2 MORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON &. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Sntred as aecond-clasa matter Jaav jary J, IH1. at the post offloe at Orasea vltK Oregon, unitor the Aet of March :. 1.1" THffltS OF SUBSCWPTION. n Teat, by mall ..'..tit l'-U Miaths. by mail HO tfaur Month, by mall !r week, by carrier It CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. THE MORNING ENTERPRISE la on sale at the following stores every day:- d Huntley Bros. Drug 9 Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars Seventh and Main. US. B. Anderson. t Main near Sixth. to. B. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. d ScMoenborn Confectionery Seventh and .T. Q. Adam. May 24 In kr.tfzz-. y- 1795-Silas WWgbi. j:ov-:it York und United states sepnior. Worn: died IP47. 1819 Thi' Savannah, pioneer stenn.sliip across the Atlantic. s:i:!ct'. from Savannah for Liverpool. Length of trip, twenty-four days. 18C1 Colonol E. E Ellsworth of New York Kouaves shot by southern sympathizer, af Alexandria. Va. 1879 William Lioyd Garrison, aboli tion leader, died; born 1805. 1895 Hon. Hugh McCulloch. secretary of the Cnited States treasury from 1SG5 to 13U9. died; born 18IIS. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noou today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 7:18. rises 4:3."). Kvening Star: Mars. Morning Stars: Venus, Jupiter. Mercury. Saturn. ADVERTISING OUR CITY. A stranger on Morrison Bridge, Portland, a few days since, sav the steamer "Ruth of Oregon City, Or., passing through on its way to Ains worth dock to dispose of its daily cargo of paper some 250 tons made at Oregon City. His question was, "Where is Oregon City, what is it noted for?" and a few others. He was informed of the colse proximity to Portland and that it is the largest paper and woolen goods producing section of the west. After instruc tions for reaching our city, he stated he would visit us before leaving Ore gon. This steamer, one of the "Willam ette Navigation Company fleet of Ore gon City makes a round trip each day and does considerable in the way of advertising our part of Clackamas county. Would it not be well for the Publicity Department to take up again the matter of electric sign for our Suspension bridged We think our business men would consider a special subscription for the first ex pense, provided the department kept up the power cost. It might also be well to get more notice in Portland that we are on the map. The railways and Portland commer cial club do much to get people to Portland. Are we doing our part to get them away from Portland and in vestigating our district? These are things for us all to consider. They are important. . Vacation time is near at hand. Where are you going? If one would only think for a moment he would see that 'we have everything here to be found oLher places. Just get together with the Publicity committe and keep something doing at home every month during the summer. "Why not a Motor Boat day in July? RIGHT OF CONTRACT There are many things for which we all should be happy and consider ourselves especially blessed. We have a free "country politically and from a religious standpoint our constitution gives -us many rights that citizens of other countries do not enjoy. "We are protect by laws the equal of which cannot be found in other lands, and above all we have the right of con tract for property or labor, one which is unrestricted and allows the me- You. May Have friends galore, but you will have none more steadfast, more ready to respond to your wants, more capable of pushing you ahead, more of an incentive to forge to the front than a growing bank account. This bank will help you you can have one come in. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY CEMENT, LIME, WALL PLASTER Glass, Sash and doors, paints, oils, brushes and building mater ials. Prices the lowest TRY US AND SEE, ANY AMOUNT. De livered, or f. o. b., Parklace. We are out for business if you want quick service and low prices. See us. Phone Main 2002. W. A. HOLMES & CO., Parkplace, Ore. t t.ATOrrRITTTJ! Pr-iMm THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CiTY , OREGON capital, t&vooaau . T-naot Ktmi fetntona. Bust nas. Obtn from S A. M. t ? o. ( s Na-wtm To wnvt trtr Me chanic to get what his services are worth or what he is willing to work for and to work as many hours as he pleases. Many months of the year the days are so long that a man can, if he will, work longer hours on his contract with telling effect financially and otherwise. SucH a right is worth more to us than we may at first im agine. Study Tt over and see if we are not tight. IMPROVE THE CROSSINGS The crossings on our new streets are from two inches to six inches above the elevation of .the street. These are dangerous to pedestrians and a nuisance to automobilists. In fact the beauties of our city are kept from the public who travel in auto mobiles on account of the necessity for changing gear at almost every crossing. The city fathers have had their troubles with engineers and this fault is no doubt chargeable "to this department, but 'we-now have a wide awake young man taking care of such matters and we trust the new streets j will be taken care of with cement or I bitumen crossings on grade and that i repairs will be found necessary on all poorly constructed crossings. We have good streets and they should be open to advertise our good city. CLARENCE BRUNER This young man entertd