Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, November 01, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Millionaire, Banker and Capitalist All
to Dodge Taxation Under
Single Tax Numbers Of
Ballot are Given.
The Enterprise has often received
inquiries as to just what the proposed
Single Tax measures are.
First of all on the ballot Number
376-377 in Clackamas County is the
County Single Tax measure.
This is the Henry George Single
Tax pure and simple no qualifica
tions, no evasions, no tricKery ana no
denials just plain Henry George
confiscation-to-the-StaCe-Single Tax.
Single Tax means one tax and that
one tax is on land. Everything else
is exempted. T5e exemptions amount
to the taxation on $350,000,000 of per
sonal property.
The man who now pays thousands
and even millions of dollars taxes on
their homes, buildings, automobiles,
diamonds, carriages, horses, depart
ment stores and businesses, bonds,
stock or money, escape absolutely un
der Single Tax and pay nothing. ,
The men who now pay thousands
a 50-root lof or a thousand acre farm
pays everything. t
That is what Single Tax is.
Graduated Single Tax is practically
the same measure with the exception
that the man who owns more land
pays a greater percentage of taxes.
But this is only temporary and will
shortly lead to the time when each
. .ill pay the same percentage of
taxes according to the amount of land
he owns.
It is because Single Tax is the one
tax and that tax one on land that con
fiscation of land to the state by rea
son of the taxes becoming so fright
fully high, is an inevitable result.
Vast Sum is Being Spent on Propa
ganda Work in Oregon Fund
Expended For One Cause
And That Only.
Those who heard W. S. XJ'Ren de
bate with Charles H. Shields in Ore
gon City declare that Graduated Sin
gle Tax was not Single Tax and would
not confiscate land, would perhaps
like to read just what proof there is
that the Graduated Single Tax is
Single Tax and tnat it will confiscate
the land.
Mr. U'Ren himself admits that the
unprecendented funds extending to
$80,000 that are being expended this
year to fatten the pockets of scores
a Single Tax workers and to pay the
expenses of their printing bills, are
, being put up by the Fels Fund Com
mission. Every member of this commission
is a staunch Single Taxer and the
commission was founded to establish
the Henry George Single Tax. This
is what Henry George said about
Single Tax in'"Progres and Poverty."
"The truth is and from this truth
there can be no escape, and there is
and can be no just title to an ex
clusive possession of the soil, and that
private property in landj is a bold,
bare, enormous wrong, like that of
chattel slavery."
if you still have any doubt; as to
hat Single Tax will do, here is an
other quotation also from Henry
George's "Progress and Poverty:'' .
r: the land belong to the people,
why continue to permit land owners
to take the rent, or compensate them
in any way for the loss of rent?"
And to you, Mr. Lot-owner, . Mr.
George, sole author of Single Tax has
another warning. This it it:
"The selling price of land would
fall; land speculation would receive
its death blow."
Home-owner that means YOU.
Lot-holder that means YOU.
It means ALL who have homes, lots
or land.
So you see that confiscation of all
land is what the Fels Fund Commis
sion is working for to take away the
selling value of your lot and the sell
ing value of your farm.
Graduated Single Tax and the
County Single Tax measure In Clack
amas County will abolutely take the
full rental value of land, and by this
means confiscate the land to the state.
So it is impossible to have any
doubt as to what the Graduated Sin
gle Tax means, for Mr. U'Ren and
his fellow-workers,- being paid by the
Fels Fund Commission, cannot be
paid for but one purpose, and that is,
to confiscate all land to the state.
Cemeteries Are Exempt, But Provinci
al Laws Aim to Tax All Forms
Of Wealth Capital Is
Not Neglected
There is no Single Tax in British
Columbia. Although every Single
Taxer declares that Single Tax has
been a success in British Columbia,
it is easily proved that there is no
Single lax in that province.
First of all there is an income tax
on all incomes over $2,000 per year.
Then, every person is taxed on his
personal property. The only personal
property which is exempt in British
Columbia is property which belongs
to cemeteries.
Every bank is taxed, every salmon
cannery is taxed, and all kinds of bus
iness enterprises.
Does that look like Single Tax?
Anyway you don't have to believe
The Enterprise, for here is an extract
from the British Columbia laws:
"All mines and minerals shall be
assessed and taxed.
