Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, September 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Qrrknn the
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- ; : ; ' T ' T .
E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
"Entered as second-class matter Jan
uary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon
City, Oregon, under the Act of March
3, 1879."
One Year, by mall M.00
Six Months by mall 1.60
Four Months, by mall 1.00
Per 'Week, by carrier 10
la on sale at the following stores b
& every day:
Huntley Bros. Drugs
. Main Street
J. W. McAnulty: Cigars
0 Seventh and Main. 6
E. B. Anderson
3 Main, near Sixth.
$ M. B. Dunn Confectionery
Next door to P. O.
S City Drug Store
- " Electric Hotel.
Schoenborn Confectionery
Seventh and J. Q. Adams.
' &
' Sept. 20 In American History.
1862 General Trice's Confederate nrmy
abandoned lukH. .Miss, ti rid retreat
ed sonthwttrd
1863 Seeonfl day of battle of Chh-kn-mauga.
Con federates under len
eral Braxton Rrawg defeated the
Federals under Genera! V S Hose
1900 General John Alexander Mot'ler
nand. noted leader in the civil war.
died: born 1812
1910-John W. Groucher. "cornfield
poet" of Georgia, died: horn 1833.
(Prom noon today to noon tomorrow.!
Sun sets 6, rises 5:47. Evening
stars: Mercnry, Venus. Mars. Jupiter
Morning star: Saturn.-
-.: The" official returns of the vote in
Ohio, "on September 3rd., as reported
;for 68- counties, favor .the retension
ybf ' capital punishment by more than
' 30,000 majority. :
It means a great deal when 229,670
voters retain capital punishment
when they are changing other conser
vative, laws, and by heavy majorities
adopt narly all of the two score
amendments to the state constitution.
Those who dislike the infliction of
the penaly of death may well pause
and. look beyond the law itself to the
code of defensive and protective stat
utes of which it is a part.
As death is the extreme penalty for
the greatest crime, it of necessity
occupies a position at the top of the
criminal code. From this extreme
downward to the smallest misdemean
or the penalties of the code are grad
ed. When the extreme penalty . shall
be abolished, the entire scale of less
er penalties becomes affected, the
same as when the key-stone of an
arch is removed, every stone in 'the
structure is loosened.
This is more readily observed in
prison discipline. Men serving ' for
life may kill their keepers and suffer
no penalty. Realizing this, the guards
at the Ohio State Penitentiary stated
that their lives would not be under
the protection of the law if abolition
of the death penalty for murder pre
vailed. ' The murderous convicts at the
Jackson, Michigan,, prison, are with-
Lax Laws Make This a Most J
Lawless Nation t
O lout; as the present lax.
methods of trifling and temporizing with New. York city's
daily increasing crime are tolerated MERE DENUNCIA
. tinman life in this country would be made MORE SECURE
and society generally would be better protected from criminals if we
would adopt much of the letter and spirit of the present English crim
inal law and its method of prompt pnnishmenta.
out the deterrent influences of " the
punishment, of death, and the best
that the authorities can do is to
give them the punishment of torture.
This indicates that the abolition of
capital punishment in Michigan has
been a long stride toward barbarism.
Rhode Island, which abolished cap
ital punishment about the same time
that Michigan did, had the same diffi
culty in controlling her prisoners, un
til, in preference to adopting torfiire,
the law of capital punishment for
state prison convicts was enacted.
Like the knife of the surgeon or
the gardener, the cutting off from so
ciety of the life of the murderer is
a necessary evil.
"The humanity of the law feeis
every pain it inflicts, but it uses evTT
as a means of preventing greater
Heart to Heart
One venomed word .
That struck Its coward, poisoned blow
In craven whispers, hushed and low.
And yet the wide World heard. '
'Twas but one whisper one
That, muttered low. for very shame.
The. thing the sland'rers dare not name.
And yet its work was done.
