MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912. PRACTICAL NECESSITIES As well as all the lat est fads will be found here. We cater to all men, but to men only. Those justly famous "Box back" Suits are to be had here in all shades and weights, priced at from $ 1 5 to $30 J. Levitt Suspension Bridge Cor. . L H. JONES HAS DELIGHTFUL PARTY Mrs. H. E. Jones entertained a few of her friends Thursday afternoon at her home at Canemah. The hostess served dainty refreshments, and a most enjayoble time was had. Present were Mrs. R. J. Blanchard Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. W. E. Midlam, Mrs. A. H. Finnegan, Mrs. S. W. Faust Mrs. Julia Frost, Mrs. J. Bingman, Mrs. H. E. Jones, Mrs. N. A. Bowers, Mrs. Mary V. Howell, Mrs. W. W. Freeman, Mrs. Sarah Miller, Mrs. Mary Lindsay, Naideen Blanchard, Wilman Taylor, Naomi Bowers, Mas ters Kermit Jones, Linn Hatch, Ken neth Jones. Oregonlife 4Mhtdr fiv.. l l l II .Hj l has its entire operating plant in Oregon, makes all of its investments in Oregon securities only, has an unmatched record of success, is growing greater day by day, and receives preference from 'all discriminaitng buyers of life insurance in Oregon. Best for Oregonians K2S.rcSSS A. L. MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager AFAMUYFAVORITgdsg ; 1 . 0 Rope and Binder Twine FOUR LEAF RED CLOVER BRAND Trade Mark Made in the Northwest for Northwest consumers. Asfe your merchant for our HOPE AND BINDER TWINE. Every nrticle represents in cost 23 per cent to Till per cent in labor employed. Support 1 lie manufacturer who gives employment labor which, In turn, consumes your products ; also keeps your money at home. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Factories : Portland, Or. ; Seattle, Wash. Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE At the Immigrant Office. Olhcer Hnve you any means of sup port? Newfy Arrived I don't understand. Officer Have you any profession by which you can make a living? Newly Arrived Oh. no: I'm an art ist. LOCAL BRIEFS Dr. J. A. van Brakle, licensed oste opathic physician, 806 Washington St. William Ginther, of Canemah , is very ill of quinsy. Fred Schafer, of Moiaila, was in this city Friday. Mr .and Mrs. J. Cockerlrear, of Bull Run, were in this city Thursday and Friday. R. Smith, of Canby, one of the prom inent young men of that city, was in this city on business Friday, William Vick, the well known mer chant of 'Liberal, was in this city on business Friday. E. D. Reeves and A. L. Faulkner, musicians of San Francisco, Cal., ar rived in this city Friday afternoon to remain for a few days. John D. Carey, of the 101 Ranch Wild West Show, which will be here June 7 is in this city arranging for the appearance of the show. Mrs. Frank Moore, who has been at The Dalles, visiting with friends for the past ten days, will return to her home today. Miss Nunda Wolfer, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wolf er, near Liberal for the past two weeks, has returned to Oregon City. F. J. Spagle.of Aurora, who has been in this city visiting his brother, J. C. Spagle, and family has returned to his home. .Clean your white shoes and gloves perfectly in a few minutes with "King of Spots." No gasoline no waiting to dry. 35c box for 25c at Huntley Bros. Co. only. Miss Nina Williams left Friday morning for Albion, Wash., where she will be the guest of Miss Marie Wafe. Miss Ware formerly lived in this-city. C. Herman, of Molalla, was in this city Thursday and Friday, registering at the Electric Hotel. Mr. Herman is one of the prominent residents of The readers of this newspaper who are interested in, this campaign are requested to help increase the demand for Oregon-Made products. Make a list of articles used in your home, such as flour, breakfast foods, washing powders, baking pow ders, blasting powders, meats, clothing, cigars, furniture, bid materials, crackers, horse collars soft drinks, logging shoes, shirts, insurance, macaroni and overalls, and when you buy any of these articles advertised on this page, ask your local dealer for them. That is the way to make this state more prosperous, have better industrial and moral conditions, and give the growing generations a better chance to make a living. - N Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Asiistant Manager THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS - "MADE IN, OREGON" R. Veal & Son ALBANY, OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The choicest, hops and the finest harley malt, brewed scientifically In just the right way, are respon sible for its absolute purity and excellence. Mail us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery POBTLAND, 0BE60N Molalla, being the owngr of a large ranch. He left for his home on Fri day afternoon. ' H. E. Dimick, of Sea View, Wash., was in this city Thursday on his way (. to Woodburn, where he attended the j funeral of his brother John R.' Dim-j ick, who lost his lift In a fire that de- i stroyed his home Tuesday evening. He visited his brother, Mayor Dimick, while here. -" Miss Marion Lawrence, of Portland, and "well known in this city, whose home is at Bend, Oregon, and who is attending High School in Portland, is very ill of typhoid fever and was on Friday removed to the Portland Sani tarium. Mrs. Lawrence is with her daughter. Word was received by Mrs. Walter Wentworth from Mr. Wentworth, who ! was recently called East