A n noun S . THE WEATHER $ 4 Oregon City Rain today with ? S westerly winds. $ 8 Oregon Rain today," south to S westerly winds. 88&$$3$$$3Sj.$ .S.5j5jjs,iji. S The only daily newspaper be- 9 tween Portland and Salem.; cir- 3 culates in every section of Clack 8 s amas County, with a population S of 30,000. Are you an advertiser? $ t E K L Y E N T E R P R I S E S f A B LIS E t) I 566 VOL IV. No. 93. OREGON CITY,- OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1912. Per Week, 10 Cents' COLONEL SurrE US FROM DAY'S LEVEE R. OVERTAXES STRENGTH AND PHYSICIANS GIVE HIM WARNING liS BEATIE Ai MD PflDTPDTAU FlileUHlAIL CEREMONY WILL BE PERFORMED THIS AFTERNOON AT HOME OF MRS. COOKE I FEEL QUITE TIRED," HE SAYS ExPresident Must Rest Today In Order to be Able to go to Oys ter Bay Toitinr. row CHICAGO, Oct. 19 Colonel Roose velt at 11 o'clock tonight told Night Nurse Fitzgerald that he felt exceed, ingly tired. He had put in the time since the consultation of his surgeons at 6:30 in reading and talking with Mrs. Roosevelt, shaving himself, hav ing a bath and eating a little lunch. His temperature at S:30 was 98.2, at which figure it remained when taken again at 11. His respiration and pulse were stationary and about normal. "I feel quite tired," he said to Miss Fitzgerald, as she; left him for the night. ,;I think I saw too many peo ple today. I will be glad to sleep. I need it." The Colonel took a book, saying he would read a few minutes and then go to sleep for the night. Colonel Roosevelt must rest all day tomorrow in absolute quiet if he is to be able to take an early train for New York Monday morning. This was the decision reached by the surgeons who met in consultation after a day during which, they assert ed, the Colonel overdid it. A succes sion of social gatherings and at least one important political conference which he held with Governor Johnson took place today, and the surgeons definitely determined to call a halt. Grocery Store Robbed. The store of Batdorf Brochers, of Willamette was entered Friday night by burglars. When the proprietors arrived at their place of business Saturday morning they found that the front door had vbeen opened The ihieves stole several sa 'Jrs of flour. irn I. LA 1A U JLI LZ3L3 LA II' I U IILU I y PERPETRATED BY WALT McDOUGALL v j YS,THS COLLEGE BOY HAS KEPT UP HIS STUDIES THIS VACATION ! ' ('H O COMBINCC.W.TH p DTX .V-s. t,. sZz, . -JfflE SQUARE ROOT DIVIPEdY . SSSnF WIT ' rRlVER,.STH" (SY THC CUBIC CONTENTS S S,o fs&hfi 4i "V,. V'WKNOCKAFEatR's JKIUAIA THE AREA OF A units to IP?? 7 ( jfW-frH n residence' r1 l the pakalueu bases) REV. BOLLINGER ; WILL OFFICIATE r. e Bride-Elect Sister of County Judge 7yw' " ' Miss Laura E. Beatie, sister of " 'yr County Judge Beatie and Dr. A. li. 54; ... . --Txe WftrroF certiorari ") Beatie, and E. P. Carter, of Glad- i S) moNumentum QUtRiS 1 il is isaucpwiTH AFfATCAPiAS j stone, formerly a representative in ' C'RCumspice hinc II LiN1755LSSI- ) rQSP y J LROWM.". in 1 J y IS THIS V II.JS l(T vf) l!lut. ' J ' ( V ' V5dvVHEREWAS II : . Of ENERGY EQUALS r jtzWi .11 , ' ffc GEN. JONES KILUEW r , THE ADHESIVE THE A, J tfU6ATT,'-5 f.X'?K Hon. E. P. Carter, who will become - Wf v ' SUFFRAGISTS HAVE BIG STREET CROWD miss griffith and mr. g1lles. pie Appeal for voes for. WOMEN SUICIDE OF GIRL IS NOT EXPLAINED YOUNG MEN WHO WENT ON AU. TO TRIP HELD ON BAIL FOR HEARING CHIVALRY NOT NEGATIVE ARGUMENT ; GKAUFfEUR TELLS OF BREAK DOWN College Equal' Suffrage League To Hold Meetings Here Weekly Until the Election Coroner's Jury Renders Non-Commit tal Verdict Girl Companion of Suicide Gives De tails the Oregon Legislature will be inar ried at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The ceremony will be performed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke, Mrs. Cooke being a sister of the bride elect. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor of the Highland Congregational church, Portland, .will officiate. Miss Beatie is a graduate of the (Continued on page 4) The cause of Equal Suffrage was preached to the people of Oregon City Saturday evening by Miss Ethel E. Griffith of the College Equal Suflrage League, and S. S. Gillespie, an attor ney of Portland, who spoke from an automobile to a large street audience. Miss Griffith spoke on suffrage from a woman's standpoint, stating that women are held responsible for the' health of the family and should have a voice in-the appointment and elec tion of the various market and milk inspectors, as well as in many other matters in which women are,- or should be vitally concerned. Miss Griffith eetf fourth the need women have for the ballot, while Mr. Gilles. pie spoke on the need of the country for the ballots of the women and urg ed upon the voters of the state that they place "Justice before Chivalry." That the prejudice against women is a relic of barbarism, was Mr. Gil