MORNING ENTERPBISE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1912 These fine days should make you think of your Summer Suit. OUR FAMOUS $15 to $30 BOX BACKS should be of interest to you. Let your next selection be made from our stock. You will be well pleased J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor. At the Darkhurst Club. Ebenezer Coonz Mistah President, I move yo' dat Nicodemus Kink be ex polled. "De membah will please expostlate Ms charges." Mr. Coonz He broke inter a feather 8hop. Ef a man wants feathers be sught ter git 'em wid de live bird. LOCALJSRIEFS Dr. van Brakle, osteopath; Masonic Building, Main 399. Get a soap bubbler with every- loaf of Blue Ribbon bread this week. Your Grocer has them. Jack Irish, of Cams, was in this city Monday.' Michael Moehnke, of Shubel, was in Oregon City Monday. Reliable Tow-priced autos may be purchased from E. C. Dye. George Rosser and son, of Maple Lane, were in Oregon City Tuesday. Frank Boggs, of Hamilton, Ohio, was in this city Monday and Tuesday. William and Charles NTaylor, of Homedale, were in this city Monday. Julius Moshbefger and son, Edgar, of Eldorado, were in this city Mon day. W. E. Mumpower, of Stone, was among the Oregon City visitors Mon day. H. J. Bigger has purchased a large automobile, which he is learning to operate. ' For second hand automobiles good as new, afid one-half the cost, see E. C. Dye. Born, Tuesday morning; to the wife of A. J. Haas, Fourteenth and Center streets, a son. A. W .Russell, of Molalla, was in this city on business Tuesday, regist ering at the Electric Hotel. E. C .Dye can- show you automobiles that look like new but cost only a fraction of the original sale price. John Marrs, of Lebanon, was in iths city Monday, remaining in this city until Tuesday, registering at the Elec tric Hotel. Miss Vara Hdwell, who has been m Portand, where she has been visiting relatives, has returned to her time in this city. Lawrence L .Gardner, who has been attending the Willamette University has returned to his home at Carus, where he will spend the summer. E. C. Dye can make that $1500 of yours, with which you meant to buy an, automobile, not only buy the car but also a lot or acreage upon which to build. Mrs Alice Thompson, who is study ing to be a nurse at the Good Samari tan Hospital in Portland, was in this city Monday visiting her mother, Mrs Thomas Hazzard. - Mrs. Webb Burns, who Was operat ed upon at the Oregon City Hospital for appendicitis, is improving rapidly, and was taken to her home at Green point Tuesday evening. H. E .Dimick ,of Sea View, Wash., a school teacher, was in this city Mon day, and while here visited his broth er, G. B. Dimick. Mt. Dimick was summoned here by the death of his brother, J. R. Dimick. Mrs. H. C Stevens, of this c!ty, has gone to Portand, where she will visit at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Harley You Get It Every Dollar's Worth Every Time AT STAFFORD'S STORE Cor. 6th and Main. Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, etc. Stevens. Mr. Stevens and wife have gone to Newberg, where they will vis it relatives. Mrs. V. G. Bennett, mother of the late Mrs. I. D. Taylor, who has been visiting hr daughter, Mrs. Kindred, of Greeley, Col., far t-V Past three years is visiting I. D. Taylor and family of Parkplace. Mrs. Bennet will probab ly make her home in Portland. Mrs. Walter A. Read, of Gre.enpoint who was operated upon for "appendi citis by Drs. E. A. Sommer and H. S. Mount, is improving. Mrs. ,Read isi a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M, White. John Barry, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barry, who has been ill of pneu monia at the family home