4 MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1912. GUuGUUULIUlJ u pi in I Way W HI1 r ) r ft r I in H r l 9ft u L1L Aie A l"4",i"i 1 c a(y comPnS c cs mcno f'om the different articles advertised on this page, taking JLcLCISwS ll&IUlOH o one or mote articles from each ad, mentioning name of advertiser as well as article taken, and bring or send same to Miss Economy, care of Morning Enterprise, on or before Friday June 7 will be given free of charge $2.50 in trade on any merchant whose ad appears on' this page. Only one coupon given each week. LARSEN & COMPANY Corner 10th and Main Sts., Oregon City, Ore. ' The Largest and Most Complete General Stock of Goods in Clackamas County. Building Materials Cement, Lime, Plaster, Fire-brick, Roofing and Tar paper, Building Felt, etc. - Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Supplies Berry crates, Hallocks and Fruit boxes at Factory prices. Ar senate of Lead, Lime, Sulpher sprays. Land Plaster, Drain Tile. Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. Farming and Mechan ics' tools, etc. For the Housekeeper We carry the most complete stock of groceries, Flour, Feed, Grain and Poultry supplies in Oregon City, and in sufficient quantities to fill the largest as well as the smallest order. Friday and Saturday will sell ' White-House Coffee at 45 cents per one pound tin or 3 lbs. for $1.25. Our bulk coffees we sell at 25c, 30c, 35c and 40c, consid ering quality. Our prices are fully 5c per pound lower than others. , We conduct no "Coupon or Free Goods deals" We sell goods at the smallest profit consistent with sound bus-" iness principal. Bik.t-j. FULL WEIGHT AND HONEST QUALITY 44 MENU Name of Article Name of Advertiser Compiled By. Address THIS WEEK WE WILL FEATURE Lunch Goods Such as Potted Meats, Boiled Ham, and Carson's Famous Bologna and Summer Sausage Fine Ranch Butter, 55c Roll Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses should interest you about now V. HARRIS Special Fsuctay Saturday " Monopole Olive Oil, qt 70c Red X Tomatoes, 3 for 25c WHITE QUEEN PLOUR Fancy Patent Blue Stem Flour, every sack guar...... anteed, bbl 5.35 Sack..: .....1.35 OUR PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT OREGON COMMISSION GO. 11TH AND MAIN STS. THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY It will be easier' to get your dinner if you don't bake bread. We car ry the famous U. S Bread Which, is the kind mother tried to make. Every thing that is good will be found here.' Fresh fruits and vegetables always on hand. Clear Creek creamery butter, fresh ranch eggs and a great variety of canned goods to tempt any appetite. We make our own flavoring extracts. They are Pure and they are Full Strength. They cost less because they go farther than the common kind. All kindsVanilla, Orange, Banana, Lemon, Rasp berry, etc., 15c and 25c per bottle. Huntley Brothers Co. The Rexall Store ThatDinner would notbecomplete without Fruit and Cigars We have the best Bananas at 25c doz. and Oranges from 25c to 50c doz. All the pop ular brands of Cigars, fresh and clean. M. E. DUNN BOARD WILL ELECT 10 SUPERVISORS . Two new supervisors for the schools of Clackamas County will be chosen by the County Educational Board, which meets next Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock, to fill the vacancies due to the retirement of Carl T. Anderson, who has been elected prinicpal of the West Oregon City schools, and Mrs. Emilie C. Shaw, who has been chosen principal of the school at Wichita, in the North part of the county. J. E. Cala van. will probaby be retained as supervisor. There are few applicants for the positions, which pay $100 per month and traveling expenses for 10 months in the year. The members ot the County Edueational Board are County School Superintendent T J. Gary, H. G. Starkweather, E. E. Brodie, John R. Cole and Henry Bab-ler. Sunday on account of the rain. The two small children of Mrs. Moser have been very sick with colds and symptoms of pneumonia. Neil LaDham has left for his former home, Falls View, Idaho. E. Stark is putting a new wire fence around his yard. Mr nTirt Mrs. Tallman and daughter were calling on Lou Sagar and wife one day last week. , EAGLE CREEK CORRESPONDENCE A TT. Paee. of Bie Cabin. Oklahoma, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Heits- .man, of Eagle Creek. A large crowd attended the funer oi f -Mra n A. Wilcox, of SDrinewa- ter, Tuesday. The services were held in the Eagle CreeK cnurcn, ana were nnrtiintpd bv Mr. Aue. Interment was made in the Forrester cemetery. Mrs. Wilcox was a sister or Jim ana Eli Suter. The bereaved family have our sympathy. Chester Dean is working for H. S, Mrs. Judd came up to stay with her son, George, for a time. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Clester, on Tuesday, twin girls. railroad and a high school, and these are now practically assurea. Tho mnr-'hinerv for the Mt. Hood Co operative Creamery plant is arriving and will be installed immediately. J. R. Cornoee's brother, W. A. Cor- nogg, is here from Texas. Mr rnmnse exnects his house to be ready to occupy in about a week. Mm Til R. Hart made a business trip to Kelso Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. R. I. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Malar and Miss Ida Stucke visited Multnomah Grange at Orient Saturday. A. Motejl is putting in a small saw mill on his ranch. A. Malar went to Portland Saturday to place his brother, John, in a San itarium. STAFFORD. OAK GROVE CLARKES. We are having quite a spell of rainy weather at the present writing. Grain and gardens are showing up fine since the rain. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallace spent Sat urday and Sunday visiting their son and wife, at Colton, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie f Sagar' and daughter, Mabel, spent Sunday1 at the Wallace home. - Strawberries are starting to ripen. FIRWOOD. a raiimnd TnperiTier was held at Fir- wood Saturday evening. Officers were elected and a committee or live -appointed to co-operate with the rail road officials in securing the right of way from Sandy to Welches. Officers: F. L. Mack, chairman, E. D. Hart, Secretary, Committee, J. Dixon, W. F. Fischer, Wm. Bosholm, Theo. Koenec ka and E. D. Hart Tho nniv thine wb lack to make this the garden spot of Oregon is a It continues to rain gently, and seeds and plants put in the ground Mr. and Mrs.- wm. scnaitz Thn-vo nrrivpr! at. the' old home in Dakota and are having a very pleas ant visit. The Gold Dollar strawberry is ripen ing now. and ready for the market. Mrs. Nussbam pickea ana aisiriDuteu among her neighbors last week the first to get ripe. The officers of the district met last week and decided to retain both Mr. Knowls and Miss Benche as teachers for the coming year. Mrs. Gage and her daughter, Mrs. Ray, drove to Oregon City Tuesday to get some dental work done and will go down again Friday. Th Messrs Larson and Borland put in a new telephone at Gage's Wednes day. ;. - Mrs A. "Lincoln Hart and two sons will leave the first week in June to join her husband in Ohio. Mr. Hart has decided to remain in the east for the present as he has a good position there. Mrs. Hart is the aaugnter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brandt and they regret very much to have the family leave Oregon. Mr a-nA Mrs. .T. W. GilleSDSie Of Portland have rented the Bennett cot tage, of Mrs. Ida Dedrick and will set tle in Oak Grove permanently. Pursey Day has shipped a lot of household goods to Newburg and dame rumor says there will De a jyirs. Day, any way we wish Pursey good luck. 1 Mrs. Jessie Durban has accepted a position as operator ,n our switch board in place of Miss Maud Magee, who resigned and is working in the new department" store of Holtz in Portland. The Concord school held their clos ing exercises Monday afternoon. A good program was given by the child ren an A refreshments, consisting Of ice cream and cake were served by the ladies, and all enjoyed themselves. Mr on' Mrs Owen Barnnett enter tained a number of friends "Saturday evening in honor of Frank Lawton, who came home for a short visit, from Victoria, B. C. It was also a gather ing to bid Leigh Moody good bye. He is leaving Sunday morning in -company with his brother for Victoria, B. P . havinsr accented a DOSition With the Dominion Carton Company of that city. The evening was spent witn TYiimio sinrt mrris. ice cream and cake were served, and the guests departed at a late hour, wishing the boys suc cess. CHERRYVILLE The Cherryville school has closed! for the summer and Miss Lola Heraiaj the teacher, has left for her home at I Lents. Miao Maggie Mneeles. of "Portland has been visiting Mrs. Bedenstein for several weeks. Keith Abraham, who has been work in at Rhodes' shingle mill, has gone to visit his parents at orest urov- for a few weeks. Mrs.' J. T. Friel, Jr., with the assist nnce nf Mrs. Rav Murray and Mrs Wm Allen, has DaDered her kitchen in a verv artistic manner. Mrs. Friel is preparing the hotel for the rush of I summer tourists. Thns Mcf!ahe has returned alter i weeks' visit, in Oregon City O Wyman, the Cherryviue pnotog ranher. has left for a month's trip through Oregon. During his trip he will take views. nenntv forest suDemsor. W B. JS- wa left fnr Portland Thursday. The government has finished planting fir trees in the vicinity or wna wi. tain for the season, and will shortly commence work on the government trail crvnnectine Cherryville with Miforn nroenn via Wild Cat moun tain This trail has been completed for a- distance of about 20 miles be yond Wild Cat mountain and will be a very short route for horse back rid or a trr n r hark and forth between astern and western Oregon, and the region in the vicinity or wna Moun tain will be a paradise ror tne nucaie-i berry pickers, hunters and fishermen. J. T. Friel, Jr. made a trip to Port land last week for a load of goods for viia nhorrwille store and brought back a pair of Belgian rabits for Mas ter Johnny Friel. Messrs. Milan and Devlin are work- Main 56 . A-155 mum Special for Friday & Saturday Swansdown Pastry Flour for your Sunday Shortcake 35c box at 30 cents. We -will sell Banar(as Saturday at 20 cents a dozen. We have Blue Ribbon Bread, the 10 cent loaf in a sanitary wrapper. THE HUB GROCERY Seventh and Center i 11 IH (tit IS SB Doing Up An Order in our store is a positive pleasure because we know that each parcel, means a pleased cus tomer. Groceries of Quality are not so pleantiful as often represented, but we flatter our selves that our selection will stand any test applied to them. We invite your most critical judgment with a trial order. Friday Special: 6 cans Sardines in oil, "25c; Corn Meal, yel low or white, 9-lb. sack, 30c; 1 -lb. can Royal Baking Powder 45c; Red Ribbon Clams 1 0c can; Bottle Vinegar 5c, regular 1 Oc; 1 0c pkg. Corn Starch 5 c; Arm & Hammer Soda, reg. 1 0c, special at 5c, And do not forget we give you in addition the Green Stamps Bring your coupons and get a dollar s worth free. Yours to serve, . Peoples' Store" E i ding Oregon City sal S iSillif 5 m J.E m 1 ' ing for Dr. O. Botkins,- on his ranch. ! Ben Beach has left for Portland, but I expects to return soon with his family ' onH maiimfl Vi i a nnaitirtn ns fi rr wan den for the Southern Pacific during May 23rd..:- i - " . the summer season. Mrs. J. T. Friel, Jr. has purchased an Edison phonograph. - Jas. T. Edgerton's mother died In Portland May 20th and was buried