2 crnnn the OUr REPORTER ' '. ' i ' MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. "Entered as leoond-claaa matter Jan uary 9, 1911, at the post oKice at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879." ... ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Year, by mail "-J ?2 Six Months by mall JJ Four Months, by mall 1.00 Per Week, by carrier 1 CITY OFFICIAL NEW8PAPER 8 THE MORNING ENTERPRISE $ is on sale at the following stores every day: Huntley Bros. Drugs A Main Street. S .1. W. McAnulty. Cigars Seventh and Main. $ E. B. Anderson Main, near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. Schoenborn Confectionery Seventh and J. Q. Adams. Sept 21 In American History. 1796 First reitf fire in New York Hty: 500 buildings burned nlonjr the Hudson tu the wext side district 1820 Joseph Rod mini Drake, the noet. died: boru 1795. 1009 Governor John A. Johnson of Mlnnesotn died: born 1911 - Canada rejected reciprocity with the United Stales by popular rote ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS i From noon today to noon tomorrow.! Sun sets R:5. rises 5:4S Evening stairs: Mercury. Venus. Mar Jupiter Moraine st.ir: Saturn WANT ANOTHER PANIC Want another Roosevelt panic? Of course you remember it if you are old enough to vote. It was only about four years ago, before Taft got in, and started his policy or safe, sane, deliberate enforcement of the law, instead of government by jerks which gave the nation the nerves. It would go without saying that Theodore Roosevelt has no chance of success, although he is so eaten with self-pride, with the conviction that he is the only in ninety millions that has wheels enough in his head to run the national machinery, that ts pos. sible he thinks the American people are tired of Taft and good times, and want Roosevelt panic, waiting around chilly October nights to get their money out of the banks. Theodore Roosevelt seems t olike panics. They're in his line, and if he hasn't one handy he will take care to scare it up. He was certainly suc cessful in bringing on plenty of panic3 in 1907, from the effects of which the country has just recovered, but he is very much mistaken in thinking that the American people want some more of the same. If he is so affected that he must have a St. Vitis dance, he should invite the party known as "Gabby George" and the other under, writers of his campaign to Oyster Bay, where they can have the dance all to themselves, and not disturb plain, ordinary folk who have' a living to earn and savings banks accounts they don't want to draw on. The real peril in the Roosevelt madness is the backing he is giving to Woodrow Wilson and the Demo. , cratic party in their campaign of re. action, sectionalism and free trade. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these classifled headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first insertion, half a cent additional Inser tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half Inch card, (4 lines j, J. per raonm. Cash must accompany order unless one has an open account with the paper. No financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur, free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 16c. NOTICE We have '2 letters address ed to C. L., care this office. Please call. WANTED WANTED: A chance to show you how quick a For Rent ad will fill that vacant house or room. WANTED Plain sewing by the day. Telephone Main 3433. . WANTED Men and team wanted to put wood in river. E. A. ' Hackett, 317, 17th st. Phone 2476. cub WANTED Female Help. Widow with girl 5 years old would like housework. Call at Star Theater. FOR SALE FOR SALE: The cheapest lines of shoes and harness in the county. Shoe repairing while you wait at G. A. Dreblow, Seventh street, opposite Wells Fargo. FOR SALE: 1 acre, all cleared, 6 ; room house, woodshed, chicken house, well water, 45 three-year-old fruit trees berry bushes, on county road and 'ppposed Capital High way mail route 5 blocks to car line with side walk. $2,500.00 cash. E. J. NOBLE, Oregon City. FOR SALE 6-room plastered house, 1 acre land, fine orcnara ana waier near car line and only 15 minutes from court house $1800, half cash, bal. terms. See Dillman, Winehard Bldg. FOR SALE 2 'acres at Parkplace, . house, barn, orchard, good vegeta ble garden, $2200. H. E. CARR, Parkplace, Oregon. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Newly furnished rooms call 605, 5th Street. FOR RENT A furnished 7-room house with bath. Desirable loca tion. Inquire this office. FOR RENT 8-room modern house, opposite Barclay School. Inquire Koenig's store, 12th Street. VIOLIN TAUGHT H. B. WEEKS, Teacher of Violin. Grand Theatre. MISCELLANEOUS. DRESSMAKING and all kinds of sew- -ing, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, Main Street, between 13th and 14th streets. HOW would you like to talk with 1400 people about ttat bargain you have in Real Estate. Use the Enter prise. MUSIC TEACHER VIOLIN LESSONS: Mr. Gustav Fierhtner from LieDzig. Germany ' is prepared to accept a limited num her nf nimils. Mr. Flechtner may also be engaged "for solo or ensem ble work. Address tor terms, etc, Gustav Flechtner, Oregon uity, ure ATTORNEYS JOHN R. SIEVERS, Attorney at law, Rnnms 1 and 2 Weinhard Building, onnosite courthouse. Collections given prompt attention. WOOD AND COAL. nRWfJON CITY WOOD AND FUEI CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all narts of the city. HAWTOO A SPECIALTY.' Phone your orders Pacific 3502, Home H 1)0 NOTICES Notice of Application for Pool Room License NOTICE is herebv given that I will. at the next regular meeting or tne Citv Council. aDDly for license to run and regulate a pool room at my: place or Business, oud, Main street, for a Deriod of three months. BERT CROWLEY Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Winifred B. James, Plaintiff, vs Richard T. James. Defendant. To Richard T. James, the above- named defendant: Tn the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby notified and re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and suit on or before Saturday, the 5th day of Oct ober, 1912, that date being six full weeks after the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so appear and answer the complaint herein on or before said date tne ninintiff will amilv to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint in said suit, to-wit: For "a decree of said court forever rHvnrriner nlnintiff from the defend ant herein and dissolving the mar riage contract now ana neretorore existing between plaintiff and de fendant flnd holding the same for naught and for a further decree of court awarding to plaintiff the sole rare, ciiHtnri'v and control of the minor child of plaintiff and defend ant, to-wit: ujtnei m. James, agea 8 years; and for such other and further relief an to the court -may seem meet with equity and good conscience. " This summons is published for six weeks in the Morning Enter prise, a newspaper published in Oreffrm Citv. P.nnntv of niflplrn.ma.Hi nnrl State nf Oregon and havincr ft general circulation, by order of Hon. R. ,B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county. . of Clackamas. This summons is first published on Aug ust 24, 1912, and will be last pub lished October 5th, 1912. T. B. McDEVITT, MORNING ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1912 Scoop Iftnniinl fnv 'Plotntlff 21 Ainsworth Buliding, Portland, Oregon. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Neva Greig, Plaintiff, vs. George Oliver Greig, Defendant To George Oliver Greig Defend ant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby commanded to appear in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 30th day nf Santember. 1912. and answer the complaint filed against you in said Court and cause, and for want of an answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: For a de cree .dissolving the bonas of matri Tnnn v now eTMRitiner hetween vonr self and the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to tne Court may seem just in the prem ises. This summons is publishe by an order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered on the 23rd day of August, 1912. Date of first publication, August 24th, 1912. Date of last publication, Septem ber 28th, 1912. - MAC MAHON, -Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tne county or uiacKa- mas. Sadie Etter Libby, Plaintiff, vs. A. L. Libby, Defendant. To A.L. Libby, the a"bove named deefndant: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 23rd day of September, 1912, ana n you rail to so appear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her said complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce setting aside the marriage contract existing between herself and the defendant, and that she be restored to. her for mer name, namely, which is Sadie Etter and that -she have such other and further relief as may be meet with equity. This summons is published by the order of the Honorable J. 17. Camp bell, Judge of. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County for the Fifth Judicial Dist rict, made and entered on the 9th day of August, 1912, and the time prescribed for the publication of this p.nrnmnna ia civ weolra tiecrln- ning Saturday, August 10, 1912, and ending with the issue of September 21, 1912. W. B. GLEASON, Attorney for Plaintiff. 2-3 Mulkey Building, Portland, Ore gon. