MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1912 3 These fine days should make you think of your Summer Suit. OUR FAMOUS $15 to $30 BOX BACKS should be of interest to you. Let your next selection be made from our stock. You will be well pleased J.LEVITT Suspension Bridge. Cor. New Version. "A wife is a thing of beauty," "Does that make her. a joy for ever?" . "No; just an ex pense forever." Trouble Heiresses Have. "We heiresses have many rivals for oar bands." "les." replied Miss Cayenne; "you must feel as if the pathway of life were filled with pocketbook snatchers." Washington Star. SPECIAL BARGAINS For Friday and Saturday Ladies wide brim sailors in good braided straw 15c Ladies trimmed hats at greatly reduced prices. C. I. STAFFORD Cor. 6th. & Main LOCAL BRIEFS Dr. van Brakle, osteopath, Masonic Building, Phone Main 399. John Kline, of Carus, was in this city Saturday. Miss Pansy Irish, of Carus, was ia this city Friday. Raymond Guinther of Shubel, was in this city Saturday. Theodore Miller, of Carus, was in Oregon City on Friday. Richard Miller, of Clarkes, was in Oregon City Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. Buhl, of Clarkes, were in Oregon City Friday. Thomas Davis, of Hazeldale, was in this city Saturday. William Hornschuch, of Portland, was in this city Saturday. Miss Mary Parry, of Beaver Creek, was in this city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones, of Eldo rado, were in this city Friday. S. P. Snyder, the merchant of Beav er Creek, was in this city Saturday. A. Jones, one of the well known farmers of Carus, was in this city Fri day. Edward Hornschuch, a well known farmer of Shubel, was in this city Fri day. Robert Cassiday, one of the promi nent residents of Carus, was in this city Friday. Mrs. B. Lee Paget, of Oak Grove, was in this city Saturday"" attending the Rose Show. George Armstrong and grandson, Eugene Bonney, of Logan, were ' in Oregon City Saturday. Miss Rosa Mulvahy, of Dickey's Prairie, was in this city Friday and whilehere visited friends. James Blaney, of Portland, was in this city on business Friday. Mr. Blaney was formerly in business here. Mr. and Mrs. William Guinther and daughter, of Shubel, were in this city Saturday, where they visited relatives Mr. Cummings, one of the well known residents of Beaver Creek, was among the Oregon City visitorsFriday. Miss Bess Kelly, who has been in Portland, where she has been the guest of relatives, has returned to her home here. AH the hoys and girls are laying in a soap bubble supply for vacation days. Buy Blue Ribbon Bread and get a bub bler with every loaf. Mrs. W. A. Shewman of Risley, ac companied by her mother, Mrs. G. F. Watson, of Tionesta, Pa., were in this city Saturday. Captain J. P. Shaw, a former resi dent of Oregon City but now 'of Mil waukie, was in this city on business Saturday morning. The ladies of the. Eastern Star will give a 25c. Rose Festival dinner Satur day, June 8, at the Masonic . Temple. The ladies are prepared to seat 100. Mrs. H. A. Bergman, of McMinn ville, is in this city visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. G. Miller and mother, Mrs. C. O. T. Williams. On - Friday evening, June 14, tho Weslyn Methodist Campmeeting will commence, this to be near the Welsh lumber yard near Molalla Avenue. Clyde Green, of this city, who re cently left for Seaside, has accepted a position for the summer at that place in the depot of the railroad com pany. Mrs. Richard Schoenborn and daughter, Miss Elsie, who have been spending the past week at .Newport, rotiiniad tn CXrGPnn Frirtav even ing. They had a most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Larkins, of Clarkes, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Nichols and twin daughter, Elma and Elva, of Highland, and Mrs. J. A. Jon es, of Crescent, were in this city Sat urday. - Merle