4 MORNING ENTERPBISfi SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1912 mi tert iiiiiii iptrt isiii sfl iipi 11111 Ppi NEARLY EVERYTfflNi 15 mm immwmtmm mm mm wmmwm ana mm n htaiMiimrm iiys&Pzm iv&eerm iiaafsr-si te5ssr:a st era fcwra s.sa i.:rp sssa i I a-va Kafe&iHi3 atsWocsa lriiTiag jJTriiTitTHi MittSuaBa uume Kuaoraij sejjioi erSSu ZZZz!ZZ3 Lj!ZZJZZ v) IB pa IB pf 18! IH 111 ill m Ornamental or Useful - YOU can furnish any room in the house absolutelyFREE with .itfGreen Stamps. Such'as Furniture, CarpetsJRugs, CurtainsCut'Glass,jChinaware,JElectric3Portables, and thousands of other useful and ornamental articles. They mustfbe seen to be appreciated. The iiC. Green Stamps are issued by scores of gigantic Department Stores,such asJGreenhut-Siegel-CooperJ&'Co., NewYork; Rothschild &Co.,jChicago; Henry-Siegel Co., Boston; Fifth Street Store, Los Angeles; and thousands of other merchants. . ..rsss By always trading where Z?H" Green Stamps are given with each and every cash purchase, you can fill many books during the year. Green Stamps are rewards which the merchants below give you for trading with them. In that practical way these merchants share their profits with you. By that means they increase their business; get spot cash with which to discount their bills, and take advantage of the markets by buying for less they are enabled to sell for less. The truth then, is, that when you buy from one of the merchants who give Z&C Green Stamps you usually pay less than when you buy of the merchants who do not give Stamps. You pay nothing'for the Stamps. They are free to you. The ?$C Premiums are within easy reach of everyone who buys food and clothing, dry goods or what-not. They are offered as a special inducement for your cash trade. The merchants below are the live and progressive merchants of Oregon City who give the justly Famous and Original i)?W. Green Trading Stamps: The Hub Grocery Gives you Green Trading Stamps on all spot cash purchases. Our object in giving these stamps is to increase our cash business, and under no consideration will we give them on accounts. Contrary to reports that you have to pay more for goods bought in the store which gives stamps, we are giv ing you the same values that we did before, and a trial will convince you that we are on the square. You should try E. Z. Seal Fruit jars. They are cheaper than other jars and last longer. We have the best Coffee you ever drank at 35c per pound. Remember we carry Blue Ribbon Bread, the 10 cent loaf in a sanitary wrapper. Phone us your orders at 7th and Center Sts. THE HUB GROCERY Both Phones A-41 Main 41 QUALITY PRICE and SERVICE We aim to give you the best of everything. Fresh and salt meats Poultry and Eggs from our mar ket will always please you. We give the H&C green stamps trade here and help fill your book. FARR BROS. 7th. St. MARKET ON THE HILL pi ed Letter July 27, let Saturday, Day PREMIUM PARLOR at Bannon & Co.'s Store OREGON CITY, OREGON A Set of Ten10 Sl&t Green Stamps FREE. Save one, two, three, or as many books as you like, and getfa set of Red Letter Day Stamps Free for each book. Take advantage of free coupons which appear in newspapers or cir culars from time to time, it will help fill your book. Save Tobacco Tags, Labels, Soap Wrappers, Trade Marks, etc. Save Hamilton Coupons and Bonds most valuable of all similar tokens packed only with leading manufacturers' products. You can exchange them for Z&C Green Stamps on an equal basis at Premium Parlor. The Sperry & Hutchinson Co. THOS. A. SPERRY, Pres. Paid up Capital $1,000,000 Local Premium Parlor, Bannon & Co., Masonic Temple BIdg. Five Dollars Worth of Green Trading Stamps Will be given with each sack of See ley's Best Flour at the regular price of $1.50 per sack, at Seeley's Grocery, Friday and Saturday only, of this week. - It does not matter what brand of Flour you are using, your breaH cannot go wrong if you use Seeley's . Best. We are so confident of this fact that we are making this unusual offer to induce you to try the flour, and we believe you will be singing Its praises the same as other housewives are in the city. We buy Seeley's Best in car load lots, the only people in Oregon City to buy flour in that large quantity, and we guarantee every sack. We want you to try it. Do not forget that you can get five dollars' worth of green stamps with t each sack. Two days only. Don't miss it. jr. e. Main Street, Near 8th OUR SPECIALi For "Red Letter Day" will be double Trading Stamps. This inducement applies to each and every purchase of any article in this store on this day only. DRUG COMPANY DRUGS AND STATIONERY SALE The Greatest Money Saving Event of the Season OUR GREAT CLEAN UP We of f er the cream of Standard Merchandise at One-third Off You also get idK Green Trading Stamps with every purchase. We only want your patronage on the merit of our merchandise, and the values we offer. CLOTHIERS M JONES WJ&$ I ' Established 1895 lj Jrf BKc'z ?f :lt T-t 3 V-2 CE rf? "2 6th and Main Streets Vi.-!J m SCI mm Lisa! iL- Jl t ft mm I W3 m pm ftp mm mm mm mm Til 1 1ll English Plaea Names. ' England can boast that no other country possesses so many Scriptural place names as it doe;. The name Jer icho occurs six times on the ordnance maps. Paradise five times and Nineveh, Mount Zion. Mount Ararat and Mount Bphraim three times each. In Bedford shire there is a Calvary wood and in Dorsetshire a Jordan hllL Chinese Sausages.v In China sausages are made of meat from the bind thighs of hogs, which are chopped fine, mixed with four drams of sugar, rice wine and table salt, eight drams of soy and a pinch of pepper -to every one and one-third pounds and dried in the sun until ready for tinning. Dried oysters and ducks' livers are added to some varieties. The. Traitors' Gate. One of the most famous entrances in the world is doubtless the ancient Traitors' gate, in the Tower of London. It was through this portal for several centuries that traitors were conducted from the shores of the river Thames Into the tower. To Americans probably the most familiar of these unfortunates was Sir Walter Raleigh. The Two Sexes. Miss Lillian Russell on one occasion was congratulated on . her unfading beauty and on tier high spirits. Miss Russell, laughiug gayly, replied: "A woman is as happy, you know, M she looks pretty." "And a man?" said her interlocutor. "Oh, a man." she answered, "is as happy as he feels Important."" , Probably. The witness testified that he had been knocked down by a motorcar and that the chauffeur, who was joy riding, had given no warning of his approach. "Do you mean." asked the Judge, "that he didn't have a horn if" "No, your bonor" replied the wit ness: "I think he'd had too many." Judge. - Herod's Love For Marianne. Herod the (Jreat loved Marianne, his wifej so devotedly that when be was summoned to Rome by Augustus to answer certain charges made against him and was afraid he might never return he left her In care of three trusted servants, with orders that if he himself were put to death by Augustus She was to be immediately killed. The Word "Nugget" "Nugget" was formerly used to sig nify a bit or lump of anything, as a "nugget of tobacco." Nowadays, how ever, it Is used principally of gold as it comes from the mine. This use Is Aus tralian. Governor Sir William Deni son of Australia wrote In 1852. "In many instances the gold is brought to market In lumps or nuggets, as they are called."