MORNING ENTERPRISE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1912. SCOOP igbS& Scoop Takes a Rest at Uncle John's Farm A FROM hY'OHCLE. vTOHN - HE. VAHT M-To CoMHJ- To UA SALLE AND POT ih Aweek with Him OH MISFAR.M- y PLACE. SUR.E LOOWS Restful. t'l.u stick arouko here, AND WR.(TL FARM By HOP ORAU LAFE.' FOR MIKE.- ( ' . fSk?? LET M KNOWT I SWS THAT AFTER YjjJ Ig fejrR far fM m toil " JSjPT f ou were coming-I toomis J r -jp lu i. " l " ' Tin m rnrrTr KrMKi t - i i r- I :i , v - --vit -i r liv int n .-a. wtn ii U g,g,- :m MUII . ., , - - - , 1 I I Jij 3 1 H II.. . . ' . ffilk JSSSCJ1I I I I MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON , E. BP.ODIE, Editor and Publisher. EnttrPd aa second-class matter Jan . jm n. IV I. at the post office at Oregon liv. Oicgun, under the Act of March 3, is;a." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, bv mall $3.00 Months by mail Knur Months, by mail 1'cr Week, by carrier 1.60 1.00- .10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER I THE MORNING ENTERPRISE is on sale at the following etores every day: Huntley Bros. Drugs . Main Street. $ I. VV. McAnulty. Cigars r Seventh and Main. ;. E. B. Anderson Main, near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery . Next door to P. O. . City Drug Store i Electric Hotel. . Srhoenborn Confectionery Seventh and J. Q. Adams. -3, s . S $ Tliese Democrats are convinced that the election of Professor Wilson ! means a savage assault Dy tne item ! ocratic party ujon the protective i system under which the United States has developed unequaled prosperity. They do not . want to experience a repetition of the disastrous times which happened when the Democratic party was last in power. With theie men it is not a matter of politics but a matter of self pres ervation that leads them to support President Taft, whose re-election as sures a continuance or yrospeniy. ; I This being true, it is important that i all Republicans should recognize the j fact that the only way to defeat j Woodrow Wilson is to vote for Pres- , ident Taft. Democratic bminesstaen j and farmers all over the country j show that they appreciate this fact and are determined to take no chan ces. Republicans should do likewise. Roosevelt. Does anyone think for an instant that Bourne at these confer--euccs was., attempting to convince Arehbold that the Oregon plan of di rect legislation was just' about the thing the Standard Oil Company and other large monopolies needed in tlieir busine-s? We think not. AMONG m CHURCHES "Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make" While tire Gams Is On CANBY M BECOR HAS HAY CROP VIOLIN TAUGHT H. B. WEEKS, Teacher Grand Theatre. of Violin. Oct. 13 In American History. 1812 Battle of Qiieeiistowu. Out., re sulting in the repulse of un Amer ican force which had crossed the Niagiira river and driven out. the British uuder General Bnx-U. Brock was killed. 18(54 Maryland voted to abolish slav ery at once. 1890 Justice Samuel Freeman Miller of -the United States supreme court died: born 1S1C. General W. W. Belknap, secretary of war .under Grant's administration, died: born 1831. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets i:22. rises (i-.11. Evening stars: Menury. Venus. Mars. Jupiter. Morning star: Saturn. STENCH OF KEROSENE. Try as hard as he may, Senator p.niirne cannot expunge the stench of kerosene from his political gar-1 ments. He has been designated the intermediary for the Standar Oil Company and the White House au thority during the administration of Theodore Roosevelt by no less author ity than Roosevelt himself. And Roosevelt ought to know. He was president at the time the Standard Oil Company was seeking to avert prosecution by the government under the Sherman anti-trut law. It was then that Bourne took Arehbold, oi the oil company, several times to the White1 House for conferences with Aetna - ized j your in- liability, 1 America's ffo DEMOCRATS FOR TAFT. One of the ,most encouraging fea tures of the campaign n the fact that thousands of Democrats have on nounced their intention of support ing President taft and the Republi can ticket. If not, then protect come, doctor's bills, children, wife, in greatest accident and life in surance company, E. C. DYE, LAWYER, 8th & MAIN. Maker of. cheap-priced abstracts, deal er