Jones passed through Oregon City Friday on his way to Eldorado, where he was the guest of his father until Saturday, when he left for Port land, where he will resume his posi tion. Word was received in this city Fri day evening by R. E. Woodward stat ing that his mother, Mrs. R. O. Wood ward, had suffered from a paralytic stroke, and her condition was serious Mrs. Woodward's home is at Turner. E. L. McFarland, employed at the Clackamas Rifle Range, was in the city Saturday to see the Rose Show. Mr. McFarland says he will never live in a city again. It is "back to the soil" for him. Mr. and Mrs. William Kimsey and baby daughter, Kathryn, of Portland, arrived in this city Saturday after noon, and will remain until Sunday ev ening with Mrs. Kimsey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schatz, of Greenpoint. Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuebel, Mr. and Mrs. B. Lee Bequeaith the latter of Portland, who have been at Rhododen dron, where they have enjoyed the mountain air, have returned to Ore gon City, bringing with them many of the beautiful blooms of the rhododendrons. CORRESPONDENCE MILWAUKIE. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Emma and Hubert Munhoven o Mathew J. Lynch, 80 acres of section 7, township 4 south, range 4 east; $1. Josie V. Felts to John A. Huffstut ler, 15 acres of section 29, 32, town ship 3 south, range 1 west; $2900 H. B. and May Rockwell to Martha Ross, lots 15, 16, block 34, Gladstone; $10. II II.JJ I.. HJUILHIUIIUIJIIS ) The annual school meeting will be held Monday, June 17th at the school house, one director and a clerk will be elected. It is expected the tax pay ers will take up the matter of the; school site and will probably settle it satisfactory in order that the injunc-1 tion may be dissolved. It seems prob- j able at this time that two sites may be chosen, one on the east side, of the Southern Pacific and one on Milwau-i kie Heights, if such should be done! the buildings will be smaller than tho proposed building, which is the cause of so much trouble. They will so take a "vote reducing the school months back to nine, as this is the first year of ten months that has been taught. It is hoped by all that the school site question may be settled at this time as more school room is need ed before the opening of the fall term. The Milwaukie Grange will hold their regular meeting Friday evening, regular business and initiation with a short program prepared by Captain Shaw will fill up the evening. Mrs. Lewyellin is putting in a ce ment sidewalk in front of her prop erty on Front street. The grading is being done in front of Charles Lak ins property preparatory to building a sidewalk there. - ' The O. W, P. waiting room is near- ing completion and is a credit to the-) city. , ; Isaac Gratton is having the dftch dug for the public fountain in front of hia shed. I The Boys and Girls club gave a very ; successful exhibition Wednesday ev- : ening. They netted a neat sum to pay j their instructor. A great many com i pliments were paid the club on their ' improvement since their last exhibi 'tion. I The Mothers and Teachers Club will ' meet June 13th, at three o'clock at jthe school house, election of officers I and regular business, a speaker from I Portland will deliver an address, this will be the last meeting till Septem ber. Clarke Maple, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Maple, spent Monday with I his parents before leaving for Boise, Idaho, where his company is now sta tioned, having moved from Vancou ver, Washington. At a picnic held at Crystal Lake Tuesday the little boy of Mr. Klug of Peidmont, fell from the Oceatf Wave and broke his left leg. Dr. Townley was called and took the boy to his office, set the limb and then took him home in his auto. The Evangelical church notes Rev. E. Radebaugh, pastor. Children's