OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1912. REPUBLI CAN BEN SELLING, Progressive' Republican candidate for Avital issue is involved in the election of United States Senator next Tuesday. It is that of the preserva tion of the direct primary law. This is the real issue and on it the voters should determine their vote for Senat or. Senator Bourne was defeated for re nomiuation fairly and squarely in the primary election last April by Ben Selling. Three days following that election, Bourne telegraphed Selling, congratulating him on his nomination and pledging his hearty support. Sub sequently, Bourne sought the indorse ment and nomination of the Progres sive party state convention. Again he was rejected by an assembly of electors representing the sovereign people. As a final resort, Bourne caused petitions to be circulated nom inating him as an independent candi date. Most of the signatures to his petitions were obtained by profession al petition circulators who were paid five cents a name. In becoming an independent candi date, Bourne repudiated the direct pri mary of which he has been the 'pro fessed friend. He has also repudiated the Progressive party, after pledging his support to Roosevelt, but this re pudiation took place after Bourne was refused the Senatorial nomination by that party. Bourne now declares that Roosevelt and his supporters did not have a sufficient reason for organizing the new party. Contrasted with the irreconcilable course of Bourne is that of Ben Sell ing, who is before the voters as the Republican direct primary nominee for Senator. The issue is absolutely plain and cannot be misrepresented. A vote for Bourne is a vote for the E. B. TONGUE. The Prosecuting Attorney is the le gal advisor of. all the county officers. The success of all legal matters of county and state business referred to him depends upon his good judgment Often thousands of dollars are at stake and the loss or gain to the coun ty rests upon his advice or upon the conduct of the suit. The office of District Attorney will cost the tax payers more then three times as much as any other office un less successfully conducted. Thous ands of dollars can be wasted on useless, frivolous or malicious prose cutions. Mr. Tongue, the present District Attorney is a candidate for re-election. Does his record merit a second term? He has won over 96 out of every hundred Circuit Court cases. He has won every criminal case tried in the Supreme Court. Clackamas County has not lost a single cent through wrong advice. Clackamas County has not hired a single lawyer to help him try a case. With two or three exceptions he has personally conducted every case in the Circuit Court of the four counties since he has been in office He does the work for the two judges while the district attorneys prior to him" did tie work for one. He has personally conducted all his official cases in the Supreme Court. The Oregon Journal, the Democrat ic paper in commenting on the Pender murder case used the following language, "With a brilliantly evolved mass of circumstanitfl evidence the state rested The argument of Prosecuting Attorney Tongue was a master piece of phrasing and legal ingeniousness. For two hours he held his hearers tense and chilled with a statement and plea as stern and un compromising as was ever heard in a court of law." Concerning the same trial the Oregon Mist said: "One of the features of the great trial was tie wonderful and brilliant argument made by District Attorney Tongue. Many people who heard it say It was s V NOMINEES RECORDS AND 7 United States Senator. repudiation of the direct primary law. A vote for Selling is a vote for the preservation of the direct primary law. Mr. Selling believes in the direct pri mary and all other laws that consti tute the Oregon system. Either as a member of the State Legislature or as -a. private citizen, Mr. Selling for 16 years labored for progressive leg ilation in this state. He assisted in the enactment of the direct primary, initiative and referendum, recall and the Presidential perference primary law. He believes in them firmly. His record as a true progressive and the friend of the common people has been consistent at all times. His record is known to every voter in the state and he is to be entrusted with the respon sibilities of the more important office he now seeks. Believing the high cost of living is due largely to the tariff, Mr. Selling is pledged, if elected, to work for an immediate revision of the tariff down ward. He promises to secure for Oregon its full share of appropriations for river and harbor improvements and other public needs, together with the state's long over-due