at Four teenth and Madison streets for three weeks, is improving. For several days the little fellow's conditions was critical. Mrs. Lulu Lance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Young, who recently left here for Honolulu, has written to her parents that she is delighted with her now home, arid that Honolulu is like a big garden. Mrs. Lance's hus band is stationed at that place. Mrs. Lucy Whittington, who' has been visiting in Youngs, Easter Ore gon, where she went for the benefit of her health, was in this city Friday, and visited her son, George Young. Mrs. Whittington was on her way to her home at Silverton. Mrs. Louis Barcroft, -of Newberg, who has been in this city visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B .Wilmot, left TSes day for Portland, where she will visit herm other, Mrs. T. W. Cutts. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Wilmot, who will visitTn Portland for several days. Mrs. Ida Gamble and two children, Helen and Margaret, of Portland, have arrived in Oregon City, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel O. Dillman at their summer home at Mount Pleasant, where they will re main until the close of the strawberry season. CORRESPONDENCE MOLALLA. In the burning of the Perry Hotel Molalla los,t one of its best buildings, and the owner had $7,500 go up in the blaze. City, water works will be the lead ing thought of our town as it goes on the way of Building for the future. Dr. Powell has vacated old No. 1 building, moving to Tobin Corner with his stock of goods, while Mr. Wood has fitted up a barber shop for the present on the Gregory Corner. Mr. Shoemake has moved into his new dwelling. F. C. Perry will oc cupy the McDonald House this sum mer. Dr. Todd has his residence "shingle" up at the door of the Frank Adam's residence. Frank Dicken and wife have moved to their home, recently vacated, by Dr. Todd. Clackimas Southern Railway offi cials were again in our midst Mon day morning. The Canby and Molalla right-of-way men have been buying their way through," paralelling the Clackimas Southern from Liberal,. This line will take on a substantial appearance for business when completed; just think of the coming conditions if you can. Railroad tie contractors are nego tiating for all the young tie timber they can procure on the line. Geo. , H. Gregory has his townsite sign posted. Lots $125 up, Main St. Last Saturday night about seven dozen of Miss Ethel Tillea's friends gave her a' real surprise "kitchen shower" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fauries, on the near future event of her marriage to Mr. Perry Kayler. Being accidently present, he did nobly in assisting Miss Ethel in making things lively for the "mul titude" assembled, and, it is almost useless to mention that Peter Faurie himself was in evidence. To add to the gladness of the occasion, Mrs. Joy assisted Mr. and T. O. Ridings I. M. Toliven and others with the music. The guests wished the contracting parties success on Life's Rugge3 Pa cific Highway and said their goodbye at a late hour. ESTACADA. The cases against Earl Wagner, Floyd Davis and Emmanuel Krig baum were dismissed in the justice court. Last Sunday morning an attempt was made to blow the safe of Snyder and North at Cazadero. The safe was" wheeled outside, drilled and primed with powder and the burglars, were frightened away in some man ner. The postoffice till was rifled of its contents. No clew of the burglars has been found. Petitions are being circulated ask ing for the creation of eastern Clack amas County. Meetings have been held at Elwood, Viola and Garfield, urging the cause of the new county. Meetings. will be held at the Country