- MORNING ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912. dA O ( IT Oregon City's Big Department Store . o ) "ZD rr rq I Li UJ 25CaesM. We will offer direct from the mills to the consumer aeMiacfaireir Remeaet Consisting of WASH GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOOD5, LINENS, CRASH, TABLE LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, TURKISH TOWELS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, ETC. Extensive purchases for this Grant Remnant Sal covers such a wide range of subjects that it is impossible to enumerate the many wonderful bargains that this Sale affords. It is a sale of Loom Ends at LOOM PRICES which will appeal to all interested in the- high cost of living. O IB Ends 9)1 Yar LOOM ENDS means goods of irregular lengths, slight discolorations, or imperfections such as a coarse thread in the fabric. They are identical in style and design with the full piece goods. While the imperfections in no way injure the goods, they prevent the factory from selliug at a profitable price. Our buyers are Bargain Hunters. They search the best mills of the country in immense lots. Some of the most desirable modes are bought in this way. Buying sample lots at reasonable prices from the mills and giving our custom ers the benefit of the savings is our specialty, and shrewd buyers will do well to attend this sale. T RT D F Copjrrif ht Htrt BcbiAer & Mux TOTS SUITS I Men's Fnrnish'gs I SHOES FURNITURE LADIES' SUITS Men's Suits, all sizes, 34 Men's fancy Golf Shirts, all Tan or black, all sizes, OAK DRESSERS, regular SPECIAL PRICES will to 44, values from $13.50 sizes, regular 75c values. $2.50 to $3.50 values, $15 value, prevail during this Big to $22.50, good assortment SALE 29c SALE $1 .98 Sale Price $1 1.48 Remnant Sale patterns ' , 0, . Men's OXFORDS, tan or KITCHEN CHAIRS, reg- One Lot values up to ola dUUH Men Dress Shirts, $1.00 black, $4 and $5.00 values ular 75c value, to $20.00 QQ Qft 3ie il.yJJ.OV and $1.25 vaIuess ale 75c SALE $2.98 - , Sale 49c Sale price flO.gU Hart, Schaffner & Marx MEN'S HALF HOSE LADIES' SHOES I??nN BEDf V jKSS ?uLtJalue8c$?2 $13 90 1912 style, and patterns, Regular 12ic values, SALE l $4.50 value, Sale $2.98 to$28. SaleIO. regukr values $25, $27 CESc SPECIAL Reductions 1 Lot man-tailored Skin- . v 3 SlI?Qto regular $2.50 to $4.00 vaU on all Go-Carts during nef Satin Lined, values Ch0iCe $22.50 -,,1 SALES189 .t Big Removal Sale, to $35, Sale $19-80 BOYS' SUITS MEN'S FELT HATS Boys' and Misses' Shoes ufax Large Assortment Telescopes, Fedoras, Co- Boys' Dress Shoes, values Sale price 85 89 Corset Covers, regular I $5.00 Suiu . Sale $3.95 a11 col"' valuM $1,75 to $2cf P - o . , cu A 35c, Sale Price 23c 6 oo Suit. Sal a 4 k o$Z.50 SALE SI. 48 7-feet Window -Shades IsSsutS: s 5!25 SALE 1 .35 Mi.. Dre.. Shoe., value. $2 regular 50 c value Muslin Gowns reiar -m00 Suit. , Sale 6.95 Men'. Straw Hat. Half Price to $2.25, SALE $1,48 Sale price 39c 75c, Sale Price 42c ''--'m : : BOYS' WASHSUITS MEN'S WORK SHIRTS CHILDREN'S SHOES eJ 2.'50 Yum Yum MILLINERY ages from 4 to 10 years, Men's black and white A .J lt f a;U c'iSPpWo ffi 4 o All Hats up to $5.00, White and color.. Take your 7 , ol x An assorted lot of Child- Sale Price 1 .09 Sale Price $1.8 choice, Work Shirts with collars rens shoes, all sizes, values . - All Mat values from $6 to $10 Inof 1 Pn'flfl attached, $1.25 to $1.50 Large Wicker Rocker, Sale Price 03.00 JUSl 2 rriCC Sale Price 39c SALE 98c reg. $6, Sale S4.50 All Millinery greatly reduced. innnnnn ASK FOR Red Trading Stamps ASK FOR Sit Red Trading Stamps $ nQODnaQyQn nnnnn K' M S m m. fill : ft 9 V- M , .m M V M " 'T ; .fiT I 1 t I K V