share of the Reclamation fund. Mr. Selling is un qualifiedly opposed to single tax and any other measure of legislation which proposes placing the burden of taxa tion on the farmer and the small homeowner. Friends of the Oregon system owe it to themselves and the preservation of the direct primary to vote for Ben Selling. A vote for his opponent, Bourne, Is a vote in favor of the re pudiation of that law. Mr. Voter. Bear this in mind when yon go to the polls Tuesday, Novem ber 5. t the greatest speech ever made in the Columbia County Court." A democratic paper speaking of the celebrated Blakesly case said: "The talk of Mr. Tongue was probably the best one that has been heard here for years. That he is an able prosecutor there is no doubt" Another daily newspaper recently referred to him as "one of the best prosecutors in the West" mmmmmMmmmMmmm lipflii ,. ' i sir , iHilllPf s 1 C. SCHUEBEL for Representative . . Every candidate for the Legislature should be able to give a reason why the people of his district should cast their votes tor him at the coming election and also let the voters know what he stands for and what he will endeavor to do if elected to the Leg islature. With this object in view I wish to submit the following facts to the voters of Clackamas County. As the law now stands it is impos sible for a farmer to burn slashings and clear land between June 1st and Oct. 1st In 1911 the Legislature ap propriated $8,400 for special deputy game and fire wardens. These fire wardens are employed by the State at the expense of the taxpayers to pro tect the timber lands owned by ' the S. P. Ry. Co. and other timber barons. I have prepared a bill that provides that every road supervisor shall be ex-offlcio fire warden in his district and shall have the privilege of issu 'ig permits for the purpose of clear ing lands between June 1st and Oct 1st In 1911 the Legislature passed a law providing for school supervisors in this state, and three school supervis ors have been appointed in Clackams County under the law. This costs the taxpayers of Clackamas County about $3,600 a year, which I consider a use less expenditure, and should be re pealed. In 1909 a bill was passed by the Legislature providing that all water power appropriated "AFTER THE -. o, , v VIP I . i- mm t ' PLEDGES PASSAGE OF THIS ACT" should pay a license fee annually of from 25 cents to $2.00 per horse power. In 1911 an other law was passed which contained a "joker" of a similar nature in tha interests of all water power approp riated prior to May 22, 1909. The Portland, Ry. Light & Power Co. has appropriated more than 250,000 horse power in Clackamas County but be cause of the "jokers" in the bills of 1909 and 1911 they escape paying a license fee on nearly all of this water power. On January 1st, 1912 they paid $2021.81 as a license fee' and if they were compelled to pay in the same manner as other persons ap propriating water after May 22, 1909, they would'nave paid $62,500 thereby beating the State of Oregon out of $60,478.19 for water power in Clack amas County annually until this bill is amended. I have prepared a- bill which pro vides that every person appropriating water for power purposes shall pay a license fee of not less than 50 cents or more than $2.00 for horse power per annum. If this bill becomes, a law it will compel the Portland Ry. Light & Power, Co. to pay $125,000 annually for water appropriated in Clackamas County alone. Water power is one of the greatest natural resources that the people of Clackamas County have and at the present time there is over 300,000 horset power appropriated in our county. Under the present law water power cannot be assessed and there fore escapes taxation., I have prepared a, bill which pro vides that all water power and fran chise values shall pay taxes in the same manner as other property. If this bill becomes a law it will add at least -$15,000,000 to the tax roll in Clackamas County for water power alone. Under the present law Mult nomah County is collecting taxes on over $1,000,000 of property located in Clackamas County. This will also be remedied by the same bill and Clacka mas County will collect taxes on all the property located within its boun daries. Proper protection for the laboring men is one of the most serious prob lems confronting the American people today. I have prepared a bill that provides no man shall be compelled to work more than 10 hours in one day and not to exceed 60 hours in one week in any mill or manufacturing es tablishment in the State of Oregon. There will also be submitted to the coming session of the Legistlature a compulsory compensation act which will protect the laboring