Sun day a good program has been pre pared for the usual Sunday school hour, 10:30. Evangelistic services will be held in the evening at 8 o'clock. Y. P. "A. at 7:00 P. M. Tuesday ev ening, teachers class. Wednesday ev enings Prayer meeting. Friday even ing choir practice. , r Judge Kelso is having the screens put on his building and is getting rea dy for the new coat of paint he ex pects to give the building which will be the same as the waiting room. . Mrs. Maud Williams is building a five room bungalow in the Quincy Addition also. J. R. Browly and Mr. Hopkins are building cottages in the Quincy Ad dition. A. J. Harmon has rented the Swag gart house on Main Street and will move there in a few days. Mr. Har mon has opened an ice cream parlor next door in a tent house. B. Tscharner's new house, south of Washington Street is nearly comple tion. It is a nice eight-room house and is quite an ornament to that part of the city. Miss Olsen is building two new buildings on Main Street, one will be used as a first class moving picture theatre, and the other will be occu pied as a store building. Mr. Marquete will open' the new picture show in the Lewyellin build ing as soon as it is completed. Miss Mary Hayes is on the sick list, Dr. Townley attending. Thursday evening an illustrated lec ture will be given by Albert Bitner, of Portland, on Palestine, in the Evan genical church. Mr. Bitner just re turned a few months ago from Palestine. REDLAND. Mr. Henderson has Mr. Gregor and Plant, of Oregon City, drilling a week. James Fullem has a crew of men grading the Brock hill. Mr. Si hwartz's fanv-ly have moved into their :-.ew house. - Mr Schneider is pointing his new house, which fs one of the best in the neighborhood. Dr. Chase, of Silverton, was down Decoration Day. Mrs. Lizzie Senn was out from Port land last week. Mrs. Myrtle Simson is visiting her sister, Mrs. McKillican. Miss Florence Pains has, gone to Portland for the summer. . Miss Hattie GaskiU has gone to her homestead near Christmas Lake. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. BARLOW. Abe and Arville Widows and Dor tha Kreuger have the mumps. B. J. Berg has traded his interest in the store to L. Wrols,tad. Mr. Wrolstad has, also bought Jas. Erick son's place. Mr. Erickson will move into the rooms over the warehouse," and Bernard will farm for a change. - Mrs. Ed Ogle, of Aurora, spent Thursday in Barlow, the guest of Mrs. Irwin. - 1 Bob Ogle's son andfamily, of Port land, and Jas. Ogle, of Aurora, were visiting Mr. Qgle Friday. Mrs. Anna Wooster and children, of Aurora, were calling on friends here Thursday. S. B. Berg is furnishing the Erick son Wrolstad store with strawberries. Mr. Van Winkle has moved his pho tograph studio to Aurora. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kee baugh, of Milwaukie, a 101-2 pound boy. Mrs. Keebaugh was Miss Iona Andrews. H. T. Melvin went to Oregon City Thursday to attend the memorial ser vices. Mrs. Carrie Ramsby and children, Mrs. Myrtle Martin, of Merrill and children are visiting R. E. Irwin's family. Mr. Atterbury. who drives one of C. H. Lane's teams,, selling Watkin's remedies had quite an accident Thurs day, May 23, the team became fright ened at Rev. Crider's coat and bicycle and ran away turning into Mr. Cong the driver's left leg, but did not breaTc it; one wheel was broken off, also the top of the wagon. Mr. Lane was around Friday with a new wheel to haul the wagon home. The same day Dick Hunter's horses, while loose in the lot, got frightened at a motor cy cle, broke the gate down and ran to wards Damascus. Joe and Burton Deardroff were working near the road, saw them coming and caught them. The butcher also had a runaway, spilling a small amount of meat The Sunday schoql at Sunnyside is improving slowly; some new young people getting interested. The mem bers are also trying