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposeais win De received Dy the Committee on Fire and Water of the City Council of Oregon City, Orpprin at the nffipe nf the Pitv T?e corder, of the said Oregon City on or before the 2nd day of October, 1912, conforming to the following One twc( circuit automatic Stor age battery controlling switch hnnrrl nf the verv latest mndern improvement, made of the highest erode nf material nnri wnrkmflnshin Alio one automatic striking ma chine to bring out full tone of 1200 lb bell, three noninterfering fire alarm hnxes. one ten inch On. two non interfering! transmitter Boxes witn nrteen cnaracier wneeis each, nne motor venerator set. Rirlfler tn nunte n'rir.e ner mile in eluding all material and labor for outside construction of fire alarm circuits all of the above aooaratus to conform to the functions and flex Ihilitv nf the snecificatinns nn file at the office of the City Recorder, or said Oregon city, Dut notning called for in the specifications that r.nvers a patented article not com petitive shall bar any one from bid ding who can furnish apparatus norfrtrTnin- the same functions. All bids must be addressed to the . City Recorder of Oregon City, Ore., and must be filed with the said Re. corder on or before the 2nd flflv nf Octnher at 4 o'clock. D. m. A certified check equal to 5 per cent of the total amount of the bid must . accompany each bid as an evidence of good faith. The said committee reserves the right To reject any or all bids sub mitted. L. STIPP, Recorder Klntir fnr Ridft Nottice is hereby given that sealed proposals will De receivea Dy tne nnmmittiw nn Tfi re a n d Water of the City ' Council of Oregon City, Ore gon, at the office of the City Re corder, of said Oregon City on or nefnro the 2nd dav of October 1912 at 4 o'clock p. m. for furnishing the material and constructing a bell tower 50 feet in height and 14 feet annare at the base and 5 feet scmare at the top but of sufficient strength to support a 1200 lb. bell, striking nnnaratns for same and such Other i apparatus as is necessary , or con venient to operate the striking ap- rarotna In ennnection therewith The said tower is to be supported by a concrete foundation of seven Game In Predicament parts sand and gravel to one of ce-J ment, the said tower to be cons tructed in accordance -with the plans and specifications thereof on file in the office of. the said Record er and to be completed within 30 days after acceptance of the bid by said committee and alanto be com pleted to the satisfaction of said committee. A certified check of $50 shall ac. company each bid as a guarantee of good faith and the completion of the contract in with this notice shall be the bid accepted. Raid committee reserves the right to reiect any and all bids submit ted. L. STIPP, Recorder Ordinance No. An Ordinance providing for the laying and construction of sewers for Sew er District No. 10 Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. The boundaries of said District No. 10 and the property to be benefitted and assessed . for the laying, and construction of such sewers is as follows: Beginning at the intersection of a line parallel with and 30 feet dis. tant from the Easterly line of Block 170, Oregon City, Ore. with the center line of the alley through said Block 170, produced Easterly. Said point being the N. E. corner of Sewer district No. 3, and the north. , west corner of Sewer district No. 9, running thence ,in a south. westerly direction along the. Northerly line of Sewer district , No. 3 to a point, said point being -the N. W. cor. of Sewer Distriqt ' No. 3, thence in a Northerly direc-j. tion and following the meanders of j the East line of the Willamette! River, to its intersection with the South line of Abernethy Creek. Thence in an Easterly direction fol-1 lowing the South line of Abernetny Creek to its intersection wilii me Center line of Madison St., thence Southerly along the center Hne of TvTariisnn St. to its intersection with the center of McLoughlin Ave., I thence in an Easterly direction , along the center of McLoughlin ave. to its intersection with the Easter-1 ly line of Block 15 and 16, Park! Addition; thence 84.8 feet to the Northwest corner of lot 5, block 15 ( Park Addition; thence northerly along the easterly line of said block j 15, Park Addition, in a southeast, j erly direction parallel with the j center line of McLoughlin Ave. and sa s feet rHstant 270 feet to a point; thence-Southerly and parallel with the Easterly line of Block 15, Park Add. 54.8 ft. to a point, on the Northerly line of McLoughlin Ave. along the Northerly line of Mc Loughlin Ave. to a point; said point being the intersection of the Northerly line of McLoughlin Ave. with the Easterly boundary line of - Corporate Limits of Oregon City; thence in a Southerly and wester ly direction along the boundary line of the Corporate Limits of Ore gon City, to its intersection with the center line of Block 6, Holmes Add. thence Westerly . along- the center line of Block 6, Holmes Add. to its intersection with the line 50 feet distant and parallel with the East margin of ' Elura St.; thence Southerly along a line parallel with and 50 feet distant ffom the East Margin of Elura St. to its in teroeHnn ninth the center line of Block 15, Holmes Add., thence: Westerly along the center Hne of Block 15, Holmes Add. and a pro-1 longation