on account i of the serious illnes of his mother, i stating that she was taken worse a few days ago. Mrs. Wentworth' had I improved from the first attack of par-v ! alysis, and her condition being favor- able so that Mr. Wentworth, her son, i expected to return to this city Sun ! day. ' ' i Mr. and Mrs. Grant B. Dimck went I to Woodburn Friday, where they at ; tended the funeral of the former's j brother, John Dimick, which was held i Friday. L John Scott, one of the prominent i and well known residents of Scotts j Mills, accompanied by his son and j Mrs. Lynch and Mr. Smith, were in this city Friday on their way to Port land on business. ' Dr. Todd, a physician of- Molalla, was in this city on professional busi- i ness Friday, and while here met his wife, who has just returned from a j visit to Portland. j Mrs. J. W .Johnson and three chil I dren, of Harrisburg, are in this city visiting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Williams. ' Misses Ruth and Eva Califf ofCaz- : adero, are in this city visiting at the , home of Miss Ida Califf. j Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis, of Beaver Creek, were in this city Fri day, Mr. Davis, having just returned ; from Eastern Oregon, where he went on business. j Mr. Hostetter and two children, of Highland were in Oregon City Friday. J Mrs. H. C. Stevens and daughter, I Muriel, have gone to Yamhill County, ' where they will visit Mrs. Stevens' ; brother, John Crawford, a prominent 1 resident of that place. They will be J gone for about two weeks. Mrs. Charles Lynch and daughter, after visiting at the home of the for i mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. ; Doolittle, in this city, left Friday after j noon for Powell River, B. C, where they will make their future home, Mr. Lynch being employed in the Pow ; ell River paper mills. ; Mr; and Mrs. George Robinson and two children, of MeWrum were in Sea side Thursday, where the spent the day. Everywhere buildings are going up. in the burned district in that city, COSTS YOU NOTHINGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE We gamatee all goods packed tmder the brand of "DEPEWUHI" to be aatutactory at every respect, yoo alone to be the judge. aaoe a package of yam grocer; oae ball oi it, and if yam are auianea witn ti. r authorised to refund your m OWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANUFACTURERS OP HIGH-GRADE MATTRESSES' PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufacture all merchandise we offer for sale Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. PORTLAND, OREGON THE CELEBRATED BEBGMANN SHOE, made in Portland, Oregon ' 621 Thurman Street MADE IN OREGON -ft. CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon "We design and make the celebrated 3 A PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory, 15th and 16th and Pettygrove streets America's Largest Music House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE General Offices: Etlers Building Alder Street at Seventh, Portland, Ore. FOKTX STOEES ALSI and there is an army of carpenters at work. ' , Edawrd Dowling, of South Omaha, Nebraska, acompanied"By his wife, ar rived in Oregon City Friday morning and will visit in Canemah with the former's sister, Mrs. Peter Smith. This is the first time Mr. Dowling and his sister have met for sixteen years. Mr. Dowling and wife are making a tour of the West, and are delighted with the climate, scenery, etc. They will remain in Oregon until after the rose show in Portland. Before leav ing they will visit Mr. Dowling's sis ter, Mrs. Edward Mayor, of Portland. CREAM MARQUISETTE A girlish frock of cream marquis ette with trimmings of filet lace has been selected for the fashion sugges tion today. It is made with a drap ed fichu of the material having a wide tuck, which runs its length and lace insertion on either side. The sleeve consists of a slight puff above the elbow with a short cuff of lace and material. Black velvet is used for girdle, and is gracefully knotted" at the back, falling in two long ends. The skirt Is quite full but hangs close ly to the figure. It has one broad and one narrow band of the lace run ning around tne bottom. New YorK's doming factories. It is said that the production ot ready made garments within a radius of twenty miles of the city bull. New York, exceeds by almost $20.ikkmmn) In value the yearly output of iron and steel plants In the whole country OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS - Oregon City, Oregon Our new fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men's tail oring, are made of the best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. TOUK TAILOB CAN PURCHASE DIRECT FEOM THE MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Noodles and all Alimentary Pastes - Made in Oregon PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. Portland, Oregon look: for A ASSORTED tPicsclo " GUNVKnED 10 QlttPu Mill RATIONAL FOOD LAV THIS LABEL, OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by' Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS I'Mtite-' En6-- .-rtJt . 