man and will give them their rights in case of ac cident without the expense of employ--s; an attorney or going into the Courts. I shall ' do all in my power if elected to the Legislature to pass these laws and protect the laboring men in their rights. A great many useless and unnecs sary Commissions have been created in the past. The last. Legislature ap propriated over $5,000,000, which is far in excess of what should be nec essary to run the affairs of our State. I shall do all in my power to cut off useless commissions and reduce the '.menses of our State Government. If the above measures meet with your approval, I would greatly appre ciate your support at the coming elec tion. Tours respectfully, C. SCHUEBEL. G. SCHNOERR. If I am elected, I will, during my term of office, be opposed to the crea tion of new Boards and Commissions and favor the repeal of many of them. I am opposed to single tax. I fa vor" good roads into all parts of Clackamas County; favor the repeal of fish and game commissioners: work for the repeal of the L,aw creating County School Supervisors; am opposed to large appropriations for the benefit of a few officers; want a dollar's worth of service to the state to every dollar expended; a square deal to everyone and strict economy in every depart ment of state. Favor statement Number One and Direct Primary Law. I further state to the people of Ore gon as well as to the people of my legislative district that rim-in? m term of office, I will always vote for mai candidate ror united States Sen ator in Congress who has received the highest number of the people's votes for that position at th CAT! ATD 1 1 A. tion next preceding the election of Al J. m senator in congress, without re gard to my individual preference. Believing that we are more often harmed by the passage of bad laws than the ne?lect tn nana mnii n-naa T sHall use my best endeavors to pre vent pernicious legislation. I shall favor strict laws for the ap prehension and punishment of those engaged in the White Slav Trod a and shall favor the promotion of the Social Hygiene Society. I shall favor strict laws for the ex termination of quack doctors who prey upon our young men. I shall do my best to secure the passage of an eight hour law for the laborers in the paper mills of Ore Sn' L maJrfty of the laborers in the mills at Oregon City desire it - I Bhall favor Just and equal taxation on all Dronertv nf tha atot v owned by corporations or Individuals. Tours truly. G. SCHNOERR. If -&m , K.f A - 'i COUNT THE COST . ' - . - , r ' j ' - - I " ' V . ' ' - ' V , " ' ,V.S ' f ) ( , v , j r I If it cost $2000 to write 100 tax-receipts what kind of wages could a good clerk make In a day? "Where was Moses when the light went out?" Or rather, "where was Mass when his man Roberts went out in the hands of Sheriff Stevens?" If $5.00 per week is paid for boarding prisoners and this is charged to "jail account" how much does this add to "Sheriff's expense?" Would it pay you to elect a man who practiced economy when he was deputy, and who would do so were he elected sheriff? Would it pay you to elect a man who knows the business? Would it pay you to elect a man who can show and teach his deputies what and how to do things? E. C. HACKETT. - X - -"V 9' JAMES F. NELSON for County Assessor. The Assessor's office is one of the most important offices in Clackamas County and the voters should care fully consider the records made by the candidates who are asking to be elected to this important position. II the valuation and assessments are not fairly made the farmer and the small home owner will be compelled to pay more than his share of the tax, which is the condition that exists under the present assessment. When I was first elected to the As ssesor's office the S. P. Ry." Co. was assessed for $3,500 per mile. The P. Ry L. & P Co. was assessed for $1, 400 per mile. The last assessment I made on the S. P. Ry. Co. was $36,004 per mile, which was reduced by the Board of Equalization to $30,000 per mile. The total assessment of the S. P. Ry. Co., including all their lands, when I was first elected to the Assessor's office was $229,482. The last assess ment on the S. P. Ry. Co. that I made was $3,061,110, an increase of $2,821,- 628. The total assessment of the P. R. L. & P. Co. when I first went into office was $43,000 on the electric lines. The last assessment that I made on the elctric lines was $20,000 per mile, making a total of $620,000. which is an increase of $576300 over what it was when I first took the of fice. Mr. Jack's first assessment in 1909 on the S. P. Ry. Co. including the railroad and their lands, was $2,352, 145 making! a reduction of $708,965 