Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 26, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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" I i - i I : : : ' "
E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
"Entered as seSmd-class matter Jan
uary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon
City, Oregon, under the Act of March
3, 187&"
One Tear, by mail $3.00
Six Months by mail 1.60
Four Months, by mail 1.00
Per Week, by carrier 10
$ is on sale at the following stores 3
8 every day:
8 Huntley Bros. Drugs 3
Main Street '
5 J. W. McAnulty. Cigars
3 Seventh and Main.
E. B. Anderson 3
J Main, near Sixth.
S M. E. Dunn Confectionery
S Next door to P. O. 4
$ City Drug Store
Electric Hotel.
3 Schoenborn Confectionery
8 Seventh and J. Q. Adams.
Sept. 26 In American History.
1820 Daniel Boone, pioneer Hunter,
founder and defender of Kentucky,
died; boru 1735.
1901 John G Nicolay. biographer of
Lincoln, died; born 1S32.
1909 Charles James Barclay, rear ad
miral D S. Nv (retiredi, an author
ity on torpedoes, gunnery and ord
nance, died; born 1843.
1911 General C. F. Masterson, former
United States senator and a noted
civil war veteran, died at-sea; born
(From noon today to noon tomorrow.)
Sun .sets 5:50, rises 5:53. Evening
stars: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter.
Morning star: Saturn. Partial eclipse
M the moon visible to the central and
western portion of North America, all
but the extreme eastern portion of the
United States.
n the very Heart of Gladstone
$10.00 Cash that's all we want to see. .Just to show us that you are in earnest.
Finest Suburban CityMost Ideal
Townsite in Oregon-- $20,000
Municipal Water System.
Excellent Car Service to Oregon City and Portland Every One-Half Hour
Telephones - Improved Streets
Lots Adjoining Chautauqua Park and the Famous Clackamas River
Pay for these lots at your convenience. Generous sickness and death clauses in
our contract. $1,000 building restrictron insures a neighborhood of homes.
TRis Offer Closes November 1st
Telephone Pacific 1982 Office Opposite Postoffice, Gladstone
Tariff Commissions.
The Democratic Congress which re
cently adjourned, contemptuously dis-1
missed the non-partisan1 tariff board
which, at the instance of President
Taft, had been making exhaustive
and scientific investigations into tar
iff problems. Valuable "information
when the ' board had gathered was
thrown away by the Democrats, who
proceeded to draft their tariff bills in
the secrecy of the committee room.
In abolishing the. tariff board, the
Democrats had the aid of some of
those who are now loud in support of
the Third Term Party. The leader
and standard bearer of that party in
his speeches in a recent article in his
magazine, likewise had treated the
board with contempt. However, he
urges the establishment of a new sort
of tariff commission.
In accrdance with the habit of his
mind, he turns to Germany for his
ideal of such a commission. It is a
curious fact that, though always as
serting his belief in the ability of the
people to rule, he invariably selects
a rigid bureaucratic model whenever
proposing new governmental machin
ery for this republic.
While the Democrats and the Third
termers are condemning, more by si
lence than by direct attack, the Amer
ican tariff commission, it is interest
ing to observe that from Europe
come words of appreciation. Thus,
in discusing the American itarifE
board's report on wool, an official of
the Royal Imperial Ministery of Com
merce of Austria, regarded as the
leading European authority on the
tariff question, said:
"It is an excellent standard work.
The tariff board has come within a
very, short) time to the head of all
the similar boards established a long
time since in other countries. It is
really true that no legislative body
Did You Take Out
has ever been presented to it a bet
ter report on the tariff question. It
will also be entirely impossible not
to take your "results in mind in pro
ceeding to a revision on tariff. It
would be a great mistake to stop the
work of the board, and it would soon
prove necessary to re-establish it."
So while we have a Thirdtermer
urging the adoption, of a European
system of tariff commission for the
United States, the European, author
ity on the subject is holding up our
commission which the Democrats
and Thirdtermers destroyed, as a
model for the jvorld.
j The incident illustrates the evil
worked to the cause of good govern
i ment in the. United States by parti-
zan and factional jealousy and sel
' fishness.
i Opponent in Primary Supports Him a
I Regular Party Nominee.
