Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 20, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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R, E, Irkia and daughter, Hattie re
turned home trom the east Friday.
They both think "there is no place
like Oregon". Hattie says, "They can
all have their money in the east but
give me Oregon, where I can en
joy comfort. They were in two very
hard electrical storms while In Iowa
which caused Hattie to get under
feather pillows for safety.
Miss Hattie Irwin and brother, El
mer, went to Portland for a few days'
visit Tuesday.
" Hop picking is over in this section.
Henry Gilbertson .finishing his yard
Saturday and W. B. Tull picked his
"baby hops" Monday.
The Berg young '.oiks were invited
out to Mr. Zimmerman's Sunday, the
occasion being Miss Lizzie's birthday.
Mr. Van Winkle has rented Mrs.
Wright's old place and they are pre
paring to take possession.
Mrs. Scoggini of Eugene, is visiting
her sister and brother, Mrs. Andrus
and Mr. Melvin.
Hoppickers have about all returned
and claim to have done fine finan
cially. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sager of Shubel
transacted business in this berg
Mrs. Charles Clark of Roosevelt
street has a serious attack of throat
Mrs. Frank Stillwell -is on the sick
list. .
There will be services at the Mount
tain View church at 4 ,0'clock by
Mr. Woodfin an exhorter' of the M.
E. church. A discussion will be
more- especially for the young men
nf this vir.itiit.v.
F. M. Darling is having the plumb
ing done and a furnace built in his
his new green house. Mr. D. M.
Gilbert is doing the brick work.
Mr. and Mrs. Shehan, of Canemah,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barto
last Sunday.
Mr. Holley, the district manager
of the Modern Brotherhood of Amer
ica, was canvassing this - vicinity
D. Grady sold one of his cows.
Mr. and Mrs. Robey and daughter,
Maxine of Sunnyside, came last Sat
urday. Mr. Robey went to Corvallis Mon
day to spend a few weeks with his
Mrs. A. L. Hickman spent last
week at Woodburn the guest of Mrs.
The Primitive Baptists will hold
service at the Mountain View
church Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock and Sunday morning at 10:30.
Mrs. Retta Seabolt and son of Mt.
Tabor were the guests of Miss Ella
Darling Saturday and Sunday.
Once more the sun shines and the
farmers are taking advantage of the
good weather to get tneir mresuins
done. Mr. Christner came into this
neighborhood Saturday evening with
his threshing machine outfit and fin
ished up the harvesting Wednesday
afternoon, and now the farmers can
rest easy.
Mr. Woodsides and wife, of Kings
Valley, are spending a few davs 'a
this vicinity this week.
Lewis Churchill made a business
trip to Oregon City Thursday. .
Miss Vesta ' Mulligan, from Salem,
is visiting her aunt Mrs. C. T. Howard
of this place. -...'"
A week ago-Tuesday was a bad day
for dogs in this burg. Three of them
' getting after a band of sheep belong
ing to Louie Farr and in the care of
Lewis Churchill on the.Ashby place.
They killed one sheep nd crippled
another when one of the neighbors
discovered them" at their work and
notified Young Churchill and Newt
Farr, who happened to be out here.
They borrowed a gun and went for
the dogs, killing all three of them.
Mrs. Knotts returned last week
from Eastern Oregon, where she
spent several weeks with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Nash. '
Mrs. Arthur Mallatt was visiting her
' sister in Portland a few days lasti
week, returning . home Sunday even
ing. ' " :
The weather having settled thresh
ing machines are again running.
Grain, of course, is injured to a con-
alrlofatila avian after havirer nassed
LJ 1 V. V . i H'.'l .AVUUV H.vw. J, t
through .the late rains, still through
out the Willamette Valley there will
be many thousands of bushels thresh
ed out that, will not be as badly dam
aged as was at first supposed.
Marquam and Albright have fin-
' ished picking their hops.
The Bentley Bros, have finished
their yard and the same crew pick
ing in the Seaman yard finished about
the 13th of September. A siege of
about 18 days.. Good wages have
been made by the pickers some of
them making as high, as $4 per day,
averaging that amount throughout the
Clover although sprouted to a cer
tain extent, is not. all ruined by any
means. A few days more of this nice
weather and the clover hullers will
again be busy throughout the Valley
and instead of the crop proving a loss,
thousands of bushels will be saved,
and instead Of hard times predicted
by some, there will be scarcely a rip
ple noticed in the general Improve
ment, and business affairs of our
.Then to think of how some of us
Ttnnr Timiv mortals have fretted and
worried over the enevitable forgetting
that nature's laws must be complied
with, and that the Great Ruler over
all sends the sunshine as well as the
, rain.
