OREGON CITY, OREGON", FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1912. Clackamas County, Oregon, November 5, 1912. EACH CANDIDATE OR ANSWER VOTED FOR PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Equal suffrage amendment, extending the right of suffrage to women. Vote TES or NO. 300. Tes. 201. No. REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY For constitutional amendment of Section 8, Article V, for the purpose of cre ating the office of Lieutenant-Governor who shall act as Governor in case of the inability of the Governor to perform his duties and also act as Presi dent of the Senate, and providing for the President pro tern of the Senate tr act as Governor in case of the inability of beth the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and in case of the inability of the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and President pro tem of the Senate, the Speaker of the House to act as Governor. Vote TES or NO. 302. Te. 303. No. I'or an amendment of Section 1, Article IX, of the Oregon Constitution, provid ing for a uniform rule of taxation, except on property specifically taxed, pro viding for the levy and collection of taxes for State purposes and for county and other municipal purposes upon different classes of property, and for the ascertainment, determination and application of an average rate of levy and taxation on property taxed for State purposes, and for apportioning. State taxes among the several counties as county obligations by reasonable and equitable rules. Vote TES or NO. 304. Tes. 30S. No. For an amendment of Section 32, Article I, Oregon Constitution, for the pur pose of permitting taxes to be levied upon different classes of property at different rates, but providing that taxation must be uniform upon each sepa rate class within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax, and shall be levied and collected for public purposes only and the power of taxa tion must never be surrendered, suspended or contracted away. Vote TES or NO. 306. Tes. 37. No. For constitutional amendment to repeal all of Section la of Article IX except that part prohibiting poll and head taxes in Oregon, and instead of the por tions repealed to add a provision prohibiting the declaration of an emergency in any act passed by the Legislature regulating taxation and exemptions. Vote TES or NO. 203. Tes. 309. No. For amendment of Section 1 of Article XVII of the Constitution so as to re quire for the adoption of any proposed constitutional amendment a majority vote of all the electors voting at such election, instead of a majority of those voting on the amendment only. Vote TES or NO. 310. Tes. 311. No. For constitutional amendment of Section 3, Article XI, of the Constitution, making stockholders in banking corporations liable to pay for the benefit of depositors an 'amount equal to the par value of the stock held by any stock holder in addition to having originally paid the par value therefor. Vote TES or NO. 312. Tes. 313. No. REFERENDUM ORDERED BY PETITION OF THE PEOPLE An Act vesting the Railroad Commission with power and jurisdiction to su pervise and regulate every public service corporation and utility in the State of Oregon, as to the adequacy of the service rendered and facilities provided, the fairness of rates, tolls, and charges to be collected from the public there for, and also as to interchange of business between such public service cor porations and utilities, the purpose of the bill being to give the Commission supervisory control over all such corporations' and utilities as far as their business has to do with the general public. Vote TES or NO. 314. Tes. 315. No. PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION A bill for an Act to create out of the eastern part of Clackamas County, a new county to be called Cascade County, providing for its organization, fixing the salaries of its officers, transcribing and transferring records from the old to the new county and providing a mode of settling finances between the two counties. Vote TES or NO. 218. Tes. 211. No. bill for an Act creating a single Board of Regents for the University of Ore gon and the State Agricultural College; creating funds for their support by making an annual levy of six-tenths of a mill on the dollar on all taxable property within the State and repealing all other continuing annual ap propriations for the two schools, and Sections 4283 to 4293, Lord's Oregon Laws, creating the Board of Higher Curricula. Vote TES or NO. 320. Tes. 321. No. For the amending of Section 1, Article IV, of the Constitution of the State of Oregon so as to require a majority vote of all electors voting at any elec tion to adopt constitutional amendment and pass initiative measures, and a majority vote only of electors voting thereon to reject measures referred to the people. Vote TES or NO. 321. Tes. 323. No. A bill for an Act authorizing any county in this State to issue bonds for the construction of permanent roads, providing a mode of procedure by which a special election may be called within the county to vote whether bonds shall be issued and providing for the sale of bonds! and the expenditure of the money realized therefrom in actual road construction. Vote TES or NO. 324. Tes. 325. No. A bill for an Act to create a State Highway Department, authorizing the Gov ernor to appoint a State Highway Engineer at an annual salary of 33600; providing his duties and making an annual appropriation of not to exceed 112,000 for the maintenance of the department, including the salary of the engineer and his assistants. Vote TES or NO. 32S. Tes. 327. No. A bffl to put Chapter 266, Laws of 1911, into effect December 1, 1912, instead of January 1, 1915, which chapter creates State Printing Board consisting of Governor, Secretary of State, and State Treasurer fixes salary of State Printer at 