2 CPA AD THE kJJJJL REPORTER 3 . f EVERYBODY ISJI (xLl GO OUT-AND -f OWWERES ABLflCKGflT! ' COME.-MBUNETTeT I ' I f DONT GfcTSO DARH H 0 SSll iSESlFfCftHfr- ILL GET Cr-TO WALK : UILFtEND-X dW ') PREVIOUS NEXT" df j SSSS Il5- UP MATERIAL ACROSS m PATH AND WVOUTOCROSS YjTJt-VWlT Till. TMATSORT OF- VgYOFCUteS Htq A BAD LUCKSTORVty AjJA jkmuJL VMYPATH ASwj ' "J MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. "Entered as second-class matter Jan uary 9, 1911, at the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, by mail $3.00 Six Months, by mail 1.B0 Four Months, by mail 1.00 Per 'Week, by carrier 10 CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER $3$38$8S8 8 S THE MORNING ENTERPRISE $ is on sale at the following stores 3 every day: $ Huntley Bros. Drugs S Main Street " $ J. W. McAnulty -Cigars 8 3 Seventh and Main. S S E. B. Anderson 8 S Main, near Sixth. 3 M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. S City Drug Store & Electric Hotel. $ Schoenborn Confectionery S Seventh and J. Q. Adams. S July 25 In American History. 1750 Henry Knox, Revolutionary gen eral, secretary of war under Wash ington, born; died 1800. 1814 Battle of Luudy's Luue. Canada, between British and Americans. 1863 General Sam Houston, Texas pa triot, at one time governor of Ten nessee and later of Texas, died at Huntsville, Tex.: boru 17113. 1909 Elizabetli Taylor Dandridge. daughter of President Zachary Taylor and mistress of the White House during his term, died at Winchester. Va.; born 1824. 1910 Thomas H. Looker, rear admiral TJ. S. N. (retired), died; born 1829. James Albert Hawke, rear admiral U. S. N. (retired), died; boru 1841. ' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 7:22, rises 4:49. Evening stars: Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus. Morning star: Saturn. Plunging Into Free Trade The Democratic platform adopted at Baltimore begins with a straightout declaration for free trade, and the as sertion that a protective policy vio lates the constitution. President Washington and his associate found- Abuses Which Tend to Cause a Feeling of Unrest Disrespect Shown For " Laws By JAMES MONROE TAYLOR. CHE crying Bin of Ameri can life is lawlessness, and the tendency toward class hatred is deplorable. The duty of the educated class es is to teach restraint. Attacks are made upon the-Jaws and the judges and legislators as a result of the growing unrest. What de we gain by impatient zeal? Striving for immediate re sults in education seems to result either in narrower training or in the cramming of children with knowledge which i3 confusing and a hindrance to all normal develop ment. In legislation it seems to result in leading us to trust to laws CUB era of the government thought other-1 wise, for one of the earliest measures ' set in motion when Washington was : first inaugurated recognized the desir- j ability, and of course the legality, of a protective tariff. During the last fif teen years the business of the country has besn conducted under a protective tariff as shaped by Republican admin istration during this period. , Shall free trade take its place? "The Dem ocratic platform distinctly answers- yes. The election of a Democratic president and Congress in November will usher in free trade unless the platform of the Democratic party is re pudiated in its first and foremost clause. In some quarters it is hinted that full free trade will be evaded, as during President Cleveland's second term, that nightmare of business de pression. But no evasive party can be j trusted. Its proper treatment is de feat. That the business activities of the United States have been enormously developed in the last fifteen years is a matter of common knowledge. Every census bulletin is an example of the increase. Thus speaks protection for itself. Its record is an array of ac complished facts, not a theory with a string of promises attached. Look at the tens of thousands of factories in operation and the vastly enlarged in dustries of the last decade. Note that the- foreign demand for American man ufactured articles has mounted to more than a billion dollars, a fourfold gain in the last ten years. Is not this a matter for careful thought by the great army of men engaged in the my riad forms of manufacturing that have sprung up under the two Republican protective tariffs in force since 1897? There has been equally protection for the farms and the mines. Its story is in results. To forget it will be calam itous, as was proved in the last Dem ocratic administration, which dabbled in and muddled with free trade of a halfway sort. There is a better way ! to learn than by bitter experience. Panama has had an orderly presi dential election. The explanation is the presence of American commission ers to insist that the contest should be settled by ballots, not bullets. ! Senator La Follette's name for the third party would be something de scriptive of butting in and spoiling the game. Class Hatred Is Fostered President of Vassar College instead of educating the people in principles of life, and our HASTE IN LAWMAKING IS RE VENGED CPON US BY REAC TIONS THAT LEAVE US IN WORSE CONDITION THAN BEFORE. THE PRACTICE OF THE LAW ITSELF, BY BAD METHODS, RED TAPE. TECHNICALITIES THAT DEFEAT JUSTICE AND INEXCUSA BLE DELAYS. HAS A VAST DEAL TO ANSWER