Club's; Hall in Porter school district Sunday morning, and in the grove at George in, the afternoon. The pro moters of the new county initiative have placed a man in Portland to man age their campaign for signatures for them. Tuesday the three-year-old daughter of Theodore Harders, of George, in playing, tripped over backwards into a tub of scalding water. She died Wednesday night. She was a bright and pretty child and her loss is keenly felt in the home and community. Friday thetrial of Earl Wagner, Floyd Davis and Emanuel Krigbaum was set in justice of peace court at Estacada. They are accused by Hen ry Epperson of assault and tattery on his step-sons. NEW ERA. Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Robertson were honored with a reception on the eve of, their return from Portland where they were married. Miss Amelia Stauber has been visit ing in Portland for a week. Miss Ethel Rief was home from Portland to attend the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Kiels. May 18, a merry crowd gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Rienhold Kiel, to sur prise them in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs Kiel were maried in Omaha, Neb., May 18, 1887. , Nine children have blessed their wedlock, six of whom are living. The honored couple were presented with many useful and valu able pieces of table linen, glass, and silverware. The evening was spent in music, and dancing till a late hour. At midnight an elaborate luach was served. The dining table was set un der an immense wedding bell made of silver, with the date of their mar riage and date of the anniversary. Masses of carnations were bunched in garlands on the walls and windows and a large wedding cake was the center piece. MISS PARKER HOSTESS OF PATIENCE CLUB Miss Myrtle Parker entertained the Patience Poker Club at her home on Fourteenth and Main streets Monday evening. This wast the last meeting of the club. The evening was devot ed to playing patience poker, the prize, a Fairfax spoon," being won u'y Miss Helen Daulton. Refreshments were served during the evening, and a most enjoyable time was had. Dec orations were of roses. . Present were Miss Bess Daulton, Miss Nieta Harding, Miss Cis Pratt, Miss Helen Dautton, Miss Kathryn Montgomery, Miss Dollie Pratt, Miss Wynne Hanny, Miss Elaine King, Miss ida Goldsmith, Mrs. M .D. Latourette. COUNTY COURT W. R. Dallas John Mullenhoff ...... P. R. Winston . . . . .-. . Nels Roddin .'. J. C. Elliott Henry Bock Annie Hazlewood E. B. Miller D. B. Yoder R. W. Ritter P. A. Mohr W. G. Smith L. H. Cochran C. R. Noblitt ........ School District No. 40 D. C. Yoder S. R. Taylor 6.00 . . . . 6.00 6.00 . . . . 6.00 . . . . 6.00 .... 6.00 . . . . 4.00 9.60 . . . . 6.00 .... 6.00 .... 6.00 . . . . 6.00 6.00 7.00 . . . . 3.00 . . . . 8.50 . . . . 6.00 Willis Brown 6.00 John S. Owings 6.00 Bud Thompson 6.00 School District No. 2 2.50 J. G. Noe 6.00 Frank Millard . : 10.00 John Stoiner 6.00 W. W. Tucker 6.00 J. A. Reid ." 6.00 S. N. Kilgore 6.00 J. W. Marrs 6.00 Joseph Guttridge 6.00 D. M. Bentley ;'. 6.00 Barton Jack . . . .... 11.00 J. E. Marquam ". 6.00 J. A. Ridings 6.00 M. E. Hall 2.00 W. L. White 9.20 Sidney Graham 6.00 M. D. Say 6:00 M. M. Crisell 6.00 F. G. Dolsen 6.00 J. H. Miley 6.00 W. E. Kinyon .T 6.00 Union School House 1.50 Christian Kocher 6.00 W. W. Jesse 8.20 James F. Oglesby 6.00 T. G. Campa 6.00 W. B. Tull 6.00 C. G. Tull 6.00 Fred Jesse 6.00 Erickson & Ber 2.00 Geo. E. Oglesby 6.00 G. W. Schramlin 12.60 A. D. Gribble 6.00 J. W. Smith 6.00 R. A. Wright 6.00 W. I. Bauer 6.00 C. D. Keesling 6.00 A. M. Vinyard 3.00 Chas. F. Romig 6.00 C. N. Wait 3.00 H. H. Eccles 4.80 Claude Baty 3.00 Wilson Evans 6.00 Ivan Dimick 3.00 J. F. Patch 3.00 O. R. Mack 3.00 F. M. Roth 3.00 Jerry Baty .' 