mm THE WEATHER. S Oregon City Fair today with $ 3 winds northwesterly. $ -Oregon Fair today; North- 8 $ westerly winds. . $ SSSSSsSSS s The only daily newspaper be- tween Portland and Salem; cir- S culates in every section of Clack- ? $ amas County, with a population of 30,000. Are you an advertiser? $ . WEEKLY ENTERPRI S E ESTABLISHED IS66 VOL. IV No. 29. OREGON CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1912 Per Week, 10 Cents STORIES IN POLICE THE EFFECT OF TOO MUCH MIXING OF POLITICAL DRINKS. T TO BE IMPROVED SERVICE TO START JOHSON IS SLATED BARCLAY BUILDING ANOTHER EXPRESS FOR SECOND MOOSE PROBE SAME CALIFORNIA MAN IS LIKELY TO BE RUNNING MATE OF ROOSEVELT LINDSEY DECLINES CHAIRMANSHIP Beveridge, In Keynote Speech, Raps Bosses, And Declares New Party Will Win In November CHICAGO, Aug. 5 Governor Hir am W. Johnson, of California, seem ed agreed upon tonrght as the Vice Presidential nominee of the Nation al Progressive party to make the first fight of the new politcal organization with Coionel Roosevelt. Early in the evening Judge BenB. Lindsey, of Denver, a former Demo crat, had been agreed upon as perm anent chairman of the convention. Colonel Roosevelt had indorsed the recommendation of Judge Lindsey and the plan had been enthusiastic ally approved by the delegates. Late tonight, however, Judge Lind sey called on the Colonel and had a long talk with him. He said he had been suffering from asthma and did not feel physically capable of taking up the work. Un der the circumstances Colonel Roose velt agreed to release him. While it had not been finally decid ed ,it was said to be likely that ex Senator Beveridge, the temporary chairman, would continue as perma nent presiding officer. Colonel Roosevelt said, before he left Oyster Bay, that he favored the selection of a Southern Democrat as Vice-Presidential candidate. The field was canvassed carefully and it is un derstood that the Colonel's suggestion was abandoned only when it became evident that it was impossible to de cide upon an available man. It was said tonight that sentiment among the delegates in favor of Gov ernor Johnson was so strong that his choice as Colonel Doosevelt's run ning mate virtually was assured and that the leaders who predicted his nomination were merely voicing the opinion of the convention. The California delegation adopted a resolution today saying the state could not spare Governor Johnson, hut it was said tonight the Governor's friends would not insist on this atti tude. In the event of Go venor Johnson's nomination it is planned to have him take the stump in the East while Col onel Roosevelt is campaigning through 'the West. The Governor's ability as a campaigner is said to be a strong factor in his favor. Former Senator Albert J. Beveridge, of Indiana, was elected temporary chairman of the convention after Sen ator Dixon had called the assemblage to order and prayer had been offer ed. Senator Beveridge, greeted with prolonged 'cheers, delivered his key" note speech bristling with the most advanced ideas of Progressivism. Beveridge was cheered all through his speech, a tumultuous interruption coming when he assailed the "boss ridden old parties." "The rulers of the old parties,' he said, "were invisible." "They are the invisible govern ment behind our visible Government," he declared. "It is this invisible gov ernment which is the real danger to American institutions." When Beveridge mentioned Presi dent Taft in connection with the Payne tarriff law, the Progressive del egates greeted the name with boos and jeers. The floor of the big convetion hall was crowded and the galleries, slow to fill at first, held but comparative ly few empty seats when the conven tion got under way shortly before 1 o'clock. - The delegates were most enthusi astic, frequently interrupting the pro ceedings with cheers and applause. The big Coliseum, transformed in a few weeks from the battleground of the Republican National convention to the meeting place of the Progres sives, was thrown open shortly be fore 11 o'clock, but it was nearly an hour after before the first of the del egates began to arrive. They filtered in slowly, at first, in ones and twos. Then came the big phalanx of del egates from Pennsylvania, singing, "We'll hang Boies Penrose to a sour (Continued on page 4) Entire change of Vaudeville Today at THE GRAND TWO WITNESSES SAY THAT STINSON CALLED GREEN VULGAR NAME ANOTHER CREDITS IT TO POLICEMAN Mayor Dimick Announces That He And City Attorney Story Will Take Testimony Of III Woman After hearing the testimony of two more witnesses in the case of Police man Green, charged with striking Ernest Stinson, who conducts a fish market, Mayor Dimick announced Monday night that he would hear the testimony of Mrs. Irene Eisele, before rendering a decision. Mrs. Eisele lives in the alley north of the jail and it is understood that she will testify that she heard Stinson call Green a bad name before the policeman struck him. The following deposition of Mrs. Eisele was introduced Mon