' ''Every person shall be assesed and
taxed on real property, personal prop
erty and income, subject to the ex
emptions of this act (which relates
to cemeteries, etc.)
"The taxes on all incomes up to
$2,000 is 1 per cent; from $2,000 to
$3,000, 1 1-4 per cent; from $3,000 to
$4,000, 1 1-2. per cent; and from $4,
000 to $7,000, 2 per cent; from $7,
000 and over 2 1-2 per cent."
"Every bank doing business in this
province shall be assesses and taxed
in addition to the foregoing subsec
tion, $1,000 per anum, and $125 for
each additional branch.
"The owner of every salmon can
nery, in addition to the tax on real
property, personal property other than
salmon and income, shall be taxed at
the rate of 2 cents on each case of
salmon packed by him during the year
ending the 31st day of December, and
in addition to such tax, a tax of 1 per
cent on the total price for which sal
mon, other than canned salmon, has
been sold by him during said year.
"In addition to their real estate and
income tax, every insurance company,
every life insurance company, every
guarantee company, loan company and
trust company, every telegraph, tele
phone and express company, every
gas company, and every water works
company, and street railway company
is assessed and taxed upon its gross
revenue, from all sources derived,
arising or accrued from business
transacted in the province."
Taxes so High That There Is no De
mand for Real Estate Wants
to Sell but Can
not PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 29., (Special)
The first of a mass of evidence that
will show, it is declared, that single
tax has already proved a failure in
Alberta was producedi today by Sig.
Sichel, a leading dealer, of Portland
W. S. Jealouse has written to Mr.
Sichel declaring that taxes in Alberta
are already so high that it is impos
sible to sell land at all and that very
shortly all land will be confiscated to
the state. The letter follows:
"Dear Sir: I have run across a
copy of your open letter in regard to
single tax and although I, was not
much interested in the same I take
liberty to offer some authentic facts
and figures in regard to the effect of
single tax in the province of Alberta.
I own three raw lots in a railroad
town there of 2,000 population. Last
year these lots were assessed at $900.
The taxes amounted to $40. Thus,
under single tax these lots are assess
ed at $2500 and the taxes are now
$145. Although these lots are assessed
at $2500 I could not sell them for
$800. In fact I could not sell them at
any price. Conditions are in a state
of stagnation there.
"My experience with single tax is
that is is nothing short of legalized
robbery. From my Alberta experience
I know it is decidedly harmful to the
progress and prosperity of any place
and the people of Oregon will do well
to give it no' place in that state.
Yours respectfully,
Safe and Sound.
From the Cassville, Mo., Republican:
The country has a man In the presi
dential chair who can be relied upon
to uphold the principals of protection
and the other doctrines of the plat
form on which he was elected. Mr.
Taft is standing courageously for the
principles in which he and his party
believe. Four more years of his ad
ministration offers safe and sound
protection to labor and to capital.
Money for Taxation Must Be Raised
And When Big Landed Tracts
Fail High Taxes On
Lots Will Result
How very futile and ridioulous the
statement is that Graduated Single
Tax will not confiscate land to the
state, can be easily proved.
Any one who ever heard Mr. Shields
speak or heard the Secretary of the
Oregon Equal Taxation League debate
with W. S. U'Ren knows this to be
the case. But to those who have not
heard those debates, here is a simple,
plain statement of facts:
According to Mr. U'Ren, Graduated
Single Tax will break up all large
land holding and will tax them out
of existence. He also says and it is
difficult to reconciler his two statements-!
that the Graduated single Tax
will obtain all its taxation from the
large land-holders by means of the
Graduated feature.
Just how Mr. U'Ren is tricking the
worker and the wage-earner, it is
easy to show.
The Graduated Single Tax will
eventually tax the working-man's lot
out of existence. Of course it is
quite true it will break up the large
holdings. The large land-owners do
not deny this. They admit it to be
the case. What then?
Remember they are to be taxed so
high on their large holdings that they
will be forced to sell. If any one
owner has $100",000 worth of land and
decides to sell it in ten tracts of $10,
000 each, it will then not pay one
cent of taxation under the Graduated
Single Tax.
As this will be done all over the
state, where is the money for taxation
purposes to come from?
Large holdings will be broken' up,
(1) either the state will go bankrupt,
(2) The exemption must be immedi
ately removed.