For the reasou'that the slander la
muttered low in craven whispers it is
always hard to trace the origin of the
calumny back to the malicious tongue
that first gave if utterance.
Gossip passes the report from mouth
to ear under the impersonal and in
definite phrase.
They say."
The gossiper drapes his story with
the glamour of secrecy and bides its
origin in anonymous authority. ; ;"-
Gossip is cojvardly.. V ' . , '
It proceeds' to murder reputations
with, the concealed weapons of an unc
tuous whisper, accompanied by a wink,
a nod or a shrug. . ',-;'- .
Oftentimes when the slanderous
work is done the reaction comes. The
community . wakes up to understand
that the' tale had no authentic origin
and the whole matter was no more
than mere gossip.
And sometimes the understanding
comes too late to save the victim of
the venomed tongue.
A gossiper thrives best in an atmos
phere of ignorance and idleness. The
well informed are not apt to be credu
lous, and the busy will not wait to
have their ears stuffed, willy nilly.
The best way to stop the gossipy tale
is to stop it in your mouth. ,
If your soul is big it will be generous
and charitable. . It is.ouly the little
soul that cannot hold "a secret" The
big soul forgets. The big soul knows
how sharper than a two edged sword
is the venomed word; that, once spo
ken it cann be recalled; that thefar
ther it goes the blacker it grows.
If for no other reason than charity,
withhold the word.
If you be brave enough challenge the
gossiper and brand the story as a lie.
Open your mouth and demand that the
victim be confronted by his accusers.
To the vague "they say" boldly ask: .
Who says?
By doing so you may save some one
from a stab in the back.
England's First Canal.
The first canal was made in England
when Henry I. joined the Trent to the
Witham. in 1134.
New York Lawyer
dilatory, absurdly technical legal
Duoiuii mmm ui
i BOSTON, Sept. 19. Boston wins
the American league pennant Man
ager McAleer gave out figures today
showing that the Red Sox can loose
all their remaining 15 games and still
carry off the flag, even though Wash
ington, which is in second place to
day, should win all its 13 games yet
to play, and Philadelphia do the same
with its 14. In such a case the final
standing of the three teams would
Won Lost P.C.
Boston 97 56 .634
Philadelphia 97 57 .630
Washington 97 57 .630
The results Thursday follow:
Pacific Coast League
At Portland Los Angeles 4, Port
land 3. .
At Los Angeles Oakland 2, Ver
non 0.
At San Francisco San Francisco
3, Sacramento 1.
National League
Cincinnati 3, 2; New York 1,2. .
Brooklyn 9,4; Chicago 6,12.
Boston 7,7; Pittsburg 5,8.
American League
Cleveland 9,6; Boston 3,0.
' Washington 4; St. Louis 2.
Chicago 1; Philadelphia 0.
Detroit 6; New York 5.
Hotel Arrivals .
The following are registered, at the
Electric Hotel: Mrs. Macho . and,
daughter; . A. S. Ashley, r Portland;
Ethel Hall; D. -C.. FoutS; ' E. Johnson,
Portland; 'Ed Dunmirer' E. Whitney,
Salem; James, Anderson; B. H. Grant
Portland r J. R. Macks, Barlow; J H.
Smith, Seattle;; S. E. DeFprest, Port
land; 'Miss E. Hall; B.' Anderson; J.
T. Scott; John Baker; W. L.' Smith;
John- M. Dunn, Portland. ' '".
Wants, ForaleBtc
Notices under these classified headings
will be inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a cent additional Inser
tions. One Inch card, $2 per month; half
inch card, (4 lines), $1 per month.
Cash must accompany order unless one
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors: where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge lac.
NOTICE We have 2 letters address
ed to C. L., care this office. Please
WE desire to extend our sincere and
. grateful thanks to our many friends
and neighbors, for their kindly
sympathy in our recent bereave
ment in tne loss of our beloved
daughter, Mary.