FOR. BUT IF IT WERE TENFOLD WORSE IT COULD NOT EXCUSE THE TEACH ING AND EXAMPLE OF LAW LESSNESS WHICH ATTACKS COURTS AND JUDGES WITHOUT RESTRAINT AND WHICH SETS UP ITS OWN STANDARDS. MORNING ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1912 What Would Happen If a Black Cat As the vote against Lorimer was about 2 to 1 it is probable that an other month's deluge of - talk would have made it unanimous. Milady's JVHrror Beauty Hints. Nails that have been injured by cut ting them too low a.re soothed and heal ed by gently massaging them with a good cold cream. Rub the cream well In around the nail. Keep a dish of oatmeal on the toilet stand and rub it freely on the hands after each washing. This dries and softens the skin, preventing it from be coming red and rough when exposed to the air. To keep hair brushes clean necessl nates frequent washings, a process cer tain to soften the bristles. This may be remedied by dipping the bristles in a strong solution of alum water after they are thoroughly cleaned. A veil is an excellent protection against the winds of spring. Chiffon pr any loose mesh material is the best selection and may be removed when a lessening of the exposure warrants the elimination of this pretty and effective precaution. The shadow and Shetland veils now so fashionable give a becom ing tone to the skin and have the ad vantage of coming from a warm bath of soap and water fresh and clean as new. Almond oil is used to bring the de sired whiteness to the hands. The hands should be dipped in the oil. then in French chalk and Incased in a pair of old gloves over night. Another plan recommended as a hand beautifier is to wash with peroxide, letting it dry on the hands, then rub in a good cold cream and don old kid gloves. In the morn ing wash off with lemon juice, vinegar or cider, hot water and a good skin cream. Sleep, if taken at the right moment will prevent an attack of nervous head ache. If the subjects of such bead aches will watch the symptoms of its coming they can notice that it begins with a feeling of weariness or heavi ness. This is the time a sleep of an hour, or even two, as nature guides, will eventually prevent the headaches. If not taken just then it will be too late, for after the attack is fairly un der way it is impossible to get sleep until far into the night A Cure For Nerves. Fresh air will string up any group of nerves not hopelessly demoralized When you feel that '"flying to pieces" inclination overtaking you, jerk your self to order with the checkrein of de termination and then, if yon cannot regain self control, stop anything on earth you may be doing and go out of doors. If you cannot leave the home, lean out of a window or step for a little while on a porch. You will not lose any time you will, in fact, gain time by increasing efficiency In what ever you may be doing. Sleep also is a great restorer of nerves to a normal tone, and sleeping with all windows open secures for ns two nerve cures at the same time. In foods raw on ions, carrots, lettuce and celery, with plenty of olive oil, are excellent nerve foods, all valuable as aids in the pood work, but the chief remedy is strong will and the compelling of your body to obey your mind. Cure For Fever Blisters. Fever blisters, or cold sores, as some call them, are very disfiguring. They may mine from suddenly chilling the blond when heated, or they may result from digestive troubles. The best cure, of i-uiii-se. . is tu find the trouble aud remove il. Sometimes if (hey are nililierl 'Vigorously when the first symp toms or iiieir eomiiin are felt they will disappear The- following remedy, too. i helpful Oirhoin ui-iii six drops; glycerin, one teasioniitiii: rusewnter, ten drops. Then it a woman finds that her lips have settled into unpleasant lines, and sometimes tliey do. a few lip gymnas tics are helpful These should not be done lo such an extent as to make lines or wrinkles u the face, but if the lips are moved about and pursed up until any fixed haiis of expression that they ma nave formed are broken np it will add to their charm. Homemade Cold Cream. During the . windy weather one re quires a good, pure cold cream that can be applied in the day time without be ing noticeable Here is an excellent recipe: . Take halt an ounce each of sperma ceti and white wax. with two of witch tazel and three of sweet almond oil. Let the wax and spermaceti barely melt over dot watef before adding the oil. They should only Just turn liquid before beinj; removed, from the heat Prince and Princess of Teck Open a London Exposition t-t ' 1 is?