Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, July 02, 1912, Image 2

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to noou tomorrow.)
r Mprrnrv. Mnrn.
Foreign Population
pressed because the
SurpriseiVn population of New York
-i; iiv t rt-t a j.1
iiuilg niLU ii?i luaii uiu tiic uauvco.
There is no real cause for surprise in
that circumstance however. The
same thing was often seen in the past.
New York is not onlyhe largest city
of the country, but it is the principal
entrance point for immigrants as well
"as for merchandise. More races are
represented on the-streets of New
. York than are found in London or Con
stantinople. More tongues are talked
there than Babel ever , dreamed of.
i But although New- York is growing
three times as fast as London, and
i much faster even than our Western
wonder City of Chicago, the propor-
.tion of population increase in the past
ten years being 28 per cent for Chi
cago and 38 per cent for New York,
the foreign population of the bigger
town is smaller, relatively, than it oft
en was in the past While It is about
40 per cent of the total of the inhabi
tants of that town now, it was 50 per
$ent of the total in 1860. New York
I Happiness Cannot Be Brought
Into the Home Through
, . . . Law .
Neither boy nor girl
bantNr-if e. Domestic science i3 a lost art. The vanity of
dress aftd 'the firlamour of socintv hnvA vrnrnprl thir Htyi
they were in their early teens,
at fifteen or sixteen with NO
opposed to early marriages. I amoppbsed to nlarriages on
qnainftance and equally opposed to long -engagements. 1
marriages and all short courtships do not result in dis-'
Relieve "t the majority of them reesult in discontent,
die. - -
1 .lha3 quadrupled in population since !g- ;
t' en and tne natives in it have in-
much faster than have the for-
in this half a century. The
te natives over the foreigners
tthe entire country.
000,000 of immigrants have
fur shores since 1820, when
began to be compiled,
three-fourths of these
160. Yet the na-
sian the aliens.
t be grasp-
tut im-
-f the
fast of
U who
-r the
s reg-
e most
ijer pro-
ne Clacka
ub attend-
house of
lub,'; which
ction of the
lids; Sunday
fiyable time
snding. One of
jfttS dinner served
mg. The persons from
uns city lert anout s:3U o ciock, re
tuurnlng to Oregon City about 9:30
Among those from this city were
Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Mount, and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Risley and
family, Mr .and Mrs. M. D. Latourette,
and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Logus,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Daulton, Miss Hel
en Daul ton, Miss Bess Daulton, Ralph
C. Parker and Dr. Clyde Mount.
Huntley Bros. Drug Co. Back of Their
Claims With a Most Liberal Offer
We will either relieve you of kidney
and urinary disease, or pay for all the
medicine used during the trial. You
pay us nothing if we fail to make the
treatment entirely satisfactory to
you. Remember, we are right here
where you live and our personal rep
utation is at stake when we make
this sf&tement. Certainly nothing
could be more safe and secure for you.
The most scientific, safe, efficacious
and altogether dependable treatment
we know of for kidney diseases ,and
urinary ailments in general, is Rexall
Kidney Pills. In all our experience
in the compounding and selling of
medicines we have never found any
thing else that is so good. That's why
we can sell and recommend Rexall Kid
ney Pills with our own personal guar
antee to furnish them free if they do
not do as we say they will. Price
You had better think this over, and
come and see us about this offer. You
will be well repaid if you do. Sold in
this -community only at our store
The Rexall Store. Huntley Bros. Co.
LES N. GOODNOy of the Court of Domestic
of Chicago
.has been tattght the duties of hns-
or the boy or girl was started to
' ' : .
' . - -V
.ae courtship days, whether .they are short or
good behavior. Few girls wpjjVI ap-
ijpTitidy dre?
and yet
Scoop Understand
There, are many ups and downs
in this world of ours. That which
has happened to one may happen
to every man, and therefore that
excellent rule should govern us.
Whatsoever ye "would 'that men
should do unto you. do ye also unto
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notices under these classified headings
will be inserted at one cent a word, first
insertion, half a cent additional inser
tions. One inch card, $2 per month; half
inch card, (4 lines), $1 permonth.
