-MORNING ENTERPRISE SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1912 MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. totr4 sa eoopJ-el matter imm 9. 1111. at th pot IBM at under Um At o( Mora TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Ot 1ar, Wr mall a.M Six Mont ha. by mall .. IM Bout Worth br mall IjM Par waek. y carrier , J CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER THE MORNING ENTERPRISE $ is on sale at the following stores S every day: Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street. J. W. McAnulty. Cigars Seventh and Main. & E. B. Anderson S Main, near Sixth. & M. E. Dunn Confectionery S Next door to P. O. S City Drug Store - Electric Hotel. Schoenborn Confectionery Seventh and J. Q. Adams. I t AAfi June 8 In American History. 1809 Thomas Paine, patriot and noted deist died in New York; born 1737. 1813 David Dixon Porter, noted na val commander, born; died 1891. 1845 Andrew Jackson, seventh presi dent of the United States (1829-37), died; born 1767. 1862 Battle at Cross Keys, Va. "Stonewall" Jackson's command defeated General J. C. Fremont's Federal force. 1888 Bev. James Freeman Clarke, clergyman and author, died; born 1810. 1907 Julia Magruder, novelist, died; born 1854. ' ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 7:29. rises 4:28. Evening Stars: Mars. Jupiter. Morning stars: Venus, Mercury, Saturn. FATAL LACK OF SEA POWER Italy's seizure by naval operations of the City of Rhodes, the capital of the island of the same name, is an example of how helpless a nation be comes when it is without modern ar mored ships. The peace strength of Turkey's army is 375,000, with 375, 000 reserves, and a total of 2,000,000 available for naval duty. Italy's army in peace numbers 240,000 with 960, 000 reserves. The population of Italy is 33,709,000 and that of Turkey 24, 000,000. Invasion of Turkey by land would be an undertaking in which the most powerful nation might fail. But Italy has ten battleships of the latest pattern and a corresponding number of auxiliary fighting vessels. Turkey is practically without a navy, though it has been carrying 30,000 names on its naval lists, which is evidently a mere flourish on paper. Turkey offers a resistence on land that confines the Italian forces to the edges of the sea, but a hold of this kind has been enough to deprive Tur key of The cities of Tripoli and Rhodes while its forts at the mouth of the Dardanelles have been bombarded, and its maritime commerce is bottled up. The powers have offered no ser ious objection to Italy's armed annex ation of Turkish cities by the sea. It is clear that a new era is coming 12. ti.3 Mediterranean and that the Turkish empire is crumbling along its eastern boundaries. It is ready and eager for prodigies of valor in the field, but it is impotent on the ocean, and therefore, to a great extent in its authority on land also. . The cost of a modern navy is great, but to be without one is far more expensive. MISSOURI REPUBLICANISM Republicanism in Missouri is a steadfast political force based' on pa triotic devotion to the best welfare of the nation and state. Through more than half a century it has earnestly, mmmmmmmmm WW t ny Harris & Ewfng. V - BKI.IEVE the laws of the United States dealing with the ques tion of safety at sea and the regulation of wireless, which is the same thing, should furnish a MODEL FOR THE WORLD. We should have legislation which will be so thorough that the other nations of the world must see the necessity of FOLLOWING OUR EXAMPLE in order to minimize the danger of such disasters as the loss of the Titanic. I would suggest the propriety of the maritime nationa of the world reaching an understanding on these important questions either by an INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OR BY DIPLOMATIC EX CHANGES. - r . . UNIFORMITY IN LAWS IS WHAT IS NEEDED. I BELIEVE THAT THE UNITED STATES CAN SET AN EXAMPLE WHICH WILL BE FOLLOWED. IT MAY NOT BE NECESSARY TO HOLD AN INTER NATIONAL-CONFERENCE. . hopefully carried on an uphill fight for sound principals in public affairs. It has grown steadily and faster than any other party in the state. It has seen great national leaders pass away, but has never doubted that other men of balance, ability-and fairness would be equal to the responsibilities de manded in the faithful, broad-minded and disinterested service of the peo ple Having been thus vigorously for what it holds to be the true principles of governmtent for fifty years, and having pressed forward, through long years of defeat, to the point where it has repeatedly carried the state, the party is not to be turned aside by the blunders of those who may be running after other ideals. Such mis takes are transient and without in fluence on the main business in hand, Any who attempt to mislead the party will be quickly eliminated. The logic of events will cast them out The re publican party of Missouri has been able to down the densest and most un scrupulous Bourbonism. It can handle smaller details. Its labors for good government in the nation and the best progress of a state will go on with increasing momentum. MRS. MOREY HOSTESS AT CLASS L! Mrs. Clara Morey entertained in a delightful manner the members of her class of the Oregon City school when S. D. Pope, now deceased, was the pro fessor. The affair was held at the home of