to start a song service. The new steel " bridge "over . Scott Creek is completed and in use. Sunnyside's new store does not sem to be very busy yet, but by the looks of the crowd at- Mr. Thorpe's should think they were quite rushed; he seems to be well liked by all the people. Mrs. Cecil Robey and daughter re cently of Oregon City, are spending a few weeks among relatives here, around Sunnyside and Rock , Creek There was quite ,an excitement last week when it was announced that j Frank W. Stoll and Bessie Lawrence were married, May 29, at the "White I Temple" Portland. Good for you, I Frank, and we wish them many, many J years of happiness. He brought his j bride heme Saturday evening, taking supper at his brother, Adolph Stoll's. i Of course a large crowd collected and gave him a big charivari. Oranges, bananas, lemonade, cookies and can dy were served at the house. Joe Deardorff and daughter, Elva, made a trip to Estacada last week Tuesday, returning Thursday, bringing a load of hogs. ! Frank Stoll made a trip to Portland ! Tuesday to purchase a pump for his ' new well, which was completed Satur ! day A. M. having about 20 feet of ! water. KLAVITTER TWIRLS BEAVERS TO VICTORY PORTLAND, June 8, (Special.) Klawitter was in fine form today and Portland won, 3 to 2. The games was exciting throughout. While Portland batters did not demonstrate any par ticular skill in "swatting" the sphere they made 5 hits oft Slagle's curves which were sufficient .to win. FIRWOOD. If it happened it is in the Enterprise." Glenn and Lloyd Corey are w6rk ing on Dr. John H. Boyd's house at Cherryville. - Miss Ida Stucke spent several days in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Choun and little girl, of Sioux City, Iowa, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart. They expect to move onto their ranch a mile and a half east of E. D. Hart's place and to make this place their per manent "home. Mrs. Eva R. Hart, John Sinclair, Miss Marie Koenicka and Lloyd Cor ey attended the party and dance at Eagle Creek Saturday night Mrs Tena Malar Snow, of Astoria, is visiting at her old home with the Malar family. Wm. Bosholm drove, to Portland tn his auto Wednesday. The results Saturday follow: Pacific Coast League Standings W. L. P.C. Vernon 37 24 .607 Oakland .38 25 .603 Los Angeles 33 29 .532 Sacramento 26 33 .441 San Francisco .'...25 37 .403 Portland 22 33 .400 Yesterday's Results At Portland Portland 3, Los Ange les 2. . At San Francisco Sacramento 7, Oakland 1. At Los Angeles Vernon 5, San Francisco 3. . We ail admire a live one, you can pick them from the Enterprise advertisers. Northwestern League Standings W. L. P. C. Vancouver 29 24 .547 Tacoma 26 26 .500 Victoria 26 26 .500 Spokane 25 25 .500 Portland 26 27 .491 Seattle 24 28 ,462 Yesterday's Results At Vancouver Vancouver 9, Port land 4. At Seattle Spokane 4, Victoria 1. . At Tacoma Seattle 12, Tacoma 1. National League New York 6, Cincinnati 2. St Louis 6, Philadelphia 5. . Pittsburg 3, Boston 1. Chicago 10, Brooklyn 2. American League Boston 8, Detroit 3. TXT I. : 1 rr "I V. : T - . St Louis 2, Philadelphia 1. Cleveland 1, New York 0. OREGON "MADE IN OREGON." Men and women are equaliy inerested in this campaign to build up Oregon Industrially. Better payrolls mean a better chance to make a living, better homes, better men and women. Make a list of articles advertised on this page and call for them from the home merchant. Eastern magazines, weekly and monthly, are filled with alluring adver tisements to pursuade you to buy ordinary necessities like flour, cereals, clothing, paint, furniture, tents, motor car tires, stonewear, candy, or baking powder. Ask for the Made In Oregon article. Is it not foolish for a great milling state like Oregon to ship in carloads of flour because it Is skillfully advertised? Portland Furniture Mfg. Co. 1249-59 Macadam