Then the small farmer and the lot
owner will have the opportunity of
seeing if not true that the taxes on
lot and farm will be so high as to
become confiscatory.
Remeber that is what has happen
ed in Alberta, which has only a par
tial application of Single Tax.
Taxation will mount still higher as i
land that is poorer cannot pay the
taxes and will be confiscated by the
state. Heavier and heavier will the
burden piled on the man who has a
little good land. Eventually he too
must succumb and the state will be
the one great landlord, and the farm
er and the home-owner the tenants.
Two years ago W. S. U'Ren secured
the passage of a tricky amendment
which purported to repeal the poll
tax, which as a matter of fact was
never in force, but which in reality
gave every county in Oregon . the
privilege to impose Single Tax.
At the present election there is of
fered a measure Number 308-309
which repeals this measure, and every
one who wants to register a vote
against Single Tax should vote 308 X
In Clackamas County the principal
measures to be voted are 377 X No
against Single Tax, and 365 X Yes
against the Graduated Single Tax.
Every voter should be particularly
careful to cast a vote for 308 and by
this means will Mr. U'Ren's power be j
uujjyvu in iiu uiicei uiiii uiauucr.
The City of Everett has no Single
Tax, although Single Tax supporters
have been declaring that this city
would go for Single Tax.
An election is to be held on No
vember 5 the same day that the
measure will be voted on in Oregon
and every indication now points to
Single Tax being defeated by an over
whelming majority.
As Clackamas County does and as
Oregon does, so will Everett do.
The principal joker about Single Tax
is that the people who can best af
ford to pay, escape from taxation ab
solutely. Under Graduated Single Tax -every
department store in Portland will es
cape taxation, every bank, every own
er of bonds, stocks or mortgages--ev-erybody
who owns anything bat land.
Just the land-owner, the big land
owner, the small land-owner, the lot
owner, the home-owner ,and the
farmer will pay all the taxes.
The Disaster Which Threatened One
County in Connecticut Would
Have Been Experienced in
Almost Every County In
the United States.
Congressman E. J. Hill is one of the
greatest, if not the greatest, tariff ex
perts in the United States. He rep
resents Fairfield county, Connecticut,
in congress, and he has recently pub
lished a startling document in which
he shows the effect the Democratic
tariff ' bills passed during the recent
session of congress and vetoed by
President Taft, would have had upon
these industries if enacted into law.
He lists the factories in alphabetical
order and shows in connection with
each one just the percentage of re
duction in the duty upon the article
which it manufactures. The showing
fills four pages of a newspaper and it
has not only awakened Connecticut to
a shuddering realization of the dan
ger it has escaped, but it has aroused
all New England to the menace of a
Democratic victory.
Mr. Hill shows beyond question that
if these Democratic bills had passed
practically every industry in his "dis
trict and in the entire state of Con
necticut would have been put upon
a free trade basis and a very large
proportion of them would have been
obliged to close their doors. Manu
facturers from all over the country
who have seen this exhibit are writ
ing to Mr. Hill to thank him for mak
ing it and to tell him that they had
no idea how near to extinction they
had been. They had not realized the
deadly menace to their industries
which was hidden In the Democratic
tariff bills and they had not realized
the immeasurable debt they owe to
President Taft for vetoing them. One
correspondent from Delaware writes
that Congressman Hill's disclosures
had "set the state on fire," and that
Is hardly too strong a term to use to
describe the intense Interest aroused.
Another article which has recently
appeared and which has produced al
most as startling an effect upon those
to whom it was Immediately address
ed as that of Congressman Hill, is an
editorial In the "American Sheep
Breeder." This editorial calls atten
tion to the fact that neither Colonel
Roosevelt nor Professor Wilson made
any reply whatever when asked what
their attitude would be on the ques
tion of protection to the wool indus
try, while President Taft answered by
wire, calling attention to his veto of
the wool bill and the expression of
opinion which he gave in that veto.