The Morning Enterprise, although
a daily visitor, is a welcome one.
i Mrsl'Hari Engle, who was taken to
1st. Vincents nosyimi a lew
i . nnanfoil nnnn for nTinpTini-
citls, is recovering slowly. She
hopes to be able to return nome in
1 4-wwm w Aft Ira
"nrv ITavlnv onrl rioil P"h tir who
have been visiting the former's fath
er, Levi Robbins, for the past few
days have returned to. their home., in
. Portland. . . ""' V '--;
- "The Molalla Bank opened for busi
ness Wednesday morning, September
Every Garment Mast
1 500 Fine Dresses to Choose
From, $5.00 to $325.00
Specially Priced for this Sale
$ 9.00 Dresses for this sale "$.6.95
f 10.00 Dresses, for this sale . $.795
$12.50 Dresses, for this sale '$.8.95
$15.00 Dresses, for this sale ........ ...$.9.95
.$20.00 Dresses for this sale. ........ .'. . .$12.95
$25.00 Dresses for this sale...... ,...-$14.95
"American Clothiers for
11. Mr. Havemann is cashier. As
soon as possible he will bring his fam
ily to Molalla.. They will occupy the
Gregory house. . -
There is a scarcity of vacant houses
in Molalla. Quite a number of inquir
ies for houses have been made lately
and none to be had.
Work has been started on Dr. Todd's
new cottage and will be rushed to
completion. J. Lowry and L. Cooke,
of Oregon City, have the contract..
The butcher shop has changed
hands. Mr. Reynolds of Estacada has
bought out A. Cutting. Tom Hob
bins still works in the shop.
Geo. Adams was unfortunate enough
to have two fine colts badly cut on
a barbed wire fence on Monday. An
other horse chased them through the
fence. The services of a veterinary
were necessary as a number of stit
ches had to be taken in each animal.
C. G. Huntley was in town the first
of the week invoicing the stock of
the Huntley drug store, which has
been purchased by J. H. Vernon. The
drug store will be remodeed'and en
larged. -
Mrs. Belle A. Sleight of Portland,
has been visiting Mrs. J. L. Waldron
for a few days. f V
Jim Petty accompanied by his wife
passed through town in ' their new
Ford on Wednesday of this week.
- Miss Andrus was1 called to Oregon
City on account of the illness of her
sister Mrs. Miller, of Gladstone. Mies
Dunton will, have sole charge of the
business during her absence. ,; V x.
Clyde Waldron, the Molalla stage
driver is the proud papa - of anew
daughter. , " .
; Miss Ruth Branlund, daughter of
Mr nr. 3 Mrs. Charles Branlund died
at her home at Colton Saturday morn
ing after, an Illness of - several years
caused by heart and stomach trouble.
Ruth was1 a very bright gin ana was
far advanced in school for her age.
She was also a. great musician and
was loved by all who knew her. Miss
Branlund was born in Michigan and
went to Washington with her parents
where they lived for several years,
when her health began to fail. From
there they came to Oregon, thinking
that the change would do her good,
which it did until the last few months
when she began to fail quite rapidly,
although she suffered quite a lot to
ward the last, she would never com
plain. . We miss our little friend, but
now he has pased away to a better
home, for death was a relief to her
sufferings. The services were held at
the Swedish Lutheran church at .2
o'clock Monday afternoon and were
hT Rev. Relnhart The
burial services were held in the Carls-
burg cemetery and were largely ai
tonriori Th nallbearers were Alfred
Wall, Phillip and Melvin Hult Her
man, Ruben and Ben sscninagren. re
sides, the many friends and school-
msffia Tnhrt mnnra llftr rteat.Tl she. Is
survived by her parents, one brother
Verner, and two-sisters, Amy and Ju-
A bell was installed on the Swedish
W. E. Bonney's sister, who has been
visiting here, will leave for her home
tnis week.: ".' '
jj. Jones harvested Ms onions last
week and reports a pretty fair crop,
luriot. TJoiHo Rrmnev lfift for Esta
cada Sunday, where she will attend
school. " ;'" . ' ' " '
All those who have been away at
the hop yards have returned. -.
