iii: 1 IS! II Si ji it r" "i mm PI Safe l .. fe.2 " i fc- nj) O - ' I f W, 1 a ' I W mA Wi WW M Consist of Evpwfhmrf the Most Fastidious couid4esire GREEN TRADING AMP CARNIVAL Intelligent shoppers are quick - to see the immediate advantage of collecting the famous ZVt Green Trading Stamps, for through no other premium plan can they secure so quick and easily such an unlimited a variety of high-grade premiums of standard make. No matter how beautiful your home may be furnished, there is always in our premium parlors some article that you may want and would appreciate that can be secured without cost by collecting.! Green Trading Stamps. If you have personally investigated, you are a stamp collector; if you have not investigated come to the Premium Parlor at Bannon & Co.'s Store, and satisfy yourself of the value you get for your filled book of stamps. .&C stamps are given by some of the largest department stores and other progressive merchants in over 600 cities in the United States, also the leading department store' of Portland, Olds, Wortman & King also Bannon & Co., Jones Drug Co. and Price Bros, of Oregon City. You can fin many books before Christmas if you take advantage of the extra stamps given by Oregon City merchants who give 2&C Green Trading Stamps. You can secure many presents FREE for your ZC Green Trading Stamps which you would otherwise have to pay for. . ( r S Co. JOKES DRUG CO. Face Bros, . siin.ir&.oin. We Give Double Green Trading Stamps And the following Regular $22.50 Women's Suits Late Fall Styles Regular 79c Flannel Night Gowns for women Best 25c All Wool Socks Heavy Weight Best 85c quality Rubbers for men and women Best 20c Quality Galatea Handsome new patterns $2.50 Quality 2 pound Carded WoolBatts 50 Bolts best 12c grade heavy Outing Flannel per yard 100 doz. Women's Burson Stockings 25c Grade Seconds, per pair 20 doz. House Dresses, regular $2.00 and $2.50 qualities : $12.50 39c 15c 50c 121c $1.50 6c 10c 98c iiipm r t--i i Dri - Ct Oct This COUPON j . FREE STAMPS AT BANNON & CO'S. In addition to all Stamps given with regular pur-i chases this coupon entitles you to i Ten x&C Green Trading Stamps Free ! with each 50c purchase. Coupon Not Good After December, 31st. x " j i By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to Col- I lectors, you may fill your stamp books very easily. i We will give double H6C Green Trading Stamps We also want you to take advantage of these special prices for Wednesday only Swift's Soap (Big Bar) Regular 10c cake, Special 4 for . Jergen's Soap, Regular 5c cake Special, 8 for Jerome Watches (Guaranteed) Regular $1.00, Special Jergen's Toilet Water Regular 50c, Special Knickerbocker Watches Regular $2.50, Special Witch Hazel or Violet Cream Regular 25c, Special Talcum Powder, 1 pound Cans, Regular 25c, Special Imperial Condition Powder Regular 50c, Special .......... 25c 25c 73c 33c $1.83 15c 17c 25c JONES DRUG CO. The Store that stands for Purity and Quality in Medicines. y Tf KaiSl Uul l flis coupon mm FREE STAMPS AT JONES DRUG CO. In addition to all stamDS given with reg ular purchases this coupon entitles you to TEN "S.&H." GREEN TRADING STAMPS with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to collectors, you may fill your stamp books very easily. We will give double HC Green Trading Stamps A Few Specials As an inducement to take advantage of our lib eral Stamp of f errand look over our vast showing of MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES; also want you to see the many desirables Xmas Gifts now on display. ' 100 Clothcraft All-wool suits $15 Values 32 Clothcraft Overcoats in the latest models, $15 values. . .' 28 Goodyear Rubberized Slip-ons $18 values ........ ' 27 Famous L. System Blue serge box back suits, 25.00 values S1 1 .50 11.50 12.75 $19.75 We have been established here for eighteen years and our guarantee of satisfaction or your money back, goes with every purchase. CLOTHIERS 6th and Main Sts. Established 1895 Oregon City, Oregon Cut Out This Coupon FREE STAMPS AT PRICE BROS. In addition to all stamps given with regu lar purchases this coupon entitles- you to Ten 'ktvC Green Trading Stamps Free with each 50c purchase. COUPON NOT GOOD AFTER DEC. 31st. By taking advantage of the liberal methods we offer to collectors you may fill your stamp books easily IK j li-3sia c lljj 1 llx'q 5 . ;L Hm,., mm ( k lmf..; ml Ml (., ..y Ctv". I .:aii8-' I lJ