MORNING ENTERPRISE 3 These fine days should make you think of your Summer Suit. OUR FAMOUS $15 to $30 BOX BACKS should be of interest to you. Let your next selection be made from our stock. You will be well pleased J. LEVITT Suspension Bridge Cor. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Estacada State Bank to Asa Hawk ins, land in Fraley's Subdivision; $1. Estacada State Bank to E. M. Mil ler, land in Fraley's Subdijagii;; $1. Estacada State Bank to J. W. Reed, land in Fraley's Subdivision; ?1. Estacada State Bank to John Zob rist, land in Fraley's Subdivision; $1. W. J. and Elizabeth Schumach to Martin Klinge, lots 4, 5, , 7, block 12, Oak Grove Park; ?10. William B. Ross to John Hubbard, land in First Addition to Jennings Lodge; $5500. D. M. and Sara B. Rowland to John Kekel, 35.50 acres of section 4, town ship 3 south .range 1 east; $4400. Alvin A. Richardson toJames Petty, land in Edgewood Addition; $700. Louis H .Wallace to May Wieland Walace, 3.21 acres of J. S. Risley Claim No. 51, township 2 south, range 1 east; $1. John A .and Jossie Goode to Arthur Hansen, land in section 26, township 1 south, range 2 east; $10. "1 Bet You a Cooky." "I don't fawncy that Miss Baker." "What's the trouble?" "She never bets more than a cooky." LOCAL BRIEFS Dr. J. A. van Brakle, licensed oste opathic physician, 806 Washington St. John Evans, of Hazeldale, was in this city Thursday. Place your orders for wedding cakes with the Schrader Bakery. Thomas Davis, of Hazeldale, was in Oregon City Thursday. A. J. Moore, of Tacoma, Wash., was in this city on business Friday. Frank White, of Portland, was in this city on business Friday." Mr. , Larkins, the merchant, of Clarkes, was in this city Friday. Mrs. Bly and daughter, of Carus, were in this city on business Firday. Mrs. Clarence Knotts, of Portland, was in Oregon City Thursday visiting friends. Henry Homschuch and daughter, Miss Lydia ,of Portland, were in this city Thursday. Robert Bullard, of Eldorado, accom panied by his family, were in Oregon City Thursday. Miss Golda Starr, of Molalla, was in this city Thursday and Friday regist ering at the Electric Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler, of Carus, were in this city Friday and while here visited relatives. . Mrs. Charles Parker, court matron of Clackamas County was in Portland on court business Thursday. Mrs. Charles Baxter and son have gone to Hood River, where they will visit relatives for several weeks. Miss Clara Mitchell will leave this evening for Bridal Veil, Oregon, where she will spend Sunday with friends. - Roscoe Vineyard, of Portland, is in this city visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilmot ,of Third and High Streets. Mrs. A. Robinson, of Sellwood, form erly of Oregon City, was in this' city Friday, the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. W. Greenman. Miss Maude Moran, who is holding a position with the Crown Millinery establishment in Portland, is taking a two weeks' .vacation. Miss Mina Bluhm, of Homedale, has resigned her position with the W. L. Little confectionery store, and has re turned to her home. Mrs. Roy Wilkinson, of Vancouver, Wash., was in this city Thursday visit ing her parents, Mr .and Mrs. John Chambers, of the West Side. Strawberries today from the Grow er's market, 7th near Center. The Big Berry Market, Phones, Main 27, A19. Mrs. Doy Surface, of Sellwood, was in Oregon City r Thursday, being the guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. S. M. Surface. Miss Hazel Mitchell, who has been attending the Oregon City High school will return to Sandy today, where she will spend her summer vacation. Judge R. B. Beatie, Ernest Mass, C. E. Ramsby and W. L. Mulvey went to Hubbard Friday, where they attended the funeral of the late T .B. Killin. Mrs. A. Holden will leave today for Mount Vernon, Wash., where she will spend the greater part of the summer with her daughter, Mrs. David Ham mack. Mrs. Webb Burns, who was a few days ago operated upon at the Oregon City Hospital for appendicitis, is im proving, and her recovery is expect ed. Thomas Warner left Friday for Shepherd's Hot Springs, where he goes for the benefit of his health. Mr. Warner has been suffering for some toe from rheumatism. Mrs. J. B. Blair, of Sellwood, was in Oregon City Friday on her way to Hubbard, where she went to attend the funeral of the late Benton Killin, who died Wednesday at Woodburn. Bayne Howard, of Mulino, and his inpther, Mrs. Mary Howard, also of Carus, were in this city Friday. They were accompanied by the former's lit tle daughter. - Miss Veta and Hazel Lankins, of Hubbard, are in Oregon City visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al ex Simmons. They will visit in this city for several weeks. Mrs. Edwin Stuart, of Portland, who has been in this city visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warner, returned to her home Thursday even ing. J. B. Carter went to Portland Thurs day .where he attended the baseball game between the Beavers and Sacra mento, and also witnessed the Daily News cross country race. Mrs. H. C. Stevens and daughter, Miss Muriel, after spending -the past two weeks with the former's brother, John Crawford, and family at Yamhill have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood and family and Miss Eugenia Morse, of Portland, were guests of Mrs. Eliza beth Warner, Locust Farm, at Mount Pleasant, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gumpert, of Portland, will arrive in Oregon City today, and will be Sunday guests of Mr .and Mrs. Frank. Ross, of Mount Pleasant. Miss Grace Whitehouse, of Portland who has been the guest of Miss Roma Stafford, of Mount Pleasant, has re turned to her home. Miss Whitehouse is one of the teachers of the Portland schools. . Miss Anna Towne, of Phoenix, Ore gon, has arrived in Oregon City, and is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. F. Grisez. Miss Towne will remain In this city until after the Rose Carnival in Port land. - Mrs. Mary Stuart, of Seaside. Ore gon, who has been in this city visiting her nieces, Mrs. W. C. Green and Mrs.. Annie Williams, left this afternoon for her home. She has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Peterson, of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Tappin and daught er, Marion, were in Oregon City Thursday being the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell. They were accom panied home by Vera Howell, who will be their guest for a week. Mrs. Christian Hornschuch, accom panied by her son-in-law, Henry Wenp er and family, were in this city on Thursday visiting at the home of rela tives. They returned to Salem Thurs day evening. j Mrs. C. O. T. Williams left Thurs l day evening for Portland, where she I will remain until the condition of her granddaughter, Miss Marion Lawrence I improves. Miss Lawrence is serious j ly ill of typhoid fever in the Mult , nomah Sanitarium. ' A. W. France, of Portland, is in this city and is engaged in building being employed on the double fait that is being erected for V. Harris, and which is nearing completion on Fourteenth and Main streets. Mr. France was formerly a resident of Oregon City, and ha3 property interests in Clack amas County. Mrs. B. M. Weller, who. has been in this city for several weeks the guest, of Miss Nell Derby, left on Friday ev ening for Portland, and on Monday morning will leave for Rochester New York, where she will visit Dr. Weller's relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Weller re cently arrived here from Eugene, Dr. Weller being at present in Portland on business. Mrs. Annie Williams and two sons, Lyn nand Allen, accompanied by Clyde Green, left this morning for Seaside, where they will visit with. Mr. and Mrs. George Boylan. Mrs. "Williams' two sons will remain at Seaside dur ing the summer, but Mrs. Williams will return here Monday morning. Mrs. C. C. Williams and daughter, Miss Ella Williams, who have been spending the winter with the former's son, Wallace Williams, and family at North Yakima, Wash., have returned to Oregon City, and have again taken possession of their home at Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Joseph Gerber, of Portland, formery Miss Maybelle Francis, of this city, arrived in Oregon City Friday ev ening, and will spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Francis. Mr. Gerber will arrive this evening. The marriage of Miss Ruby Kerr, of this city, and Mr. Thomas E. Morris of Portland, was solemnized Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. H. Samson. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Samson. This makes the 129th marriage ceremony that has been performed by Judge Samson at his home in this city. Jospeh R. Gerber and his bride, who was Miss Mybelle Francis, were up from Portland Friday night to attend the Commencement of the Oregon City high school. Andrew Franzen, the poet of Glad stone, is suffering from a dislocated .ankle. -He received the injury while stepping from a car. When Letters Went by Hand. -There was a time when fashionable folk held, it discourteous to communi cate with a friend throush the post when it was possible to do so hy mcs senger. In Miss Louisa Courtenay's "Notes of an Octogenarian." published some years ago. she remarks that "when the twopenny London post was established it .was not etiquette to make use of it for private letters. I remember my father's annoyance when a stupid London footman had posted a letter to Sir Robert Peel instead of sending it by the groom". 