Cash must accompany order unless one
has an open account with the paper. No
financial responsibility for errors; where
errors occur free corrected notice will be
printed for patron. Minimum charge 15c
WANTED: A chance to show you
how quick a For Rent ad will fill
that vacant house or room.
WANTED: 2 or 3 high school boys
or girls to work during vacation
Address E. B. care Morning Enter
prise. WANTED: Experienced applicants
to fill place as teacher for District
No. 61. Address Miss Arlie ..Gibson
Oregon City Route No. 2.
WANTED: 10 minutes of your time
to look over the finest lines of curios
in the valley. We buy or sell any
thing of value. Most everything in
the second hand line for sale. Geo.
FOR SALE: Combination "Globe"
grain and vetch separator. Price
$40.00. Inquire of Daugherty Bros.
Molalla, Oregon.
YOUNG 3000 pound team with har
ness 31 in., wagon with bed. For
sale cheap. Write O. E. Menke,
Oregon City, Route No. 4.
FOR SALE: Fly shuckle loom. In
, quire 608 Eleventh street, Mrs. H.
H. Hughes.
FOR SALE: Sawmill rough and
dressed lumber of all kinds. Let me
figure on your lumber bills. Also
500 loads of 16 inch slab-wood for
sale cheap or team wanted to haul
wood on share. George Lammers
Oregon City Route No. 3, or tele
phone Home Phone Beaver Creek.
FOR SALE: At a bargain 9 room
house, bath.'hot and cold water, up
stairs and downstairs. 5 lots and a
barn. Address "R" care Enterprise.
FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, one
half block from postoffice, $1250.
Thos. E. Gault, Gladstone, Oregon.
FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, bath
and modern conveniences. Inquire
G. B. Dimick, Oregon City.
HOW would you like to talk with
1400 people about that bargain you
liave in Real Estate. Use the Enter
prise. PATENTS-
Peter Haberlin, Patent Attorney.
Counselor in Patent and Trade Mark
Causes. Inventors assisted and pat
ents obtained in all countries. Man
ufacturers advised -and infringment
litigation conducted. Expert re
ports. Briefs for counsel. Validity
searches. Trade marks designed and
protected. Labels, designs and
copyrights registered. Prelimin
ary consultations without charge.
t.326 Worcester Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Send for free booklets.
CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal
delivered to all parts of the city.
your orders Pacific 3502, Home
B 1)0 .
Ordinance No.
An ordinance regulating the use, con
duct and operation and limiting the
. speed of vehicles used, operated or
driven upon the public streets of
Orgon City, and prescribing penal
ties for violation of the provisions
herein contained..
Ore.H City does ordain as fol
lows: y .
Sec. 1 The term "Vehicle" as us
ed herein, shall include all manner
of vehicles whether-: propelled by
animal, muscular or motive power
ot whatever kind, except ; railroad
and street cars. , -
The . term "motor vehicle"
signify any vehicle propelled
rLl7 Itm I i WntW ' WSTHE- . .Vii. I MY BABt HERE feVf
Y-W'T"'' i ' -Z g- Funniest TWN6- nT" I Ymth you a C: .lA'
l M "
' shaF
by a
Children--So Does
said, used or operated upon the pub
lic streets of Oergon City shall con
form, strictly to the foldwing rules
of the road.
1. Vehicles traveling in opposite
directions shall pass to the right,
giving one half of the road to each.
2. Vehicles traveling , In the
same direction, overtake each other
by passing to the left.
3. - The overtaking vehiole shall
maintain its speed until clear of the
overtaken vehicle,- and for such dis
tance 'thereafter as shall , prevent
the throwing -of dust or mud upon
the vehicle passed. '
4. A vehicle desiring to pass an-,
othing going in the same direction
shall give a signal, which shall be
by one blast or stroke of horn, bell,
whistle or other signalling device.
5. Should the overtaken vehicle
then not give way, three such
blasts or signals shall be given, and
on. failure to comply therewith, the
overtaking, vehicle, may, at the next
suitable place safe to both vehicles
go by without further signals.
6. It shall be the duty of every
overtaken vehicle to turn to the
right and give one-half of the road
to the overtaking vehicle.