WANTED: A chance to show' you
how quick a For Rent ad will fill
that vacant house or room.
WANTED Plain sewing by the day.
Telephone Main 3433.
FOR SALE: The cheapest lines of
snoes and harness in the county.
Shoe- repairing while you wait at G.
Aj Dreblow, Seventh street, opposite
Wells Fargo.
FOR SALE: 1 acre, all cleared, 6
room house, woodshed, chicken
house, well water, 45 three-year-old
fruit trees ) berry bushes, on county
road and proposed Capital High
way mail route 5 blocks to car line
with side walk. $2,500.00 cash.
E. J. NOBLE, Oregon City.
FOR SALE 6-room plastered house,
1 acre land, fine orchard and water
near car .line and only 15 minutes
from court house $1800, half cash,
bal. terms. See Dillman, Winehard
Bldg. .
FOR SALE 2 acres at Parkplace,
house, barn, orchard, good vegeta
ble garden, $2200. H. E. CARR,
Parkplace, Oregon.
FOR RENT: Newly furnisfied rooms
- call 605, 5th Street.
FOR RENT A, furnished . 7-room
house with bath. Desirable loca
tion. Inquire this office.
Above party please phone 1933 or
115 for first class tenant. No dogs
or children. . '
FOR RENT 8-room modern house,
opposite Barclay School. Inquire
Koenig's Store, 12th Street
1 Grand Theatre. '-
Scoop Tempts Balking
$500 loan wanted from private party
for three years at 7 per cent. Se
curity worth $2100. G. W. C. care
DRESSMAKING and all kinds of sew
ing, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, 1311
Main Street, between 13th and 14th
HOW would you like to talk, with
1400 people about that bargain you
have in Real Estate. Use. the Enter
Flechtner from Liepzig, Germany,
is prepared to accept a limited num
ber of pupils. Mr. Flechtner may
also be engaged for solo or ensem
ble work. Address for terms, etc.
Gustav Flechtner, Oregon City, Ore.
JOHN R. SIEVERS, Attorney at law,
Rooms 1 and 2 Weinhard Building,
opposite courthouse. Collections
given prompt attention.
CO. F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal
delivered to all parts of the ci'y.
your orders Pacific- 3502, Home
R 110
Notice of Application for Liquor 1.1-
--r .cense' -"
NOTICE is hereby given that t will,
at the next regular meeting of., the
: irCity, CounciU-apply .for ; Jlcensejio i
. sell liquor at my place of business,
. . 523 Main Street, for .a period: of
three months., ;'"'""' '-
'- "" ' '.. F. R. M'CONNELL.
Notice : of -Application! for Liquor Li-
' ' . cense
NOTICE Is hereby given that I will,'
at. the next regular meeting of the
City ' Council, apply for license to
sell liquor at my place of business',
. 417 Main Street, between 4th and
5th. Streets, for a period of three
months. " '"
In the Circuit Court of the State of
.Oregon for Clackamas County.
Ethel Gero, plaintiff, vs. James
F. Gero, defendant
' To James F. Gero, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore:
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the. above entitled
suit on or before the 11th day of
October 1912, that being the last
day prescribed in the order of pub
lication of the summons; and if you
fail to so appear and answer said
complaint the plaintiff will apply to
.the Court for the relief therein pray
ed, to-wit: A decree dissolving the
marriage contract now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff . and
changing the name of plaintiff to
Ethel Smith:
This summons is published in the
Morning Enterprise, a newspaper,
- for six consecutive weeks by order
' of Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of the
County Court, made on the 29th day
of August, 1912, the first publica
tion being on the 30th day of Aug
ust, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
. . Summons
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County .
H. A. McClintock, Plaintiff, vs.
Jennie McClintock, Defendant.