6.00 City of Canby 4.00 H. W. Koehler 3.00 J. P. Cook 3.00 Thos. Fox 3.00 G. E. Thomas 6.00 J. H. Cox 3.00 P. H. Jarisch 6.00 C. C. Borland , 4.20 Jim Skinner '. 3.00 H. B. Bickner 3.00 R. B. Wilmot 3.00 A. Waldorf 6.00 R. H. Snodgrass 7.50 D. L. Trullinger 5.00 A. L. Larkins 5.00 E. J. Maple 5.00 Walter Waldorf 5.00 J. T. Evans 5.00 Geo. H. Cook 7.50 John Heft 3.00 A. Staben 3.00 Abel Thomas 3.00 L. P. Duffy . 3.00 John L. Klines 3.00 Otto Fisher 3.00 E. H. Hornshuh 4.80 T. Bohlander 3.00 Carrick Caseday ' 3.00 W. Grisenthwaite 3.00 Wm. M. Moehnke 3.00 C. C. Stewart 3.00 Fred Kamrath 6.00 Beaver Creek Hall Ass'n 4.00 A. T. Todd 6.00 M. C. Young B.00 S. B. Seely. 6.00 H. D. Aden , 6.00 Sherman Seely 6.00 C. I. Calkins 6.00 C. E. Cook r . .... 6.00 Geo. A. Brown 6.60 D. T. Thorne 6.00 Wm. H. Evans 6.00 John Gaffney Jr. 6.00 Geo. W. Cone 6.00 H. A. Heater . 6.00 David Scherruble 6.00 Maple Lane School No. 27 2.00 J. N. Young r 6.00 W. T. Johnston 6.00 O. R. Hartwell 6.00 R. B. Holcomb 6.00 E. P. Dedman 6.00 M. B. Webster 6.00 L. D. Jones 9.00 Harvey Gibson 6.00 N. E. Stingley ............... 11.00 A. L. Baker 6.06 E. E. Elliott . 6.00 H. C. Glover 6.00 E.LL. Trullinger 6.00 August Gerhardus 6.00 L. M. Bessellen 7.50 C. F. Zinzer ........... Louis Kcch J. A. Stoll Jr. ...... W. A. Ulrich Walter Christopherson .. Emil Oehlschlaeger H. Eppersen ........ t. P. E. Linn J. A. Inglish ., C. Krighlan J. K. Ely ... : J. H. Tracy W. A. James J. P. Woodle W. A. Hegamen B. R. Kimmel 3: R. Caseday J. L. Lovelace City of Estacada W. W. Smith T. F. Brown Dan Purcell L D. Taylor C. E. Smith E. L. Pope John Y. Smith Fred Hogg G.'W. Waldron Chas. Gray John Kent A. H .Miller Hans Paulsen Nicholaus Rath Adolph Wiederhold Henry Johnson . . Wm. Held Frank Ahnert E. F. Donahue ......... J. W. Stone F. M. Morgan C. M. Lake O. W. Boring P. K. Stone . . . '. . W. H, Wheeler .... L. Ritzer . . .' Wm. Shindler . . ." C. A. Lakin Thos. R. A. Sellwood ... O. Wissinger W. H. Counsell ... W. A. Hansen T. W. Kelly Robert Jonsrud J. H. Wewer Thomas B. Milam J. H: Revenue Chas. Scharnke John Keisecke James Bell Paul Dunn G. C. Maronay J. McMiller A. G. Bornstedt 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 12.00 3.00 3.00 "3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.00 V 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.40 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 11.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 .3.00 7.60 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 11.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 '3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.40 4.00 Loe Rath Percy T. Shellly Casper Junker Ward B. Lawton L. H. Feaster Max Telford W. A. Hedges T. B. Hayhurst Clarence Eaton Wm. Fine W. B. Stokes Geo. F. Horton .... A. B. Hobble J. W. Draper xj. C. Howell W. C. Haighes Henry Elliott J. W. Moffatt P.. J. Winkle J. C. Paddock Chambers Howell : . . A. F. Parker Portland R. L. & P. Co. Brenton Vedder 3.00 6.00 6.C0 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 W. C. Powell John N. Sievers J H. C. Wegner H. E. Cross W. A. R.akel Hugh Hall G. E. Hallowell R. S. McLaughljn Merten Bell Geo. J. Hall S. N. Tanzer C. W. Parrish G. V. Harrington M. Clancey J. W. Grasle John Fx Risley A. Thiesen L. E.. Bentley John R. Oatfield P. T. Oatfield C. W. Risley J. I. Kuks O. Naef L. E. Bentley Bud Warren T. R. Worthington E. C. Warren A. Bruner Wm. Dale Wm. Criteser H. A. Waldron R. A. Junken ' J. D. Ream G. L. Snidous G. G. Graves H. T. Shipley Charles A. Andrus Ernest LeMay '. E. A. Leighton D. Ml Spatz I am a power for great good if