7. Vehicles approaching an in
tersecting street or alley shall be
so under the control of the operat
or or driver, as to permit the ve
hicle on the right of the vehicle ap
proaching, to first cross the inter
secting street or alley.
8. At all intersections, the vehicle
aproaching the intersection from
the right of any other vehicle ap
proaching the intersection, shall
have the right of way.
9. All vehicles approaching the
intersection of a street or alley with
the intenion of turning thereat shall
in turning to the right, keep closely
to tha right, and in turning to the
Jeft shall run,. to ajxd beyond. . the
center of the intersection.
10. In all passing and overtaking
such assistance shall be given by
the occupants of each vehicle re
spsctively to the other as the cir
cumstances shall demand, and eith
er renuest, and each shall exercise
due care andjKMition to get clear
ance and avoid accidents. Every
person having control or charge of
any automobile motor vehicle or
motor-cycle, whenever upon any
of the streets or highways of Ore
gon City, and approaching any ve
hicle drawn by a horse or horses,
any horse upon which any per
son is riding, shall operate, manage
and control such automobile, motor
vehicle or motorcycle in such man
ner as to exercise every reasonable
precaution to prevent the frighten
ing of any such horse or horses, and
to insure the safety and protection
of any persons riding or driving the
same. And if such horse or horses
appear frightened, the person in
control of such automobile, motor
vehicle or motor cycle shall reduce
its speed, and if requested by sig
nal or otherwise, by the driver of
such horse or horses, shall not pro
ceed further toward such animal or
animals unless such movement be
necessary to avoid accident or in
. jury, or until such animal or ani
mals appear to be under the control
of the rider or driver.
11. In passing railroad or street
cars within the limits of Oregon
City every vehicle shall be so oper
ated upon that side of the street
or railroad car with due care and
caution that the safety of passeng
ers boarding or alighting from such
street or railroad car, shall be ful
ly protected, and far that purpose
said vehicle shall be brought to a
stop ,if necessary, but upon the oth
er left side of said street or rail
road car, should there be a clear
passage, said vehicle shall be per
mitted to so increase its speed for
the necessary distance to negotiate
safe clearance between said street
or railroad car and said vehicle, so
desiring to pass, and the rate of
speed requisite and necessary so to
do, shall not be deemed to be an
excessive rate of speed, having duo
regard to the speed of said street
or railroad car.
12 In parades and all places
where traffic is congested, vehicles
shall be operated with due care and
caution, and one vehicle running by
another for position is hereby pro
hibited. 13. Every vehicle shall be kept
on the right half of of the street
when the view ahead is not clear,
for at least one hundred yards.
14. Every vehicle shall be operated
and run at all times and in all
places with due regard to the con
ditions, and in approaching a curve
in a street, where the, view is not
clear, shall be kept under perfect
control, and shall give frequent sig
nals; in traveling around curves,
where the same is to the right,
the vehicle shall keep to the inside,
and upon all curves to the left,
shall keep to- the outside of the
curve:- .
15. No race or contest for sneed
shall heldori.iit)ii streets
-;--.JX O
2, 1912.
the City Editor -
-of the public and other vehicles,
provided that, in all cases, any per
son in a state of intoxication is
is deemed conclusively incapable
and unfit to operate, drive or con
trol the same.
17. No vehicle shall be left
standing upon any of the streets of
"the city unsecured; and if the same
be operated by animals, then such
animal or animals shall be securely
held or tied, and if a vehicle pro.
. pelled by other than muscular or an
mal power, the motive power of
such vehicle shall be so secured
that Hie--same cannot operate or
move the vehicle without some
action upon the part of the owner
or person operating the same: it
shall be unlawful for any person,
other than the owner or operator
of a vehicle, to meddle with or un
do the fastenings or locks by
which any motor vehicle is secured,
or to release or untie any horse or
team attached to any vehicle, left
by the owner or driver upon any
street as aforesaid. Provided that
when any vehicle is left standing
in front of any- premises where
there is a sign prohibiting the
same, the person leaving it may be
prosecuted under this ordinance,
for so doing, and punished accord
ingly, unless permission to so leave
such vehicle has first been obtain-
" ed from the person in control of
such premises.