To Jennie McClintock, Defedant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before Fri
day, tne 11th day of October, 1912,
and if jou fail to answer, for want
thereof Plaintiff will take a decree
against you divorcing him from you
and freeing him of all obligations
of the marriage contract
Notice of this summons is made
upon you ' by publication in the
. Morning Enterprise tor six succes
sive weeks by virtue of an order
dated August 29th, 1912, signed by
the Honorable R. B. Beatie, Judge
of the County Court, of the State
of Oregon for the County of Clack
Date of first publication, August
30, 1912. '
Date of last publication, October
11th, 1912.
peter a. Mcdonald,
Attomey-at-Law, 302 Failing Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County. :
Lucy Overington, plaintiff, ' vs.
Charles H. Overington, Defendant.
To Charles H. Overington, above
named" defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore-
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
' against you in the above entitled
, cause, on or before the ; 11th day of
October, 1912, being more than six
. weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, and if you
fail so to appear or answer, the")
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
- the relief prayed) for in the com
plaint, which is, for a decree for
ever dissolivng the marriage now
exisiting between you and the
plaintiff, and that plaintiff be per
mitted to resume her former name
of Lucy Northcutt, and for such oth
er rileef as to the court my seem
just and equitable. This summons
is served upon you by publication
by order of the Hon. R. B. Beatie,
Judge of the County Court, which
ordeT is dated the 29th day of Aug
ust, 1912; the date of the first pub
lication of this summons is August
30th, 1912, and the last date of pub
lication October 11th, 1912.
" Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for,. Clackamas County,
t Eastern'. Investment Company,
ifcimfted, a corporation, plaintiff, vs!
Samuel Davis, Earl Ray Davis,
John T. Seeds, Rosa May Stevens,
formerly RoSa May Davis, and also
all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title, es
tate lien or interest in the real es
tate! described in the complaint
herein, defendants.
To John T. Seeds, one of the a
trove named defendants:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed againt you in the. above entit
led suit, on or before six (6) weeks
from the date of the first publica
tion of this summons, exclusive of
the date of first publication, and if
.-you fail, so -to appear and answer,
for want ' thereof the plaintiff ,will
; apply to the above entitled - court
for a 'judgment by default against
you, and for the. relief prayed for
in the complaint, towit: ,' For a de
cree - of this court declaring; - the
' plaintiff herein to be the owner in
,fee simple of. real. property si taute
in Clackamas County,. State of Ore
J gon, and particularly described as
follows,: towit: Commencing -at
'--the Northwest Corner of the West
half of the East half of the' North
- east quarter of", section Thirty
three (33), Township Three (3),
. south, Range Three 3) East of Wil
lamette Meridian, thence SouEh
Fifty- nine (59) Rods, thence East
'Eighty (80) Rods, thence North
Fifty-nine (59) Rods,' thence West
Eighty (80) Rods to Jhe place, of
beginning, containing Twenty-hine
and-One-half Acres (29 1-2), .more
or less, and forever quieting the
title of plaintiff, and barring and
enjoining you from at any . time
: setting up or asserting any estate,
. title, right, lien or interest in and
to said property.
This "summons is served . upon
. you by publication in accordance
with an order of Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, in
and for Clackamas County, which
said order is dated September 12,
1912, and which requires that this
summons be published in this
newspaper at least once each week
for six (6) consecutive weeks, and
that publication first be made on
the 13th day of September, 1912.
Date of first publication, Septem
ber 13,1912. ,
! Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Property Owners on
Monroe Street.
To T. P. Randall, H. E. Noble
H. ' E. Cross, William Stover,
S. A. Long, D. C. Latourette,
Minnie Inskeep, Wm. Sheahan, Ber
tha Kuerten, Felix A. Dillow, J. L.
& M. A. Waldron, Christaina Fred
erich, Mary Caufield, C. P. & L.
A. Farr, Jack & Albright, J. H. &
Sally Ann Mattley, Chester Elliott,
"Grace Loder, Mary Bradley, Kate
Newton, J. J. Michels, May S. Mills,
C. N. Lewis, Maggie Matthies,,Mary
Little, O. D Eby, M. Michels, F. T.