-- Hi---I J Photo by American Press Association. TUB Princes of Teck derive their chief Importance from their alliances with royalty The title of Duke of Teck, held by the head of the family, was conferred by the king of Wuertemberg upon his first cousin in 1870 That duke married a daughter of the Duke of Cam bridge, a first cousin of Queen Victoria, and his daughter. Princess Mary of Teck, is now queen of England. His third Bon, Prince Alexander, married Princess Alice of Albany, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Like other royalties nu-l near royalties, the prince and princess are in demand for such show occasions as the laying of cornerstones and the opening of exhibitions. The acconi"ii.ving photograph was made when the couple officiated at the recent opening of the Latin-British exposition In London, PHYSICIAN IS HURT IN AUTO COLLISION TACOMA, Wash., July 24. Dr. Guy O. Ireland, of the Steilacoom Insane Asylum, is lying in a dangerous con dition at that institution as the result of a collision of an auto in which .he rode with Superintendent A. P. Cal houn, of the asylum, with a car driven by C. B. Lloyd and C. C. Cates, of Port land. The latter men were on their way to Portland fronrthe Seattle Pot latch, when Dr. Calhoun's car came into the road from a side road and the two - machines collided and were wrecked. Dr. Ireland was thought" to have a fractured skull, but thfe attend ing physicians say he may live. Lloyd' and Cates were arrested and the police stated the men would be held without bail, but they were re laesed today on their own recogniz ance. They claim that Dr. Calhoun is to blame and say they will sue the physician. Dr. Calhoun claims the Portland men were on the wrong side of the road. . "The men in the other car were driving on the wrong side of the road," he said, "and I swung to the left to avoid hitting them, when al the same instant they turned their car slightly to the right and caught us broadside." Mix in the oil. then "with aTsiTver ToFfe add the witch hazel, drop by drop. Beat to a smooth cream, adding a few drops of any preferred perfume. A Beauty Tip. Learn to laugh A good laugh is bet ter than medicine Learn how to tell a story. A well told story Is as wel come as a sunbeam in a sickroom. Learn to keep jour troubles to your self. The world is too busy to care for your sorrows. Learn to see the bright side ot things. If you cannot see good In the world keep the bad to yourself Learn to hide your pains and aches under a pleasant smile. No one cares to hear them. Learn to meet your friends with a smile. The good hu mored man or woman Is always wel come, but the hypochondriac Is uot wanted auywhere. Soon Answered. "What do you consider the best diet for a man?" v "The best he can afford." Exchange Crossed Your Path? Heart to Heart Talks. By EDWIN A. NYE. JOHN AND MRS. JOHN. "John. 1 don't see why you do not fi. that back door. Ive told you about it Several times." John replies in like tone. The red blood flares up into Mrs. John's face. Retorts are handed back and forth, and to end the controversy John flares out: "That door will not get fixed til! 1 get ready, and it will not be any soon er because of your continual nagging." He goes out slamming the door be hind him. which is peculiarly a mascu line manner of emphasis. The fact is John should have fixed the door when his wife asked him. It would have required only a few min utes. John did not regard tihe matter as important, but Mrs. John was great ly annoyed. A little thing had caused a big fuss. By and by John cooled off and sat down to think. He was loo hasty. Did he not know his wife's nerves usually were a little frazzled of mornings.. Why had he not fixed the door before this? And why should he get so angry at her he a big man and she a woman, weary and nervous? What a brave little wife! Always had she done her part, and then some. She had saved his money, slaved for him and the children, and. though sometimes she did raise her voice impatiently, what a lot of things she had to vex her, the poor dear! Mrs. John also thought: Why did she lose her temper? Of course she was feeling bad this morn ing. True, John was forgetful about little things, but after all he was a very good husband. He worked hard and stayed at home evenings. How kind he had been when she was very ill! He remembered her birthdays. And with tearful eyes she called to memory how he stood by her side in the vigils of the night, and how to gether they had fought black death away from the baby's cradle, and When John came home in the even ing they looked into each other's eyes, smiled and were glad. ; But What has happened may happen again and" :!griin. If John and his wife shall uot learn from their domestic difficulties the need of dignity aud poisp and forbear ance and silence: if thoy shall not learn how necessary to their happiness are peace and love and resignation; if they shall not realize that the tre mendous issues of married life are de pendent upon patience and kindness and self control and forgiveness upon such trifles as fixing the back door, us hope they may learn. ROOSEVELT SCORED BY CONGRESSMAN WASHINGTON, July 24. Denoun cing Colonel Roosevelt as "a pirate who deliberately misleads the people" and asserting that the Roosevelt con tests at Chicago were 'trumped up and faked,' Representative Mondell of Wy oming in the house today denied that there was any fraud in President Taft's renomination and fired the op ening gun of the campaign in the pres ident's defense. Representative Bartholdt of Mis souri, will follow Mondell in present ing the case to the Taft people. Mon dell's speech was filled with denuncia tory epithets. He said: "Roosevelt and his supporters have repeatedly, in the most violent and in temperate language, made serious charge of fraud and wrong doing in connection with the seating and elec tion of delegates. Few persons real ize how men may be led by an over zealous man and his unsmrupulous supporters and subordinates. Truth is at a disadvantage in the presence of persistent