MORNING ENTEEPBISB WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1912. Oregon City's leading stores will give Double HM" Green Trading Stamps each Wednesday. To facilitate the filling of your stamp books before Christmas, the firms whose advertisements appear below, give two stamps on each JOc purchase today. stamp collectors are not compelled to confine purchases to one store, this feature together with the many "double stamp days," "Red Letter Days' etc., makes the filling of yoti stamp books easy. Hundreds of Oregon city women are Stamp enthusiasts. Bring your coffee labels, tobacco tags, Hamilton bonds, and over 400 different trade marks of different commodities to the Premium Parlor located in Bannon & Co's store; we will exchange them for MS lamps. Stamps are given in the leading stores of over 600 cities in the U. S. fijlllll ey are Your Discount for Paying Cas! In addition to the Double Stamp offer you may secure $1.00 worth of Trading Stamps FREE with each of the Coupons fill 'iii 81 Ski st m J VsAWWW (Si i ' H IP pllilj DON'T BRING ALL YOUR MONEY: Come to us today for your week's buying, and bring about half your usual allowance-let us show you how far one half will go. For this week try some of these: Boneless Codfish, the kind to cream for. breakfast 15c Maccaroni, for baking with tomato sauce, pound 10c Spaghetti, for baking with cheese, per pound 10c .. Good canned tomatoes, per can ' 10c Good baking cheese, at the 'pound 25c Fine l!ima Beans, the pound iqc Sweet Potatoes, the pound, 3c; 10 pounds, 25c. These and a hundred others offer a good week's variation for very little money if carefully selected. J. E. SEELY, GROCER - OREGON CITY, OREGON 1 Cut Out this CouponS FREE STAMPS AT J. E. SEELY, Grocer : In addition to all stamps with regular purchases this coupon entitles you to 10 GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD 'TER DEC.Slst. By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to our collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. Si (S?J 112' 11 CUTOUT THIS COUPON jg Free Stamps at Frank Busch's Store In addition to all stamps given with regular purchases this coupon entitles you to Ten Green Trading Stamps FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOO DAFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to collectors ypu may fill your Stamp Books very eas-ily. Here is the Range You'll L.ik:e-The name is HOME QUEEN Requested by the Belleville Stove Works, Belleville, Illinois, to sell fifty of their best ranges inside of 30 davs we hereby offer you today their regular forty-five dollar range with white enamel reservoir for $29.50 Spot Cash, but we will take your old Stove at the highest cash value and give you one full stamp book which will entitle you to one of our fancy premium Rockers or some other useful article of likewise value, you may select m our premiun parlor. The Home Qneen Range is well constructed, fully warranted, is right up to the mmute and contains all the latest improvements and advantages Rnown in range building. OREGON CITY, OREGON FRANK BUSCH i .1 Bannon & Co's "DOUBLE STAMP" SPECIAL NO.1 50 doz. Best 50c Four in Hand Neckwear on sale today Over 600 of the latest Holiday Neckties for men in the new 4-in-hand reversible shapes, light and dark colors, all' silk materials. An extraordinary purchase that en ables us to offer you real 50c. values at half OCn price today only, each &UU Bannon & Co's "DOUBLE STAMP" SPECIAL NO. 2 WOMENS BEST 79c Pure Silk Stockings pair Here is a Christmas special that will enable you to present a dainty gift at very little cost. Silk Hosiery of the better grades made with lisle top and soles. A hand some stocking that sells regularly at more than double this special price. A big lot goes on sale Q C n today at per pair OvU Bonnon & Co's "DOUBLE STAMP" SPECIAL NO. 3 20 Doz. Best 75c and 85c TEA APRONS each This most opportune sale of Aprons comes right at the height of the holiday season, when most stores demand the top price. We believe these to be the daintiest lot of gift aprons that has ever been shown at from 75c to 85c each, as a big Wednesday special, we QCi offer your choice today ZuL Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at BANNON & CO.'S STORE In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to I I IS 'J with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. Km:: Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at lliti PRICE BROS. lyi) In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to lOUVENIR DAY Saturday, December 14th, we give witk every purchase a beautiful and valuable souvenir. While we tried to get enough to satisfy everybody, yet the quantity is limited, and we advise you to come early. with each 50c purchase. .COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easy. We Give One-Quarter Off on every article in the house. It will pay you to make your Xmas selections now when you can get them at a saving. We give double ii&C Stamps on Wednesday Jj gjZn IflS (fl)ff5 We give double 3&C Stamps on Wednesday Established 1895 Proper Clothes for Men and Young Men 6th and Main sts. mm Jones Drug Co. will give Double Green Trading Stamps Wednesday, December 11 Don't Forget Our Souvenir 12 Main Street JFones Oinuag Oolo.palILy, Oregon City Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at JONES DRUG CO. In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to 10.WGREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. ifi If' .r-rspjV- gl