of same to its intersec- j tion with the center line of Elura St.; thence Southerly along the j center line of Elura St. to its in- tersection with the center line oi Dewey St.; thence .Westerly along The center line of Dewey St. to its intersection with the line between lots 1 and 10, Block 3, DarnalVs Add. Produced Northerly thence Southerly along the line between lots 1 and 10, Block 3, Darnall s Add to the S. E. cor. of Lot 1, Block 3 Darnell's Add.' thence West erly along the line between lots 1 and 2 Block 3, Darnall's Add. and prolongation of same to its inter section with center line of B. bt. to its intersection with a Prolong ation of the line between lots 6 7 Block A. Darnall's Add. thence Westerly along the line etween T ... i mncir 2. Darnall s to the N. W. cor. of lot 6, Block 2.. Darnall's Add. thence Southerly parallel with and 340 feet from TUnlalln Ave. z4 easterly hub ",,, rsth feet- thence Westerly parallel with Add. tne souui iiuc " amittfc and 200 feet distant from the SoutO line of Darnall's Add. to the center line of Molalla Ave. thence South erly along the center line of Mo lalla Ave. to its intersection with a, prolongation of the line between lots 6 and 7r Block 12, Mountain View Add.; thence Easterly along the South line or u ' the South line of Lot Mountain View Add. to the South East cor. -of Lot 6, Block 12, Moun-1 ir;m AMitinn: thence South-, Lam view , , , 0 erly along the line Detween iu o. Mountain View and ' ... j. i Add. to its intersection wiui . i. i: TWnnntJlin 1 1 0UU CI. I cenusi imc thence Easterly along the . center . line of Mt. Hood Street to its inter- j section with the center line of .lr-, vin St.; thence Southeasterly along, the center line of Irvin St. to its intersection with West line of lots 2 and 17, Block 1, C. T. Tooze Add thence southeasterly along the west erly line of Lots 16 and 2, Block 1, r T T1A70 ArM tn Ita intersec tion with the center line of Hilda St.; thence Southwesterly along the center line of Hilda St. to its in-1 tersection with the center line ofi Molalla Ave.; thence Southeasterly along the center- line of Molalla Ave. to its intersection the prolong ation of Southerly line of a tract of land conveyed by Fred A. Ely and Christeana Ely to A. Moutz and Rosa Ann Moutz, recorded in Book of deeds 106, page 184. Clackamas County, Oregon, Records; thence Southwesterly along the southerly line of said tract; to its S. W. cor. which point is on the Easterly line of a tract of land conveyed by Mrs. Ida WToods, unmarried to John W. Mnffntt fteucrihed In Book of Deeds 48, page 143, Clackamas County Records; thence Northerly along j East line of . said Tract to its N. E. i cor.; thence Westerly along tne North line of said tract to its in. tersection with a, prolongialon of the Westerly line of Heckart's Add. thence Northwesterly to the N. W. cor. of a tract of land conveyed "by C. W. Friedrich and Christina Frederich to Marie Schwock, record ed in Book of deeds 100, page 536 Clackamas County records; thence Northwesterly to a point, said point being the intersection -of the cen ter iine of Grant St. with the South line of Pleasant Place. Thence Northeasterly along the center line of Grant St., to its intersection with the center line of 2nd St. thence Westerly along the center line of nH st tn its - inersection wih the center line of Blocks 2 and 5, i Pleasant Place; thence Westerly STbng the center line of Block 5, Pleasant Place to the N. W. cor. of Lot 11, Block 5, Pleasant Place. Thence Westerly along the North erly line of said Lot 11 to the S. W "cor. of Lot 2, Block 5, Pleasant Place; thence Northerly along the line between Lots 1 and 2 of block 5, Pleasant Place to its intersection with the center line of 1st. St.; thence Easterly along the center line of 1st St. to its intersection with the Westerly line of Main SL to its intersection with the south line of Darling's Add. thence West, erly along the Southerly line of Darling's Add. to its intersection with the' center line of Myrtle St. thence Northerly along the center line of Myrtle St. to its intersection with the center line of Roosevelt St thence Easterly along! the center li f Wnneovelt St to the S. E. 1 1 II C . " ' Cor. of Sewer district No. 5, thence ' along the Easterly line of sewer district No. 5, Sewer District No. 6 and the Northerly line of Sewer District No. 9 to the place of be ginning. Section 2 Said sewer shall be laid and constructed according to the plans and specifications now on file in the office of the Recorder of Oregon City and approvea oy reso lution adopted by the City Council of said Oregon City on tne itm ay of August, 1912, wnicn saia pi&us and specifications are referred to in this Ordinance ana maae a yi ther-onf and the said sewer shall have all the necessary manholes, lampholes, laterals and connections. Section 3. The City Recorder is hereby authorized to advertise for and receive seal proposals for said sewer