Miss Jessie Phillips is staying with
Grandma Dix.t fc " . s -: " ,..' '"
Mr -and Mm 'Walter Gorbett" were
guests at Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gottberg's
last Sunday. - --
- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Bon-
ney; a daughter, last week.' t .
Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses Skirts, Waists and Kimonos
Be Sacrificed, to Make Room for the Carpenters to Work. We Have the Largest Stock in the
Article in the Store Reduced -Must Have Room
Quite a - few
mountains for
have gone to
huckleberries :
week. , . '
".Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood, who have
been staying on the Sherman, place,
have left for Portland and Mr. Sher
man and family moved out to take
possession of their place.
Messrs. Jay Dix, of Shubel
Oatis Dix, of MulinO, - visited
their mother at Colton Sunday.
John Jones was- a caller at the Wal
lace home at Highland Sunday.
The 'regular meeting of . the Maple
Lane Improvement Club was to be at
Mrs. George Mighill's September 11th
but September 10th beinfe Mrs. Mig
hill's sixty-third birthday the Ladies
decided to give her a surprise and so
it proved to be. : Vocal .selections and
several poems were given, also a pus
zle Contest, Miss Dorothy Stafford, of
Oregon City, getting the prize, a jar-1
dinere in which were several growing j
house plants. The ladies' then served j
a chicken dinner with all the acces-i
sories. . Mrs. -Mighill was the recep
ient of several birthday gifts and the
wis-hes of all the ladies that she might
enjoy many returns of the day. '
' Those present .were: Mrs. Horning
and Mrs.' C I. Stafford and daughter,1
of -Oregon City; Mesdames Cone,"Pa-i
genkopt, Gage, Dimick, Craven' Sar
tin, Lewis, Swallow, Wilcox, Reyn-;
olds, Parker, Schmidt, Brown Adams
Horton and Smith of Maple Lane.
Mrs. Sartin havjng Deen the : very
efficient president of the Maple' Lane
Improvement Club for the past six
months and now about to move'-, to
Oregon City,- the members of .. .the
club decided to give her a' J farewell
visit on Monday afternoon, Septem
ber 16th. Ice cream, cakes; and. cof
fee were served, many pleasant
stories were told, a picture," "Snug
Harbor", was presented by . Mrs. Wil
cox in behalf o fthe ladies and the
hymn, "God Be With You Till We
Meet Again" was sung with Mrs. Ed
gar Smith at the Organ. -
Those present were Mesdames Dim
ick, Spliner, Gage Cone, Mighills,
Craven, Swallow, Wilcox, Reynolds,
Sartin, Parker, Rummery, scnmiat,
Brown, Horton, Smith, Derrick, Ad
ams, Hester and Miss Bessie Reyn
Most of the hop pickers who went
from Maple Lane have returned home.
Those who arrived on Sunday were
as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Heater and family, Mrs-. Derrick and
daughers May and Gretchen. All re-
and daughters, Frances, irma ana
Jennie, Mrs. August Splinter and
daughter May and Gretchen. . All re
port a good time and fair pay for tha
time spent considering so much bad
weathers-one thing. sure each . one
brought back a good coat of tan. "
A. J. Lewis, is on the sick list at
present but is slowly recovering. " '
v .
The most exciting thing that has
happened in this vicinity since - the
black hand letters, received by some
of our. citizens, is the marriage of Mr.
Moser and Mrs Shauber on last Fri-.
day evening at ina nome oi me iev.
Mr. Lucas, Apastot of - the Baptist
cnurch. . It is , said the happy bride
groom gave the boys $5' with, which to
celebrate ' the event" " Mr andrMrs.
Moser" went on 'a little trip,. , after
which they will settle down- in Stat
ford. - v.. y- .-. . -
Louis Kile was awarded the roost
er offered by Mrs. "Hplton for best po
tatoes at the juvenile fair neld at Wil
son ville.- Although when it was offer
ed it was understood to. go with a hen
offered by Mr.'Milem to any Stafford
boy or girl who raised the . most po
SPECIAL NOTICE We are going to remodel our entire store and front, and we must have
carpenters. Every garment is new, up to the minute in style, specially priced for this sale.