you do not abuse my use. In cases of need I do my work well. I am a builder up of health and strength in the hospital or in the home. For the invalid or the convalescent for the tired or over worked I offer a great help. A. little of me goes a long way. I have been among you for three generations. It's as necessary to summer com fort as the furnace is to winter comfort. The 1912 Electric Fans are fans that you'll be proud to take home light in weight, graceful, beautifully finished ornaments any place-most economical fans ever made. Get one now and let the home share the comfort of the office. You wouldn't be without one in the office a single day, would you? Portland Railway, Light and Power Company Call at Electric Store MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH & ALDER STS. PHONESAIN 6688 AND A. 6131 Ewald Leisman 3.00 James M. Hayden 6.00 C. C. Miller 6.00 August Hubert 6.00 Louis Funk 4.00 A. M. Kerchem 8.40 Geo. C. Armstrong 6.00 L. S. Tenny 6.00 School District No. 14 2.50 Scott Carter 6.00 G. M. Groshong 6.00 Frank Gray 6.00 A. V. Davis 6.00 J. W. Nightingale 6.00 P. M. Boyles 11.00 G. Dibble 6.00 F. W. M'Cleran 2.50 W. E. Bonny 6.00 Claude Winslow 10.00 Geo. W. Wallace 6.00 Julius P. Hult 6.00 Chas. A. Branlund 6.00 W. A. Schieffer 6.00 W. S. Corbett 6.00 Alfred Anderson 2.50 D. McArthur 6.00 John Kaiser 6.00 H. H. Eastman 7.20 Wm. Heerdt 6.00 A. W. Blanchard . . . 6.00 D. E. McArthur . 6.00 A. J. Hodge 6.00 Warner Grange "... 3.00 H. H. Hughes 2.00 Wm. Knight 34.40 Fred Wagner : . . 4.20 T. J. Mclntyre .70 E. A. M. Cone 1.22 E. M. Roberts 70 F. H. Dungan 12.20 J. F. Friel 2.90 E. S. Davidson 10.00 Claude Devore 4.70 E. L. Davidson ; 24.40 H. F. Gibson 4.50 Wilson & Cooke 6.75 E. W. Bartlett 3.30 J. W. Smith 8.10 F. M. Gill 2.20 Henry Wilbern 9.40 C. R. Thorpe ". 8.90 C. R. Noblitt 10.00 G. H. Young 6.00 E. T. Mass 3.10 I'm known as Cyrus W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., Mother and Baby Need an Electric Pan, Too Iva M. Harrington 2.40 Emma T. Quinn 2.40 Geo. F. Johnson 9.00 W. J. Wilson , 10.00 Oregon City Enterprise 414.16 J. F. Montgomery 5.00 Printing and Advertising Oregon City Enterprise $159.45 j Oregon City Courier 71.20 I Wild Animal Bounty pA. M. Groshong 2.00 W. J. Faubian 2.00 Otto Aschoff .. 2.00 Now for the Seashore! VIA u Season Tickets on . Sale June 1st TILLAMOOK AND Season fares from the principal Beaches are as follows: FROM TO Portland Newport Oregon City " Salem " Albany " Corvallis " Eugene " Roseburg " Medford " Ashland " Tickets to above points on sale daily good all season, with corres pondingly low fares from other points. Week end tickets are also on sale from various points, Sunday Excursion Train on the C. & E. R. R Leaves Albany at 7:30 a. m., Corvallies at 8 arm. and connects with S. P. Trains 16, 14, and 28 from points south. Call on our nearest agent for "Vacation Days in Oregon," a beaut ifully illustrated booklet describing various outing resorts, or write to John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Attend the B. P. O. E. Elks Coavention, Portland July 8-13. Law Fares to all points East June to September. Noble throughout the world. General Agents, Portland, Oregon M. Dibble 6.00 W. F. Biughman 8.00 E. A. Woodworth 2.00 A. J. Rometsch 3.00 Paul J. Smith 14.00 John Straight ' 2.00 J. W. Linn .. 4.00 Juvenile Court . van ......... i.uu Geo. Brown 16.38 Mrs. C. J. Parker 19,85 N. Adams 2.20 Merton Miller 2.20 THE - .A.'V 3- Day Tickets on Sale Saturday and Sunday to ROUTES NEWPORT BEACHES stations to Newport or Tillamook FARE $ 6.25 6.25 5.15 4.00 3.75 . 5.80 8.75 12.00 , 12.00 . TO Tillamook Beaches FARE $ 4.00 , 4.70 6.00 7.30 7.10 9.00 12.00 17.20 0.7.75