in cheap money on real estate, and in all kinds of insurance and legal and contract bonds. First Baptist Church Dr. W. T. Mil liken, pastor. Morning worship at 1100. Sermon "The Philosophy of Temntdtion." Bible School at 10:00,' H. E. Coss, superintendant. Last-: Sunday attendance at Bible School j was S21. Can we not increase it I today? Evening worship at 7. '!. i tons service, using '.he new Song ' book,- "The, Evangel," followed by an evangelistic sermon upon "The Handwriting on the Wall." This ; church makes no attempt to draw f i oia sister churches, asj there is rr , lor all. but we do heartiiy in vite any having no church affiliation to visit us, and to join us m wor ship. , Catholic Corner Water and Tenth 'streets, Rev. A. Hulebrand, pastor. ; residence 912 Water; Low Mass 8 a. m., with sermon; High Mass 10:30 a. m.; afternoon service at 4; Mass every morning at 8 ; The Congregational Church Geo.' Nelson Edwards, Pastor. Resi-! dence 716 Center Street. Tele-, phone Main 395. Morning service at 10:30. Sunday school, at 11:50. 1 Christian Endeavor meeting at G:30 1 Evening service at 7:30. j First Church of Christ, Scientist Ninth and Center streets. Services , Sunday 10:45, Sunday school immed-; iately following service. Topic "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" ' Mountain View Union on Molalla Ave-! nue (Congregational.) Sunday I son; Sunday school at 10:00 a. m., j and Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Communion at 8 o'clock Sunday, ' school at 3 p. m., Mrs. A. S. Martin I superintendent. Bible study Thurs-1 day afternoon at 2:30. Prayer meet-, ing Friday evenings at 7:30. Preach- Morning service at 11; evening ser-; vice at 8. W, fit, i William Bridge, of Canby has 41-2 acres of clover, from which he cut . fourteen tons of hay the first cutting and three and one-half tons from two and one-halfl acres of it the second cutting, making 17 1-2 tons all told. Two acres of the field was used for i ' pasture after the first cutting or the crop would have exceeded 20 tons At the present market price of clover bay this would mean ?50 and acre and hay is a cheap crop to handle. ATTORNEYS JOHN N. SEIVERS, Attorney at law, Rooms 1 and 2 Weinhard Building, opposite courthouse. Collections given prompt attention. WOOD AND COAL. OTtlOGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO, F. M. Bluhni. Wood and coal d-livered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your ordfTs Pacific SR'Vi. Home DIM NOTICES 35 Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these classified headings will ue inserutl at one cent a word, Qi-at insertion, halt a cent additional inser tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half men card. (4 lines). $1 per month. L'nfch must accompany order unless one; has an open account with tne paper. No tinancial responsibility for errors; where ii i oi s occ ur free corrected notice will be piinted for patron. Minimum charge 15c. ANNOUNCEMENT' Photo hv American Press Association. T" IKE at ti Ohio state penitentiary in Columbus has been made less irk Yi - r ,h ..i.nrlctsi hv the establishment of a Ims.'ball league with n the Willis This reform in prison Uiwipiiiif is duel., the warden. T il n i. with a view to kecuinv the men m goo.! physical coniii.i un" t; fun.isiiiiig an incentive to goo.! behavior, for only the good conduct m.-i, .... . .. . tu ,. I. ... o .to a a ii mill r- i't )(1 ti 'May or to watrn tue sanies. n- .ihth r tMTNX 1 V LJ lf'i"i'D n i r-,- nil is s,-:iri-ely I raj ih was taken at a irame at vvnicn turee coiiueiuuc-u iuuiuc.s execution were spei'tators FIRST CLASS Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing, Dying and Remodeling to The Latest Style. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF LADIES' SUITS and SKIRTS. The best of work is guaranteed. Prices less than the Ready Made. Here is your oppor tunity for thirty days only. Hat Cltaned and Blocked- S. LAVINV 612, Main St., Oregon City, Oregon. Followed the Prescription. Lady of House What caused you to become a tramp? Ragged Rogers The fam'ly physician, mum. He ad vised me to take lonsf walks after me meals, an' I've been walking after 'ein ever since. Boston Transcript. Answer a letter the flay it is receive,! and you will experience a sense of duty well done. Delay it. and afier too long a time has elapsed shame wiii put a stop to its acknowledgment alt' gether. WANTED A girl for general house work. Phone Main 1501. c . A VJ " i " . I Q 1912, by American Press Association. I ah w Of oni nxenance The First Methodist Episcopal church A homelike church for everybody, Corner, Seventh and Main streets, T. B. Fod, pastor. Re.idence 702 Eleventh street. House phone 96. Study phone 59. Regular services: Sunday, 9:45 o'clock a. m., Sunday School, H. C. Tozier, superinten dent. 10:45 o'clock, public services and preaching, sermon by Dr. Ro man, president Willamette Univer sity. The castor will services 12, Class meeting. Mrs-: ire' es Yoder, leader. 6:30, Epworth j .cave meeting; all young, peoples' socie- prise is a pimie uectw.,., ties jotning, Mr. William Stone, you order at once you may be left ou president of the league. 7:30, preach without a paper from which to cut ing by the pastor, subject "A Case the coupon certifying that the necea That Could" Not Wait". Good music Ury reading has been done If you nave nui aireauy uiueicu uuc pajyci, vou had better do so, and if you have. Suggestive Questions in Sunday School Lessons Coo oatwe Germany v-o know of manv who are all in him or heT to take UP thIs easy Bible ulo?Z sfarBibfJcone" ; study --eseMingte Morning conduct the which commences next week There ra-do Tt now." We nowever, many ironi nuuui e rz . .. ,i-; y,a x ' j ; i,Q,ritake this opportunity of thanking the not ueuiu, aiiuii ,hn hnv 0nr,tpn words got into line. The Morning mtep . ' t "V V'vr; " oi. auuieciauuii iui fvwf"' rf Ovearon Citv the opportunity of reading the "Suggestive Questions, and for the course of Bible study as previously outlined. . A revival of Bi ble study promoted by the secular press is causing all good people to re joice. what better blessing could vou confer upon tome friend than by inducing England By J. KE1R HARClt, Labor LeaJet of the House of Commons, England by the choir under the direction oi Prof. Parker Accomodating ush e'i. Everybody welcome. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. R. Landsborough pastor. Sabbath School at 10:00 o'clock, Mrs. W. C. Green, Superintendent. s Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Evening worship at 7:30 o'clock Y. P. S. E. at 6:45. Parkplace CongregationaI-ReY. C. L. Jones pastor, residence Clackamas; Christan endeavor Thursday even ing 7:30. Sunday school 10, Emery eO "French superintendant; preaching I , ot,,0h services each Sunday, alternating j " y 'U Uke to have answered between 11 a. m. ancL7:30 p. m. ; any particular question each or any St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church iweek from "The Suggestive Questions C. W. Robinson, rector. Holy com- l Your Questions : Answered HP:RK IS StY DAXCKIi OF- WAH BETWEEN ENG LAND AND (JEKilAXY, unless those who have motives in keeping up. the agitation overdo the subject and force one upon the two count ries. LABOR IS OPPOSED TO' It will not stand for it. nor will it be deluded into fighting for in the event of trouble. i LA EOS INTERESTS OF THE TWO COUNTRIES ARE JUST WAR. capital THE AS PATRIOTIC. IF NOT MORE SO THAN NEVER STAND FOR A MANUFACTURED BY CAPITALISM. It is proposed to call a" general stri! BTIJ.I KE OF ALL PRODUCING WORKIXOMEN. to prevent the fnrui: tions of war. And it is further hoped that iii-h action taken in ad vance bv labor may have the effect of pi-evenr'niir even any further talk of war. - - It would CRIPPLE THE ARMIES OF EACH COUNTRY In case of war. This is a daring scheme, but one which will be a great BENEFIT TO BOTH COUNTRIES. OTHERS. S'JT LABOR WILL WAR FOR CAPITALISM OR ;e in the event of war. A' ORi'iAXI.A I IOXS OF him: of supplies anil muni- amnion i ana nB Dr. Linscott, send in your request to mon at 11 o'clock Evening prayer date flf ooSrr:r?0clolVWmSUHaS!Son and the number oi r U-queJJj moud superintendent. pu wish answered You may select , any question except the one indicated Willamette M. E. Church Regular . tfcat R may be an8wered in writing preaching at 2 p. m., Sunday school mpmber, ot the" club. Dr. Linscott ... Mrs. Fromong superin-1 - snOT th , either in ' these columns or by mail through this church Rev. W. R. , office Don't forget to state what ben- are people that you regard as useless? (6) What evil effects are brought about by useless lorms or ceremon ies? ' (7)'Veists C-'j Wny di"1 no" the dis ciples of Jesus observe "the traditions of the elders? (8) Row much value do you give to a ceie",.".!::i'. 