day night by Gordon E. Hayes, at torney for Green, who said that the witness was too ill to appear at the hearing: "I, Irene Eisele, being duly sworn on oath, say that I am a resident of Oregon City, Oregon. That on the 25th of July, 1912, I was sitting on the front porch of my residence which is on the north side of the alley near the city jail. That I am personally acquainted with Officer S. R. Green and that there was a man with him whose name I unde rstand is Stin son; that said Officer Green did not use any abusive language toward said Stinson, and all that I heard was that Stinson said to Green, (a vulgar epi thet is here omitted) at which time Green struck Stinson with his fist I know that Green only struck Stin son one blow. This was in the even ing of said 25th day of July, 1912. I was about twenty-five feet distant from the men at the time the blow was struck. That I have no interest in this case whatever." Mayor Dimick asked if Mrs. Eisele's condition was such that he could question her at her home and was told that it was. He then announced that he and City Attorney Story would call upon her and obtain her testimony. Perry Lutz, of Clackamas, who was arrested by Green the night before he had the altercation with Stinson, cor roborated Green's statement that he searched him. the man Stinson, his daughter and her escort pointed to as having the gun. "Stinson says they pointed to the other man, who escap ed. Lutz and the other man, who es caped, were accused of having insult ed Miss Stinson and her escort. The witness testified that Green asked Stinson and the other man to aid him in taking the men to jail. Ben Huntley, a mill worker, said that he saw Gree"h strike Stinson. The witness was positive the police man called the other man the bad name. He said Green first pushed Stinson against a picket fence and then struck him on the face. Green's contention is that Stinson called him a bad name before he dealt him the blow. FRENCH PREMIER GOES TO SIGN GREAT PACT PARIS, Aug. 5. Raymond Poinca ire, the French Premier, started to day for Russia with all the ceremony that usually marks a state pilgrimage. Aristide Briand, Minister of .Justice; Thebphile Delcasse, Minister of Ma rine; Albert Le Brun, Minister for the Colonies; Armand Meelard, Chief of Protocol; Louis Lepine, Prefect of Police of Paris; the Secretaries and attaches of the Russian embassy and the staff of the French Foreign office were all present at the station to em phasize the occasion, while in the Premier's train traveled all the lead ing journalists of France, who always mobilize when questions of high pol itics are in the air. Near-Easter questions and the Franco-Russian Naval convention, the sig nature of which M. Poincaire in St. Petersburg will bring the whole of the fighting forces of the allies with in the terms of an offensive and de fensive alliance, are to be the main subjects of discussion between the Emperor of. Russia, Segius Sazanoff, Russian-Minister for Foreign Affairs and the French visitor. The most prominent feature of the visit will be the Franco-Russian Na val agreement, which will claim im mediate attention. The eventual opening of the Darda nelles, and the steps necessary for its accomplishment, also are to be discussed during the fourteen days' visit of M. Poincaire. It is pointed out here that this is likely to be the burning question In the settlement of the Turco-Italian War. for it Is felt that Russia is not building $15,000,000 dreadnoughts In the Black Sea with the intention of anchoring them in an enclosed lake, nnd unless the question is settled soon ,it ' is bound to caufce another EuroDean upheaval at the time of the completion of the ships a couple of years hence. Boost your city by boosting your daily paper. The Enterprise should be In every home. YOUTH ACCUSED BY GIRL IS PAROLED Henry Walter, convicted nf re tributing to the negligence of Ottie nainuu, was nnea $ou ana sentenced to serve one year in jail by County Judge Beatie Monday. Upon the pay ment of the fine the young man was paroled with instructions to report to Dr. T. B. Ford, pastor the Metho dist church, weekly for sixty days and after that to report to Dr. Ford every two weeks. Mrs. C. J. Parker court matron, Monday sent the girl to the home of her brother at Gate way, Cook County. Policement Frost arrested the young man. GOVERNOR DENOUNCES HUNTINGTON MAYOR SALEM, Or. Aug.