prevarication. "Tt is now proposed to steal the liv ery and secure the benefits of Repub lican state oragnizations while repud iating the party. It is difficult to con ceive of . more shameless proposal of pure piracy. The local boss of the new crew is a cautious pirate, but the chief repudiates any such mushy pro cedure. Quoth he: 'If you are a pir ate, be a pirate. Carry the flag as long as it is to your interest, but eventually make them walk the plank, and scuttle the ship.' " Mondell declared that Speaker Clark had as much right to desert the Demo cratic party as Roosevelt had in the Republican, asserting that the nomin ation was "ruthlessly snatched from him without warrant, justification or excuse." . Referring to Roosevelt's 238 con tests, Mondell said: "This overwhelming number was brought for the purpose of 'confusing the issue, misleading the public and to lay the foundation for outrageous charges. The southern contests were too raw for the stomachs of even the most prejudiced of the Roosevelt sup porters." Wants, For Sale, Etc Notices under these classified headings will be inserted at one cent a word, first insertion,- half a cent additional Inser tions. One Inch card, $2 per month; half inoh oarfi (A lines). SI ner month. Cash must accompany order unless one 1 has an open account with tne paper, wo financial responsibility for errors; where errors occur free corrected notice will be printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c. WANTED WANTED: A chance to show you how quick a For Rent ad will fill that vacant house or room. WANTED: 2 or 3 high school boys or girls to work during vacation Address E. B. care Morning Enter-1 prise. ! . 1 WANTED: 10 minutes of your time to look over the finest lines of curios in the valley. We buy or sell any thing of value. Most everything in the second hand line for sale. Geo. Young. FARM LOANS FOR THE FOLLOWING SUMS: $5000.00, $5000.00, $3000.00, $2800. 00, $2500.00, $1500.00, 1000.00, $500, $300. One and two years. Dimick i & Dimick, Lawyers, Oregon City, Oregon. You Can Save Money only while you have money. When old age comes along don't let it be fettered by the folly of your younger days. It is pitiable to be old and poor. Bank your money and have your money. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOURETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON .CAPITAL $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from A. M. to 3 P. M. By "HOP" MISCELLANEOUS. HOW would you like to talk with 1400 people about that bargain you have in Real Estate. Use the Enter prise. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL, CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood -and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your orders Pacific SR02, Home B IJft PATENTS Peter Haberlin, Patent Attorney. Counselor in Patent and Trade Mark: Causes. Inventors assisted and pat ents obtained in all countries. Man ufacturers advised and infringment litigation conducted. Expert re ports. Briefs for counsel. Validity searches. Trade marks designed and protected. Labels, designs and copyrights registered. Prelimin ary consultations without ' charge. 326 Worcester Bldg., Portland, Ore, Send for. free booklets. FOR RENT FOR RENT: 6 room house at Cane mah. Inquire Mrs. Dorothy Rokel, Canemah, or phone 2024. FOR RENT: 6 room house, modern. Pohne-2214. FOR RENT: Furnished mountain house, $20.00 for this season, good fishing and hunting, fine water, pip ed from far off -spring to new house. Four miles from Wilhoit Springs, Frank Busch, Oregon City, Oregon, FOR SALE FOR SALE: Good medium farm team well matched. Harness and wagon. Call 719 Ninth street. FOR SALE: One $600, 26 horse-pow-er, 4 cylinder, Grey Marine gas en- . gine for $400. Call Elliott's Garage, Main street near Fourth. FOR SALE: Heavy frame building, 40 ft. by 60 ft two story. Located 4th and Water streets. Inquire Haw ley Pulp & Paper Co. YOUNG 3000 pound team with har ness 31 in., wagon with bed. For sale cheap. Write O. E. Menke, Oregon City, Route No. 4. Sawed slab-wood for sale $1.00 a load, come quick while it lasts. Geo. Lam mers, Beaver Creek. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Will trade for improved place near Portland, 48 room house, sleeping and house keeping, furnished, money-maker, splendid location. Call or write 3921 E. Burnside Portland. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BARGAIN FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, one half block from postoffice, $1250. Thos. E. Gault, Gladstone, Oregon. FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, bath and modern conveniences. Inquire G. B. Dimick, Oregon City. FRUIT AND FARM LAND FOR SALE in all parts of Clackamas County. One acre tracts -up. I carry some city property that you can buy at a good figure and on terms. S. O. Dillman, Room 1, Weinhard . Building, Telephone Main 3771.,, NOTICES NOTICE Bids will be received by the Willam ette School District, No. 105, Clack amas County, Oregon, For a cement floor for the basement of school " building in said district. Specifica tions can be secured at schoolhouse by asking for janitor or G. S. Rog ers, District Clerk. - , Board reserves right to reject any and all bids. - Bids must be in by 6 o'clock Aug ust 5th, 1912. F. J. MYER, Cashier.