M scoop sffi MORNING ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1912. Say, Boss,, Who's Doing This Fishing, Anyhow? f . greatest henent to tne general puuuc, ulUKilriU LIriVlJL and at trie same time it nas ueeu ueu- OREGON CITY, OREGON j eficial to the railway companies, as r- I lias stood between the companies Edlt0r Pl!!f: and the public as a just and intelli '"teTert as second-class matter Jan- j gent arbiter. We would hardly know -.ary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon fa t alons without this COm- t.itv, Oregon, unuer tne aui ui -" ij. 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION mission. The only difficulty is the commission does not have the over One Venr. bv mall Six Months by mail Four Months, by mail .... Per Week, by carrier ! p i,Qai failwavc and nther $3 00 I otlgv 160 j public utilites corporations. But the 1ao ! Malarkey bill, which was passed al- CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER most unanimously by the last legis lature, and has been held up by the r-2rz " j referendum, will come up for adoption . , ,. , a .i. a. a. i. a a a. a t the November election. If this bill 3? ? v 'V w v y z 1 Heart foHeart 3. By EBTVTN A. NYE. Lord and Lady Decies on Way To Church For Chr sterling S THE MORNING ENTERPRISE i 3 Is on sale at the following stores S every day. Hnnflev Bros. Drugs Main Street. I. W. McAnulty. Cigars ! Seventh and Main. E. B. Anderson Mail:, near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery S Next door to P. O. 3 City Drug Store Electric Hotel. Sehoenborn Confectionery Seventh and J. Q. Adams. becomes a law all public utilities eor- corporations will be under control of our railway commissioners. This added burden upon the commissioners will cost the taxpayers nothing, but will be of great benefit to the public. Pe sure to vote 314, Yes. Oct. 24 in American History. 1820-Florida 'eded to the United States by Spain. lS.r'' Daniel Webster, orator and statesman, died: horn 1TS2 189S Porto Rico evacuated, and the last Spanish troops on the island sailed for Spain. 1911 Ida Lewis Wilson, rhe New Eng land lighthouse heroine, died at Newport. R. .: born ISM ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 5:0G. rises (i:23. Evening stars: Mercury. Venus. Mars. Jupiter. Morning star: Saturn. VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE. Senator Bourne was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the di rect primary election but was defeat ed by Ben Selling who carried 7 of the 34 counties. Mr. Selling's plural ity was 6500. It was the verdict of the people. They were "on trial." Bourne caused his name to be present ed at the Bull Moose state convention where he was again turned down de cisively. As a last resort, Dan Kella her and other partisan Bourne sup porters organized a mass meeting of 100 Multnomah county electors and ' launched the Senator's independent candidancy. By) his course, Bourne has repudiated the direct primary law in part the creature of his own crea tion. But he was determined to he a candidate. EENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC. No one disputes the fact that our railway commmission has been of the HOME RULE ROAD BILL. Among the numerous road meas ures submitted to the people upon the ballot for action at the November election, is the one submitted by the people of southern Oregon, known as the County Home Rule bill. This measure, as its name implies, gives the counties the right to build high ways if desired, upon the consent of a majority of the voters if obtained at a general or special election. The bill does not differ materially from the constitutional amendment submitted and carried two years ago, except that it is self enacting and re quires no enabling act and no legal entanglements or interpretations by the courts to hamper action. No limitation is placed upon the indebtedness, as such limitation is needless, for the taxpayers will not vote for too large an indebtedness and if they did, the bonds could not be sold. The limitation of two per cent placed in tne so-called Harmony bills, will be fatal to many counties as taxpayers will refuse to vote for an indebtedness unless it benefits by good roads, all parts of the county, which cannot be done with a small amount. Under this measure, the amount of indebtedness is left to the taxpayers to decide. The measure provides that the county court, in its order of election shall "provide every detail concern ing the form and manner of dispos ing of the securities issued" and to insure the success of the election, the roads to be constructed, the materials used, will also have to be set forth. The simplicity of the measure is its strong point, and it has the indorse ment of all of the leading good roads advocates, including Sam Hill, the president of the national good roads association Its number upon the ballot is 360. HIS CREED. Joe F. Sullivan of Imboden, Ark., is the youngest mayor in the world. He Is not yet twenty-one years of age. He was elected by the joint effort of twelve young girls, two goats and Joe himself. At the age of four the boy was stricken with paralysis, which lost him the use of his lower limbs. When he began going to school he was drawn there in a little wagon, which he