lespie's opinion, and he outlined the gradual evolution of the primitive races and compared it with , man's dawning recognition of women. "The ballot for women is the anti septic needed for the dangerous growth of modern evils" was one of the arguments which Mr. Gillespie advanced. The thinking people of the state are beginning to appreciate the good work done by the women of Washing, ton and California and the sentiment in favor of Equal Suffrage is spread- (Continued on page 4) John Finucane and Harry Timmons " accused of contributing to the delin quincy of Valeria Proffitt, a fifteen, year-old girl, who .committed suicide early Friday morning by , drinking carbolic acid, following an all night automobile trip to Portand, will be tried in the county court tomorrow or Tuesday. The coroner's inquest re vealed few new circumstances in con nection with the trip and the myster ious act of the girl. The only conclu sion that can be drawn from the. tes timony at the inquest, Is that the girl, after being out all night, feared to face her parents. Dr. Guy Mount, who made the post mortem examina tion, said the girl had not been mo lested recently, which is corroborated by the other four members of the party. Clara ' -Johnson, also fifteen years of age, who is being held as a witness by the jail matron, said she took a sip of port wine the boys had, . and that Miss Proffitt did not drink any of the wine. She said the young men drank some of the wine. Mrs. C. C. Hall, of the firm of Everhart & Hall, who sod the girl the acid, said that Miss Proffitt explained that her little sister had cut her finger, and she wanted to use the actd for a wasp. Frank Proffitt, father of the dead girl testified to finding a half emptied bottle about .300 yards from the house. Peter Marrs, the driver of the auto mobile, said the car was taken to two garages for repairs and that the last time it broke down the other mem. bers of the party boarded a street car and went to West Portland. They ate (Continued on page 4) Regular run of pictures and Excellent Rube Singing, Dancing and Talking Act I have had great reports of this act in every house it has played and it will be a big hit here. SCHRAM, Prop. On IVIomdLsiir your attention is called to the big two reel Cines' subject R AMESES, ICING of EGYPT Very beautifully tinted MONDAY NIGHT Is Amateur Night and the talent, of course, will be that of the entertaining sort. Ad Department Store ams Has just received a large shipment of the famous " White" Rotary Sewing Machines which will be sold on our Club Plan of $5 down and $1.00 a week at the low prices quoted below: OUR NE ROLLED Vvl 135 WHITE ROTARY EDGE AUTAMATIC LIFT OUR NEW "SIT STRATE" WHITE HOTARY AUTOMATIC LIFT OUR NEW 130 WHITE" ROTARY GRAND MISSION STYLE Agents Price $80.00 OUR CLUB PRICE, $35.00 One of the very latest designs and one that has already attained wide popularity by reason of its unique. nec-s, beauty and thorough reliability. A finely finished machine, furnished with Rolled Edge Renaissance-design woodwork, in quarter sawed . golden oak, fitted with automatic lift, nickel plated hand wheel, beautiful hanging centre panel, three drawers at each end of table, ball bearings, and a com plete set of the latest style steel at tachments. Agents' Price, $85.00. OUR CLUB PRICE $38.00 Our No. 160 "Sit-Strate" White is the very latest expression of modern, hygenic sewing macfiine construction. Note the wide, roomy space under neath the table, which is made pos sible by increasing the distance be tween the legs. Again the head is moved several inches to the right bringing the needle directly over the treadle, thus enabling operator, sit ting straight up to the machine, to note the progress of the work without twisting or bending to the left. One movement of leaf opens or closes the machine. Finely finished, in quartersawed golden oak, with beautiful hanging centre panel, nickel plated hand wheel, automatic lift, ball bearings, belt gripping device which retains belt in place on hand wheel and two drawers at each end of table." The mogt effective sewing machine of the age. if I-MIM Agents' Price, $90,00. OUR CLUB PRICE, $40.00 This is a three-quarter cabinet made up in the popular Mission style, rich ly finished in either quarter-sawed oak or dull Mission finish an attract ive yet unipue design furnished with nickel plated handwheel, automatic lift, systematically built wooden frames to ' repace the regular iron legs, three roomy drawers each side of table, and at bottom two large re ceptacles where books, music, etc., may be stored. Fitted with ball bear ings and supplied with the latest style steel attachments. Stop in the store and let us show you the latest models machines delivered within city limits without extra charge. Adams Department Store "Ask for Red Trading Stamps Oregon City's Busiest Store Ask for Red Trading Stamps