but the City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids therefor, and the Mayor and Re corder shall enter into a contract or contracts .with each person, firm, or corporation to whom the contract or contracts are let by the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, for the construction of said sewers. Section 4. Whereas the territory embraced in the proposed sewer district is thickly settled and now without proper sewerage or drain- or, i a menace to the health and safety of that District and the people of Oregon City, it is n. sary for the immediate p.rtectlon t health and safety of the peo- Ul LUC 1 " - . , . pie of that District and Oregon City that the said proposed sewer be ctmrtAd and an liuuieu.j.ai-cij , ia hprfthv declared to exist and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force lmmeuiatcu i hv the Mayor. upon no r. iu iw . . i f i The probable whole cost of said sewer is $50,000.00. j ttma anil ordered pud- neau hid". --. , i. ana;ni meeting or tne City Council of Oregon City, held on, the 19th day of sepieniuc., L. STIPP, Recorder. Ordinance No An ordinance providing for toe man- ner of the construction of concrete sidewalks. . , . Oregon City does ordain as fol' 8li! i ah sidewalks hereaft er constructed on any improved . j - fitv (unless other- wiseallawed) shall be! made as fol lows: .. , V-,..v. ,oii he eiehteen (18) ,J.V? and e7eht (8) inches .j. Vntnm anil R1X (Ol m wiae ai ms """ , . - hp . .j. it,., inn and shall De cnes wiue a i. ui t set with the back perpendicular to Ir.. iTOotir line The top shall be beveled or rounded on the , upper and outer edge nTnllr Sidewalks shall be placed on the r the atreet adjoining tne property line, and shall be of an ev- v . ,.v. j tat or mnre. With en wiaui ui " - n.rtpr inch to the a nse ui uuc-h""- - foot from the curb. Foundation: The space over which the walk Is to be laid shall be excavated to the proper subgrade, and thoroug ly compacted by rolling or ramming. Any objectionable or unsuitable ma terial below subgrade as soft Spongy places shall be first remov ed and the places filled with sand, rock or gravel well rammed in place. The finished subgrade shall be parallel with the surface of the finished walk, and shall be four in ches below such finished surface. When the sidewalk does not cover the whole space between the prop erty line and the curb, the space not so covered shall be filled -or ex cavated to the top' of the curb. Material: When rock is used, the same shall be the best hard, dark color ed, sound basalt rock, granite, or equally hard stone broken in pieces not larger than two inches largest diameter, nor smaller than one half inch in diameter, or gravel of similar size may be used. The broken rock shall be screen ed so that all dust, clay, loam, vegetable matter, and pieces small er than one half inch in diameter shall be removed. The rock shall be thoroughly wasped if considered necessary by the City Engineer. The sand used shall be clean of all vegetables matter or dirt, coarse and sharp, and of the quantity, known as Columbia river sand. Clackamas River sand and gravel may be used in the concrete in the proportions, seven parts sand and gravel to one part cement. Cement: All cement shall be artificial Port land cement, free from lumps and deterioration on account of expos ure to the weather, and must be approved by the City Engineer, who shall have access to it for the purpose of testing it at least ten days before it is used. Forms: The forms used shall be of lum ber free from warp and not less than one and three-quarters inches thick, and sized; and if previously used, all mortar and dirt shall be washed off before using again. All forms shall be securely stak ed to 'conform to the established lines and grades, and the upper sur face of same shall be on a line with the finished surface of the walk or curb. All forms shall be thorough ly wetted before any material is deposited against them. Concrete : Upon the foundation prepared as heretofore specified will be laid a bed of concrete three and one half inches thick to be made as follows: The cement and sand will be thor-1 oughly mixed dry and made into a mortar with the least possible amount of water; to this shall be i added the broken stone or gravel I thoroughly drenched .with water, j and the whole shall then be thor oughly mixed until the aggregate is coated with mortar. The concrete for the base shall be of one part cement, three parts sand and. four pa.rts broken rock, or clean gravel; quantites shall be measured and not approximated. A sack o fcement .ninety four (94) "pounds shall be considered to have a volume of one cubic foot, Machine mixing will be acept able when a concrete equivalent in qaulity to that specified above is obtained. The mixing of the con crete and mortar shall be thorough and at all times done to the satis faction of the City Engineer. The concrete shall be deposited in