Mrs. Morey in Portland Wed nesday afternoon, and was in the form of a luncheon. The decorations of the dining room and table were of the class flower, "bachelor buttons." Each place card , was a pretty photograph of a noted place in Europe. The decor ations of the other rooms of the Mor ey home were of roses. Another meet ing of the class has been planned for next year. Mrs. Morey's guests were Mrs. W. E. Pratt, Mrs. G. A. Harding, Miss Katie Barclay, of Oregon City; Miss Mary L. Barlow and Mrs. H. B. Nich olas, of Portland. Astrology. Astrology was cultivated by the Chaldeans. Egyptians. Hindus. Chinese, Greeks and Romans. It was much in vogue in Italy and France in the six teenth century and gradually passed out with the rise of physical science. Shakespeare called it the "excellent foppery of the world" and In many in stances ridiculed It to the full extent of his almost superhuman powers Measured Him. Brown Did the tailor take your measure? Jones I should say be did. He said I'd have to pay In advance. Wants, For Sale, Etc Nttee a4r tbM etawifie Bawtnga will be loBttriea at ma emu a word. Oral tnaerWes. bait a ceat aMitiaaal tmrrr tiess. ooe taek cat', M par mat; barf taea ear. (4 naesj si per inula Ceah must aeevMpaoy eroar antoaa tmt ha an apen aeemmt with tax papr. Me tlaaaaial raaiwoaiMHtr ar arrara; wsrt errors oaour trea ourro4C aaUce wM be aristed far aatnm. Himlmvzm Wj Me WANTED. WANTED: People that are lovers bf curios to call at my store. I have one of the best lines in the valley. I will buy or sell anything of value Have a fine line of second hand furniture. Geo. Young. WANTED: A team between 1100 and 1200, not over 8 yearst old. Apply to S. C. Ross, Willamette, Oregon. WANTED: Girl at -Brunswick Rest auraht WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. phone your orders Pacific SB02, Home B U0- Uniformity of Maritime ' Laws Urgent!; Needed By Senator WILLIAM ALDEN SMITH. Who Investigated the Sinking of the Titanic - , i FOR SAUL FOR SALE OR TRADE: Ford run about in good condition.Price $300. Elliott's Garage, Fourth and Main streets. FOR SALE: Good farm horse, weight 1300 lbs., can be used single or dou ble. Gentle, inquire Main 3183. FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR SALE: New 5 room cottage. Inquire at Seventh street Bakery or Phone 85. MISCELLANEOUS. DRESSMAKING and all kinds of sew ing, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, 1311 Main Street, between 13th and 14th streets. LOST LOST: Purse, Thursday on 2 o'clock car from Portland, if party finding same will-return the watch to En terprise they may keep the money. LOST: Friday near L. Adams' store lady's gold bracelet, set with small diamond with initials "L. S." in scribed. Leave at Burmeister & Andresen's or Schoenborn's grocery store on Seventh street Hill. $5.00 reward for return. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and acquaintances for the beautiful floral nffiari tie's and for their kindness dur ing the sad bereavement in the loss of our loving son and. nepnew, .Lynn Arthur Williams. MRS. ANNA R. WILLIAMS, . MR. AND MRS W. C. GREEN. PATENTS Peter Haberlin, Patent Attorney. Counselor in Patent and Trade Mark Causes. Inventors assisted and pat ents obtained in all countries. Man ufacturers advised and infringment litigation conducted. Expert re ports. Briefs for counsel, Validity searches. Trade marks designed and protected. Labels, designes and copywrights registered. Prelimin ary consultations without charge. 326 Worcester Bldg., Portland, Ore. Send for free booklets. NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the of fice of the City Recorder, for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement or bixteentn Street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the West line of Jackson street to the West line of Division street, un til 4 o'clock P. M., on the 24th day of June, 1912. - Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check equal to the sum of five per cent of the total amount of the bid, which sum shall be sub ject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the successful bidder to enter into a written con tract for said work, if callecl upoii so to do, within the tiiae specified for the same. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any and. all bids is hereby reserved to Oregon City. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of said wofk, which work shall be done in strict accordance with the ordi nances of Oregon City and the char ter thereof, and the plans and spec ifications governing said work. This notice is published pursu ant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a regular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of June, 1912. L. STIPP, Recorder. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the of fice of the City Recorder of Oregon City, for the furnishing of all labor and material necessary for the im provement of Jackson Street, Ore gon City, Oregon, from the North side of Twelfth Street to the South side of Sixteenth street, until 4 o'clock, P. M., on the 24th day of June, 1912. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check equal to the sum of five per cent of the total amount of the bid, which sum shall be sub ject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the successful bidder to enter into a written con tract for said work, if called upon so to do, within the time specified for the same. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of said work, which work shall TTe done in strict accordance with Ordinances of Oregon City and the charter thereof, and the plans and specifi cations, governing such work. The right to reject any ad all bids is hereby reserved to Oregon City. This notice is published pursu ant to an order of the City. Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a regular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of June, 1912. L. STIPP, Recorder. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the of fice of the City Recorder of Oregon City, for the furnishing of all labor and material for the improvement of J. Q. "Adams street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the South side of Eighth street to the South side of Fourteenth street until 4 o'clock P. M., of the 24th day of June, 1912. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check equal to the sum of five per cent of the total amount of the bid, which sum 'shall be sub ject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the successful bidder to. enter into a written con tract for said work, if called upon so to do, within the time specified for same. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved to Oregon City. Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of said work, which work shall be done in strict accordance with the Ordi nance of Oregon City anl the Char ter thereof, and the plan and spec ifications governing said work. This notice is published pusuant to an order of the City Council made thereof held on the 5th day of JuneH- 1912. L. STD7P, Recorder. Notice is hereby given that the Com mittee on streets and Public Prop erty of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, will receive proposals for Oiling Streets- of Oreeon f!itv. Orepou, with road oil, at the office i of the City Recorder of Oregon City, up to 4 o'clock P. M., of the l?th day of June, 1912, at which time the bids will be opened by said commit tee. Proposals must be submitted to meet the following conditions: The bid must be on a unit basis per mile six (6) feet wide and a certified check must accompany each bid In the sum or $100.00 to guarantee the the entering into of a contract und er the terms of the bid, should the same be accepted. The streets to be oiled hall be id such streets in Oregon City, as shall be selected by the Committee on Streets and Public Property, and to such width as said Committee may direct. . Seventy-five per cent of the amount earned under the bid and terms of. the contract will lie paid on the day following the first regu lar meeting of the City Council fol lowing the completion of the oiling and the remainder will be paid on the day following the regular meet ing in October, 1912. The Contractor shall begin work within ten days after the signing of the contract and complete the same within tewnty (20) working days. The Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted for the work and the contractor will be required to execute a bond in a sum not less than J180.00 to guar antee the faithful fulfillment of the contract, sufficient oil will be re quired to lay the dust and keep the same laid to the satisfaction of said cammittee until the rainy seasons of the Fall of 1912 begin. L. P. HORTON, F. J. TOOZE, WM. BEARD, Committee on Streets and Public Property. CITY NOTICES. ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Vacating the Alley in Block No. 146, Oregon City, Oregon Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. That the alley running through Block No. 146, Oregon City, Oregon, as the same appears of re cord on the recorded plat of Oregon City, Oregon, now on file and of re cord in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, be and the same 'hereby is declared vacated and no longer a public highway. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of June, 1912, and to come up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting to be held on the 24th day of June, 1912 at 8 o'clock P. M. L. STIPP, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance providing for the pur chase of 3000 yards of Crushed. S.ock and appropriating funds tuerefor. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. The Committee on Streets and Public Property of the City Council of Oregon City", Ore gon, is hereby authorized to adver: tise for proposals to furnish Ore gon City with 3000 yards of Crushed Rock and to enter into a contract or contracts with the person offer ing to furnish the same at the low est rate per yard, the said commit tee being authorized to reject any and all bids offered. Section 2. The said committee shall require the "party entering in to the contract to furnish the rock according to specifications made by them, to furnish reasonable secur ity to insure the carrying out of the contract entered into. Section 3. There is hereby approp riated out of the Road funds, a suf ficient sum of money to pay for the said crushed rock according to con tract. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 5th day of June, 1912, and to come up for sec ond reading and final passage at a special meeting to be held on the 24 day of June, 1912, at 8 o'clock P. M. L. STIPP, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance tto provide a FtFe Alarm System for Oregon City, Ore gon and appropriating funds there fore. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. The Fire and Water Committee of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, is hereby auth orized and directed to cause to be constructed, laid and put in opera tion a Fire Alarm System for . said Oregon City to consist of a Steel Bell TOWpr set upon concrete piers and located at some suitable place upon the Bluff to be selected by the Committee on Fire and Water of the City Council of said Oregon City and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and also a Switch board, mountings for same. Tower bell striker to ring a 1200 pound bell, three non-interference Fire Alarm boxes, one battery rack equip ped with necessary storage bat teries to operate the system, two non-interference signal wheel trans mitters, also line wire together "With insulators, pins and. brackets for in stalling two miles of line on poles whicn are already in place. . The Fire Alarm System which is hereby provided to be installed, shall be installed with reference to Fire District provided for so as to serve the purpose of an efficient Alarm System and shall be so ar ranged that when a Fire Alarm is turned in, the signal will indicate the exact location of the Fire. Section 2. There is lierby Approp riated out of the General Fund of Oregon City the sum of 52500.00 or so much thereof as is neccessary to construct, lay and equip the said system. Section 3 This Ordinance shall be submitted to the legal voters of Ore gon City for their approval or rejec tion, at the special election to be held on the 8th day of July, A. 1). 1912, and if approved by a majority of those voting thereon, shall be immediately effective. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meetftig cf the City Council held on the. 6th day of June, 1912, and to come lip for second reading and final passage at a special meeting to be held on the 24 day of June, 1912, at 8 o'clock, P. M. L. STIPP, Recorder. Resolution and Notice for the Improve ment of Main Street, Oregon City Oregon. Whereas, pursuant to an order of the ity Council of Oregon City, Clack amas County, Oregon, ; heretofore made, the City Engineer of said City has submitted his report arfi file)! in the office of the City Recorder , plans and specifications for an ap - propriate improvement of Main Street, said City, from the North line of Moss street to the South end of the Aberaethy Bridge and esti mates of the work to be done there on and of the cost thereof, and Whereas, such plans, specifica tions and estimates are satisfactory to the said City Council of Oregon City, therefore, The said plans, specifications and estimates are hereby approved and be it Resolved, that it is the purpose and intention of the City Council of Oregon City to make said" im provements, being described as fol lows, to-wit: The street shall be brought to sub-grade the full width thereof be tween the Northerly line of Moss street and the Southerly end of the Abernethy Bridge and the sub-grade shall be prepared according to the plans and specifications approved by this resolution.- ,. On the sub-grade so prepared shall -be placed a Hard Surface Pavement the full width thereof between the curbs and when completed the said road-bed shall be brought to grade specified in Ordinance No. 573. Said street shaft be provided With all drains, catch-basins and gutters necessary'to preserve the grades, embankments and surface of the street, and to provide all prqper drainage. . Sidewalks shall be of c&ncrete, six feet wide and laid to the property . line, curbs shall be placed on each side of the pavement, 20" feet from the center line of the street. Curbs shall be of concrete and set vertic ally to sub-grade of street The improvement shall be class ed "Hard Surface" and shall be maintained by Oregon City for the full period of ten years from the date of the acceptance thereof by the City Council. The City Recorder is hereby di rected to cause this resolution and notice to be published as by charter provided. L. STIPP, Recorder. NOTICES Notice To Creditors Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Herbert M. Carpenter, deceased, by the County Court for Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby requihed to present the same duly verified with proper vouchers to the undersigned, at the office of the Oregon City Enterprise, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated May 25, 1912. r ISAAC F. STAPLES, Administrator. NQtice assessment for Fourteenth .'reet Assessment. Notice is here by given that an assessment forthe improvement of Fourteenth street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the East side of Main street to the West side of Washington street has been lev ied and declared by Ordinance No. 575 of Oregon City. The whole cost of the improve ment is $2604.11 and the assess ments are now due and payable and will bear interest at the legal rate from and after the. 24th day of June, 1912, after which time the property against which the assessment is lev ied may be sold for said assessment and a further penalty of fifteen per centum added. The property assessed for said im provement lies on both sides of the part of Fourteenth street proposed to be improved and the line of lots abutting on said part of said Four teenth street fartherest from said part of said Fourteenth Street and said part of said Fourteenth street. L. STIPP, Recorder. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas Mary L. Von Glan, Plaintiff, vs. William C. Von Glan, Defendant. To William C. Von Glan the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above enti tled cause and Court, on or before Monday, the 24th day of June, 1912, the same being six weeks from and after the date of the first publica tion pf this Summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief pray ed for in her complaint on fiile here in to-wit:--For a decree dissolving and cancelling the bonds of matri mony and marriage contract here tofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and that plaintiff be allowed to resume her maiden name, that of Mary F. Fine, and for such other and further re lief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This Summons is published by or der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State pf Oregon for the county of Clackamas, wheh said, order was made and entered on the 6th day of May, 1912, directing that said pub lication be made in the Morning En terprise, a newspaper or general err culation, published in Oregon City, Oregon,, and that said publication be made once a week for six con secutive and successive weeks. The date of the first publication of this Summons is May 11th, 1912 and the date of the last publication there of is June 22nd, 1912. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Harry M. Harrison, Plaintiff vs. Anna May Harrison, Defendant To Anna May Harrison, Defend ant above named: In the name of the State of" Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against, you in the above entitled suit, on or before the 10th day of June 1912, which is the time pre scribed for answering in the order of publication of ths summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint on file herin, to-wit: a de cree ot the court dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant herein, on the ground that jou deserted plaintiff without just or any cause, and against his wish, will and consent on or about the 28th day of December, 1907, and that ever since said time you have continuously lived apart from said plaintiff without just or any cause and . against his wish, will and consent; And for the care and custody of the minor child, Ruth . Harrison. This summons"was published by order of the Honorable J. U. Camp- bell, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and filed April 26th, 1912, the date of the first pub lication of this summons being Ap ril 27th, 1912, and the date of the last publication hereof being June 8th, 1912. GEO. H. MILLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, Violet Harper, Plaintiff, vs. Bert Harper, Defendant. To Bert Harper, the above named Defendant. In the name of the State, of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from May 11. 1912, which is the date of the first publication hereof, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will take a default against you, and will apply to the - Court for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heertofore ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant, and divorcing plaintiff from de fendant, and awarding to plaintiff the care and custody of Velma Har per, the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, and for such other relief as may to the court seem just and proper. Service of this Summons is made on you by publication by order of Honorable J. U. -Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, made on the 9th day of May, 1912, direct ing that said publication be made in the Morning Enterprise, a newspa per of general circulation published at Oregon City, Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and that said pub lication be made once a week for six successive weeks. MALARKEY, SEABROOK & . STOTT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. . William 'E. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Grace Johnson, Defenadnt To Grace Johnson, Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore "" gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before, the 8th day of July, 1912, and if you fail so to appear and answer, pig ment and decree will b taken against you for want thereof, as specified in the ;aid complaint to wit: For p decree dissolving the bonds matrimony now existing hefeen the plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further re lief as to this Court may seem meet and eqitable. This summons is served by pub lication thereof in the Morning En terprise, a newspaper printed and published at Oregon City, Oregon, by order of Circuit Judge, J. U. Campbell, made, dated and filed therein on the 24th day of May, 1912, which" said order requires that summons in this suit be published once a week for six consecutive wrecks T. G. THORNTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication hereof, May 25th, 1912. Date of last publication hereof, July 6th, 1912. - Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Sadie Walker, Plaintiff, vs. Fred Walker, Defendant. To Fred Walker.above named de fendant: In the name of .the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to 'ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before