-5. Scathingly de nouncing Moyar Charles A. Norther, of Huntington, for railure to enforce the laws of that city against gambling blind pigs, and disreputable houses,. Governor West today declared that he would demand that the Mayor ask for the resignation of W. J. Wood, the police judge, and that he is also considering the advisability of hav ing Norther resign as Mayor. He declared further that he would use his influence to see to it that North er was deprived of his position as cashier of the Huntington Bank. "A man who will take the oath of office to enforce the laws "and then fails is hardly the man who will com ply with the banking laws," declared the Governor. "A man who will stand by and permit tinhorns and sa loon bums to rob parents of their children does not appear to me to be the proper person with whom these same families should intrust their savings. I, as a member of the Bank ing Commissioner, propose to see that no bank is operated by a public of ficial giving protection to crooks, eith er by the failure to enforce the law or otherwise. The way Huntington has been run is a stench in the nos trils of all decent people. Every body, honest enough, admits this. While conditions are somewhat im proved, they are still bad enough to warrant radical action by this office unless the officials show a different spirit than they have in the past." Mayor Norther Quits HUNTINGTON, Or., Aug. 5, (Spe cial.) Mayor Norther resigned today but would make no comment on the statement of Governor West. $50,000 FUND RAISE FOR BECKER DEFENSE NEW YORK, Aug. 5 A poilce fund of $50,000 is being raised for the defense Of Charles Becker, the po lice lieutenant charged with instiga ting the murder of Herman Rosenthal according to information in the hands of District Attorney Whitman. - The money is being collected, it is said, by the so-called "system," which is to be investigated by the District Attorney, who believes that between the "system" and the gambling fraternity" there is a corrupt alliance founded on graft and blackmail. Information tof the $50,000 fund came to the prosecutor in connection with the arraignment today of Beck er to answer the indictment against him. In the legal proceedings, which included the withdrawal by Becker of his plea of "not guilty' to offer motions to invalidate the indictment, the prisoner was represented by three lawyers, one of whom mystriously withdrew, while the others seemed doubtful of their own status when the proceedings were over. It was said the lawyers were not satisfied with the collectors of the defense fund. ADMINISTRATRIX NAMED FOR NOBLITT ESTATE County Judge Beatie Monday ap pointed Margaret J. Moreland admin istratrix of the estate of the late Charles W. Noblitt. Mr. Nohlitt died June 5. The estate consists of real ty and personalty. COPYRIGHT PACH. NEW YORK. Theodore . Roosevelt, The Greatest Bull Moose Of All. SCHOOLS WILL HAVE MANUAL TRAINING The schools of .West Oregon City, Willamette and Bolton have joined to gether in an agreement to employ an instructor in manual training, agri culture and horticulture, and the ap pointee will probably be named some time this month. At a conference at Willamette last night there were pres ent the members of the Boards of Di rectors 61 the West Oregon City and Willamette districts, .and Principal Bowland, of Willamette; Principal Anderson, of West Oregon City; B. T. McBain, County School Superin tendent Gary, Peter Forbes, manual training instructor in the Oregon City high school, Professor Compton and other interested educators. Last year Mr. Forbes gave one day each week to the Willamette school, and the knowledge of manual train ing work gained through his brief in struction only whetted the appetites of the students for extension of the work, and acting in conformity with the wishes of State Superintendent Alderman, the directors of the two districts have determined to combine in securing a man who can impart the knowledge necessary for the maintainence of a complete course In agriculture and horticulture, as well as in manual training. ACCIDENT WILL DE SEl Because of an accident in which Er nest Hammer, an amateur aviator, was injured the flight of Walter Ed wards from Portland to Oregon City, planned for this week, may be post poned. Edwards was to carry United States mail. Hammer, practicing in the lower harbor in Frederick A. Bennett's hy droaeroplane, collided with some drift wood, practically wrecked the machine, and when he attempted to climb clear of the sinking wings, re ceived a deep wound on his right arm from the whirling propeller blades. Hammer attempted to climb out of his seat as the machine settled into the water, without shutting off the motor, and received a glancing blow from the propeller. Captain Barton, of the Albina ferry and A. T. Whitman, owner of a launch nearby, hastened to the res cue and the amateur aviator was tak en ashore Weeding profusely from tha wound in his arm, and was hurried away for medical attention. The machine was towed ashore and as soon as the extent of the damage was ascretained, instructions were given for new parts. The pontoon is a total loss and the planes wer" slightly damaged by immersion in the water. $10 BOND FORFEITED Clarence Ray, arrested by E. L. Shaw Saturday, on a charge of being intoxicated, failed to appear for a hearing before Recorder Stipp Mon day and his bond of $10 was declared forfeited. It is believed that Ray has gone to his home at Sunnyside. WEST SIDE PUSH CLUB IS PLANNED The West Side Push Club, or an organization to have progress for its motto, will be formed in the parlors of the Oregon City Commercial Club