Ryan, Antone Kriedle, Mary Potter,
Wm. J. Wilson, W. W. Myers, H. H.
L. Clark, Mary Grasier, Geo. Redda
way, Henry Schoenborn, H: Gra
sier, Otto Erickson, Gertrude Hum
phrys, C. B. Huyck, S. A., E. G. &
M. T. Roberts, John Resberger, M.
M. Charman, Anna and Frank Rot
ter, Daniel, August and Anna Fish
er, John Langford, F. J. S. Tooze,
John W. & Grace Loder, Emma
Schroeder, Arthur Duete' and H.
Keil, Amanda Duete, Mrs. R. D.
Price, and C. E. Nash.
You and each of you is hereby
notified that the undersigned have
been appointed as appraisers of tne
property hereinafter, described ly
ing on Monroe Street, Oregon City,
Oregon, from the South line of
Tnlrd '; Street to the North line of
r- Fourteenth Street and subject to
. assessment for the improvement of
said Monroe Street and that the un
dersigned will meet at 'the inter
section of Seventh and Monroe
Streets, on the 27th day of Septem
ber 1912, at 1 o'clock p. m.-, for the.
' purpose of viewing said property
and estimating the value thereof,
this value is to be used as a basis
upon which to estimate the propor
tion of the improvement of said
Monroe street asi the same is now
being improved. v
That W. A. White, John Bittner
. and George Randall were' heretofore
appointed to . make this appraisement-and
they, with the City Engineer-constitute
a committee for
that purpose. - '
The. property upon which this val
ue is to be fixed and ' the owners
thereof are as follows-. ..
Lot 1, Block 123, Oregon - City,
Oregon, T. P. Randall.
Lot 2, Block 123, Oregon City,
Oregon, T. P. Randall.
Lot 3, Block 123, Oregon City.
Oregon, H. E. Noble.
Lot 4, Block 123, Oregon City, Ore
gon, H. E. Noble.
Lot 1, Block 124, Oregon City, Ore
gon, H. E. Cross.
Lot 2, Block 124, Oregon City,
Oregon, H. E. Cross.
' Lot 3, Block 124, Oregon City Ore
Oregon, H. E. Cross.
Lot 4, Block 124, Oregon City Ore
Oregon, H. E. Cross.
Lot 1, Block 125, Oregon City,
Oregon, Wm. Stover.
Lot 2, Block 125, Oregon City,
Oregon, Wm. Stover.
Lot 3, Block 125, Oregon City,
Lot 4, Block 125, Oregon City, Ore
gon, S. A. Long.
Lot 1, Block 126, Oregon City,
Oregon, D. C. Latourette.
Lot 2, Block 126, Oregon City,
Oregon, D. C. Latourette.
Lot 3, Block 126, Oregon City,
Oregon, D. C. Latourette.
Lot 2, Block 127, . Oregon City,
Oregon, D. C. Latourette.
Lot 3, Block 127, Oregon , City,
Oregon Minnie Inskeep.
Lot 4, Block 127, Oregon City,
Oregon, Minnie Inskeep. -
Lot 1, Block 128, Oregon City,
Oregon, Wm. Sheahan.
Lot 2, Block 128, Oregon- City,
Oregon, B. Kuerten.
Lot 3, Block 128, Oregon City,
Oregon, Felix A. Dillow.
Lot 4, Block 128, Oregon City,
Oregon,. J. L. & M. A .Waldron.
Lot 1,.. Block 129 , Oregon City,
Oregon, Christiana Friedrich
: Lot 2 Block 129, Oergon City,
Oregon, ' Mary R. Caufield.
Lot 3, Block 129, Oregon . City,
Oregon, Easterly , half thereof, C. P.
& A. L. Farr. -
Lot 3, Block .129, - Oregon City,
Oregon, Westerly half thereof, Jack
and Albright. .