5 f vll rii rr'C3'i'- r i 1 All Oak used in ICina(k&ft line grows in Northern Jap&a where winters are cold which is necessary to highest class OaM. King Q&ft is branded into the wood of this line and is a Guarantee of the O&Jc, Superioriiyof Quat ity. Workmanship and absolute Satisfaction. OregonChair Cq. HOUSE IS GIVEN QUILTING PARTY The home of Mrs. W. Rittenhouse on Clackamas Heights was' the scene of an old-fashioned quilting party Thursday afternoon, " when many friends of Mrs. Ritenhouse quilted three comforters. The affair was an all-day quilting and at 12 o'cock the women were invited to the dining room, where a sumptuous repast was served, the hostess being assisted in serving by Miss Lillie Freeman and Miss Winnie Rittenhouse. The, decor ations were pretty being of cut flow ers, including, sweet peas and roses intermingled with ferns. Present were-Mrs. C. DeFord, Mrs. George Mann, Mrs. A. Rittenhouse, Mrs. Jennie Butts, Mrs. J.. R. Livesay Mrs. Martha Brown, Miss Linnie Brown, Mrs. C. Rittenhouse, Miss Mary Rittenhouse, Mrs. E. D. Fellows, Mrs. William Rivers, Mrs. Frank Bernier, Mrs. H. Coffey, Mrs. Retta Rivers, Mrs. Paul Praeger, Mrs. C. . Rivers, Grandma "Press, Mrs. M. Freeman, Mrs. J. Burgess, Mrs. R. Leiter, Mrs. C. R. Livesay, Mrs. John Kent, Mrs. T. Brown, Mrs. C. Cummings, Miss Lillie Freeman, Miss Winnie Ritten house. DELIGHTFUL PARTY GIVEN BY 1912 CLASS The 1912 class of the Willamette School gave its class party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver Thursday evening. The evening was devoted to vocal and instrumtnetl music and games. The decorations were of potted plants and roses. Re freshments were served. Present' were Miss Ida Berdine, Miss Alice Oliver, Miss Mabel Larson, Miss Fern Britton", Miss Esther Larson, Miss Etta Rogers, Miss Nellie Knowl es, Mis3 Mae Oliver, Miss Elsie Sni dow, Miss Florence Fromong, Miss Muriel Mollert, Miss Beatrice Oliver and Miss Orilla Oliver, Arthur Wald ron, Leo Larson, Ormand Painter, Thomas Johnson, William Pollock, George Snidow, Arley Johnson, Ewalt Leisman, Sydney Waldron, Merrit Wil son, Victor Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver. Got the Snail Beat. "A scientist has made the statement that a snail can crawl over the ed;;e of a razor blade without cutting itself." "That's nothing 1 crawled out 1 bed -over the baby without waking it last night' - Houston Post. QUALITY BEST PEICE EQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand them from your dealer! W.H.McMonies&Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Schiller Cigar Factory POKTLAND OEEGON Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere !olU! BRAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PIONEER PACKERS Of the PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co. PORTLAND, OREGON : "White Mountain" Flour " "Morning Glory" Wheat Flakes - ABE BEST OF ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD x: Shingle Stains Lice Killer, Sheep and Cattle Dip Wood PreserratiYe Bust Besisting, Damp Proof Concrete Paint Barn and" Boof Paint, House Paint Floor Paint, Tarnishes Paints, OAs, Etc. Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works at Linnton A The money question in our store has cash for an answer. Cash is a strong factor in saving money. The family that pays its bills two or three times a year, pays interest on the credi tor's mortgage, and for the bookkeeping nec essary for his accounts. In most stores a fam ily pays more for every article than is paid by the woman who is a cash buyer. We pay cash for our goods, and we pay only for the goods. None of our money helps pay the credit department in a wholesale house. We save money by discouting our bills and you have the same discount by saving your S. & H. Green Trading Stamps that we give you with every purchase. We sell to all at one price one customer's money is as good as another's. A penny is the father of a dollar. Most respectfully, yours to serve, jg liif GROCER Opposite Court House Oregon City The Morning Enternrlse is the - breakfast food you can have. Watch the automobile contest. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon Only Fire Insurance Company in Oregon CLOTHING Tt OREGON WOOL Each year we manufacture and sell nearly ten thousand Men's and Boys' Suits from Oregon cloth, made fcy the three big woolen mills In Brownsville, Salem and Eugene. You can buy these Suits at very reasonable prices or send for samples to either of our stores. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Engene Marshfleld Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon" By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. vtZt Carman Manufacturing Company ' Mannfactnrers of all kinds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets POBTLAND, OREGON Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT Oregon Cityi Oregon heat Hnw ctrnnr O " cw.ufe support of your candidate In the En- terprise automobile oPutefit? fnsttc upon CONTAINS NO LYE. ROSIN. ACID OR AMMONL4 MINUTE 1 A Concentrated Camphorated Product WASHING Heals the Hands Will Not Injure th " Finest Fabric COMPOUND Uo whims una can ASK YOUR GROCER Mail this to us and get free sampla United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREGON Office: 708 Lewis Building Factory: Kenton Manufacturers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK TBCE FBC1T FLATOE See that Trade Mark is on Bottle A Pure, Delicious, Soft Drink A Sure Thirst Quell Made in Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. ; SS1-383 East Pine Street, Portland "LIONITE" STUMPING AND : ROCK POWDER ' MADE IN OREGON CALLAN & KASER Selling Agents 722 Teon Building, Portland, Ore. Main 1633 Main 1700 I I -iirVlAUfc. IN UHtbUN.IVB