'It seems so impertinent." he said, 'to send a letter to a man like Sir Robert Peel by post." Invitations and their answers were al ways sent by hand." The Dignified Duke. In a letter from Captain Edmund Knox, written in November, 1809. he describes the Iron Duke's entry Into Seville: "The mob took the horses from the carriage and drew him along. After a tlie a woman among them, quite six feet high, was not content with that, so she took his little lord ship in her arms out of the carriage and carried blm. kissing and hugging him all the time, to where the junta was assembled and put' bJm down among them, saying she dm brought them the savior of her country." Poor Richard. "Id December of the year 1732," says Blgelow's "Life of Franklin," "Franklin commenced the publication of what he styled 'Poor Richard's Al manac,' price flvepence. It attained an astonishing popularity and at once. Three editions were sold within the month of its appearance. The average sale for twenty-five years was 10,000 a year." How She Was Mentioned. "I met Miss Knox today." said Miss Blundrin. "By the way, she asked me if 1 knew you." "Is that so?" said Miss Giggles. "Yes. We had quite an argument. I happened to remark that Mary Sim pers was the silliest girl 1 knew, and she er she simply wouldn't agree with me." Catholic Standard and Times. Tonight GRAND OPENING OF Jgg STAR THEATRE Which is one of the finest in the state. Built especially for motion picture work. Nothing but the very best of films will be used. Mr. Hatty Confer A local boy with a voice that is sure to please has been engaged for an indefinate period. Come oat and enjoy a good program CORRESPONDENCE KELSO Mrs. Gunderson died Monday morn ing after a long illness. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p. m. and interment will be in the Sandy cemetery. - Work has been commenced on Mr. Howard Whipple's new summer home in 'Hood View Acres. Mr. Whipple has planted a large orchard. Mrs. Joel Jarl is the owner of two thoroughbred Jersey cows, which she purchased last .week at the sale at Scappoose. C. A. Johnson has finished clearing and plowing three acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rodlun, of Pleasant Valley, " visited at Robert Jonsrud's home Sunday. Strawberry season has begun in this vicinity. SHU BEL The entertainment and ice cream social given in the school house Sat urday night was well attended. The program was well rendered. Mr. Steiner has moyed onto his farm again VfiA is building a new house. Mrs. C. Hettman has returned from eastern Oregon, where she has been visiting her son, John, for several weeks. Mr. Berg has built a new house on his place. Fred Moehnke, of Elwood, passed through our city one day last week. Mrs. R. Gunther and son, Marion, visited with relatives at Macksburg a few days last week. Mr. Robertson has cleared an acre of land during the past month, which he is now planting to potatoes. Philip Massinger has gone to Port land for the summer, to work. Mr. Klinger has been handling lum ber and shingles the past week, for a granary. Henry Hettman has another piece of land ready for the plow. We 'are glad to see Roebrt Moehnke up and around again, after his oper ation. Crops of all kinds are looking good. sflBBBBvBM9BBaSsSBBSBslBBE&VBs9SsBB&S3BDB9EflB Lflk "MADE IN OREGON" This page of advertising is paid for by Oregon manufacturers and men who have invested their money in Oregon enterprises, men who employ Oregon labor and keep Oregon mon ey circulating among Oregon people. The made in Oregon campaign is to educate the people to buy the products of these industries, and to buy what they need from the home merchant, and to ask the home merchant to keep in stock the Oregon Made products The freshest eggs are eaten nearest to where they are produced. There is no excuse for shipping in stale eastern laid eggs when we can buy better and fresher eggs from the home producer. Moral: Get 'more" factories by supporting those you now have. IjlMi III' 1 I Orcgonlifc Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon has its entire operating plant in Oregon, makes all of its investments in Oregon securities only, has an unmatched record of success, is growing greater day by day, and receives preference from all discriminaitng buyers of life insurance in Oregon. Home Office, Corbett Building, Portland Best for Oregonians A. L. MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Assistant Manager Rope and Binder Twine FOUB LEAF BED CLOVER BRAND Trade Mark Made in the Northwest for Northwest eonmimers. Ask your merchant for our KOPB AND BINDER TWINE. ETery article represents in cost 25 per cent to 50 per cent in labor employed Support the manufacturer who gives employment to labor which, in turn, consumes your 1'i-oducts ; also keeps your money at home. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Factories : Portland, Or. ; Seattle, Wash. -I. iwl "OOTlAmnOMtO" Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon -Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE THE lrwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS "MADE IN OREGON" R. Veal & Son ALBANY, OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The choicest hops and the finest barley malt, brewed scientifically in just the right way, are respon sible for its absolute purity and excellence. Mail us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery P0BTLAKD, 0BEG01T COSTS YOU NOTHINGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE W guarantee all ftoda packed under tbe brand of "DCrCntlLt t be eefufaetory to trwrrj respect, yoo aloae to be tbe judge. Pwtiif a package at roar grocer ot half of it, and if ytm are aiM aatiaficd with it. return the package to roar grocer, who at autborixed to refund your money. DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANUFACTURERS OP HIGH -GRADE MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufacture all merchandise we offer for Bale Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. PORTLAND, OREGON THE CELEBRATED BEBGMAlTCf SHOE, made in Portland, Oregon 621 Thurman Street ' MADE IN OREGON CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon eyr7 We design and make the celebrated ALSO PIPE ORGANS At onr Portland Factory, 15th and - 16th and Pettygrove streets America's Largest Music House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE General Offices! Ellers Building 'Alder Street at Seventh, Portland, Ore. FORTY STORES OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our new fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men' tail oring, are made of the best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. TOUR TAIL0B CAN PUBCHASE DIBECT FB0M THE MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Noodles and all Alimentary Pastes Made in I -J Oregon PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. Portland, Oregon Loorc FOR A. 1 ASSORTED tf fl TPlCKLO THIS LABEL, OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by Manufacturer " Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS H r o r H rvcj I- .J O All Oak used All Oak used in KingG&ft line groes in AforrhernJapa where winters are cold, uibich is neeess&ry to highest class O&A?. King Qoff is branded into the wood of this line and is a. guarantee of the OiJc, Superioritof Quat ml. Workmanship and absolute Satisfaction. OregonChair Co. QUALITY, BEST PBICE EQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand them from your dealer W.H.McMonies&Co. P0BTLASD, OBEG0N Schiller Cigar POBTLAKD 0BEG0JI Factory Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere .BRAND, Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PIONBBB PACKERS of the PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co. PORTLAND, OREGON "White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory" Wheat Flakes ABE BEST OF ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD Shingle Stains Lice Killer, Sheep and Cattle Dip Wood PreserratiYe ' Bust Resisting, Damp Proof ' Concrete Paint Barn and Boot Pnlnt, Honse Paint . Floor Painty Varnishes . Pkints, Oils, Etc. Oregon Wood Distilling Co. 'Portland, Or. Works at Linnton PACIFIC STATES r FIRE INSUR ANCE CO. Home Of f ice: Portland, Oregon The Only Oregon Fire Insurance Company CLOTHING SS OREGON WOOL I j Each year we manufacture ana sell nearly ten thousand Men's and Boys' Suits from Oregon cloth, made by the three big woolen mills in Brownsville, Salem and Eugene. Ton can buy these Suits at very reasonable prices or send for samples to either of our stores. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Eugene Marshfield Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT rDArifEB Cf Portland VtlVrilluLIV AJ, Oregon Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of all kinds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets P0ETLAJO), 0EEG0JS Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT Oregon City, Oregon fnslfc opoB MINUTE WASHING COMPOUND kovttstiDitsnittaia CONTAINS NO LYE, ROSIN, ACID OR AMMONIA A Concentrated Camphorated Product Heals the Hands Will Not Injure the Finest Fabric ASK YOUR GROCER Mail this to us and get free sample I United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREGON Office: 708 Lewis Building Factory: Kenton Manufacturers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK - TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR See that Trade Hark is on Bottle A Pure, Delicious, Soft Drink 1 Sure Thirst Quell Made in Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. 881-383 East Pine Street, Portland "LIONITE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MADE IN OREGON CALLAM & KASER Selling Agents 722 Teon Building, Portland, Ore. Sain 163S ' Main 1700