18. . No motor vehicle shall be op
erated on the streets of the city,
with an excessive smoking exhaust.
19. Ambulances, while being op
erated as such, and vehicles for
. the use of doctors, physicians and
surgeons, shall while operated up
on their respective businesses be
exempt from the provisions of this
ordinance as to speed and traffic
regulations, where preferance for
right of way can be given them with
due regard to the safety of the pub
lic, and where the call for their ser-
... vices are 'urgent: provided that
such vehicle shall bear a red Cross.
20. Fire engines and fire appa
ratus in cases of .fire shall, with
due regard for the safety of the
public have the right of way, but
this shall not protect the driver or
person in charge of such vehicles
from the consequence in the arbi
trary exercise of this right, or for
injuries willfully inflicted.
21. When any officer of the city,
displaying his badge or star of auth
ority, Shall signal any vehicle 'to
take a direction or stop, or other
wise to proceed for the safety of
the public, it shall be the duty of
the operator or driver of such ve-.
hides to comply with such order or
orders. .
22. Should any pedestrian or
other object through the want of
care or other cause come in con
tact with a moving ' vehicle in the
streets of the city, it shall be the
duty of the driver or operator of
such vehicle to stop and to ascer
tain the name of the person or ob
ject and to render such aid and
assistance as: may be required, and
in the case of collision or other
accident to render like assistance
to the colliding vehicle or the ve
hicle struck, as the case may be,
and to the occupant thereof as may
be necessary taking the name of
the vehicle, its number, the time,
the place and other data concerning
the accident or event, with the
names of witnesses present and
likewise giving his own name and
number for identification. Each
Jand all of such information how
ever, shall not be construed as fixing
liability for fault or negligence of
either party, but shall be a means
of identification of the facts and
circumstances only; and neither
party to a collision or a consequence
resulting from mistake in judg
ment or arising from accident shall
move away from the place of its oc
curence, without complying with
the aforesaid rule, and a failure so
to do will be deemed a violation of
this ordinance and punishable ac
cordingly. 23. All vehicles shall be proper
ly provided with brakes so that
the same may be at all tjmes under
the control of the driver or opera
tor; they shall also be provided
with signalling device to give the
proper signals as required in this
ordinance and when traveling at
night shall be provided with both
rear and front light, the front lights
to be white and the rear, red light
and in case of vehicles that are re
quired to be numbered by the laws
of the state of Oregon, the lights
carried by such vehicle shall be so
displayed as to render the reading
; of such number by persons on the
street, at a distance - of not less
than fifty feet.
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of
the city of Oregon City before the
provisions of this ordinance shall be
binding, to provide signs, which
shall be placed upon all streets or
roads leading into, thecity at the
city boundary thereof, and at such
other places within the city as may
. be deemend necessary for the in
struction of the drivers or opera-,
tors' of vehicles : such signs shall
have printed upon them, "Slow
down to 10 miles per hour on all
streets within the city" and shall J
be of sufficient size as to be easily
- readable from the street or highH
. way. .
Sec. 4. The rate of speed for a
-"che streets of
a jf -
on any of the streets, alleys or
highways of Oregon City shall bi
deemed an unreasonable speed, and
is hereby prohibited. -
Sec. 5. Any person or persona
who shall be the owner, operator or
driver of any vehicle, or who shall
in any manner be coiaected
therewith and in any way contrib
ute to the violation of any of the
provisions of this ordinance, and
shall upon the proper complaint,
plead guilty or be convicted thereof,
shall be punished for the first of
fense by a fine not to exceed- $50.00,
and if such fine be not paid, then by
imprisonment in the city jail not to
exceed 25 days: for the second
or subsequent offense, such person
or persons shall be punished by. a
fine not exceeding $100.00, and in
case of failure to pay such fine,
then by imprisonment in the . city
jail not to exceed 50 days.
Read first ime and ordered pub
lished at a special meeting of the
council held on the 28th day of
June, 1912, and to come up for sec
ond reading and final passage at a
special meeting to be held on the
12th day of July, 1912, at 8 o'clock
p. m.