34,000.00, Secretary of the Board at 32,000,00 with no other com pensations, provides for purchase of State printing plant, makes appropri ations therefor, authorizes printing department to do binding, ruling, etc and requires Printer to contract in name of State for all printing employees'. Secretary of Board to prescribe style, manner and materials used. Vote TES or NO. 32S. Tes. 329. No. A bill for an Act creating the office of Hotel Inspector, prescribing his duties appropriating 37,000 per annum for salary and traveling expenses of the in epectors, defining hotels and providing for their inspection and regulation. ' ; Vote TES or NO. 330. Tes. 331. No. A bill for an Act making eight hours a day's labor in all cases where labor for the State, county, school district, municipality or other subdivisions of the State are interested, either directly or through any contractors or agents and providing that contractors shall give a bond, providing among other things, that no person shall be employed on such public work more than eight hours in any one day and that no liens or claims shall be filed against the building or other structure. Vote TES or NO. 332. Tee. m. No. A bill for an Act to protect purchasers of stocks and bonds and providing for the regulation and supervision of corporations selling or negotiating for the sale of corporate stocks and securities, and requiring State license prior to any sales or negotiations therefor; establishing a separate corporation depart ment, fixing the annual salary of the commissioner thereof at $3,000 and re stricting the expenses of the department. Vote TES or NO. 334. Tes. 335. No. A bill for an Act prohibiting the employment of convicts of the State Peni tentiary by any private person, firm or corporation, and authorizing their use on public highways and state institutions on the request of the County Court, or Superintendent of the State institution desiring to employ them. Vote TES or NO. SS. Tes. 237. No. A bill for an Aot prohibiting the employment of County, City or Town con victs by any private firm, person or corporation and providing for their em ployment on public highways and other works of a public nature and author izing county courts to prescribe rules and regulations In regard to such em- ployment. Vote TES or NO. A bill for an Act creating a State Road Board authorizing it to issue and sell State bonds, payable in 30 years from date of Issue, for building public roads , not to exceed 31,000,000 per year, creating the office of State Highway Com missioner, fixing the salary at $3,600 per annum, providing for the expendi ture of the funds raised in the building of public roads, and after ten years, creating a sinking fund for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds. Vote TES or NO. 340. Tes. 341. No. For amendment of Section 7, Article XI, of the Oregon Constitution prohibiting the State from increasing its indebtedness for road building in excess of two per cent of the taxable property of the state. Vote TES or NO. 342. Tes. 343. No. l bill for an Act authorizing the respective counties of the State of Oregon to issue 20 year bonds for building roads within the county, providing a meth od for expending the money in actual road construction and for calling and holding county elections to vote upon question of issuing bonds and author izing county courts to levy taxes to pay principal and interest on bonds ar they may mature. Vote TES or NO 344. Tes. 345. No. For amendment of Section 10, Article XI, of the Constitution of Oregon pro hibiting counties from voting any indebtedness for roads, in excess of two per cent of assessed valuation of all property in the county. Vote TES 'or NO. 346.. Tes. 347. No. A bill for an Act providing for the consolidation of contiguous incorporated cities and towns, legalizing consolidation heretofore attempted and providing a method for the creation and organization of new counties. Vote TES. or NO. 348. Tea. 349. No. For amendment to Article DC of the Oregon Constitution by inserting therein a section providing for the taxation of incomes from whatever source or sources derived. Vote TES or NO. 350. Tes. 351. No. A bill for an Act amending subdivision 8 of Section 3554 of Lord 5s Oregon Laws so as to exempt from taxation all household furniture, domestic! fixtures, household goods and effects actually in use in homes and dwellings, and all wearing apparel, watches. Jewelry, and similar personal effects actually in use. Vote TES or NO. 35'2. Tes. 353. No. A. bill for an Act to exempt from taxation all debts of every kind whether on contract, note, mortgage, bond or otherwise, either within or without this State; public stocks and securities, bonds, warrants and moneys due from this State, or any county or other municipal subdivision; stocks and shares in incorporated or unincorporated companies, except bank stocks, shares and banking capital. ' Vote TES or NO. 354. Tes. 355. No. A bill for an Act revising the inheritance tax laws, among other changes, re classifying rates, slightly increasing) same, placing administrative matters relative thereto with the State Tax Commission but leaving collections to be made by the State Treasurer. Vote TES or NO. 356. Tes. 357. No. A bill for an Act fixing the percentage that freight rates on less than car load lots shall bear to car loads and to establish minimum weights and maximum freights and providing penalties for violations of the Act. . Vote TES or NO. 358. Tes. 359. No. For amendment of Section 10 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Oregon empowering the court of any county to issue and sell bonds or other securities to build and maintain roads within the county when auth orized by a majority of the voters of the county, and empowering the county court to present the question at any general election, or to call a special election for such purposes