Lot 4, Block 129, Oregon City,
Oregon,. Easterly half thereof, C. P.
& A. L. Farr.
Lot 4, Block 129, Oregon City,
Oregon, Westerly half thereof, Jack
and Albright. . '
Lot 1 Block liQ, Oregon . City,
Oregon, J. H. and Sally" Ann Matt-
. ley.
- Lot 2,- Block 130, Oregon City,
Oregon, J. H. and Sally Ann Matt-
ley. -v " -'. '
"V Lot 3, Block 130, Oregon City,
Oregon, Chester A. Elliott.
Lot4, Block 130, Oregon City,
' Oregon Grace E. Loder,
. Let 1, Block 131, Oregon City,
i Oregon, Westerly half thereof; Mary
E. Bradley.
Lot 1, Block 1313, Oregon City,
Oregon, Easterly half thereof, Kate
L. Newton.
Lot 2, Block 131, Oregon City,
Oregon, Westerly half thereof,
Mary E. Bradley.
Lot 2, Block 131, : Oregon. City,
Oregon,-Easterly half thereof , Kate
L. Newton.
Lot 3, Block 131, Oregon City,
Oregon, easterly 72 feet.Kate L.
Lot 4, Block 131, Oregon City,
Oregon, westerly 33 feet, J. J. Mich
el?. Lot 4, Block 131, Oregon City, Ore
gon, easterly 72 feet, Kate L. Newton
Lot 4, Block 131, Oregon City,
Oregon, Westerly 33 feet, J. J. Mi
chcls. ' -
Lot 1, Block 132, Oregon City,
Oregon, 35.75 x 62 ft. May S. Mills.
Lot 1, Block 132, Oregon City,
Oregon, 71.25x62 ft, C. H. Lewis.
Lot 2, Block 132, Oregon City,
Oregon, 33.75 feet x 62 ft. May S.
Lot 2, Block 132; Oregon City,
Oregon, 71.25 feet x 62 feet, X3. N.
Lot 3, Block-132, Oregon City
Oregon, Maggie Matthies.
Lot 4, Block 132, Oregon City,
Oregon Maggie Matthies.
Lot 1, Block 133, Oregon City,
Oregon, all but N'ly 15.5 feet, Mary
F. Little.
Lot 1, Block 133, Oregon City,
Oregon, N'ly 16.5 feet, O. D. Eby.
Lot 2, Block 133, Oregon City,
Oregon, all but 3xl5i feet A. E.
Jjot 2, Block 133, Oregon Citjf,
Oregon, 3 feet S & N 15i E & W,
O. D. Eby.
Lot 3, Block 133, Oregon City,
Oregon,. M. Michels.
Did It Ever Occur to You
that someone is drawing interest on the money you needless
ly spend each day? Why not open a bank account here and
have the advantages, of it yourself?
D. C. LATOURETTE, President. ; . . - F.. J. MYER, Cashier.
' CAPITAL $50,000.00 '
Transacts a General Banking Busines a. 'Open from "9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Lot 4, Block 133, Oregon City,
Oregon, M. Michels.
Lot 6, Block 136, Oregon City,
Oregon, T. F. Ryan.
Lot 7, Block 136, Oregon City,
Oregon, Antone Krield.
Lot 8, Block 136, Oregon City,
Oregon, Antone Krield.
Lot 5, Block 137, Oregon City,
Oregon, Mary E. Potter.
Lot 6, Block 137, Oregon Citj
Oregon, Mary E. Potter.
Lot 7, Block 137, Oregon City,
Oregon, Mary E. Potter.
Lot 8, Block 137, Oregon City,
Oregon, Mary E. Potter.
Lot 5, Block 138, Oregon City,
Oregon, Wm. J. Wilson.
Lot 7, Block 138J Oregon City,
Oregon, W. W. Myers.
