U T 13 o We are going to reorganize for the purpose of opening a chain of stores. In order to do this we must lower our stock to the lowest possible ebb and turn it into cash. We will cut the heart out of the prices in order to move the stock rapidly. The store is crowded with thousands and thousands of dollars worth of this season's merchandise. This tremendous stock must be sold and turned into cash. THE SACRIFICE WILL BE CLEAN TO THE CORE. The cash must be raised. The greatest buying opportunity NO SALE, NO MERCHANDISE To all My Thousands ojf Customers and People of this Com munity, I Say This- ARGAIN EVENT, NO UNDERTAKING TO DISPOSE OF ,. " AS EVER EQUALLED THIS TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER I want you to come and buy all you can. You will do yourself a great good. You know the kind of goods I handle. There are none better in the world and it is all going to be sold at the greatest slaughter ever known. Buy your Xmas gifts now as well as your entire winter out fit; the savings you will make are immense. I want you to remember one thing I cannot afford to stop at anything, the cash must be raised and it must be done by January 1st regardless how great the sacrifice may be.? In my 24. years of business experience, I say without hesitation or splurge, that this is the greatest sacrifice I have ever known or attempted. PLACE MY HUGE STOCK AT THE MERCY OF THE PUBLIC. The best national advertised brands are all here in this stock for you to select from at prices that will revolutionize business at this store. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY -You will buy the greatest bargains and make the greatest, savings of all your life!' o at WHOLESALE INVOICE, of the WORLD'S BEST MERCHANDISE, placed oat fot the public's choice at the most UNMERCIFUL SLAUGHTER eve? attempted in the annals of merchandising. H i;,!1,.!!!. lUMJMIJIMBIIlMWrnMIMWMllUll.lMUlJlMilMI.J.llll , W-g II. .UUI.ll J I U1UM III II II1J II, ! 11 11 I .1 1 1 I MMUtlA'tXBM anjbarjarge force of help is getting the big stock ready for the great slaughter. ' n mi w fm -' : '. ?i ', -i ' ..,, ,,,, ro,M,,miiw.-MW.-iuiJii.....i. .m.. .u .m. Sale ' Ends Dec 31 3v