MORNING ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1912 o o Stories from Out of Town j o-- - ---------------------------0 OAK GROVE. W. S. Bennett has disposed of his fixtures, closed up the barber shop and gone to Oregon City. Wanted, a competent barber in our little community. Miss I. Burea, of Canada" is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. H McArthur. L. E. Bentley and Roy Blackerbj are repairing the drug store building for the new tenant. S. H. Snyder, agane for the Horti cultural Fire Relief Association, of Salem, Oregon, was here on business Wednesday.- E. O. Allen and family have sold their propery here and will move in a few days to their new home near Tigardville, Oregon, where Mr. Allen has a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stangue, of Detroit, Michigan, were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Thurber, of Risley Station for several days. Mrs. Carlson of Portland, Miss Es tella Bower and Miss Emma Mann, of Detroit, Michigan, were guests at the Thuber home last week. " Mr. and Mrs. Watson, of Pennsyl vania, spent several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. W. E. Shewman, of Risley station. Mrs. Labowitch and son, Edward, were Portland visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgomery are being congratulated on the birth of a son, born August 4th, at Good Samaritan Hospital, in Portland. Mother and baby doing nicely. Mrs. C. Hedler, Miss Christeen Hedler, Mrs. William Kimle and little daughter, Verna, of Chicago, Illinois, are spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weise at their beau tiful home at Milwaukie Heights. Miss Mildred Wetzler celebrated her 11th birthday Saturday, July 27, at her home on Courtney Ave. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alexander have sold their home to Theodore Gies and expect to leave before long. Mrs. Brand and brother, Ralph, left Saturday for the former's home in, Tacoma, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Warren accom panied by B. H. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Mort. Cockrell, of Oregon City, went on a fishing trip Sunday near Bridal Vail, returned home the same day and report a good catch of fish also a good trip. The trip was made in Mr. Warren's car. Charles Vosburg has purchased the confectionery store of Kuehl & Barn nett. He will be pleased to meet all of the old customers. FIRWOOD. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wenzlaff and daughter, Mildred of Chicago and their niece, Maria F. Voelkel, of Ber lin. Germany, have been visitiner the Frey family at their summer home, I Camp Idle-A-While. Mrs. Wm. Bosholm went to Pow ell Valley last week and picked seven gallons of blackberries. The Dixon family accompanied by Mr. Dixon's cousin, Carl Davis, of Washington, drove to Troutdale Sat-; urday to see the 60,000 ties belonging to the Firwood Lumber Co., in the boom there. It was quite a sight. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rhoads and daugh ters, Beulah, Robena and Willa came out from Portland in their auto Sun day morning and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart. The party made a trip to Three Six, but found the road very rough on a machine. The scenery through the virgin tim- ber is well worth the trip. W. J. Wirtz, of Sandy, lectured at Firwood Sunday evening and expects to Jecture again two weeks from Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Chown and little daughter, Caroline, made a trip to I Boring Tuesday. I Miss Ida Burdine, of Mulino has Mrs. Eva R. Hart made trips to ! been elected to teach the Meadow-' Cherryville and Bull Run the first of , brook school this fall. the week. Mr. Christiansen has sold his farm Mrs. W. J. Dixon's mother, Mrs. I here and is moving to Willamette MacKerrow, of uillis, Oregon, is vis-! this week. iting the Dixon family. j The hay balers are in this neigh- Mrs. Wm. Bosholm entertained , borhood baling hay for Mr. Wallace eighteen of her friends at dinner Sun- ( and Lewis Churchill. day evening. Among the guests was her sister from Indiana. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. A. Malar, Sr., went to Portland Farmers are very busy getting the the first of the week to visit his son, hay .and grain cut and in shelter. John, who is in the sanitorium there, j Mrs. A. Hunter, who was in the Mrs. A. Malar's mother, Mrs. Hea-; hospital was brought home Sunday cock and sister, Pauline, of Damascus by Mr. Morgan in the auto. She is visited with her over Sunday. improving and the neighbors are glad Miss Ida Stucki went to Damascus of her presence again. Wednesday. j Gus Donley, who was quite serious- Two little Cherryville boys anxious ly hurt in the saw mill where he for an auto ride told an auto driver worked, is improving at St Vincent's that they were going to Sandy for hospital in Portland. They expect to groceries; he taking pity on them, move him soon to Hogan Station on gave them a ride and landed them in the Estacada line. Sandy Tuesday evening. The boys Mrs. Donley and Mrs. L. Hunter at thought they could walk home, a dis- tended the Spiritualist camp meeting tance of about seven miles, before Sunday at New Era. dark. Ed Bornstedt, hearing of the : Mrs. Frank Stoil is suffering with episode, hitched up and took the poison oak. youngsters home. Mr. and Mrs. Grady were visiting iviia. vrua ivuessei auu several friends went to Portland Tuesday, Theodore Koenicka's sister, Mrs. Rapp, and little son, of San 1'rancis co, are visiting him. A number of friends of the Frey family gathered at Camp Idle-A-While Sunday afternoon. A fine lunch was served under the trees and a very pleasant aiternoon spent. Miss Marie Koenicka gave a party Saturday evening to a number of her friends, several young people from Dover were present. A pleasant ev ening was "spent in games and danc ing. Wm. Bosholm accompanied by Mes srs. Dixon, Wolf and Inch drove his auto to the mountains for a fishing trip. Mr. Elliott, the postmaster of Ea gle Creek made a business trip to E. C. Strong's last week. Mrs. W. L. Wilkins, Sr. visited with Mrs. E. D. Hart Friday and Satur day. SANDY. Attorney Purcell contracted legal business in Portland Monday. The Sandy brass band gave an open air concert at P. B. Gray's Sun day eveinng. C. W. Howard of Portland, spent Sunday at Sandy. Meinig's new double store building is nearly completed. J. Gruner is spending a few days in Portland. Attorney J. D. Mann was in town Monday on business. The case against Bill Hardin for carrying concealed weapons was dis missed by Recorder Gray Monday. Newton Echminky and Steve Hoff man are spending a few days at Eu gene and Albany. At the council meeting Monday night franchises for railroad right of way through town, and for lights and power lines in Sandy were under con sideration. The Sandy Creamery is doing a good business and is proving to be a paying proposition. H. Curtis, of Seattle, has charge of the creamery and will move his family here soon. WELCHES. John Mitchell, of Sandy, is hauling freight lor E. Coalman of Government Camp. . Francis Stone has quit' driving the mail stage and Mr. Coats, of Sandy, will take his place Monday. Mrs. George Williams, of Sandy, is spending a few days in the moun tains. Lyman Davis, city marshal of San dy, is camping at Toll Gate. N. U. Chapman, of the Western Ir rigation Company, is inspecting the telephone line which has just been completed. Mr. and Mrs. Buebkee are now in their summer home "Camp Rusty." Welches and Hotel Maulding have been over-crowded for the past two weeks. " KELSO. Mrs. Sindall visited with relatives and friends in Portland during the I past week, Mrs. Rob. Jonsrud who has been very ill for the past month, was tak en to a hospital in Portland for treatment. Her many friends are glad to hear that she is recovering and is at present staying with a sis ter in Portland. Mrs. Victor Johnson gave a fare well party Sunday at her home, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Clara Mc Aulay. Among those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Sindall, Frank, Ellen, and R. & Jarl, Joel Jarl and family, Victor Erickson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Probst and children, o Portland. Mark Pagh formerly of Kelso, and a young lady of Hood River, were married recently. The new creamery in Sandy is gathering the cream in this vicinity. Mrs Clara McAulay and children left Monday for their home in Blue Canyon, California, after a month's visit with relatives. James Kelly and family, of Lents, were out in the auto visitine with the Jarl and Dolan familie s last week. MULINO Harvest is in full blast. The most of the hay is taken care of and bind ers are running, cutting wheat and oats. The crops are rather light in this part of the county, but will prob ably be enough to carry us over to another year. Walter Waldorf is building a neat cottage on his property on the Mulino Townsite. It is reported that Oscar Daniels has sold his property at this place. Mrs. Walker, who was called to Cheyenne, Wyoming, as. a witness in a murder case, returned last week. John Carlson fell off a load of hay one day last week and was consid erably shaken up, but no bones were broken. Work is