from what my last assessment was. . Mr. Jack's first assessment on the P. R. L & P. Co. electric lines was $12,000 per mile, which reduced the valuation $8,000 per mile from my last assessment making a total reduction on the value of the electric lines in Clackamas County of $248,000. My last assessment on the Weyer hauser Timber Co. was $224,050. Mr. Jack's first assessment on the same lands was $174,000, making a reduc tion on the timber land belonging to the eWyerhauser Timber Co. of $50, 010. Mr. Jack has endeavored to make a comparison between the first three years of my assessment of the corpor ations and the last three years of his term of office o f the assessment of the corporations. Since 1910 Mr. Jack has not assessed the corporations do ing business in more than one coun ty. These corporations have all been assessed by the; State Tax Commis sion and have been raised even above my assessment of four years ago. This shows conclusively that Mr. Jack made a great mistake in reducing the valuation of the corporations above mentioned and shows that he used very poor judgment in this respect By. reducing the valuation of the cor porations and increasing the assess ment of the farmers and small prop erty owners about 50 per cent they are compelled to pay more than their just proportion of the taxes. Mr. Jack invited the tax payers to examine the records which I have done and the foregoing statements are correct If I am elected to the Assessor's Office I shall pursue the same course I did in making my former assess ments and compel the corporations of Clackamas County to pay their just proportion of the taxes. If you think this Is right and proper I would great ly appreciate your support ' at the coming election. Vote 88 X. Very respectfully yours, JAMES F. NELSON. k 7 . ... v 'A WIL LIAM H. MATTOON. ' William H. Mattoon, candidate on the Republican ticket for commission er, formerly from Viola and now from Estacada. Chosen in the primaries to succeed himself. Mr. Mattoon has many qualifications for the office to which he has been nominated and one of these is the success he has made of his own private interests. He fa vors good roads, and an economical administration of the affairs of the county. The people's interests will be as carefully guarded by Mr. Mat toon during the coming four years as they have been in the past should he be returned to the office. I l W ll UU X anil iWklU'l T. J. GARY. To the voters of Clackamas County In asking for your support at the November" election, I wish to say that the progress of the' schools of this county during the last four years shows that someone has been active. While I do not claim credit for all that has been done, I do know that in many instances I was the direct cause of the progress that was made. Four years ago there were many schoolhouses and grounds in the county that were a discredit and in some instances a disgrace to the com munity. Now almost every district has a reasonably good building and many have improvements that would be a credit to any community. Believing that the teacher is the most important factor in any school, I have labored to rid the County of teachers who would not or could not do good work. In this I have known neither friend nor foe. As a conse quence,, I have made some enemies. (The public official who does not is usualy a weakling) but I have the satisfaction of knowing that the teaching force of the County is far superior to what it was when I begun as Superintendent Every official act of mine has been for what I consider ed, the best interest of the girls and boys. I taught for several years in the one room country school and after ward in the graded schools of the Couty seven years at Milwaukie, five at West Oregon City.v and three at Willamette. This " experience, togeth er with my work as Superintendent of the schools of the County should qual ify me for good work. Realizing that the greatest problem that we have is the rural schools, I visited all of them with the exception ; of two, (they were not in session at the time), and studied their condition. I have since visited most of them many times. I hope to continue to make these schools what they should be. , The fact that I received the nomin ation in the recent Primary Election from both the Republican and Demo cratic parties shows, I think, that I have been Superintendent for the whole people. I purpose being Super intendent of the Schools for all the people, If elected In November. Thanking you for past favors, I am Cordially. T. J. GARY. ) : , W .L. MULVEY. Candidate for re-election to the office of County Clerk. Dear Sir: If my record for the past two years as County Clerk