black Cocker Spaniel
dog, long curly hair and ears, an
swers to the name of "Sport", has
-barb cut across front shoulder. Re
turn to Dr. C. A. Stuart and receive
WANTED Cows fresh or coming
fresh soon, W. C. Berreth, 1480, Ma
cadam Street, Portland,' Oregon.
A. McDonald, Veterinary Surgeon and
Dentist, Phones Main 116, and B 9.
FOR RENT 5 room modern house,
enquire of Geo. Randall at corner
5th and Jefferson Sts.
FOR RENT Strictly modern house
keeping rooms, 505 Division St.,
back of Eastham school. Mrs. Henry
: Shannon.
Room for two respectable boarders,
near Main Street. Inquire Enter
prise Office.
FOR RENT Five room cotta?3. Ad
dress S24, Washington Street, City.
Guckenhelmer, and Penn., Rye
Whiskey, $1.00 per Full Quart Port
Wine 25c per Qt.. Buy your wines
and liquors from us and Save Mon-.
ey. Kentucky Liquor Co. Cor. 5th
and Main St.
H. B. WEEKS, Teacher of Violin,
Grand Theatre.
Flechtner, from Liepzig, Germany,
' is prepared to accept a limited num
ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may
also be engaged for solo work or
ensemble work. Address for terms,
etc., Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City
When you can buy land on these
terms? 1 1-2 acres good land, 20
minutes walk of Oregon City Post
Office, $50 down, $10 monthly.
Many of these tracts are owned by
Prominent Oregon City business
men. Inquire of E. P. Elliott & Son.
FOR SALE Thirteen head of heifer
calves, ranging from six months to
two years. Enquire Maple Spring
Dairy, L. Hartke, Mount Pleasant.
Are you using powder? If you are,
you want the best. Use Trojan
Powder. No headache, no thawing,.
For sale by C. R. Livesay, Pacific
Phone Farmers 217, Oregon City R.
. F..D. No. 6.
(-Rheumatism cured. I will gladly send
any sufferer a Simple Herbal Re
cipe that cures Rheumatism, also
a Trial Treatment, all sent abso
lutely free by one who was cured.
Enclose a two cent stamp. W. H.
Sutton,' 2601 Orchard Ave., Los An
geles, Calif.
If taken in time Wilhoit water will
prevent typhoid fever. . It is of
great benefit to the convalesent.
For sale by Walt Little, 514, 7th
Street, Sole Agent.
CO , F. M. Bluhm. . Wood and coai
delivered to all parts of tbe city
your orders. . Pacific 1371, Home
M lit)
Bids Asked.
The School Board of District No. 115,
Gladstone, will receive sealed bids
up to December 18, for plastering
and finishing the West half Of the
school building, said board reserv
ing the right to reject any and all
For further particulars see
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. . Stella Lee,, Plaintiff,
Vincent Lee, Defendant.
To Vincent Lee, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to. ap-
pear and answer to the complaint
filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before the 20th
day of December, 1912, and if you
fail-to answer, the plaintiff will take
a decree against you, forever dis
solving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing be
tween, the plaintiff and you and for
such other and further relief in the
premises as the Court may deem
just and equitable as prayed for in
the complaint filed herein.
Service of the summons is made
upon you by publication in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Cir
cuit Court., for Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, made November
6, 1912, directing such publication
in-ithe Morning Enterprise, once a
week for six successive weeks, the
first publication being November
the 7th, 1912, and the' last the 19th
day of December, 1912.
' Attorney for Plaintiff.
Our Reorganization
Do your Christmas shopping at the store that saves you many dollars. Follow the
throng of merry Xmas shoppers that crowd this store all day longr. The world's best mer
chandise goes at the lowest possible reductions.
.00 Suits and Overcoats
sacrificed at
$15.00 Suits and Overcoats
sacrificed at
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats
sacrificed at
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats
sacrificed at
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats
sacrificed at
$1.50 strong Work
sacrificed at
$3.50 All Wool Trousers
sacrificed at
50c Heavy Fleeced
sacrificed at
i $1
.00 All Wool Underwear
sacrificed at
35c Pure Silk Hose
sacrificed at
Big reductions that meun a big saving to you in Xmas shopping,
robes, neck scarfs, combination tie, hose and handkerchief sets, combination
sets and many other useful Xmas suggestions that the men appreciate.
The market for apples is somewhat
more active but prices are showing
no improvement.
Cheaper quality offerings are not
pressing so hard upon the market but
there is a sufficient amount of good
quality of lesser-sought varieties to
fill he wants.