4000 Fine Coats and Suits to
Choose From, $7.50 to $85
$20.00 Suits and Coats.. "$12.95
$25.00 Suits and Coats .'...$14.95
$30.00 Suits and. Coats . .$19.85
$35.00 Suits and Coats , .'$24.95
$35.00 Suits and Coats. . . . . . . : . ... $29.85
Corrier Alder ori
tatoes', from one pound.' The ' same
boy 'received the $20: suit Of' -clothes
and $6 in money. . - ; ; :
The Delkar brothers finished baling
their hay from the field last week. -
C Thompson's son, who was strick
en suddenly with pneumonia, is get
ting along. nicely under the skillful
care of Dr. Vincent. - .
A. son, with his wife and little chil
dren from the Hood River country,
have been visiting at Mr. Aerni's the
past week. - r . -''.
: A daughter .of " Mr. "Aerni's was
brought to Portland this "week to be
operated upon for '.tuberculosis of the.
glands of the neck. -. "ia .- ""
Mr. Gebhardt picked his seven acre
field of hops last ' week, -and had 27,7
boxes ? .-. .-. '.. "'
. Mrs. Peters, Mri. 'Aden, Mrs. Sharp
and MrS. Robbins visited with.Mrs.
Gage on Tuesday. -;; Mrs Robbins Is
staying with Mrs. Sharp; She is a
relative of the family and will be nine
ty years old in May.
- Mrs. Gage visited her son John L.
Gage, at St. Helens, last weeks, and
saw the three weeks -old child a prom
ising boy.
Fred Baker has found no definite
trace of the scalawag, who poisoned
his dogs, although he thinks he has
. i j . ill l. t t l
a preiiy goon ciue, wuicu iie wui 1
iuw uy li any iiiuio arc iuisbiu, tu uc
has put five left 1 .
-After threatening rain for a num
ber of days, with high winds, Stafford
awoke ;Wednesday morning to fair,
sunny weather, ' :
;The hop season, just ended, has
been a most satisfactory one. .. The
yield notwithstanding the unfavorable
weatner, is aDunaant, ana tne outioon
for fair- Qiices is unusually . bright
The champion picker seems to have
been ' Hermann Wiener, - whd a . one
day picked . 526 pounds." Grover
Harms,-- however, stands at the head
in the season's work; 500 pounds in
one day, was reached by Grover
Harms, Everett Kusling and- Alma
The thresher of Nate Cole, also that
of Ab Cole finished for the season on
Saturday, September 14th. The
Walsh and Heppler machines ended
the season's work on Tuesday, the
17 th.
Leonard Nebo, who has been work
ing for some time at Hoquiam Wash.,
is expected home this week.
Miss Maude Nebo has returned
from Portland, where she has been
a student at the Good Samaritan
Training School for Nurses.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Baldwin,
Mr. Raleigh Bowers Mr. Stier and the
Misses Rose and Hazel Klar were
Sunday guests ot Mrs. Gibson.
Mrs. George Koch has so far re
covered that she can sit up a little
at a time.
Mr. Koch has returned from Aurora
where he has been for some time, en
gagei in building . a hop storage
house. -
r-.-Mr. ' Roth, who was injured in an
accident- caused by the frightening ot
his horse, was able last week to be
removed, from the home of Mr. Troyer
to that of his daughtet Mrs Kaufman.
Mr.vRoth is still very seriously ni.
Miss Nellie Albiker .is ill of typhoid
fever --: -'','..
L -Mrs. " Arthur Baldwn , was a week
end visitor with friends in Portland.
Mrs. k-Baldwin left home in company
with Mrs, John Heppler oil Thursday
morning, returnifig Sunday "morning.
Schootiopens in Macksburg on the
morning of Monday. October 7th "with
A. A. . Baldwin as principal. Mrs.
Florence Buchanan win be Prof. Bal
dwin's assistant.
Sylvester Gibson and Ben Knutsen,
who have been away at work all sum
mer, have returned. -
Bargains in Silk Petticoats
Specially Priced for this Sale
$4.50 Petticoats, for this sale . ... . ..$1.98
$6.00 Petticoats, for this sale .". ........ .$2.98
$7.50 Petticoats, for this sale $3.98
Large Line Single Skirts From 1-4 to 1-3 Off
For This Sale
at Once. Something for
. The chidren Of Macksburg, en'cour
aged by their success at the Juvenile
Fair, are busy preparing for the Coun
ty exhibit. jc-, ;
Now that the hop and threshing
seasons are oyer the grubbing has be
gun in earnest. Everywhere the rub
bish piles are burning in fields that
next year to be planted-to potatoes
or grain. ' .