and repealing all constitutional amendments and acts in conflict with the proposed amendment, including those submitted to the people at this election. ' Vote TES or NO. 360. Tes. 261. No. For amendment of Article TV of the Constitution of Oregon abolishing the State Senate; providing none but registered voters be counted on initiative or ref erendum petitions; increasing State and municipal referendum powers; House of Representatives to consist of 60 elective members, and the Governor and and unsuccessful party candidates for Governor to be ex -officio members; Gov ernor to introduce all appropriation bills,, legislature not to increase the amounts thereof, four year terms, annual sessions; proportional election of members; proxy system of voting on bills, and those introduced after 20 days to go to the next session; control and revocation of franchises. Vote TES or NO. 362. Tes. 363. No. For amendment of Section 2, Article DC, of the Constitution of Oregon, provid ing for specific graduated taxjrs, in addition to other taxes, upon all fran chises and rights-of-way, lands and other natural resources in excess of $10,000 under one ownership and assessing water powers in the, counties where situate; exempting from taxation all personal property of every kind, and improvements on, in and under land, exoept a county may enact a county law to tax the same. Vote TES or NO. 364. Tes. 365. No. A bill for an Act to abolish Capital Punishment in the State of Oregon. i Vote TES or NO. 366. Tes. 367. No. A bill for an Act prohibiting boycotting or picketing any industry, workshop, Btore, place of business or factory or any lawful business or enterprise and prohibiting enticing, persuading or attempting to persuade or induce any person working therein from continuing such employment and providing a penalty for violations of the Act. Vote TES or NO. 368. Tes. 369. No. A bill for an Act prohibiting the use of the public streets, parks and public grounds, in any city or town of a population of 6,000, or over, for holding meetings or public discussion or speech-making purposes without a written permit from the mayor thereof. Vote TES or NO. 370. Tes. 371. No. REFERENDUM ORDERED BY PETITION OF THE PEOPLE An Act appropriating $175,000 for building and equipping an administration building and extending heating plant to the same, for the University of Ore gon, and also, appropriating the further sum of $153,258.92 for the purchase of additional land, equipment and apparatus; making repairs, additions, and improvements to buildings and grounds; paying salaries of instructors and employees; paying street assessments; and for additional maintenance of the correspondence study department of University of Oregon. Vote TES or NO. 372. Tes. 373. No. An Act appropriating $175,000 for the construction, equipment, and furnishing a modern fire-proof library and museum building, and the extension of the heating plant to the same, for The use of the University of Oregon. Vote TES or NO. 374. Tes. 375. No. PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION A bill for an Act to assess and collect all taxes levied within Clackamas County from the land values, water powers, natural growths, deposits and other natural resources and public service corporation franchises and rights-of-way, exempting all other classes or property, including lands used for municipal, educational, literary,, scientific, religious or charitable purposes, now exempt. 376. Tes. . 377. - No. '. ' For the creation of a County High School fund .J ; Vote TES or NO. 378. . For High School Fund Tes 379. Against High School Fund No Shall Stock be prohibited from running at large in Clackamas County . ; . ' Vote TES or NO. 380. For running at large Tes 381. Against running at large No . Candidate for District Attorney GI LSER.T Li HEDGES V w v To the Voters of Clackamas County : A Among the candidates soliciting your votes at the coming November election is Gilbert L. Hedges, can didate for District Attorney of the Fifth Judicial District embracing the counties of Clackamas, Washington, Clatsop, and Columbia, who is especial ly entitled to your consideration. Mr. Hedges was born and raised in Clackamas . County and has been here all his life except the time spent away from home in College and in law school preparing himself for the particular work which he is now asking you to employ him to do. Mr. Hedges filled this office by appointment under Governor Chamberlain and no doubt his success in handling the criminal busines of the Court will be remembered by many of the voters of Clackamas County, especial ly those voters who were on the jury panels during that period of time. The district attorney's office should be filled with a bright, active young man, who is not afraid to work and who has no political axes to grind and who will without fear or favor enforce the laws of the State of ' Oregon against all transgressors, whether they be high, low, rich or poor and such a man is Gilbert L. Hedges. Except for the short time which Mr. Hedges held the office by appointment this office has been occupied by a citizen of another county of this District and since Mr. Hedges is a resident of Clackamas County he should be entitled to the votes of Clackamas Coun ty as a matter of loyalty and also upon the general principle that Clackamas County will receive more efficient service from the district attorney's office where the district attorney himself resides within the county. Why go from home to vote for an attorney to transact and look after your county's legal business when we have one among us who is Qualified in every way to do the work and who has proven! by a past trial and experience that he can do it in a capable and fearless manner. L. ADAMS, - of Oregon City's Big Dep't Store. VOTE FOR 63 X Gilbert L. Hedges Remember 63 63 63 (Paid Advertisement) 338. 339. Tes. No.