Little first class stock is displayed
in the local trade, this being true more
of extra fancy Spitzenbergs than other
varieties. While there are quite a
few shipments of this variety marked
extra fancy, little of it is really of
the quality marked.
Most of the so-called extra fancy
Spitzenbergs are scaroely fancy, in
fact, a majority of present shipments
under that label could not be consid
ered higher than extra choice.
Prevailing Oregon City prices are as
HIDES (Buying), Green hides 7c
to 8c; salters 9c to 10c; dry hides lac
to 16c; sheep pelts 40c to 85c each.
EGGS Oregon ranch eggs 40c case
PEED (Selling), Shorts $27; bran
$25; process barley $30 to $31 per ton.
FLOUR $4.50 to $5.
HAY (Buying).Clover at $9 and
$10; oal hay best $11 and $12; mix
ed $10 to $12; alfalfa' $15 to $16.50;
Idaho tmothy $21 and $22; whole corn
OATS $25 to $26; wheat $1.05 bu.;
oil meal selling about $55; Shay
Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred
Livestock, Meats.
BEEF (Live weight) Steers 6 and
6 l-2c; cows 5 and 5 l-2c; bulls 4 12c.
MUTTON Sheep 4c to 5c; lambs
5c to 5 l-2c.
CHICKENS 11c to 12c.
PORK 9 1-2 and 10c.
VEAL Calves 12c to 13c dressed,
according to grade.
WEINIES 15c lb; sausage, 15c lb.
POULTRY (Buying) Hens 11c;
spring 13c and roosters 8c.
MOHAIR 33c to 35c.
APPLES 50c and $1. . x
DRIED FRUITS (Buying), Prunes
on basis 6 to 8 cents. ,
ONIONS $1.50 sack; tomatoes 50c;
corn 8c and 10c a doz.; cracked 40.
POTATOES New, about 50c to 60c
per hundred.
Butter, Poultry, Eggs.
BUTTER (Buying). Ordinary conn-
try butter 25c and 30c; fancy cream-1
ery 75c to 85c roll. j
t i
V . t. !
By Heart. ,
Gladys-Bow is it one never forgets
h love affair? Assie KecHuse tnnt k
-iii-rnine yiu (ivv earn by tintirt.
eip To Xmas Shoppers
29 c
20 c
The advice that Circuit Judge Camp
bell gave Wednesday evening at the
conclusion of .part of the testimony
in the case of Mrs. Julia Kraxberger
against Franz Kraxberger, of Macks
burg, if hung upon the walls of a
great ; many American homes, would
cause less divorce cases which now
crowd the court dockets. The couple
came to this country without fuMds,
as is the case of many, and through
hard labor on the part of both hus
band and wife, have arisen to be fair
ly wealthy citizens. They have reared
a large family, consisting of eight
children. The court indicated that
the troubfe had arose through gossip
and bad advise and warned the par
ties that they must not open their ears
to what any one would tell them, or
they must not allow any one, not ev
en their children, to' step between
them as husband and wife.
In dismissing the case, Judge Camp
bell observed that a great many for
eigners come to this country, practic
ally poverty stricken, but through
hard labor and by depriving them
selves of many of the pleasures of
life, they accumulate property and
wealth. They find open to them, he
said, many opportunities to make
money in this country, that they do
not find in their own country. The
people of this country, or the average
American citizen, do not see these
opportunities, and quite often, when
they see people strive as those, people
have striven, they imagine that
great hardships are being indur
ed and the dr&w the conclus
ion, the court said, that abuse
is prevalent. In this case, it seems,
that the husband has had more oppor
tunity to get out and learn the mod
ern ways, while on the other hand,
the wife stayed at home. The minds
of the two became greatly dif
ferent and the wife, said Judge Camp
bell, imagined that the husband was
not true to his matrimonial relations.
As a great many do, she would think
of little things that happened in the
I past and make mountains out of mole
! Judge Campbell dismissed the case,
j after hearing all of the testimony of
, the plaintiff, and part of the testimony
i of tbe defendant.
i William M. Stone represented the
,! Dlaintiff and Judge Grant B. Dimick
! the defendant.
4 Couples Get Licenses. '
Licenses to marry have been issued
t0 Cornelia J. Ameele and Roy N.