the employ , of the Willamette Pulp & Paper Com : pany fourteen years ago as a common j helper. Showing some ability and a i willingness to work he was promoted i from time to time until some few ! years ago he was made millwright of i thes ulphite mill. Later he took up j mechanical drawing and about six ; months ago was promoted to the draughting department, on May 15 took the position of master mechanics assistant under Mr. James H. Cary. Another good evidence of the fact Uhat a man who will help himself will be helped by his employer. We can do more for you in advertising ' work than any other medium provid ' ed it is applied in the right way by : the right people. The Enterprise has , on its staff masters in the art. Let us know your wants, we will do the rest. MAPLE LANE CLUB S1AS taa-wiiaietcaaatiffiteaeaastfcMWWgi-i -mrrff EXCELLENT PROGRAM The women of the Maple Lane Mu tual Improvement Club Were enter tained by Mrs. Parker at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Parker being assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Cone and Mrs. Schmidt. An excellent program was given: recitation, Mrs.- Schmidt, the title of which was "How Deacon Adams Admonished His Son;" recitation, "The Millin Seed," (by request") Dorothy Swallow; reci tation, Glenn Parker; vocal solo, "The Pilot," Mrs. Sartin; recitation, Mrs. Craven; reading, "The Art of Letting Go," Mrs. Sartin: The rooms were prettily decorated, the decorations, which were very ar tistic, being furnished and designed by Mrs. Cone. The color scheme was pink, which was carried out even in the cakes and other refreshments served. In the center of the table was a large pink bowl, in the center of which were slips of paper on which were written questions or directions, each being "attached to ribbons ex tending to each place. .Each guest was called upon to answer the ques tions or do what she was directed by the slip of paper she drew from the bowl. -This feature furnished a great deal of merriment for the club. The Morning Enterprise is the best breakfast food you can have. Watch the automobile- contest I W i. MIYKR. Uasiii Little Scoop Toim roulwho urni of tHHr easrl' Berger. Lunn and Seidel, f Widely Known Socialists rvv 'rjL y-v-nr' -3 pit? IZ&fjf r i Photo copyright, 1912. by American A T a mass meeting recently called in New York to celebrate the nfteentb 1 fat anniversary of the Daily Forward, a Socialist newspaper, three of I the speakers were the men whose portraits appear in the group above I Ex-Mayor Emil Seidel of Milwaukee (standing). Mayor George R. Lunn of Schenectady, N. Y. (at left), and Representative Victor L. Berger of Milwau kee (at right of the picture) They are the three most prominent offlceholding Socialists in the United States, for Mr. Seidel may be said still to belong to that class, although be was defeated in the last Milwaukee election. The Rev. Mr Lunn was elected mayor of Schenectady last falL Mr. Berger, who is the only Socialist member of congress, said at the meeting: "I intend to go back to con gress. The labor class wants me there, and 1 like my job. Moreover, for the first time in my life 1 am getting decent wages, I don't manage to keep any of It, but 1 get it, and that's something. I promise you to be elected again and to take a companion back with me. I expect yon to send at least one from New York. I am looking for one from North Dakota and two or three from Ohio I expect that the party will poll 2,000,000 votes and that there will be tvvelvu or fifteen Socialist congressmen." . Wants, For Sale, Etc Notioue uader tkaae eUMlftad TiesMllnKt wit! be bawled at a ceat a wri Ht insert ton. b&lf a ceat additional tner tiarta. One hi eh cut. it per mciatb ha I' '"! card. (4 naeB) si war noitk. Cash must aomi&paa arder unlma ent ia ao epen aceotmt with the paper. N riaanHal rospoaslbtHty far rrvrs: rhm errors occur free oorreoted bsUm wiU B printed for patron. Minim-mi eharve lae WANTED. WANTED: People that are lovers of curios to call at my store. I have one of the best lines in the valley. I will buy or sell anything of value Have a fine line of second hand furniture. Geo. Young. WANTED: Steady, experienced girl for housework. No- cooking. Must give refernces. Good wages Ad dress care Enterprise office. WOMAN of mature years would like to work for small pay. Country preferred. Address "R" care En terprise. GIRL WANTED at the Falls Confec tionary. FOR SALE. FOR SALE: Dry wood, hardwood, & specialty. Price reasonable. E. A. Hackett. 317 17th Street. Give us a trial. Phone 2476. FOR SALE: Furniture' of 6 rooms, used only 6 months, in one lot or by piece. House for rent. Best of furniture., Phone Main 3032. FOR SALE: 3-year-old colt, Btandard bred, sound, well broken and per fectly safe; also new buggy, and two sets of harness. A bargain for quick buyer. William Gardiner, Oregon City. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Ford run about in good condition.Price $300. -Elliott's Garage, Fourth and Main streets. WOOD AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO., F. M. Bluhm. Wood and coal delivered to all parts of the city. SAWING A SPECIALTY. Phone your ordrs Pacific 3R02, Home h in FOR RENT. FOR RENT: Paint or carriage shop suitable place for, storing furniture on Main street Telephone Main 2601. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE: 5 room bungalow, bath and modern conveniences. Inquire G. B. Dimick, Oregon City. - MISCELLANEOUS. DRESS MAKING and all kinds of sew ing, Mrs. C. A. Davenport, 1311 Main Street, between 13th and 14th streets. Gets Busy at ,t shoot Brio NIT TH ftee.cw.o . ZOJKtOPDEAO' smtots -the. aema Press Association. NOTICES. Ordinance No. An Ordinance for making an improve ment, of J. Q. Adams street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the South side of Eighth street to the South line of Fourteenth street. Oregon City does ordain as fol lows: Section 1. The proposed improve ment of J. Q. Adams street, Oregon City from the South side of Eighth street to the South side of Four teenth street shall be made accord ing to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Recorder, of said Oregon City and approved by resolution adopted by the City Council on the 8th day of April, 1912, which said plans and specifica tions are referred to and made a part of this Ordinance. The improvement shall be con structed as follows: The street shall be brought to the sub-grade the full width thereof. On the road-bed ma cadam shall be placed not less than six inches thick at the curbs and J not less than nine inches tnicK at the center of the street, and when completed the road-bed shall be brought to the grade specified in Ordinance passed by the Council on the 17th day of May, 1912. Said street shall be properly pro vided with drains, catch basins and gutters necessary to preserve the grade, embankment and surface of the 'street and to provide al proper drainage. Sidewalks shall be made of concrete except where upon ap plication to the City Council owners are permitted to have wood walks laid. All sidewalks shall be six feet wide and laid to the property line. Curbs shall be laid on each side of the macadamized portion of the street 20 feet from the center'Iine of the street. Curbs shall be of concrete and set vertically to the sub-grade of the street. Cross walks shall .be of wood and not less than three inches thick and and all of said improvement shall be made ac cording to the plans and specifica tions filed May 1, 1912, and approv ed by resolution adopted on the 8th day of April, 1912. Section 2 The improvement 'shall be classed "Macdam" and shall be maintained by Oregon City for the full period of ten years from the j date of the acceptance thereof by the Council. Seition 3. The City Recorder is hereby authorized to advertise for and receive proposals for said im provement but the City reserves the right to reject any and all bids therefore and the Mayor and Re corder shall enter into a contract or contracts with each person, firm or corporation to whom the con tract or contracts are let by the City Council of Oregon City, for the im provement or parts thereof as spec ' ified in this Ordinance. Section 4. Each contract shall contain a stipulation to the effect that where the cost of the improve ment under the provisions of the contract shall exceed one half the value of the property assessed for ' the aost of the improvement over I the said one half value of the prop-; erty assessed for the improvement, I Bridge Whist M S' W" i ( -oiT i that the said excess shall be paid out of the Permanent Street of the General Fund of Oregon City and as to the balance, each person, firm or corporation to whom said con tract or contracts are let shall look for payment only to the sum assess ed upon the property liable to pay for said improvement and collected and paid into the Treasury of Ore gon City for such purpose and they shall not hold Oregon City by any legal process or otherwise liable to pay the said sum out of any other fund: ' ' Section 5. Whereas the condition of the said street is and was dang erous to the health and safety of the public and its immediate im provement is necesasry for the im mediate preservation of the health and safety of the public in the opin ion of the Council of Oregon City an emergency exists; therefore this Ordinance shall take effect and bo in force imediately upon its ap proval by the Mayor. Read first ime and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council held on the 17th day of May, 1912. L. STIPP,- Recorder. Ordinance No. An ordinance declaring the assess ment for the improvement of Four teenth street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the East side of Main street to the West side of Washington street. Oregon City does ordain .as fol lows: Section 1. The assessment for the improvement of Fourteenth street, Oregon City, Oregon, from the East side of Main street to the West side of Washington street has been declared and levied according to Assessment Roll No. 14, new ser ies and the whole cost thereof is $2604.11. Section 2. Whereas the condition of the said street was and is dang erous to the health and safety of the public and it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the health and safety of the said pub lic that, this OrrtiTinnr-p ohall tato effect and be in force immediately upon its approval by the Mayor. . Read first tffne and ordered pub lished at a special meeting of the City Council held on the 22nd day of May, 1912. L. STIPP, Recorder. Notice For Bids Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder, for the furnishing all labor and material for the constitution of an extension of Sewer District No. 2, on Mon- Need Pan, I Mother and Baby 1 It's as necessary to summer com fort as the furnace is to winter comfort. The 1912 Electric Fans are fans ' that you'll be proud to take home -light in weight, graceful, beautifully finished ornaments any place-most economical fans ever made. Get one now and let the home share the comfort of the office. You wouldn't be without one in the office a single day, would you? Portland Railway, Li ght and Power Company Call at Electric Store MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH & ALDER STS. PHONES MAIN 6688 AND A. 6131 roe Street, Oregon City, Oregon, un til 4 o'clock p. m. on the 5th day of June, 1912. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check equal tothe sum of 5 per cent of the total amount of the bid, which sum shall be subject to forfeiture to Oregon City in case of the failure of the successful bidder to enter into a written contract for said work, if called upon to do so, within the time specified for the same. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished by Oregon City. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved by Oregon .City. - Each proposal must state the time required for the completion of said work, which work shall be done in strict accordance with the Ordi nances of Oregon City and the Char ter thereof, and the plans and spec ifications governing said work. This notice is published pursuant to an order of the City Council of Oregon City, made and entered at a special meeting thereof held on the 2:!nd day of May, 1912. L. STIPP. Recorder. Notice of Hearing of Sewer District No. 7, Assessment. Notice is hereby given that the Com mittee appointed to ascertain the benefits to each lot or ?art thereof, or parcel of real estate lying in Sewer District No. 7, Oregon City, Oregon, described as follows, to-wit Beginning at the South line of Dist trict No. 2, at the West end of the Alley dividing Block 30, thence - Easterly along Alley to the North east corner of Block 59, Lot 3, on the West side of John Adams street thence Southerly along John Ad ams Street to the Southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 92, at First street, thence Westerly along First street to the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 92, thence Southerly to Alley dividing Block 91, thence , Westerly along Alley to the Northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 84 on Washington street; thence along Washington street southerly to the Southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 84, on South street, thence Westerly on South street to the Southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 84, thence Southerly to Alley dividing Block 85, thence Westerly down Alley to the West side of Center street and at North east corner of Lot 3, Block 80, thence Southerly along Center street to Southeast corner of Lot 4, Block 80, at South Second street, thence westerly along South Second street to thesouthwest corner of lot 4 Block 75, thence Northerly along the West line of Blocks 75, 74, 73, to-the place of beginning. ThecoSl of laying and constructing said sew an Electric Too 3SHESS3 er to each lot or part thereof, or parcel of real estate in said Sewer District, according to such benefits has made its report and the assess ment based thereon is now on file in the office of the Recorder of said Oregon City and subject to examina tion and the City Council of said Oregon City has appointed, Wed nesday, June 5th, 1912, at 8 ocloc p. m. in the Council chamber of Oregon City, as the time and place of hearing of objections to such as sessment and your are hereby noti fied that, any objections that may be made in writing and filed with said Recorder on or before the 5th day of June, 1912, will be heard and considered by the said City council at the time and place hereinbefore specified before any ordinance is. passed assessing the cost of said sewer. . Dated May 23rd, 1912. L. STIPP, Recorder. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for theCounty of Clackamas. Rose Tharp, Plaintiff, vs. Elva Tharp, Defendant. To Elva Tharp, Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap . pear . and answer the complaint filed against your in the above entitled suit on or before the 15th day of June, 1912; said day being more than six (6) weeks after the date of the first publication of this Sum mons, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in his complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and yourself. This Summons is published in pursuance to an order of the Hon orable J. U. Campbell, presiding judge of the ;above-entitled court, made on the 8th day of May, 1912, directing the same to be published in the Morning Enterprise a news paper of general circulation pub lished in the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon. Date of first publication, May 10, 1912? Date of last publication, June 14, 1912. MAC MALION, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. T. J. Merret, Plaintiff, vs. Annie Merret, Defendant. To Annie Merret, above named defendant: , In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby- required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above enti tled suit on or before the 29 day of June, 1912, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exist ing between plaintiff and defendant This summons is pubished by or der of Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which -order was made and entered on the 16th day of May, 1912, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks beginning with . the issue Friday, May 17, 1912, and continuing each week thereof to and including the issue of Friday. June 29, 1912. JAS. E. CRAIB, Attorney for Plaintiff.