Wednesday evening, August 14, jby the people of West Oregon City. Bol ton and Willamette. The people of that section are fast waking up to the possibilities of their expansion and all residents of the West Side are invited to be present at the meeting to be held for the purpose of effect ing organization. FARMHAND HELD FOR J .G. N.' Bendect, who has heen la boring under the hallucination that two men have been trying to kill him, was brought to the county jail Mon day by Sheriff Mass from the Silcox ranch near New Era. Bendect began acting strangely several days ago, and Mr. Silcox, who conducts a restaur ant in this city was notified. When Sheriff Mass went, to the ranch Ben dect said that the men who wanted to kill him had objected to a salve he used for a skin disease. After be ing brought here Bendect declared he no longer feared the men, andap parently returned to a sane condi tion. He will be held, however, for several days pending an examination by alienists. REALTY BROKERS ARE Cyrus Powell and S. Stewart, real estate brokers, who engaged in an al tercation on Main street near Sixth were fined by Recorder Stipp Monday morning. Stewart, who was accused of striking and pushing the other man down, was fined $10 and Powell had to pay a fine of $5. Recorder Stipp gave both of the men a severe lecture. He declared that there might be some excuse for boys engaging in a fisticuff on the street, but there could be none for men past fifty year of age each. PRESIDENT ACCEPTS WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Acting up on recomendations of the sub-com mittee of the house judiciary commit I tee, President Taft (this afternoon for : mally accepted the resignation of United States Federal Judge C. H. Hanf ord for the western district of . Washington. ' Hanford sent his resignation to the president while the sub-committee was in the midst of an investigation in Seattle of charges against Han ford on which impeachment proceed ings were intended. Upon receipt of Hanford's resigna tion President Taft notified the house ' judiciary committee and the mem bers to return to Washington from Seattle. President Taft refused to act on Hanford's resignation until he could consult with members of the sub-committee. The members of the sub-committee ' arrived here last week, and while they declared that the charfees against Hanford had been virtually substantiated, and that "the mass of evidence uncovered forced Hanford's resignation," it recommended thatit be accepted, declaring the expense I of impeachment proceedings unnes sary. COUNTY CHARGE DIES W. R. Hargraves, a county charge, died Saturday, aged seventy-five years. He was a native of England, and had no known relatives. The interment took place Sunday. GYMNASIUM WILL BE MOVED TO NORTH SIDE AND USED FOR SCHOOL ROOMS NEW WALLS ALSO ARE NECESSARY Board Decides To Build Wall On J. Q. Adams Street Last Va cancy In Corps Of Teach ers Filled Extensive improvements to the Barclay building were decided upon Monday night at - a special meeting of the Board of Education of the Ore gon City schools, and they embrace the excavation under the building, construction of walls, raising a corn er of the building where it has set tled, constructing a cement floor in the basement, roughing in plumbing and installing modern and sanitary comforts. This work will be followed by the removal of the gymnasium building to the North side of the pro perty and placing it in condition for use as a school room, relieving the congestion in the high school build ing, where it was found necessary last year to maintain a combination third and fourth grade. The Board also concluded to build a wall on J. Q. Adams street, and plans to Jbave all the work done, if possible, before the opening of the Fall term of school, September 23. The last vacancy in the corps of teachers was filled last night, and the following will be the instructors in the city school during the coming school year: City Superintendent F. S. J. Tooze. Principals Barclay, A. O.' Freel; Eastham, . N. W. Bowland ; High School, H. F. Pfingsten. High School Instructors English, Mrs. Pearl G. Cartlidge; mathematics, Evelyn Todd; languages, Gertrude Holmes; sciences, E. Earl Felke; comercial. May belle Hunstock; Miss Alice Larsen (unassigned.) Grades Mrs. Estella Salisbury, Mrs. Gussie L. Hull, Nieta Harding, Ola Mickey, Katherine Montgomery, Queene Adams, Marjorie - Caufield, Emma Wilke, Mrs. Meta G. Watson, Adelaide Beebe, Beatrice Weeks, Hil da Tooze, Lillian Anderson, Beulah E. Stewart, Miss H. E. Bamber, Mar garet Gilman Jessie Bowland. Manual Training Peter D. Forbes. Domestic Science and Art Lulu Porter. ' , Drawing Mildred Burley. Music Maude Curtis. The Board of Education Monday night authorized the abolishment of the Sloan Reader as a text book in the grades where it has been in use, substituting books for supplementary reading furnished by the State Library- Commission. . WIFE OF DENTIST CALLS HIM CRUEL Alleging that her husband threaten ed her life, Ollie M. Doak Monday