Mclntyre ; Mabel Grace Harrows and
Jonn jj McCrthy; Gina Hangen and
Louis Hagen and Grace Kollmyerand
D. E. Holman.
Sale Is An
President Suspenders
slaughtered at
.50 Fine Kid Gloves
sacrificed at
.00 Rough Neck Sweaters
slaughtered at
$3.50Fineor Heavy Work
Shoes slaughtered at
$7.00 16 inch High Cut Shoes
slaughtered at
25c Heavy Wool Sox
slaughtered at
$1.00 Beautiful Dress Shirts
slaughtered at
$3.00 Fine Felt Hats
sacrificed at
35c Pure Silk Neckwear
sacrificed at
Her Love for the Roses
(Written by Thomas Wineset of
Oregon City a blind boy educated at
the Institute for the Blind at Salem.)
Her love for the roses her choicest
of flowers
In the evenings in the weeks of
fair July
Upon the mown-grassed lawn she
spends many happy hours
A great fir tree standing not far
from the fence
Appears to her to be noble and tall
With its' giant trunk and wide
spreading branches
Towering high in air above each and
"What a wee thing am I" thought
the lone little maid
While she sat on the lawn beneath
the fir's shade
And held in her hand a single fair
She heard the cry of the wild canary
Above the moaning wind. "Tis
lonely she said
Just .for one little maid.
There's naught but the rose with
me in tne shade
And the fence over yonder, and the
giant fir tree
Is indeed a statue high above mej"
The one small girl and the one large
' tree
The love for the rose and all beauti
ful flowers
Are treasures to her through slow
passing hours
(Thomas Wineset was born blind
He never saw the trees and roses and
describes from feeling only.)
T. F. Ryan and wife to C. E. William
son, xO acres in D. . C. in Township
3 So., Range 2 East; $1750.00.
W. H. Counsell and wife to Ole Ol
son, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, in Block 5, Pleas
ant Little Homes Number 3; $10.00.
W. H. Hurlburt to O. B. Olsen, lots
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31, 32 in Blk. 5
in Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, in
Sec. 29, Township 1 So., Range 2 East;
Waldemar Seton, et ux, to A. G.
Rushlight, 1st. Add . to Willamette
Falls Acreage Tracts; $10.00.
Geo. C. Ewen and wife to George
K. Rogers, lot 5, Blk. 1, Windsor Add.
to Oregon City; $10.00.
Geo. K Rogers et ux, to C. A. Shep
pard, lot '5 in Blk. 1, in Windsor Addi
tion to Oregon City; $1.00. .
L. F. Walsh to John Heinz, 22.82
acres in Sec. 27, Township 4 So.,
Range 1 East; $1746.00. ..
A Tasty Girl.
Kitty I feel like, something to eat
Jack Naturally you look' nlc enough
tn - Huston Tninwrint-
Smoking jackets, bath
tie pin and cuffs link
If you are subject to frequent colds,
or if you have any of the distressing
symptoms of catarrh, such as stuffed
up feeling in the head, profuse dis
charge from the nose, phlegm in the
throat causing hawking and spitting
dull pain in the head or ringing in the
ears, just anoint the nostrils or rub
the throat or chest with a little Ely's
Cream Balm, and see how quickly you
will t relief.
In a few minutes you will feel your
head clearing, and after using the Balm
for a day or so the nasty discharge
will be checked, the pain, soreness
and fever gone, and you will no longer
be offensive to yourself and your friend
by constantly hawking, spitting and
blowing. 'r
Shake off the grip of catarrh before
it impairs your sense of taste, smell
and hearing and poisons your whole
system. In a short time you can be
completely cured of this distressing
disease by using Ely's Cream Balm.
This healing, antiseptic Balm does
not fool you by short, deceptive relief,
but completely overcomes the disease
It clears the nose, head and throat of
all the rank poison, soothes, heals
and strenghtens the raw, sore mem
branes, making you proof against
colds and catarrh.
One application will convince you,
and a 50 cent bottle will generally
cure he worse case of catarrh. It is
guaranteed. Get it from your drug
gist today.
The Knights of Maccabees, at a
meeting Tuesday evening elected the
following officers:
Commander F. E. Walling; Lieu
tenant Commander, F. B. Hay ward;
Record Keeper E. S. Follansbee;
Chaplain, Guy B. Phillips; Sergeant,
William Burness; Master-at-arms,
Loujis Conklin; Central, D. J. Finu
cane; First Master of Guards, D. H.
Bottemiller; Second Master of the
Guards, J. P.' Wallace; Pickett, T.
Brungord and Trustees, A. B. Buck
les, C. W. Parish and Frank Betzel.
If it happened It Is !n "tne Enterprise.