the forms within sixty minutes after being mixed, and shall be trans formed to the forms in wafer tight carriers. The concrete shall be evenly spread and tamped until free mortar appears on the surface. The base shall be laid in six foot blocks formed either by using strips across the forms or by placing the blocks alternately, or by cutting through to the subgrade with a tool not over six inches long and one quarter inch thick. The upper sur face shall be made exactly parallel with the surface of the completed work. The mortar and the concrete shall not be mixed in greater quan tities than is required for immedi ate use, and none remaining unused unitl having set, shall, be remixed or used in any way. The whole Did It Ever Occur to You that someone is drawing interest on the money you needless ly spend each day? Why not open a bank account here and have the advantages of it yourself? THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000.00 Transacts General Banking Busines a. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. By HOP operation of mixing and laying each batch of concrete shall be per formed as expeditiously as possible. Wearing Surface: Upon this surface the wearing surface shall be laid one half inch thick; the mortar for the same shall be mixed in the same manner as that for the base; and shall be one part cement to two paSts of clean, sharp sand; and shall "be of such consistency,' as not to require tamping, but so that It may be readily floated with a straight edge; the mortar shall have thoroughly mixed with it One (1) pound of best Germantown lamp.black to each sack of cement, and the same shall - . be thoroughly worked and brought to a uniform but roughened sur face Inished wifli rake trowel. A.ny dirt, sand or other refuse that may have fallen or collected on the base shall be remaved before placing on the wearing surface; the base shall be wetted before placing the wearing surface. The mortar shall be spread on the base within thirty minutes after nixing, and in no case shall more than sixty minutes elapse between the time that the concrete for the base is mixed, and the time that the surface coat is floated. The surface shall be marked as nearly as possible into slabs three feet square, or of such other size or shape as directed, and if required, by the City Engineer, shall be pri- tected from the action of the sun wind and rain until thoroughly set. Six foot walks shall be marked with a jointer eighteen inches from either side and parallel to its length, and at every three feet across. The finished surface shall be left rough or slightly corrugated. Surface of Curbs: , The upper and outer one-half inch .of the curb shall be of the same ma terial as the wering 'surfcl e here tofore described and subject to all the conditions herein stated. The -inside core shall be of concrete mix ed and laid similar to the concrete bed for the walk. Planed boards . free from warp and not less than one and three quarters inches thick shall be used for curbs. They shall be treated in the same manner as- for sidewalks. The curbs shall be placed parallel with the property line and not less than ten feet therefrom. Corners: At intersecting streets the corn er shall be, a quadrant with a three foot radius, and at street intersec tions with alleys, shall be a two foot radius, and shall he finished as other parts of the curb. Section 2. All sidewalks and curbs as aforesaid hereafter built shall be constructed in conformity with the foregoing plans and spec ifications, and whether built by the city or by property owners, shall . be built under the supervision of the City Engineer and the commit tee on streets and public property of the Council. And the Ordinances now in force governing the giving of Notice to build sidewalks in Ore gon City, shall be followed when Notice is necessary in carrying out the provisions of this ordinance; and the property owner shall be required to obtain a permit as pro vided in such ordinances. Any per son or firm engaged in building sidewalks in Oregon City shall notify the Recorder that he is en gaged in such -work, and shall be required by the Council to give a reasonable bond for the faithful per formance, of his work before per mitted to commence the same. All such work shall be subject to the approval of the said Committe and Engineer, and if in their judgment such work does not comply in all respects with these plans the same may be rejected and the contractor compelled to complete such work to their satisfaction. Section 3. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction thereof be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and punished by a fine of not more than $50.00 or by in " prisonment in the city jail not to , exceed 25 days. Rtad first time and crdered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council, held on he 19th dar of September,. 1912. Lr STIPP, Rccordej. F. J. MYER, Cashier.