A .niimhor nf frienrtn wore entertain
ed in a most delightful manner Sat-,
urday evening at the home of Mr. :
and Mrs. A. H.- Harvey. The evening
was devoted to playing whist. After
cards were enjoyed a delicious lunch
eon was served." Mrs." Henry was as
sisted in entertaining by- her daugh
ter, Miss Marie. . '
Many are the happy faces to ber
seen on the Canby school grounds
thooo rinva 9s the schnol session OD-
ened witn an unuually large enroll
ment especially in the High School
department. All of the children seem
rejoiced to again take up the school
duties. It was thought by some that
the work on the. new building would
nrnis n eh-eat annovance. but it does
not seem to annoy the pupils .or the
teachers to any aegree, as me wuia.
is carried on systematically, both
iw. the wnrlrmen on the new building
and also by the teachers in the school
room The- following are tne teacn-
ers: C. F. Romig, Supt. ana rm.;
Miss- Addy B. Wyeth, Assistant High
School; P. L. Coleman, teacher of
sixth, seventh and eighth : grades;
Miss La Vine Sheridan; teacher of the
third, fourth and fifth grades; Miss
wmilv Snnlak. nrimary erades. and
H. H. Eccles Riverside school. On ac
count of the large enrollment in the
High School,- the Primary Department
has found temporary quarters in me
Norwegian Evangelical Church until
the new school Duiiaing is reauy iur
occupancy. The Canby School is up
to the standard in every way auu
oj.iofna fmm ita "Hi eh school are
prepared to enter the State Univer
sity and other nigner msuiuuons hi
learning. '. .
Rev C. L. Greesy left last Monday
evening for Ashland, Ore., to attend
the M. E. Annual uonierence oi oa
lem district He expects to be re
turned to Canby, as he is anxious to
complete the new church building,
which has been in process of con
struction during the past year ' and
longer. The basement is now occu
pied for church and Sabbath school
services. Under the efficient super
intendency of A. J. Burdette and his
able corps of officers and teachers,
the Sabbath School has almost dou
bled in attendance during the last
e Southern Pacific is pushing its
-urork on the new railroad and a large
number of workmen are busily en
gaged near Canby on the new roaa
The excavation of the basement of
the Masonic Hall building about to be
erected at Canby is almost completed.
Work is also in progress, excavating
for the new store building of Carlton
& Rosenkrans. Canby is certainly ad
Corn roast coming soon. " w :
. Watch for the corn roast. .. v.'
' Mrs. Poyser, of Portland, who has
purchased an acre on Blanton street,
was a business caller at the Lodge
on Tuesday. " .
Miss Purcell, who has - been the
guest of Mrs. C. L. Smith,; tor several
days, - has returned to her home in
Oregon City. - - -
After spending the summer with
Mrs. Ralph Near, Miss Esther John
ston will return to her home in Port-
room for the
5000 Waists, All New Fal
Styles, 98c to $25.00
Specially Priced for this Sale
$2.00 Waists, for this sale 98c
$2.50 Waists, for this sale '..98c
$3.00 Waists, for this sale $1.49
$5.00 Waists for this sale $2.98
$6.00 Waists, for this sale v $3.98
$7.50 Waists, for this sale ,........$4.95
Everybody at Everybody's Price
land to resume her studies in the Ver-,new sidewalks at this place.. - -'.
non school. . Mr. Tibbett's home and the J. A.
Word comes that the hoppickers ! Johnson house are having new coats
from this place, are having lots of of paint.
fun and making lots of money. Miss Mable Morse was taken sud-
; A baby has come to gladden the'denly ill on Sunday and is still con
home of M, S. Porter on Addy street -fined to. her home with an attack of
and a baby girl to the home of Paul appendicitis.
Roethe. - , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hampton have
On Friday, Art Roberts came down ' sold their pqroperty to Harry Hamp
from Elmer Boardman's t hop yard j ton. Mrs. Hampton and son. Jack,
near AuTora making the trip on his I will leave about October first for
wheel. He reports good roads but I Alaska. Later they will be joined by
encountered a couple . of hills that Mr. Hampton.
were longer going up than coming i Mrs. C. S. Bergstresser, of -Portland
down. -After a business trip to Port-j is spending this week with the Ralph
land he returned to tne hop yard Mon- Near family. .
day afternoon. . . I R. F. Stover and the Jacobson
. The Madden family ' returned to brothers caught fottr large salmon on
their home at this place after a few Sunday. Other fishermen from Port
weeks In Portland and at the-coast i land were also quite lucky as many
Mrs. Card and children spent a few fine salmon were caught. ,
days with her parents near Vancouv-1 Mrs. Isiah Shevefield still continues
er. , - I very low at her home at this place.