the 8th day of July, 1912, and if you fail so to appear or answer the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint which is, that the marriage now existing between you and thejilaintiff be forever dissolved and for such other and further relief as to the the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon, J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, which order is dated May 24th, 1912 The date of the first publication of this summons is May 25th, 1912, and the last date of publication is July 6th, 1912. B. L. SNOW, Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrators Sale -of Real Estate Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale made and en tered in the County Court in the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, in themater of the Estate of S. St. Clair, Deceased, on the 29th day "of April, 1912, authorizing . the undersigned to sell the follow ing described real property belong ing to said Estate at private sale. That on and after the 10th day of June, 1912, at No. 221 Abington Building, in the City of Portland, County of Multnomah, State of Ore- F every bill .business or personal, by check drawn against your account and you'll have no trouble in always know ing how your money is spent, besides avoiding the mistake made in handling money.- THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY D. C. LATOTJRETTE, President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000.00 ' Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from "9 A. M. to 3 P. M. PORTLAND OFFICE PHONES Main 4314 A-2568 CLARENCE Attorney 813 ELECTRIC BUILDING JT. H. Mattley NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Granitware, Shelf Hard ware and Notions BUY AND SELL FOR CASH " 1010 Seventh Street gon, the undersigned will sell at private sale for cash the following described real property to-wit: All that parcel of real estate In the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, described as follows : That certain tract or parcel of land bounded by a line beginning at a point 47.79 chains West of the northeast corner of the Hector Camp- . bell Donation Land Claim No. 41 in Section numbered thirty (30) Town ship One (1) South, of Range Two (2) East of the Willamette Meridian beginning being known as the Northwest corner of Lot One (1) of Wichita; thence West on the North line of said Hector Campbell Dona tion Land Claim 464.8 feet; thence South 546.8 feet, more or less to the North line of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company's Right of Way; thence East on a south variation paralleling said Oregon Water Power & Railway Company's Right of Way 506 feet, more or less to the Southwest corner of Lot One (1) in Wichita ; thence North along the West line of said Lot One (1) 748.8 feet to the place of beginnig containing seven (7) acres, more or less, being a part of the Hector Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 41, subject to confirmation by the above entitled Court. McCANTS- STEWART. Administrator of the Estate of S. . St Clair, Deceased. Summons - In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Marion Wendel, Plaintiff, vs. Will iam Wendel, Defendant To William Wendel, above named defendant: . - , In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit on or before the 22nd day of June, 1912, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, and if you fail so to appear or answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court the relief prayed for in her com - plaint to-wit: - For a decree dissaving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plain.tirf and defendant This suni,ons ia published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made and entered on the 30th day of April, 1912, and the time prescrib ed for publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the issue dat ed Saturday, May 11, 1912, and con tinuing each week thereafter to and including the issue of Friday, June 28 1912 BROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, bath and modern conveniences. Inquire G. B. Dimick, Oregon City. Bland Acres. IDEAL ORCHARD, GARDEN AND POULTRY TRACTS Bland Acres is situated just west from Oregon City, near the Will amette River and on Electric Car line. The soil is of the Red Shot Free nature, loose enough to work easy, yet contains enough percentage of. clay to give it a good moisture re taining capacity. The property has a good eleva " tion, overlooking the Tualatin and Willamette Valleys and slopes well making tiling unnecessary. We have had this soil examined by an expert and he reports it IDEAL for apples, Prunes, Cherries, Grape, Berries andVegetables. We are offereing this land at $140 per acre and up, in tracts of 5 or more acres and practically your - own terms. . Here is your opportunity to get a Beautiful, Sightly Country home and land that will raise anything. Write or come in and ee us about it. The OREGON IRON & STEEL CO. Phone Main 1410, 338 Sherlock Bldg., Portland, Or. Portland Business Directory I A. B. STEINBACK & CO. Men's and Boys' Outfitters 4th and Morrison Streets Portland Corner Entrance We give S & H Green Trading stamps. MAI CLOTHING CO. L I U ii 166-170 THIRD ST. PORTLAND; ORE. COMPLETE OUTFITTERS TO MEN AND BOYS A Y F. J. MYER, Cashier. OREGON CITY RESIDENCE PHONE Hun 396 L, EATON At Law PORTLAND, OREGON