I In giving his unqualified indorse
! ment of the candidacy of Ben Selling,
progressive Republican nominee for
United States Senator, Judge Stephen
A. Lowell, an opponent of Mr. Selling
in the primary election, said recently:
"Senator Selling is the regular con
stituted nominee of the party. He has
been a burden bearer in the past poli
tical contests and is entitled, under all
rules of the game, to his reward. He
is a progressive Republican, not only
today, but was such when it took
some courage to occupy advanced
ground. He is a substantial business
man, with a home and interests in the
state. Why shotfld any honest man
who believes in fair play in politics,
as well as in every day affairs, refuse
to support his candidacy. I am with
him to the end and he ought to win
by 10,000 plurality in November."
E. CROSS, Pres.
a Hunting or Fishing License, Scoop?
eart to Heart
When Emperor Mutsuhito of Japan
died one of the usefully great men of
our day passed away.
When Abdul -Hamid, the Turkish
ruler, was deposed, one of the most
cruel and useless men of his genera
tion was got r!d of.
Mutsuhito became emperor in 1867
at fifteen years of age. In 1889 he
changed the government from an abso
lute monarchy by voluntarily giving
his people a constitution Japan's first
great forward step.
He sent representatives to foreign
countries and received like officials at
his court in Tokyo an entirely new
procedure. He sent young Japanese
into other countries to be educated.
In uniting the provinces into one na
tion he stirred up a rebellion which he
put down, but
Note the difference:
Abdul Hamid put to death every
revolutionist who dared to show his
head. Mutsuhito promoted his ene
mies to offices of responsibility.
Making his wife his confidant and
companion, by his example the Japa
nese emperor put the womanhood of
his country on a footing with its man
hood. . )
Abdul Hamid by his harem debased
and cruelly abused womanhood.
The Japanese emperor early under
took measures for the national defense
In order to provide money he and the
empress agreed to reduce the bouse
hold expenses so they might contribute
annually 300,000 yen for the building
up of the army and navy. .
The Japanese victory over the Rus
sians justified the foresight v
Abdul Hamid, on the other hand,
dissipated the revenues of his govern
ment In maintaining his army of
guards and spies.
Mutsuhito died at sixty years of
age, a world figure, loved and ven
erated by his countrymen. Abdul
Hamid was deposed for his cruelty
and rascality by the Young Turks
party, and no one cares whether he
Is living or dead.
The real ruler of his people en
couraged education, elevated woman,
forwarded progress. The nominal ruler
encouraged ignorance and superstition,
degraded women and was a brutal re
actionary. The Turkish ruler distrusted his
friends. Mutsuhito forgave his ene
mies. Seldom has our day afforded such an
antithesis so startling a contrast be
tween men higher up. And yet
Look around you!
Will you not find Mutsuhitoa and
Abdul Hamlds In your own commu
nity7 Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will be inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half
inch card, (4 lines), $1 per month.
Clash must flnp.omDanv order unless one
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum cnarge l&c.
FIRST CLASS Tailoring, Cleaning,
Pressing, Dying and Remodeling to
The Latest Style. WE MAKE A
and SKIRTS. The best of work is
guaranteed. Prices less - than the
Ready Made. Here is your oppor
tunity for thirty days only. Hats
Cleaned and Blocked. "
612, Main St., Oregon City, Oregon.
WANTED Plain sewing by the day.
Telephone Main 3433.
WANTED Female Help.
WANTED Girl to do general house
work. Apply 1010 Water Street.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Apply to 610 Sev
enth Street. ,
If the person who took the pushcart
from the front of F. C. Gadke's
store on Main Street will return it
to the store, no questions will be
, asked.
FOR SALE: The cheapest lines of
shoes and harness in tne county.
Shoe repairing while you wait at G.
A. Dreblow, Seventh street, opposite
Wells Fargo.
room house, woodshed, chicken
house, well water, 45 three-year-old
fruittreesj berry bushes, on county
road and proposed Capital High
way mail route 5 blocks to car line
with side walk. $2,500.00 cash.
E. J. NOBLE, Oregon City.
FOR SALE 6-room plastered house,
1 acre land, fine orchard and water
near car line and only 15 minutes
from court house $1800, half cash,
bal. terms. See Dillman, Winehard
FOR BARGAIN in second hand and
new Ranges and stoves call at J. H.
Mattley's, Seventh Street, Oregon
Furnished house keeping rooms for
rent. Pacific phone 1292.
FOR RENT 8 room modern house,
opposite Barclay School. Inquire
Koenig's store, 12th Street.
H. B. WEEKS, Teacher of Violin.
Grand Theatre.