fil ed suit for a divorce against John L. Doak, formerly a dentist of Portland. The plaintiff says they were married September 20, 1909 in Salem, and soon thereafter he went to Los An geles to practice. He avers that he became intoxicated in that city De cember 23, 1909 and spent a large sum of money. The plaintiff further avers that July 16, 1909 she found her husband in a saloon with three wo men; that he put his hand over her mouth and drew a knife. ' In trying to protect herself, she asserts, she cut her hand on the knife. The plaint iff asks the custody of their child. Jane Sager seeks a divorce from Frank Sager, alleging abandonment. They were married in Portland March 15, 1897. She asks the custody of their three children and $50 a month alimony.- Kate Hunter asks a decree from J. E. Hunter. They were mar ried in Portland-Feb. 8. 1912. Deser tion is alleged. The plaintiff asserts that she worked in a laundry after her marriage in order to assist in pro vidine money with which to buy household goods. THREE MEN INJURED AT MILL NEAR BORING Three accidents occurred at the Tie Company's mill, one mile west of Haley and near Boring Friday. The more serious was that of Oscar H. McClung, a carriage tender, who was seriously injured about 6 o'clock Fri day evening. McClung was employ ed on the carriage, and a large log was being turned when the overturn hook came loose and was sent flying through the air, striking McClung's arm as he threw it up and crushing it below the elbow. He also suffered a large gash on the top of his head. McClung was taken to Gresham, where his wounds were dressed. A second accident was that of Ole Oleson, who while cutting wood struck himself in the knee with an ax, cutting a gash, and several stitch es were required to close the wound. The third was that of a man splicing the logging cable in the woods. A, piece of the cable broke lodging in his hand, causing a painful but not serious wound-. , AMERICAN .COMPANY TO COM PETE WITH WELLS-FARGO IN THIS TERRITORY CONTRACT MADE WITH P. R., LP. O. W. P., Mount Hood and Cazadero Lines To Provide Service R. L. Shepherd To Be Local Agent The American Express Company Monday signed an agreement with the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company to furnish an express serv ice over the O. W. P:, Mount Hood and Cazadero lines of the railway. The new service, which will be in competition with the Wells-Fargo Express Company, will be started August 15. The agent for the Amer ican Express Company here, R. , L. Shepherd announced that a general business would be conducted, includ ing a money order department, etc. The Portland Railway, Light & Power Company has heretofore con ducted its own express service, and while it was satisfactory, it is be lieved that the new arrangement will mean a large increase in the business ' Mr. Shepherd said the office in this city would be in the building on Main street which has been used by the railroad for express and baggage. Several days ago the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company opened an additional office for its lighting department in the Beaver Building, and the arrangement with the ex press company is in lne with a de cision made sometime ago to increase the business of the company. The company announces that it, will send express to all points in the United States. "Negotiations have been pending between the express company and the railway for sometime,' said Mr. Shep herd Monday, "but it was not until today that they had progressed suffi ciently to - make the announcement." INJURED BY FALLING Mrs. W. M. Rader, of Douglass County, was seriously injured while visiting at the home of Cyrus Powell in Parkplace Monday. Mrs. Rader had undergone treatment at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland for several weeks, and had been told she could go home. She went to the home of Mr. Powell to visit seevral days and while descending a flight of stairs fell. Her face and head were cut and her right wrist was fractur ed. After being attended by Dr. Stu art, of this city, she was taken to "the Good Samaritan Hospital where she Will be compelled to remain for sometime. It is supposed that she suffered from dizziness when she fell. SUIT INVOLVING TIMBER TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT Circuit Judge Campbell Monday heard the evidence and took under advisement the case of Grant E. Bar ney against H. L. and J. S. Goodwin, doing business under the firm name of the Forest Products' Company. The plaintiff, through his attorneys Brow nell & Stone asked for the cancela tion of a contract for timber on eighty acres at Bigelow's sawmill. Dimick & Dimick represented the defendant. A small classified ad will rant that vacant room. X. Take a Kodak- T 1U1 I UU Vacation pleasures are all the year pleasures when your Ko dak keeps the record. - Kodaks $5.00 to $65.00. Brownie Cameras $1 to $12.00 ASK US FOR A FREE COPY OF THE KODAK CATALOGUE Burmeister & Andrcsen Oregon City Jewelers K B B . B a B B 1 m