Road, Portland 30 m CO CO m QUALITY" OUB SLOGAN "Oregon Made" MERCHANDISE BOXES FRUIT BOXES TIN TOP BASKETS LUMBER, ETC. Multnomah Lumber&BoxCo. PORTLAND, OREGON "TEA GARDEN" SYRUP RICHEST IN SUGAR FINEST IN FLAVOR "GOLDEN BRAND" A Com Syrup Manufactured by the PACIFIC COAST SYRUP CO. PORTLAND, OREGON PORTLAND MANUFACTURING COMPANY " Manufacturers of VENEERED FIR PANELS Excelsior, Coffee Drums, Furniture Stock, Egg Cases, Tintop Fruit Baskets, Barrel Stoek and Rotary Cut Yeneers P. Autzen, President and Treasurer ST. JOHNS, OREGON WHY DRINK WATES WHEN YOU CAN GET SALEM BEER? PORTLAND BAR FIXTURE COMPANY Designers and Manufacturers of SALOON FIXTURES SODA FOUNTAINS, Etc. Designs and prices on application Offices: 320 to 323 Yeon Building Factory: PORTLAND, OREGON Portland Wood Pipe Co. Wood WILLAMETTE TENTS AWNINGS, COVERS, ETC. Rose City Aqnapelle Waterproof Appell South African Water Bags Flags of all kinds Window Shades, Etc. Watch for our label "If it's made of canvas we make if' Willamette Tent & Awning Co. Mfgs. and Jobbers Portland MADE IN OREGON OF OREGON FIR BY AN OREGON COMPANY Twenty - fourth and York Streets Portland, Oregon P. O. Box 71. "MADE IN OREGON" Pacific Face Brick Comnanv 401-2 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. I TfYRTT.ANin 5 Hollow Clay Building Blocks Face Brick Fire Place Brick a Specialty Clay Partition Tile Fire Brick . Fire Clay Portland Elevator Company . Manufacturers of Passenger and Freight ELEVATORS Dumb Waiters, Etc. Electric and Hydraulic Factory East Ninth and Mill Streets PORTLAND, OREGON THE "ECONOMY" LEATHER TIRE COVER t Made from the best crome-tanned leather, with oil - tempered " studs. Absolute puncture proof. Insures safety over mounin roads. The Economy Leather Tire Cover Co. BOO Williams Avenue, Portland, Or. PACIFIC LUMBER & MFG. CO. MANUFACTURERS Hardwood Lumber Flooring Portland Oregon AMERICAN INGOT IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS Manufactured by Coast Culvert and Flume Co. 240 E. Seventh St., Portland, Ore. Underwriters METAL WINDOWS and Fire Doors Sheet Metal Worlr and Roofing Portland Sheet Metal Works 429 E. Madison St Portland, Oregon "MADE IN OREGON" Well Drilling Machines Steam or Gasoline Manila and Wire Cables, Pipe and Casing, Drilling and Fishing Tools The Star Drilling Machine Co. Works 13th and Clinton, Portland 5 Cv IROH-roUNDEM Vtf fa -3y HACHINr"IMNurKTU,!KS SiIMachinerxt f, (snAmicpuLitTpiioare A 7j. j psvCAST,,an'(1AiiS SQpg THE BEST LINOTYPE . STEREOTYPE SOLDER AND BABBITT METALS ARE MADE BY , The Pacific Metal Works PORTLAND, OREGON ANDERSON STEEL FURNACE CO. Warm Air Furnaces Wood or Coal MANUFACTURED for the PACIFIC COAST TRADE AT Salem, Oregon EL is EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER MADE OF PURE CREAM OF TARTAR PACKED IN GLASS JARS CM.EppIey Salem, Oregon I FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON Price 25 Cents The kind that kills; has been successfully used for thirty years. Small size for rats and mice, 10c each. DANIEL J. FRY Manufacturing Pharmacist Salem, Oregon Fry's Headache Tablets will cure; price 25c, by mail free of charge, If you cannot get from your dealer. The Lutke Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of SHOW CASES BANK AND STORE FIXTURES Corner Sixth and Hoyt Streets PORTLAND, OREGON ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES 100 QUALITY 100 Blumauer - Frank Drug Co. DISTRIBUTORS O C HURN SYr rgBEAN POTSX?,, FLOWER POTS Gil f CHICKEN FOUNTAINS Of Ami lk pans' WVJ U G SjO'J J.N. MATSCHEK CANDY CO. ASK FOR MATSCHEK CONFECTIONERY Made in Oregon at Portland, 270 First Street G. S. Brand cidIr Vinegar IN BARRELS AND BOTTLES Quality superior to Eastern or Cal ifornia Vinegar. We solicit inquiry direct. Also sold by wholesalers. GIDEON ST0LZ COMPANY SALEM, OREGON fBLENDji 1. hffS, 5ALEI!,0R60-; LfWrecTiowj 9S mm