., Mrs. ShodSf is visiting in Eugene. Mrs. Noble, a trained nurse, is in at-
. The melon social was well attended, . tendance.
and the proceeds were $9.5. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Mr. Bat
Painton " wishes to thank her kind dorf and son and daughter attende-1
helpers and the doners of the melons, the Clark County fair at Vancouver,
Miss Bernice Lee returned to her Wash., last week,
home in Portland, after a few days Mrs. Gregan entertained with a
stay with Miss Winnie Kern. luncheon on Friday last. Her guests
. Professor Thompson was a caller were the Mesdames Fisher, Pierce,,
at the Lodge Saturday, getting things Daggett and Emmons,
in order for the Fall term which be-' The A. F. Russel family and Mr.
gins Monday, September 16. Miss Es- Hart and daughters returned last
ther Campbell is to have charge of week from near Aurora, where they
the primary grades, and Mrs. Anna
Hayes has been employed to teach
music. v
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Boardman were
dinner guests at the home of Mrs.
Jones one day last week.
Rev. Bergstresser has recently put
a bell on the church to remind us of
the prayer meeting and Sunday school
hours. May it ring out a message
to the people to attend these meetings
and the Bible class which is conduct
ed by our faithful pastor.
Announcement of the corn roast
next week. Watch for it.
The sound of the school bell seem-
h ed pleasant to hear again on Monday,
September 16, as the Fall term Degan
in this district A large number of
pupils are enrolled then before, the
larger number being in the primary
grades. In this room more seats will
be added to accomodate the little
The regular " meeting of the Adult
Bible Class will be held on Thursday
evening. The 5th Chapter of Luke
has been the assignment by the lead
er, C. S. Bergstresser.
The corn roast which was to have
been given by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Near at their home, has been post
poned. Much building is going on at this
place. G. W. Card has the cellar com
menced for his home, which will be a
modern cottage built at ' the same
place as that one which was recently
destroyed by fire. Work on the Ja
cobs and Hart homes is progressing
nicely and Mr. Jewett's house is about
ready for occupancy. The Kern
house is having some new Improve-
ments, and lumber has arrived for
Southern Pacific Railroad of Mexico
, ''.. - : traversing the states of
Gives Access to
..', '. In ---' ' ; . 1 -
MsCattlc, Farming, Mining, Timber
Le'us list you for a copy of our new booklet soon to be pub
Vlished. -- ' -
H, LAWTON, G. P. A.,- Gua ymas, Sonora, Mexico.
City to Select From.
the Oregonian Building
enjoyed an outing ana also picKea
hoDs at Elmer Boardman's yard.
Mias EUn Hart spnt Sunday at Sil
ver Springs at the home of Mrs. Har
rington. Mrs. S. P. Dow and Clyde Jones re
turned on Saturday last from the hop
fields near Macksburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Strain were Lodge
visitors Monday, returning to their
home near Shubel in the evening.
The Circle met at the home of Mrs.
Newell on Wednesday. New mem
bers are being taken in and. at the
next meeting, on October 2,TMrs. Jen
nie JoneB will be the hostess. Elec
tion of officers will take place. '
Mra TiMHh Tniscot.t. of Gresham.
was a business caller at this place on
Tuesday. -
Mrs. Bess Bruechert and children
visited at the home of J. Bruechert
in Portland on Sunday.
Mr. D. P. Newell and son, Glenn, at
tended the funeral of Mr. Jesse
Bounds at Eugene on Tuesday. Mr.
Bounds had been a friend of the New
ell family for some time and had
made an appointment to meet Mr.
Newell at the Oregon hotel on Tues
day but owing to the tragic death,
when he met in an auto wreck, Mr.
Newell attended the funeral on the
day they were to meet. Mr. Bounds
the coast.
Mr. Painton is drilling at the Tabor
home near Meldrum.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are enjoy
ing an outing at Yamhill and are also
picking hops.
Mrs. H. H. Emmons entertained a
party of six friends from Kennewlch,
Wash., at lunch on Wednesday.