meets with your ap proval, I respectfully ask your sup port and vote for re-election to this office on November 5th. If re-elected I will, in the future as in the past, to the best of my ability, give to the people of Clackamas County a clean, honest administration, and will con duct the business of the office as economically as possible consistent with good accurate work. W. L. MULVEY. E. P. DEDMAN. To the voters and citizens of Clacka mas County: As the nominee of the Republican party for the office of Recorder of Conveyances of Clackamas County I wish to state that I have been a resi dent of this county for over thirty years. I am and have been for many years a farmer by occupation and a tax payer. I have had previous ex perience in the Recorder's office and know how the work should be carried on. I am deeply interested In the welfare of this county and believe I will be able to conduct the office of County Recorder in such a manner as will be of benefit to all the people. If you see fit to trust me with this office I will at all times be found at tending stricttf to my duty as re corder and will always conduct the office in a strictly business-like man ner. Yours truly, E. P. DEDMAN. . j, FIGURES DONT LIE! CLACAKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON, Claim No. 54 Warrant No. 2682 Dr. To E. T. Mass, Sheriff, Charge, JAIL $76.42. . Oregon City, Oregon, July 31st 1911. Board Bill for prisoners July 1911. July 1st to 15th, Grover Clemons, 15 days July 1st to 15th, Tony Moran 15 days July 1st to 15th, Chas.rBrozile. . ; 15 days July 1st to 21st L. F. Shortt 21 days July 2nd to 31st, A. Cain .' 30 days July 25th to 31st, Jay Rhodes . 17 days Total prison days 103 days . At $5.00 per week $76.42 O. K., E. T. MASS, J. O. S. . Filed August 2, 1911. ' W. L. MULVEY County Clerk. COMMISSIONERS COURT CLACKAMAS COUNTY, AUG. 3rd, 1911 ORD ERED PAID, R. B. BE AT IE, County Judge. State o Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. I, W. L. MULVEY, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing copy of Prisoners Board Bill, has been by me com pared with the original, an d that it is a ' correct tran script herefrom, and the whole of such original Prisoners Board Bill as the same appears on file in my o ffice and in my care and custody. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 28th day of October, 1912. W. L. MULVEY, Clerk. The foregoing bill speaks for itself and it is published for the benefit of the taxpayers of Clackamas County. It will pay you to scrutinize It care fully, and see if you can't see wherein you are being overcharged? Figure it out for yourselves, as It is a very sim ple matter. The law provide that the first four ma be charged for at $5 per week, but the remaining ones are to be boarded at $3 per weeK. how ever It rarely happens that there are more Than 4 at one time. On the above bill Mass has 103 days II I -i jjjm.,.,1 ,, uui.Ui.lL I, r-. v-' ' , i .;. i- r . ! I 1 A' "t J. A. TUFTS Mr. Tufts will suceed himself aa treasurer of Clackamas County. He will in the future, as he has done in the past, be on the job all the time. He has and will work for the interests of the tax payers. He will give fair and courteous treatment to all. WM. J. WILSON. To the voters of Clackamas County: I am now acting as Coroner of Clackamas County by virtue of an ap pointment made by the County Court on July 5, 1911. Since that time I have endeavored to fill the office with credit to the County. If the voters of this county see fit to. entrust this office to me and thus express their ap proval of my past record, I shall at all times endeavor to do my duty and will always he on the job. Yours truly, WM. J. WILSON D. T. MELDRUM. D. T. Meldrum, the Republican nominee for County Surveyor, Is particularly well qualified to occupy that position. He has been faithful during his first term and merits re-election. He comes from a family of surveyors, being a son of Judge John W. Meldrum, one of the pioneer surveyors of Clackamas County. The Republican candidate is a competent man, a graduate of Cornell University and should receive the vote of every Republican. at $5 per week, $76.42, but 103 days at $5 per week would be only $73.57, but from the 2nd to the 15th, both in clusive, five men were in jaiL For one of these men for 14 days Mass would be entitled to only $3 per week or S. The bill should read: 89 days at $5 per week........ $63.57 14 days at $3 per week. ........ $6.00 Total ..J.. .$69.67 so that Mass overcharged the coun ty $6.85. E. C HACKETT. . . 1! ..." ' X. . " 1 '-hi-'f'i '- : ' vv " -:,-J- ,.- - v- -'.$ i i'y o : t - j gmj-lU.'.J!.lwm.L!All-l.lllW.-lW& ...... t ' i - , - I'Un-r