The editorial very properly draws
the inference from the silence of the
Bull Moose and Democratic candidates
that the wool industry need not hope
for any, consideration at their hands,
and it quotes the message of President
Taft to show that he realizes the ab
solute necessity of protection in order
that the industry may prosper, and
that so long as he is in the White
House no free wool bill can become a
The "American Sheep Breeder"
goes to many thousand men engaged
in the sheep industry and it is not in
any sense a political newspaper. It
Is devoted to the interests of the
sheep industry, however, and its ex
pression of editorial opinion that
President Taft and the Republican
party alone can be trusted to safe
guard that industry, can hardly fail
to concentrate upon the Republican
ticket the vote of all those vitally in-
Talk Machines
At Cut Prices
Big Discounts From Regular Prices
Chance to Get Records Free
The rules of the several Talk Machine Manufac
turers prohibit advertising the names of machines at cut
prices, so we can make only a general announcement, but
come and see and come early for our stock is not large,
generally only one of each of them. Most of these ma
chines have been never, been used a few have used for
demonstration purposes and a few are second-hand taken
in exchange for higher priced machines.
Every machine is in perfect order and so guaran
teed. Both disc and cyclinder machines are included in
this sale.
$10.00 Machine and 6 free records for $ 7.00$ 1 cash, $1 month
$12.00 Machine and 6 free records for $ 8.00 $ 1 cash, $1 month
$19.00 Machine and 6 free records for $12.00 $ 1 cash, $1 month
$17.50 Machine and 6 free records for $12.50 $ 1 cash, $1 week
$25.00 Machine and 10 free records $19.00$ 1 cash, $1 week
$30.00 Machine and 12 free records $19.00 $ 1 cash, $1 a week
$30.00 Machine and 20 free records $15.00 $ 1 cash, $1 a week
$35.00 Machine and 20 free records $25.00 $ 2 cash, $1 a week
$40.00 Machine and 24 free records $30.00$ 5 "cash, $1 a week
$45.00 Machine and 40 free records $30.00 $ 5 cash, $1 a week
$60.00 Machine and 30 free records $48.00 $10 cash, $1 a week
$70.00 Machine and $13 worth free records $58 $10 cash, $6 mo.
$75.00 Machine and 50 free records $69.00 $10 cash, $2 a week
$200 Machine and $25 worth free records $150 $20 cash, $10 mo.
Remember the price first quoted is the price of
the instrument alone we throw in the records.
In addition to the greatly reduced prices we will
arrange any reasonable terms a small deposit to show
good faith then a little each week or month.
If you wish to pay all cash you may deduct an
additional 1 0 percent. '
Remember '
' That these machines are guaranteed.
That most of them have never been out of the
That the records are absolutely free in addition
to the reduced prices.
That you pick out your own records.
That there is usually but one machine of a
kind. Get the first choice. . -
Huntley Bros.fCo., The Rexall Store
terested in that industry.
The Democratic managers realize
the deep-seated distrust toward their
party which exists on account of it?
attitude on the tariff question and are
trying desperately to make it appear
that the tariff plank In their platform
does not really mean so very much.
They plead that the . Democratic pro
gram would be to deduce the tariff
gradually so as not to disturb busi
ness, with the idea that ultimately
the country could reach a free trade
basis by easy stages which is like
the old story about gradually reduc
ing the feed which is given to your
horses until by dint of habit he learns
to do without any feed at all.
But the country will not be deceiv
ed. The country knows perfectly well
that Democratic victory would mean
a long period of tariff agitation with
nothing certain except that in the end
bills would be passed under which
there would inevitably be enormous
importations of foreign, products with
corresponding contraction and stagna
tion of domestic trade and manufac
Q A QvV Against SinJLzTax.
OU OMes Jss&
36 5xN0eGTSdx"GW
vAI AgainstSinsleTaK
ture. The country did not fail to take
note of the tariff revision bills passed
by the present Democratic congress
under the boast that they did not con
tain a line of protection. The coun
try knows that but for the courage
ous vetoes of President Taft these
ruinous Democratic measures would
now be on the statute books and in
all probability the Industries affected
by them would be languishing and
thousands of men out of work.
It is the knowledge of these facts
that is responsible for the strong and
steady drift toward Taft that is re
ported from all sections of the coun
try and that is the forecast of a
sweeping Republican victory.
So They Might.
"No use locking the stable door after
the horse is stolen."
"I should say that was the very time
to lock it They might come back aft
er the automobile." Washington Her
ald. Co.
eat Battle . Ground In Oregon Is
Seeing Fight Now at 1 Most
Crucial Point Shields
Advise on Vote.
Secretary of the Ofsoo Equal Tamtlon
Who is supporting the Graduated
tingle Tax?