. Lot 7, Block 138, Oregon Cityy
Oregon, W. W. Myers.
Lot 8, Block 138, Oregon City, Ore.,
W. W. Myers.
Lot 5, Block 139, Oregon City,
Oregon, H. L. L. Clark.
Lot 6 Block 139, Oregon City,
Oregon, H. L. L. Clark.
Lot 7 Block 139, Oregon City,
Oregon,7 wnry vxratsiei.
Lot 8, Block 139, Oregon City,
Oregon, Mary Grasier.
Lot 5, Block 140 Oregon City,
Oregon, Westerly 85 feet thereof,
. Geo. Reddaway.
Lot 5, Block 140, Oregon City,
Oregon, Easterly 20 ft. thereof, Henry
Lot 6, Block 14(V Oregon City,
Oregon, Westerly 85 feet thereof,
Geo. Reddaway.
Lot 6, Block 140, Oregon City,
Oregon, Easterly 20 feet thereof,
Henry Schoenborn.
Lot 7, Block 140, Oregon City,
Oregon, W. Grasier.
Lot 8, Block 140, Oregon Cityj
Oregon, Otto Erichson. '
LjUL o, ithuv: n. 111, uicguu
Oregon, Gertrude M. Humphry.
Lot 6, Block lill Oregon City,
Oreeon. Gertrude .M. Humphry.
Lot 7, Block' 141, Oregon City,
Oregon, C. B.VHuyck. - ' - -
Lot 8, Block 141, Oregon City,
Oregon, Geo. Reddaway.
Lot 5, Block . 142, Oregon City,
Oregon, S. A., E. G. and M. T. ko
berts. -.'
'Lot 6, -Block 142, Oregon Citjv
; Oregon,: S- A.. E. G., & M. T. Ro-,-'
berts. '',-'"
Lot. 7, Block 142, Oregon City,
Oregon, Kate L. Newton.
" Lot 8, Block 142, Oregon City,
Oregon, Kate L. Newton.
" Lot ' 4, Block 143, Oregon City,
:- Oregon, John Resberger.
. Lot 5, Block 143, Oregon City,
Oregon, John Resberger.
Lot 6, Block 143 Oregon City,
: Oregon, John Resberger.
Lot 5, Block 144, Oregon City,
Oregon, M.v M. Charman.
Lot 6, Block 144i, Oregon City, .
Oregon, Frank and Anna Rotter.
Lot 7, Block 144, Oregon City,
Oregon, PanieL August and Anna
Fisher. . J? - - ' .'
Lot B, Blockt'144,. Oregon City,
Oregon, John.-Langford.
Lot 5 Block. 145, Oregon City,
Oregon, JJ. EJ. Cro?s.
Lot 6,- Block 145, Oregon City,
Oregon, H. E. Crors.
Lot . 7, Block 147, Oregon City,
Oregon, H. E. Cross.
- Lot 8, Block 145, Oregon City,
Oregon, H. E. Cross.
Lot 5, Block 146, Oregon City,
Oregon, F. J. S. Tooze.
Lot 6, Block 145, Oregon City,
' Oregon, F. J. S. Tooze.
Lot 7, Block 136, Oregon City,
Oregon, John W. & Grace E. Loder.
Lot 8, Block 146, Oregon City,
Oregon, John W. & Grace E. Loder.
, Lot 6, Block 15, Falls View Addi
tion to Oregon City, Oregon, Emma
Lot 5, Block 15, Falls View addi
tion to Oregon City, Oregon, Arthur
Duete & H. Keil.
Lot 4, Block 15, Falls View Addi
tion to Oregon City, Oregon, Aman
da Duete.
Lot 8, Block 14, Oregon City,
Oregon, Falls View Add. thereto,
Mrs. R. D. Price.
Lot 8, Block 44, Oregon City, Ore
gon, Falls View Add. thereto,, C. E.
Nash. -
City Engineer.