'eligio. wlu-i-j ru hearts of the devotees are not true to God? (9) Of how much service as wor shin are spoken prayeri and good hymns well sung if the heart of the r,r, the Riindnv Knhnnl Lesson" by Rev.' worshippers are not loyal to God.' (-10) What is a nypocnte in tnis age? (This is one of the questions 3:lo p. m, tendent. Zion Lutheran Kraxberger, pastor "Harvest Home , efit these ..SuggeBtive QuesUons pulpit at the morning ;dress Send your letters to the Ques- modern custom to attend church 10:u0 a. m.. AltelllOOn t. Triitntt n h,t? Fnlornplop tttu rt f that a noi-ann Festival'. Dr. Morena Oeser will occupy the , ervices at 10:30 a. m..' Afte-inoon services 2 p. m.. German sermon by Rev. Father C. Boehner of Cam as, Wash. English sermon by Prof. Frederick D. D. professor of the Theological Seminary of Portlf.nd. Special music by the choir Church of the United Brethren In Christ Sabbath school at 10 a. m., F. E. Parker superintendent. Preach ing at 7:45. The second quarterly meeting of this conference year will be held at 7:30 o'clock this evening, welcome extended to all. Christian Church, Gladstone Sunday School 10 a. m., preaching at 11 . by Rev. J. P. Easter. Junior Endea vor 3. p. m., Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Preaching at 7:30 by Rev. E. A. Smith, of Oregon City. Music by the choir. ! to you. Give your full name and ad- which may be answered in writing by members of the club.) (11) Ver;es 7-8 What is the sole test of the value of any ceremony or religious custom'! (12) If any man puts his trust in any ceremony or church or other cus tom as . saving ordinance is it pos sibie for him. or not. at the same time to worship the true God? (13) Verse 9 It is a respectable " I tion Editor of the Morning Enterprise. Questions for Oct. 13 (Copyright, 1911, by Rev. T. S. Lin scott, D. D.) Clean and Unclean. Mark vii:l-23. Golden Text For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but right eousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Mom. xiv:17. (1) Verse 1 Why did these Phar i ees and scribes come from Jerusa lem to interview Jesus? (2) Why had the hierachy at Jeru salem become, actively nostile to Je sus (3) Verses 2-4 What is the point German Lutheran Emanuels Church ot Jesus' objection to the custom of tunio oynoa. tur. om auu j. v. tne ews concerning Adams. Rev. H. Mau, Pastor. Ser- washing ot hand3 f nd utensils? Would you say, or not, that a person who keeps up this custom in place of srivine himself to God, "rejects the commandment of God?" (14) Verses 10-13 Is there any law and if so what law which would jus tify a man for the nonsupport of his aged father or mother? Give your rea sons. f 15 vViiit .to you --U.H M-st.-ind oy this word "Corban". Which seems to stand for some oath, that would re lease a son from the requirement of God's law to care for his parents .' Hfil Verses 14-15 What is moral rtafilpment. and how is it produced? (17) Verse 16 What are spiritual "ears" and how may they .be secured? (18) Verses 17-19 What i3 the dif ference between moral and physical defilement? (191 Verses 20-23 What is the the ceremonial meaning of each of the sins which Je- WANTED Female Help. WANTED Middle agedi lady, work ing, wants board in private family on or near Main street. Phone Main 386. ummons. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Saddle Terry, Plaintiff, vs. ' Cleve Terry, Defendant. To Cleve Terry above named de fendant: In the name of the state of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above named suit, cn or before the 2Sth day of October, 1912, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, towit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summon? is published by ordet1 of the Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court, which' order was made and entered on the 14th. day ' of September, 1912, and the time ; prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, begining with the ! issue dated September 15, 1912, and continuing each week thereaf i ter to and including the issue of j October 27th 1912. W. A. BURKE Attorney for Plaintiff. of Nctice WANTED