DRESSMAKING and all kinds of sew
ing, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, 1311
Main Street, between 13th and 14th
BARGAINS in new and second hand
Ranges and Stoves . J. H. Mattley,
Seventh Street, Oregon City.
Violin lessons-. Mr. Gustav
Flechtner from Liepzig, Germany,
is prepared to accept a limited num
ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may
also be engaged for solo or ensem
ble work. Address for terms, etc.
Gustav Flechtner, Oregon City Ore.
JOHN N. SEIVERS, Attorney at law,
Rooms 1 and 2 Weinhard Building,
opposite courthouse. Collections
given prompt attention.
CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal
delivered to all parts of the city.
your orders Pacific 3B02, Home
B 1)0-
Notice of Application for Liquor Li
cense Notice is hereby given that we will,
HO iew 2
', 'ft? 1 if rr "
at the' next regular meeting of the i
(Jity Council, apply for a license to
sell liquor at our place of business,
207 Eighth Street, for a period of
six months.
Notice of Application for Liquor Li
cense NOTICE is hereby given that I will,
at the next regular meeting of the
City Council apply for license to
sell liquor at my place of business,
422 Main Street, for a period of
three months.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Blanche A, Thorpe, Plaintiff
William A. Thorpe, Defendant. .
To William A. Thorpe, Defend
ant. .. In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed against you in the above intit
led court and cause on or before
Saturday the 9th day of Nevember,
,1912, and if you fail to answer, for
want thereof Plaintiff will take a
decree against you divorcing her
. from you and freeing ,her of all ob
ligations of the marritge contract.
Notice of this summons is made
upon you by publication in the
Morning Enterprise for six consec
utive weeks, by virtue of an order
dated September 25, 1912, signed
by the Honorable J. TJ. Campbell,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
state of Oregon, for the county of
When you a surplus of
checking account, no matter
once tried) always used.
D. C. LATOURETTE, President F. J. MYER, Cashier.
pas-ts. CAPITAL $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
The Beauty of a
South Bend Watch
is not case deep, but goes straight through to the
springs, screws, staffs, wheels, jewels and all the
est. Perfection in the small unusually over-looked -etails
makes South Bend Watches the world's stan
ard of accuracy, beauty and durability.
- This wonderful watch is twelve months in the
making. It requires 411 inspections and is tested
in an electric furnace and ice before leaving the
Made in Any Model
Our stock of South Bend, Waltham, Elgin, Howard
and Hamilton watches contains all sizes from the
ladies small thin model to the railroad timepiece.
Prices according to the grade of the movement and
the case.
Are You a Good Judge of Jewelry?
The better judge you are the more you will ap
preciate the quality, beauty and low prices of our
varied stock of rings, mesh bags, silver buckles, etc.
Ve know the Jewelry values, and through the facili
ies our long experience has made, we are able to
lupply you with best values in jewelry.
Jewelry for Presents
Our store is the ideal place to get sugges
tions for wedding or birthday presents.
The stock is varied and the prices are so
varied that every kind of taste and every kind -of
pocketbook is easily suited. We have many
inexpensive but dainty little novelties which
will make excellent gifts.
Suppose you call in and look it over. It
will pay you well.
Burmeister & Andresen
9 f ' Suspension Bridge Corner
Oregon City, Uregon
Date of first publication Septem
ber 26, 1912.
Date of last publication Novem
ber 7, 1912.
301-303 Failing Building, Port
land, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Hazel Pettis, Plaintiff, vs -Elmer
C. Pettis, Defendant.
To Elmer Ct Pettis, Defendant
,In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby, required toap
pear; and answer the Complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled court and cause on or before
Saturday, the 9th day of November,
1912, and if you fail to answer, for
want thereof, the Plaintiff will take
a decree against you divorcing her
- from you, and freeing her from all
obligations of the . marriage con-
- tracts and giving her the custody
of her child, Harold Elmer Pettis.
Notice of this summons is made
upon you by publication in the Morn
ing Enterprise for six conseceutive
weeks, by virtue of an order, date's
September 25, 1912, signed by the
Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for the county of Clacka
mas. Date of first publication, Septem
ber 26, 1912.
Date of last publication, Novem
ber 7, 1912.
t Attorneys-at-law,
301-3, Failing Building, Portland,
Oregon. y
money, deposit it with us. A
how small, is a convenience
FOR SALE: 1 acre, all cleared, 6-