1 MOBKIKG ENTERPRISE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1912. DOUBLE f.GREEN TRADING STAMPS-gh filBB ' AlI- DAY TODAY ' ' ' B 9 GIVEN BY OREGON CITY'S LEADING STORES iBl mm i GORGEOUi EMIUMS Easil-y IProcTiiiredl. ! TOM MM The American people are the most exacting of all nations. Unless a thing is beyond criticism, unless all claims for it are justified this great American jury will condemn it. On the other hand, if a thing has proved its worth, if promises made are fulfilled, no people are more ready or willing to grant their endorsement. For fourteen years the American public has freely and openly sanctioned 2?C Green Stamps. They have been quick to recognize the splendid benefits which they may easily derive from this famous profit-sharing plan. In searching for a method with which to share profits with our patrons, it is but proper that we should decide upon the FAIREST, SQUAREST and BEST MEANS. Type will not adequately describe the Magnificent Premiums that are at the disposal of all who collect HC stamps. To be properly appreciated they must be SEEN. The Sperry & Hutchinson Co. maintain a splendid exhibit of them at BANNON & CO.'S store, Oregon City. You are cordially in vited to frequently visit and inspect them. Cut out the various Coupons printed below, presenf them to the different stores. Each coupon entitles you to Ten (10) UPC stamps FREE with a purchase of fifty cents or over, in addition to the double stanps which you are entitled to today. Coupons are good until December 31st. I IBS 1 U..ttZi&.M ? !&;4M.ri -hi (M nsrr 111! ml CUT OUT ft illM FREE STAMPS AT FRANK BUSCH'S STORE In addition to all stamps given with regular purchases this coupon entitles you to Ten Green Trading Stamps FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOO DAFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very .eas-ily. NOW it's time for every woman to replenish her kitchen with new pots and pans .and cooking utensils that will help make her work easier and better. You know we sell all kinds of kitchen ware aluminum, granite, tin and cast ware. . "' And then perhaps you need a flour sifter bread can food chopper or grinder scales and many other things. If you do, justremember that for small cost you can buy here anything you need that will more than repay you in the economy it will effect in your kitchen. We are especially proud of our stock of our home hardware. We might mention clear-burning, unbreakable lanterns efficient mouse traps flat irons oil cans and many other tilings that all housewives need at, this time of the year. . , oo o o o o o o o- o oo o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo o oo o oo oo o oo c o o I o o t . o o o- o o o o . o o t o o S o o o o i o t o o I o ' o o o o o o o I o o omnetition Sale We never allow competitors to undersell us, we are in the fight and our entire stock, with the exception of a few contract articles, are offered at One-Quar-terff. Everything marked in plain figures. HI Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at PRICE BROS. STORE In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to GREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. Nip $15.00 Clothescraft Suits and Overcoats $11 -25 12,40 15.00 17.00 it it ii tt ii ii $16.50 $20.00 $22.50 L System Suits and Overcoats Just take One-Quarter off the price marked. Remember for 18 years we have always lived up to our advs. BETTER COME IN. WE WILL DOUBLE "S&H" GREEN STAMPS TODAY PRICE BROl Established 1895 ClotRiers 6th and Main Sts. -o o oo oo o o o oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo o oo oo oo oo oo c Mi- ., A .-13.' r. .. WILL GIVE DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4th Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at JONES DRUG CO. Kssi In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER, DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. (r ''"-".f -"l 0 " -, NfA i - ? Regular 50c Stationery QQa I Special ujD Regular 25c Stationery 1 "Jft J Special f . Regular 25c Dennison's Fancy 1 Ta " Crepe Paper, Special U Regular l Oc Dennison's Roll . In Crepe Paper, Special f j Regular 25c Scissors, guaranteed 1 C fl l Special ... I yd Regular $1 Pocket Knives, guaranteed jQ Regular 3 for 25c Toilet Paper OCn Special. 4 for All 50c Toilet Waters QQ . Special Oub All 1 5c Linen Tablets Qn Special Q All 1 Oc Envelopes " rft Special! I fin Main Street Oregon Cify, Oregon CO Will Give Double Green Trading Stamps AH Day Today WEDNESDAY IS DOUBLE STAMP DAY Mighty easy to fill your stamp books by taking advantage of the many liberal offers made by Oregon City's Leading Stores THE FOLLOWING. BIG XMAS SPECIALS are Offered Today to induce Early Shopping. Cut Out This Coupon Free Stamps at BANNON & CO.'S STORE In addition to all stamps given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to 10 CREEN TRADING STAMPS FREE with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal meth ods we offer to collectors you may fill your Stamp Books very easily. $3.1 FIFTY HAND EMBROIDERED SOFA PILLOWS Well Worth $10.00 each on Sale Today at On display in our show windows and well worth a trip to view them. But one design of a pattern they : are without a question the hand somest pillows ever shown by any firm. ' All hand worked by the deft fin gers of needlework artists. These will solve the gift problem and show the good taste of the giver. Remember but one of a kind, to se cure the handsomest Shop Early. 10 Doz. Large Bisque TJT? neaa join-ft qq Reg. value $2,25 We have on display in our large baesment doll and toy department the largest and best line of dolls ever shown in Oregon City. "Today we specialize on one number, the famous "Princess" doll featured in all big toy shops at $2.25 each. Dolls are 23 inches high are full jointed, have sewed wigs, movable eyes and natural eye lashes. Late Christmas shoppers will lose this chance. SHOP EARLY. Box 50c Best $1.00 Writing Paper today Here is the biggest value in Xmas stationery ever -offered. No more appropriate gift could be made. We have just an even hundred boxes over a score of styles and in most cases the boxes alone are worth the price. Handsome Christy design "covers. Plain white and tinted linen finished pa per. At this price the lot may not last all day. SHOP EARLY. H 111!