made, by two Angora goats he had trained. The goats also helped Joe sell papers, by which he supported hi.s invalid mother and himself. When his father died Joe quit school and made a busi ness of delivering papers. After being out of school for some time the boy. unable to walk a step and weighing but ninety-five pounds, started in again. Although behind tile others, he not only caught up, but won several scholarships and a gold medal for making the highest grades. When he was through the town school Joe decided to run for mayor. There were two other candidates, ex perienced politicians, and the people took the young man's candidacy as a joke.. With Joe it was no joke. He drove his goats to his speaking appointments and told the voters what he would do when he was mayor. Be ing an advocate of equal suffrage. Up appointed a dozen of his schoolgirl friends as his campaign committee. A stroke of genius! The girls canvassed the voters and made a strong plea for Joe. They told the young men they would "never speak to them again" if they did not vote for Sullivan. He got more votes than both the other candidates. Joe took over the reins of govern ment and bids fair to guide it as suc cessfully as he guides his goats. In fifteen minutes after he was sworn in he organized a cleanup crusade. After two terms as mayor he says he will go to a university, complete his education and permanently enter poli tics. Look out for .lop Sullivan! Why? Because, with all bis spectacular methods, he is right inside. Here is his creed: "Faith, prayer and perseverance will never fail you if you are right, and you are already a failure if you are wrong." It is not mere moralizing to say that a boy of twenty whose creed thus senses the dynamic power of tightness will go far in life. Tne supply Held Out. Tommy "at the suppei tahlei- Now. ma.' imiy 1 have a piece t ctmcolate cake? You said 1 might after the min ister had taken three pieces, cause that was enough for any man saint or sinner if i -s ., - aj k r I v r ,i ' ' .-! . 1 ; so? (23.) Verses 10-13 Is great faith under our own control? Why? - (24.) What is the reward for great faith? ' . (25.) What is the punishment for lack of faith? ' (26.) Is our faith for specific things always honored or are we at times disappointed? "Why? Lesson for Sunday Oct. 27 1912. j Wanderings In Decapolis. Mark, viii i 31-viil: 10. I HAVE FOR SALE anywhere from 40 to 600 acres, separate tracts, will sell in not less than 40 acre tracts, or all of it. will trade tor town prop erty. Address Ferris Mayfield, Springwater, Roqte No. 1, or phone Beaver Creek. : -AV. FOR SALE Choice Concord grapes 2h cents a pound, at vineyard near Risley Station. H. G. Stark weather. Father ot the V.'eatner Bureau. The father nt the weather luireat! service was Increase A l.apham. a modest and retired tiiit rilie scholar, who lived in Milwaukee He was fill ers t to note l telegraph" the progress of the wind currents -and storms and to predict their appearance in specified' neighborhoods On the strength of i weather dispatch from Omaha in lSil'.i i or thereabouts he announced the first storm on Lake Michigan that ever was , heralded twelve hours in advance of its arrival The first work of the ' weather bureau was under his charge ' in Chicago. It was on the small ne ; ginnings of Dr. Lapham that the en j tire system of the signal service was ! based. Dr. Lapham died in 1875. FOR SALE: The cheapest lines of shoes and harness in the county. Shoe repairing while you wait at G. A. Dreblow, Seventh street, opposite Wells Fargo., FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE Two oak rockers, Crex rug, rope portieres, sanitary couch and mattress, 1103 Washington Street. FOR . SALE Several thorough-breed single comb Rhode Island Red roost ers, phone Main 2761. FOR RENT FOR TRADE Light nack, canopy top, for light single driving horse, about 950 pounds. Inquire C. A. Andrus, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 5. ! If it happened it Is In the Enter ! prise. MUSICAL Photo t,i American Press Association. Hi: christening of the daughter of Lord and l.auy uecies. me i.am for :erlv Miss Vivien Gould, took place recently at the church at ST.-:.:e Poses. England. The happy couple walked from their carriage to the church, accompanied by the baby's nurse, who carried the in fant, as seen above. The names bestowed upon the child were h.ueen vara De La Poer. Liieen being a favorite name of Lady Decies. Vivien her own Christian name and De La Poer a family name of the Beresfords. The god fathers were Lord Greville sind Howard Gould and the godmothers Lady W-iterford and Mrs. Edward Lumb. The godmothers were not present. Mrs George J. Gould standing proxy for Lady Waterford and Mrs. Drexel for Mrs. Lumh. T!u- baby squalled loudly during the christeninu' Suggestive in Questions Sunday School Lessons Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these classified headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first Insertion, half a cent additional inser tions. One Inch card, $2 per month; half inch card. (4 lines), $1 per month. Cash must accompany order unless one has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c. Mrs. Marie S. Schultze TEACHER OF PIANO I AND VOICE CULTURE Oregon City Telephone Main 3482 ANNOUNCEMENT FIRST CLASS Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing, Dying and Remodeling to The Latest Style. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF LADIES' SUITS and SKIRTS. The best of work is Ready Made. Here is your oppor guaranteed. Prices less than .the tunity for thirty days only. Hats Cleaned and Blocked- S. LAVIN, 612, Main St., Oregon City, Oregon. The most popular and the most practical plan for Bible study, to gether with a prize Bible contest, commences in the present issue ot the Morning Enterprise. For! the past thirteen weeks we have been ex plaining the importance of this course of Bible study, ana me conui (intia nf the contest, and urging all our readers to join our local club. If there are any who do not unaer- otanri fnllv nhout. the contest, ana tne prizes, call at this office and it will be fully explained. In short, tne bunaay School lesson must be read each week for K? weeks, also the buggestive Questions." Then any five of the A Dishonest Judge Soon ses espec questions that are indicated to he answered in writing must also be answered and to the end of the term tne coupons and written answers, du ly signed with name and address, must be delivered to this office. The prizes will be awarded according to the number of coupons sent in, and tie merits of the written answers. You can get ali the help you want with the written answers. Go in to win one of the. solid gold medals. If you complete the course you will get a beautifully-engraved Diploma in three colors in any event. Get ail you can to join you in this course of Bible study. is' Fellow Men I By ABRAHAM GRUBER, New York Lawyer "l 'i .iriK'iK to a larger degree than any other mortal possesses Ft .absolute power over the property, liberty and life of nieu, .Jl. women and children. As he should decide rightly, he MUST HAVE WISDOM AND KXOW.I.KPCE. Ashe should satisfy the litigant that he did his best he Ml'KT BF. HON EST. And he should never be less than a gentleman nor confound impoliteness and cruelty of word or manner with dignity. If he dis honest.lv decides other than on the evidence and the law he should be immediately driven from the bench and from societv. WHEN HE HAS DONE HIS DUTY RIGHTLY HE CAN STAND ' AGAINST THE WORLD; WHEN HE IS FAITHLESS TO HIS OATH HE NEEDS NO RECALL, BUT THE LOSS OF SELF RESPECT. WHICH WHEN IT LEAVES A MAN UNMAKES HIM AND STRIPS HIM OF THE SENSE WHICH ALONE SEPARATES THE DECENT HUMAN BE ING FROM THE VULTURE AND THE SNAKE. (',!! HKI.P TIIK DISHONEST .1UDC.E. for all the glory, power and money of man cannot. And as he owes such a great obliga tion to hj- fell'v rhuons so they owe one as great to him. The recall of judges by popular vote, among its other wrongs and dangers, would enable the rich lawbreaker, having in mind the dis honest prize he would win and having the financial power to manufac ture sentiment and start political agitation, to BREAK DOWN ANY HONEST JUDGE WHO HAS DECIDED AGAINST HIM. Sure Remedy. The editor of the correspondence col umns had -had a busy day a very busy day indeed. So busy, iif fact, that be had to enlist the aid of John.' the office boy. to read out the correspondence. "What is the next query?" he asked. when he had gone halfway through the pile of letters. "Oh." said John, "a reader, in South Africa wants to know how to prevent the hairs in his mustache from falling out. What have I to put down, sir?" "Well." replied the editor, after a pause, "just put down. "The best way I to prevent hairs from falling out is to ' brush them lightly apart and keep them from quarrelling. Lftndon An swers. The Wizard. . "Must you go?" "Yes. the wife's sitting up for me. and if 1 miss the train 1 shall catch if " Your Questions Answered heart hunger for God of an educated heatiien and of an educated Christain (6.) What are the reasons for be lieving that God has always loved the 'eopii; of other nations as well as he has loved the Jews? (7.) In which are normal parents more interested, themselves or their children? Give your reasons. (8) Will Christ today spurn any . . a. u;u -f sv Unlit uhpthpp ax jjkx m. mat come 10 mm iui n-., Unv nnrtifmlar Question each or any iwhit- or black, bad or good? Why? 4 If you would like to have answered VIOLIN LESSONS Mr. Gustav Flechtner, from Liepzig, Germany, is prepared to accept a limited num ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may also, be engaged for solo work or ensemble work. . Address for terms, etc., Gustave Flechtner, Oregon City Oregon. VIOLIN TAUGHT H. B. WEEKS, Teacher of Violin. Grand Theatre. ATTORNEYS WANTED Female Help. JOHN N. SEIVERS, Attorney at law, Rooms 1 and 2 Weinhard Building, opposite courthouse. Collections given prompt attention. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Girl for general house, work, telephone Main 1501. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Mrs. Don Meldrum, 1114 Washington street. WANTED HOW would you like to talk with 1400 people about t'at bargain you have in Real Estate. Cse the Enterprise. WANTED: A chance to show you how quick a For Rent ad will fill that vacant house or room. LOST LOST Fox terrier, white with brown spots, return to A. E. Labowitch, receive reward. Fhone Oak Grove Red 422. week from "The Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson" by Rev. Dr. Linscott, send in your request to this office giving the date of the les nr, and thfi number of the question vrn -ctHqTi answered. You may select any question except the one indicated that it may be answered in wriuus by members of the club. Dr. Linscott will answer the questions either in these columns or by mail through this office. Don't forget to state what ben efit these "Suggestive Questions" are to you. Give your full name and ad dress. Send your letters to the Ques tion Editor of the Morning Enterprise. LOST Small black purse containing $15 in gold and some silver. Leave at W. C. Green's barber shop, 7th street. Reward. VIOLINS Regraduated and Adjusted. Fine repairing of old violins a specialty. " Bows refilled. FRANK H. BUSCH llth and Main Streets WOOD AND COAL. STRAYED. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., K. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your orders Pacific SS02, Home B 1)0 NOTICES The Musk Ox. The musk ox is an arctic animal, oc curring both in Greenland and In North America. In pleistocene times it oc curred in England and central Eu rope.. It is about the size of one of our smaller breeds of ox. but in habits and in the fact that most of its muzzle is hairy more like a sheep than a bovine. Its hair Is very long, thick and matted. The horns in the young are small." upright and far apart, but in the adult thev become very broad at the base and meet in the midline and take a-eurve downward and outward, while the ends curve again upward to a point. It owes its name to Us strong musklike odor. Questions for Oct. 20 Lin- Life Sentence. "Poverty's no crime." "It ain't? Then why is it punishable by hard labor?"-Cleveland Leader. fConvrisrht. 1911. bv Rev. T. S. scott, D. D.) Mission to the Gentiles. Mark vii:24-30; Matt, viii: 5 v 13. Golden Text He that cometh to me I will in no way cast out John vi:37. (l)erse 24 Where were "the bor ders f Tyre and Sidon," to which Je sus had come, and what probably had induced him to come here? (2) Why did Jesus want to hide himself? ' flU What evidence in there that Je sus did not run recklessly into danger and that he taught his disciples m harmony with his practice? (4.) Is it cowardly or brave and wise to run from ylanger when our hurt would injure the cause for which Thi is one of the auestions which may be answered in writing by mem. bers of the club.) (9.) Verse 27 Why aid Jesus give this harsh answer to the agonizing re quest of this woman? (10.)i What was the literal meaning of these figurative words of Jesus? (11.) Why is it that God often per. inks providence to frown upon us and that our prayers for good things re main so long unanswered? (12.) Which process develops the more sturdy character, to get all one wants with little or no effort or to be compelled to wait and work and suf fer in order to obtain necessary things . (13) Verse 28 29 How do you ac ccunt for this woman's wisdom and great faith? (14.) What spirit upon the whole did this woman show? (15.) Why' does humility become u all in oiir approaches to God? (16) Verse 30 If we persevere in our prayers and are not discouraged may we rest with perfect assurance that they will finally De answers: Why? M71 When our nravers are answ ered are the, results generally below or above our expectation? Give your reasons. (18.) Matt, viii: 5-7 Who was tms man and what is a centurion': (19.) What would you say was the religious character of this man? (20.) Is there enough light in every nation, whether they have the Bible or not, so that men may find their way to God? Why? (21.) Verses 8-9 What is the rela tinn between humility and faith? Y99 Tf finH hv nnenlfiner a word can heal all the sick and give comfort I LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN from Kilmer and Kingels sawmill at. Redland. buckskin horse brand. ed "S" on right side, had halter on. Liberal reward, Oscar May, R. F. D. No. 3. FOR SALE FOR SALE Two room substantial house and two lots on corner. West Side, near Green's new house, fine view, good business location. Price only $425.00. Harvey Buck, Oregon City. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administratrix of the - estate of Clark Nelson Greenman,. deceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas, and tnat Monday, the IStli day of November, 1912, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in the courtroom of said court for hearing objections thereto and tbe settlement thereof. Dated October 17th, 1912. ISAPHENE GREENMAN, Administratrix for the estate of Clark Nelson Greenman, deceased. W IIM'liiii s mm ' i ' i 1 1 in in ii 1 1 rmr" 1 A MAN'S SUCCESS is usually the result of carefully laid and perfected plans. It is the effect of a cause, just as RICHES are the effect of careful saving, and accumulation of small sums of money. A bank account is the CAUSE of most men's start in life. THE BAUK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. F. J. MYER, Cashier. a.) verses za-zo vvnai auusnsuue can neai an bujh. auu 6o vuu.i. is there, if any, between the natural to all in trouble why does he not do THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL SRO.000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from A. M. to 3 P.-M. 1 VV