Who is paying the hired workers
a. id boosters for the Graduated Single
Tax? .
The Fels Fund Commission of
Why are they doing it?
And are you aware of the fact that
the Fels Fund Commission was
fc-rmed in 1909 for the exxpress pur
pose of establishing the Henry George
doctrine of Single Tax in America
within five years from that'date?
- How does it happen the Commission
is spending its money in Oregon?
Oregon was selected as the state
where the Commission was to make
the attempt of establishing its doc--trine
and it is in Oregon that the
great tax battle is now being waged.
The Graduated Single Tax amendment
to the state constitution is the meas
ure the Commission through its hired
workers is centering all of its forces
and energies upon. . You hear them
say very little or nothing about the
Single Tax county measures. They
are spending vast sums to secure the
adoption of the Graduated Single Tax.
Do you think this Commission which
was organized for the specific purpose
above named would spend such sums
of money for the adoption of this
Graduated Single Tax measure if it
were not in keeping with the designs
and the puropse for which It was
Most assuredly not. Why should
the Graduated Single Tax measure ex
empt all forms of wealth except land
if it was not designed to" establish
the Single Tax or the land value tax
as enunciated by Henry George?.
There can be no other reason given
for exempting all other form's . of
wealth except land value other than
that of establishing the Single Tax.
Business men, home-owners, farm
ers, merchants, mechanics, laborers
and professional men, be not de
ceived? The Graduated Single Tax
exemption amendment means Single
Tax, or the Commission would not
be willing to spend $100,000 in the
State of Oregon to secure its adoption.
Single Tax means the destruction
of private property in land. That
is the fundamental principle of the
doctrine that, and that alone, is the
reason for exempting all forms of
wealth except land. Single Tax means
that the selling value of your home,
your lot, or your farm will entirely
disappear. .
Single Tax means that the land is
to be held in common that the state
is to collect the rent as a landlord
now collects it. Single Tax means
foreclosing of mortgages. It means
that new loans cannot be secured. It
means the entire disappearance of the
selling value you now hold in your
land, your home, or your lot. Single
Tax means the overturning of the
present fiscal system and a great and
lasting financial depression. , The
Single Tax will ruin the State of
Oregon. Single Tax, as is contem
plated in this Graduated Single Tax
measure, is not to be found anywhere
in the world
Why should Oregon sacrifice her
prosperity, her good name, her fu
ture opportunities, her home, to sat
isfy the theories of Joseph Fels, hia
Commission, and other visionaries?
The people of Oregon are capable
of handling their own law-making.,
They should let the world know that
they are not going to adopt very
fooi measure that is offered from
To kill this attempted pernicious
'egislaticn, . vote against the Gradu
ated Single Tax 365 X NO. Vote to.
,-epeal the tricky U'Ren Single Tax
Home Rule adopted in 1910, and to
do this vote 308 X YES.
Let the world know that the people
of Oregon are safe, sane and level
headed !
Editor.) All Mortgagees are interest
ed in keeping up the value of the
lands mortgaged.
Values of their securities cannot be
maintained if other lands are reduced.
Lack of demand alway lowers prices.
The avowed object o4 the Single
Taxers is to cheapen land and their
scheme is very well calculated to low
er the price of all lands.
When land is falling in price the
demand for it becomes less and less,
and it is veryf difficult to sell it at
any price.
There are many thousands of mort
gages in Oregon, hundreds becomng
due every day.
So far foreclosures have been few
because capital has been willing to
either renew loans or make new ones
to pay the old.
But capitalists regard the Single
Tax scheme as an attack on them.
The ingenious and misleading figur
ing and unfounded assertions of
Single Taxers that the Single Tax as
they advocate It works well in other
countries, will not prevail witn, tnem.
They take the short cut that if all
taxes are taken off of all personal
property, the taxes on the land mort
gaged to them, must be largely In
creased, and that this long step to
ward Socialism will very materially
reduce values.
There would be great haste to re
alize and the courts would be choked
with suits to foreclose.
There would be Sheriffs sales ga
lore. Equities would be pushed on the
market In great numbers. All of
which would go a long way further
to reduce values.
Under the most favorable view,
there is scarcely a farmer In Clacka
mas County, no matter how free from
debt, whose lands would not fall in
value many times what he would save
In taxes on his Improvements and per
sonal property.
Be sure to register and VOTE, for