Girl to do general house work in family of four. Write box 145, Oregon City, giving address, experience and wages. WANTED WANTED Fresh Milch cows. L. Hartky, Mount Pleasant dairy man. STRAYED, STRAYED Black muley cow -with white hind feet. Warty teats. Ad dress Wm. Knoop, 14th and Center streets. Phone Main 2488. FOR SALE FOR SALE: The cheapest lines of shoes and harness in the county. Shoe repairing while you wait at G. A. Dreblow. Seventh street, opposite Wells Fargo. FINE, stylish horse, also top bugiry and hames? for sale cheap. Apply Dr. McArthur, Oak Grove, Red 62. FOR SALE Hercules Stump Puller. C. R. Livesay, Oregon City, Route No. 6. ' FOR SALE Four spring Cotswold bucks, fine looking as some of the registered stock, from $6.00 up. Al so thirteen ewe; at a reasonable price n D. C. Fouts, Springwater, Oregon, Route No. 1 A. FO-R SALE: 1 acre, all cleared. 6 room house, woodshed, chickem house, well water, 45 three-year-old fruit trees, berry bushes, on county road and proposed Capital High- way mail route 5 blocks to car line with side walk. $2,500.00 cash. E. J. NOBLE, Oregon City. FOR RENT FOR TRADE Light nack, canopy top, for light single driving horse, about 950 pounds. Inquire C. A Andrus, Oregon City, R. F. D. No. 5. cf Administrator's Sale Real Property. In the County Court for the state of Oregon, for. the County of Multno mah. In the matter of the estate of Wil- f liam Wendt, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to an order of the Hon. T. J. Cleeton, Judge of the County Court for Multnomah County, in the State of Oregon, the undersigned, admin istrator .of the estate of William Wendt, deceased will from and after the first day of November, 1912, proceed to sell at private or public sale, at the office of Samuel Olson, Esq., 607 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon, the following described .real property belonging to said es tate and situated in Clackamas County in the State of Oregon, viz: The South half of a certain tract of land described as follows: Be ginning at the Northwest corner of the Harrison Wright D. L. C. in the line between ' sections 20 and 29 in Township 4 South, Range 2 Ea t of the Willamette Meridian; running thence East 26.40 Chains to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said section 20; thence North 20 Chains; thence West 3.46 Chains to the center of the Molalla River; thence down said river with the meanders thereof as follows: North' 6.29 Chains; North 16 de grees East 13.25 Chains; North 51 degrees We t 14 Chains; thence West 14.10 Chains; thence South 33 degTees West 30.75 Chains to the Eastern boundary line of the James Officer D. t. C; thence South 42 degrees 7 minute; East tracing said claim line 27.90 Chaina to the Eastern corner of said claim; thence South 48 degrees West .5 Chains to the place of beginning. That the terms of said sale shall be cash. ERICK E. ERICSON, Administrator ofi the estate of William Wendt, deceased. . SAMUEL OLSON, Attorney for Administrator, 607 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. sus here mentions? . ot in. n a BunHoiT cf-hnnl i n, f201 Wttat IS tne moral uineiem-e y,v.c - j - ij i o wasii our nanus wucu mcj . , . . ciTe at 9:30 a. nv Everybody cordially are soiicd is but cleanly, but wha is between a man ttat has Invited. 1 the use of washing hands when they to his heart and - doesnot outwardly Preaching Services on the Mullno are already clean, and what sense Is show them and '"one who also man (Ohio Synod) Cor. 8th and J. Q. there to any ceremonial tradition Ifests them outwardly . Circuit Cams, Oct. 13, 11 a. m.;( which so requires? Lesson for Sunday, October 20, 19LS Central Point, Oct. 13, 7:30. F. A.'i (5) What ceremonies or traditions Mission to the Gentiles. Mark vli: Pipes, are there observed today by Christian 24-30; Matt, "riii: 5-13. DOLLARS AND SENSE Every man must havethat If he wishes to do bu iness in a businesslike way. We claim the confidence and patronage of all who seek good financial connections on tbe ground of sound, conservative. banking. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IW CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. F. J. MYER, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000.00 T'-msactB a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to ? p. M.