Sealed bids will be received at the of
fice of County Clerk, Clackamas
County, Oregon, up to July 15th,
1912, at 5 o'clock P. M. for 60 cds.
of 4 ft. wood, to be delivered at the
Court House by September 30th,
Bid3 will be received for both old
growth fir and No. 1, Second groth
The Court reserves the right to
reject any and all bids. Dated
July 1st, 1912.
W. L. MULVEY, County Clerk.
Notice of Application for Liquor Li
cense Notice is hereby given that I will at
the next regular meeting of the City
Council apply for. a license to sell
liquor at my place of business,
421 Main street for a period of three
Notice of Application for Liquor Li
cense Notice is hereby given that I will 'at
the next regular meeting of the City
Council apply for a license to sell
liquor at my place of business,
714 Main street for a period of six
months. . r
L. A. NOBEL. ,
Notice of Application for Liquor Li
cense Notice is hereby given, that I will at
the next regular meeting of the
City Council, apply for a license to
sell liquor at my place of business,
219 Main street for a period of
three months.
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Mary Elase, Plaintiff vs.
E. V. Moore and wife Anna Hous
ton Moore and all known and un
known heirs of the said E. V. Moore
and Ann Houston Moore and W. W.
Kimball Company, a corporation, de
fendants. To E. V.. Moore and wife, Anna
Houston Moore and all known and
unknown heirs of the said 1 E. V,
Moore and Anna Houston Moore
and W. W. Kimball Company, a cor
The Pilot Wheel
of business operated by a man careful of 'his finances will
turn the helm so as to b"ing the commercial ship into the
harbor of profit. Guide your finance with the Check Ac
, count Plan of this bank.
D. C. LATOURETTE, President.
Transacts a General Banking Bus'ues s.
Min4314 , .L ,
A-2568 ' T -
Ss, Ranges, Tinv1
Viilnii n
By "HOP"
poration, defendants.
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint fil
ed against you in the above entitled'
suit on or before August 14th, 1912,
and if you fail so to answer, plant
iff will take decree adjudging thai
the plaintiff is the rightful owner in
fee simple of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
and 11 in block 9 of Falls View Ad
dition to Oregon City. That the de
fendants nor either of them have
any right, title or claim In and to
said property or any part thereof.
For such other relief as to the Court
may seem just and equitable here
in. Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication in pursu
ance of an order of the Honorable
J. . U. Campbell, Circuit Judge of
Clackamas County, made July 1st,
1912, directing such publication in
the Morning Enterprise once a week
for six successive weeks ,the first
publication being July 2nd, 1912,
and the last August 13th, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. Hazel E. Shumacher, Plaintiff, vs
Fraik J. Shumacher, Defendant
To Frank J. Shumacher, Defend
ant: In the name of the State .of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint. filed
against you in the above entitled
suit, on or before the 10th day of
July, 1912, and if you fail to move,
demur or answer, plaintiff will take
a decree against you, forever dis
solving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing
tween the plaintiff and yourself and
for such and further relief in the!
premises as to the Court may seem
just and and equitable,
Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication in pursu
ance to an order of the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judge ol
Clackamas County, Oregon, made
on the 27th day of May, 1912, orl
dering such publication in the Morn
Enterprise, once a week, for si
' consecutive weeks, the first publi
cation being May 28th, 1912, an
the last publication being July 9tll
rneys for Plaintiff. i
Summons for Publication
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Clara E. Conover, Plaintiff, vs.
Roy W. Conover, Defendant.
To Roy W. Conover, above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause, on or before the
24th day of July, 1912, and if you
fail so to appear or answer the
plaintiff for want thereof will apply
to the court for the relief prayed
. for in the complaint, which is, that
the marriage now existing between
you and the plaintiff be forever dis
solved, and that the plaintiff be per
mitted to resume her maiden name
of Clara E. Yeager. This summons
is served upon you by publication
order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell,
Judga of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas
County, which order is 'dated June
10, 1912. The date of first publica
tion, of this summons is June 11,
t' 1912. Last publication July 23, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
F. J. MYER, Cashier.
Open from '9 A. M. to 3 P.
Main 396
. '
wer, other than animal or m
I 1 war
31! SgLl, FOIt CASH t
nBuch vehlcle