progressing as fast as pos sible on the Clackamas Southern, tnougn some ot our citizens are do- ing the best to stop it, refusing the right of way through their farms. Nevertheless we hope to see the cars running through Mulino ttis fall. Mr. Burdine has taken a contract on the west side road at Bolton and his son, Harry, is over there oversee ing the work at that place. Mr. Jones.of Canby, has been hired to teach the Mulino school the com ing tall and winter. Clarence Mallatt has rented the place recently vacated by Mr. Long who is moving, to Mulino, and will try farming this next year. Grant Ashby and John Darnell were business visitors to Mulino Sun day coming down from Shaw, Marion County, in Ashby's automobile. at Mr. A. .Hunters Sunday. Several men from Sunnyside have gone to Eastern Oregon to work dur ing harvest time. We hear Mr. Young is thinking of building a house on his place, join ing Mr. Birchell's soon. There will be quite a town here in the near future. JENNINGS LODGE Mrs. H. H. Emmons was the host eess Thursday to a very prettily ap pointed luncheon. ' Her guests were Mesdames Fisher, Giegan, DeLong, and Pierce. Perhaps the most interesting part of the camp meeting was the after noon of Friday, which had been giv en over to the Woman's Missionary program. The president, Mrs. Noah Shupp, of Tacoma, being unable to at tend, Mrs. Clark presided. The de votions were led by Mrs. Allbright. The children's work under the direc tion of Mrs. Bradford was also an interesting half hour spent with the little ones and the missionary cause. Sunday, the largest gathering which ever assembled at this place was at the River View camp grounds. At 9:45 the. children's service was held, two nunared and sixteen being pres ent at .this meeting. Rev. H. Horns chun spoke in Rev. Shupp's absence at 10:45 and at 2 P. M., the German service, conducted by Rev. Otto Schultz, which was followed by an English sermon by Rev. Fisher. An impressive service was held on the banf:s of the Willamette when ' a choir rendered "Wash Me and I Shall Be Whiter 'Than Snow" and "Shall We Gather at the River." A baptis mal service took place, one being im mersed and several sprinkled. Mon day, August 5th, the annual business meeting took place. Tuesday, Aug ust 6th, the following subjects were taken up: , "Essentials and Non-Essentials in the Sunday School." read ing by Kathryn Voegelein; "Glimpses of Our Missionaries" by H. Schnk necht told of the missionaries; of the Evangelical church being in al most every country and the islands of the sea. A pleasant duet by Mrs. Bradford, of Lents, and Mrs. Clark. of Lents; an address by Mrs. Banks, a returned missionary of Africa, held the utmost attention of all present. The fourteen . years of Mrs. Banks and her husband were busy years teaching the boys and girls in the day school and of teaching the girls to sew and make their own clothing. Instructions in Morality in Public and Sunday Schools, by Dr. D. L. Kiehle, of "Portland; "Lecturing vs. Duscussion in Bible Study," by R. R. Perkins; "Problems of the Wayward Child," by F. M. Fisher; "The Relig ion of the Rising Generation," (A prophecy,)) by Rev H. Schuknecht; "The 'Teen Age," by Mrs. S. Mr Ormsby. Monday evening an able ad dress was given by Rev. Clarence True Wilson, which delighted a large audience. Mr. Wilson has re cently returned from -a tour of the U. S. in interest of the Temperance Movement. ' Among the members of the Oregon Conference attending the camp meet ing are Rev. Fisher ana wire, oi oa lem, Rev. H. Schuknecht and wife, F. B. Culver and wife, C. S. Berg stresser and wife, of Portland, Rev. C. E. Simpson and wife, of Little Falls Washinston. P. Conklin and wife, of Lents, Rev. Radebaugh and family of Milwaukie, Rev. F. Wieve sick and family of Oregon City, Rev. H. Albright, of Chehalem, Rev. Guef froy, of Monmouth, Rev. Geil and fam ily of Albany, Rev. Roloff, of Sweet Home, Rev, E. Maurer, of Veronia, Rev. S. Conklin, Tigardville, Rev. M. Heverling, of Everett, Washington, Rev. E. D. Hurnschuh and wife, of Bellingham, Washington. Miss Gertrude Merritt, of Dubuque, Iowa and Miss Carrie Scripture, of this place, visited at the home of T. S. Lewis at Salem over Sunday. Mr. Batdorf and family have mov ed into their new home and opened up a general store on Hull Avenue, which will be known as the Blue Front Store. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson have moved into the William Gardner cot tase at Meldrum, so the Lodge has one vacant house, and vacant houses are usually held at a premium. Mrs. Pierce and son, DeForriest, left Tuesday for Davenport, Iowa, and before their return will visit in I lh s h s Mr. and Mrs. Cowper, of Chitwood Oregon, are visiting at the R. F. Sto ver home. Tr.V.n Taonhann. nf this t)lace. Will spent his vacation with his parents at Elk City, on his return will take a position in the store here. Mrs. Ralph Near enjoyed a visit from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hunt, of Portland, Sunday. Mr. Mackmere, of Ohio, was dem onstrating a Fire Chief fire extin guisher at the MacFarlane home Monday evening, which seemed to be just the kind that is best to have in every home and public building. Mr. MacFarlane will act as agent for them. ' Misses Winnie Kern and Helen Painton entertained with a beach party Monday evening in honor of Miss Merritt, of Iowa. Twenty young people enjoyed a boat ride to the Clark Island, where a picnic sup per was served. Games were indulg ed in by twenty jolly young people of the neighborhood. Miss Mable Morse entertained Tuesday evening. The motif of the affair was Miss Merritt, of Dubuque. Among those present were Misses Mc Gowan, Homath and Ethel Thomp son, of Portland, and Miss Bailey, of Oregon City, Miss Mollie Rose, of Gladstone, Misses Helen Painton, Winnie Kern and Carrie Scripture, and Mrs. Cal Morse. In the contest Miss Rose captured the prize. The tifnllv decorated with roses and sweet peas. The refresh ments were served by two nieces of the hostess in Japaneses costumes. "We wish to extend to the people of Jennings Lodge, through its news of Enterprise, our deep appreciation of the many good things the people of this community have done for us. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Card." MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mrs. Braughton was the guest of Mrs. Darling Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hyatt, of Goldendale, Washington, are visitors with the parents of Mrs. Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mautz. Mr. Hyatt -returned home, but Mrs. Hyatt and chil dren will visit here a month. Little Thelma Bryant, of Portland, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mautz. Frank Bullard and wife were call ing on friends in this vicinity one day last week. Mrs. Hattie Chamberlain, of Gates, Oregon, spent a few days visiting friends here. Mrs. J. B. Fairclough and parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewellen, visited relatives in Springwater three days last week. J. W. Baty, of Portland, was in this vicinity last week. Miss Gordy, of Beaver Creek, was in this berg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewellen accom panied by Mrs. Z. T. Woods and Mrs. FIFTY-FIRST . Oregon State F A Salem, Sept. 2 - 7, 1912 -$18000 Offered in premiums on Livestock, Poultry, Agri cultural and other products Races, Dog Show, Shooting Tourna ment, Band concerts, Fireworks and Free Attractions. : : : Send for Premium list and entry blanks. Reduced rates on all railroads. For particulars address FRANK MEREDITH, Sec. ' Salem, Oregon. I R May Fairclough, left for Seaside to be gone two weeks. Wm. Beard, of Tillamook, was transacting business here this week. MARQUAM. Harvest is here and the hum of threshing machine is heard in our midst. Doc Logan and J. E. Marquam had some threshing done last . Fri day, John Jerg will thrash Monday. Grain is not as good as some suppos ed, lots of straw but little grain. F. M. Swift held a meeting here Saturday night to secure more stock in the Clackamas Southern R. R. Mrs. Jack Faltner was taken to the hospital in Portland for an operation last week and her friends gave an entertainment for her benefit. Pro ceeds of the evening $29. Barton Jack and wife and friends took a trip to Salem in his. automo bile last week. Willhoit Springs is attracting quite a large crowd these warm days. - Miss Bell Gray, who was treated in Portland for appendicitis, came home last week and is improving. Clovej hulling will soon commence here. Over 200 acres to be hulled. Misses Kate Marree and Reta Rid ings, who have been camping at Will hoit Springs, have returned. Mrs. S. A. Baker and daughter Myrtle of Kingston, Linn Co., have been visiting with her brother, I. D. Larkins, for a week. CLARKS. Mrs. Mary Lee was in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. Maxon came back withliss Dora and Elda Marquardt. Mr. Albert Durst and family from the Union Mills visited with Mr. W. G. Kleinsmith and family last Sunday. Charles Marshall is back from east ern Oregon. Buol Bros, are cutting grain. Miss Hazel Ringo and Miss Edith Stout spent Sunday with Miss Eliz abeth Marshall. Mr. V. H. Wettlaufer purchased a fine Jersey bull. Elmer Kleinsmith and Theo. Sager were in New Era at the Spiritualist campmeeting last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall are back from eastern Oregon, where they have been on a short visit. Mr. Sam is cutting grain. Laurence and Charles Grace were in town on Monday. Mr. W. B. Bottemiller started to cut grain. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan were in town last Saturday on business. Mi3s Trene Lee ,-s home asain. Mr. Bergman van in town last Sunday Mr. Sullivan has sold his place. CANBY Dolly Veteto is quite sick. The Spulak threshing crew is in the vicinity of Canby.. They threshed for Mr. Maus Wood and also for Mr. Oates. Rene Hutchinson is Visiting Fran ces Spencer in Portland this week. MrS. Nellie Wilson, Roy Donegan's mother, has returned to Montana. Mrs. Wilson started for Canby as soon as she got the message that her son's wife was dead. Mrs. Wilson took' her infant grandson home with her. Roy Donegan also accompanied his mother to Montana, which place will be his home for a while. Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes, of Champoeg, were visiting Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson several days last week. . Lawrence Bair is under the care of Dr. Dedman. Don Hutchinson took a long hike Monday, having walked all the way from Meadow Brook. He made the trip in about five hours. Mrs. Kesselring is improving from a bad case of blood poisoning in her face. Charlie Thomas and wife have re turned from a week's vacation spent visiting in Eugene. Mrs. Kate Holzman and little grand daughter, Mildred are enijoyinig the ocean breezes at Seaside this "week. Alphadene Martin, of McMinnville, is visiting her aunts, Mrs. John Gra ham and Mrs. O. R. Mack this week. " Why Not I I Electric Irons Electric Toaster -Electric Table Lamps And Electric Appliances Electric Irons Electric Toaster Electric Table Lamps And Electric Appliances Of Every Description Will Help Solve the Problem Let Us Show Yotif. The Portland Railway Power Co. Carry a full line at their local office on MAIN STREET in the BEAVER BLDG. 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yergen and Mrs. Grant White and Mrs. Sailor motored to Wilhoit Sunday. Walter Vorphal has the mumps. The basement is finished for the new schoolhouse. Charlie Thomas had the contract. The Bross contract ors arrived in Canby last Tuesday morning and work will be commenced immediately. . Mrs. Willard Knight is quite sick at the home of Mr. TCnight's mother, Mrs. S. F. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Spaulding are spending their vacation in Canby at the home of Mrs. Spaulding's sister, Mrs. Bradford. A. O. Spaulding has purchased the ten-acre tract from Mr. Gunsulus in Canby Gardens, and has taken posses sion. The annual birthday party was giv en Samuel Terry Tuesday, August 6. Mr. Terry was 71 years old. Forty five guests were present, including all Loo se Systems and Devices for every kind of business and profession. A 'phone call will bring us, or, bet ter still, come in and view our modern plant. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE the children and other relatives and friends. Mr. Terry was presented with a large rocking chair. A nephew of Mr Terry from California was present. All had a most enjoyable time and returend with the promise to come agaiis next year. Maudie Summerfield is taking her summer vacations Mrs. Rollin Porter and baby, of Al bany, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Porter this week. Dr. Murdy and friends motored to Wilhoit Sunday. The Canby Tennis Club is develop ing several stars, who expect to make good showings in the coming tourna ment. Count Van Weidner, of the Canby Tennis Club, is making great winnings in his northern tour of tennis tourna ments. Mr. Simmons, superintendent of construction of the new school build ing, is now in town and expects . to JLea: Light & start the building at once. . Dr. Dedman motored to Oregon City Wednesday. Mrs. Hougan and Miss Theresa Hougan were Portland visitors this week. Arthur Graham and Horance Patch played tennis at the Brodie Court on the river Sunday. Mr. Mills, an architect, was in Can by Wednesday in connection with the construction of the new school house. Miss Higginbotham, of Aurora, was in Canby Wednesday. Dr. Murdy is kept . pretty busy these days doing dentist work. Dr. Stanley Wang, of Portland, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wang this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Adams have re turned to their home in Portland aft er spending a pleasant week in Can by. If it happened it Is In the Enterprise.