MORNING ENTERFBISE, SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1912. VERriON TROUNCES PORTLAND AGAIN Stories from Out of Town JENNINGS LODGE. Mrs. S. T. Dow and two children, of St. Paul, Minnesota, arrived last week for a two months' stay with her mother, Mrs. Jennie Jones. Clyde Newell was an over Sunday visitor at Eugene, the former home of the Newell family. Dan Salt, of Seattle, was a Sunday guest of George E. Morse. Mrs. J. P. Strain was a Portland visitor Monday, going down to con sult an eye specialist. The H. C. Painlon family visited at Parkrose the first of the week and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baird, who came to the coast this spring from Castalia, Iowa. . Mrs. Shaver is visiting at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Roy Kel ly, at Mt Scott. Mrs. Addie Hodgkins,- of Vancou ver, Washington, was an over Sunday visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ella J. Spooner. Mothers' Day was observed at the Jennings Lodge school by members of the primary room, Priday May 10th. An interesting program of mem ory gems and compositions on "Mother"' with songs made up a beau tiful program. The essays being well written and these little folks are eith er destined to be great writers, or are especially well blessed with good mothers, judging from their good com positions. Miss Bronte Jennings is the teacher of the primary grades. Mrs Edd Paxton enjoyed a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Cleredon Pax ton, of Portland, Friday. The Home Department of the Bap tist Sunday school has been organized by the families on East County Jtoad and their Sunday school is held at 10 A. M. those unable to attend else where are invited. Edd MacFarlane and three sons of Mt. Angel have been visiting with his brother, A. C. MacFarlane. Edd Mac Farlane and family are contemplating on going to Canada to make their home. Mrs. Bess Bruechert and children spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Eddy in Oregon City. Mesdames Edith Truscott, Jennie Jones and a party of Oregon City friends heard Frank Leonard of Chi cago at the First Church of Christ Sunday in Portland. . Messrs.- P. D. Newell and Chas. Dedmond, C. P. Morse, Harry Painton, Manson Rose, Ralph Near and J. A. Johnson represented the Community Glub at the club rooms in Oregon City on last Friday night, when they con fered with the P. L. & P. Co.. officials in regard to reduction of rates from this place to Oregon City. An electric motor for pumping has been installed at the river home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Emmons. The warm days have brought camp ers and those who enjoy out of door life to this place. The Stover family have leased Rock Lodge. Major and Mrs. T. S. Clarkson who have been soujourning in California during the winter, ihiave decided to remain in San Francisco during the summer, where the Major's health has been greatly benefitted . Their camp at this place has been leased to Port land people. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Card were over Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Card's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pura, at Battleground, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jackson, of Portland and Miss Elizabeth Cook were visitors at the Cook home Sun day. Mr. Batdorf, of Oregon City has pur chased acreage on Hull Avenue and Jennings Street and will build a hall and" store. Dannie Smith left Monday for La Grande to work during the summer. Mrs. Donough of Portland, was look ing after her property interests at this place this week. Mr. Barnes came down from Latou rette to his cottage for a few days. Win Ross has sold his cozy little place on the east side and removed his household effects to Orchard, Washington. His parents, Mr .and Mrs. Win Ross spent Sunday at this place, returning to their home at Or chard Monday. The Circle met with Mrs. A. C. MacFarlane, Wednesday, May fif teenth. After the business meeting it was decided to hold a picnic on May twenty-fifth. Mothers' Day was observed in the following way: Paper on Mothers' Day Observance, by Mrs. Roberts; Scotch poem on Mothers' by Mrs. Harry Robinson; Recitation, Mother's Hands, Mrs. Win Cook; Mothers Day Memory Gems by Mrs. H. H. Emmons, Mrs. A. C. MacFar lane, Mrs. Truscott and Mrs. Webb; Recitation, Rock Me to Sleep. Mother, Mrs. Painton; Poem on Moth' ers, by Mrs. Bessie Anderson; How to Observe Mothers' Day, Miss Scripture; Mother's Love, a poem, by Mrs Jennie Jones; Paper, Mrs. Morse. Others present not taking part were Mes dames Edd Roethe, Royal Stover and Laura Newell, Mrs. Olin Ford, of Portland, being the guest of honor. BARLOW. Mr. Westcott, editor of the Aurora Observer, and family were in town Monday evening. Dan M. Boardman, of Portland, was visiting at the Irwin home several days last week. Mr. Boardman leaves Portland Tuesday night for California, where he will enter a university. The Ladies' Aid of the Synod Luth eran church met with Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Canby, Wednesday. Mr. Berg kindly taking the ladies over in his auto. The pupils who took the eighth grade examination here were Florence Widdows, Ethel Armstrong, Cora Lar son, Nora Larson, Marian Evans and Lynn Van Cleve. Mr. Melvin conduct ed the examination. School will close next Friday with a picnic. The term has been a very successful one and we feel that the children are well paid for the time put in. We should wish to see Miss Lewis and Miss Anderson return next ""year, but they both have better posi tions offered them elsewhere, there fore they will make a change. , Miss Hattie Irwin came home Thursday from Portland, returning again Monday. H. T, Melvin went to Roseburg Monday to attend State Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse went to Port land Wednesday to visit relatives, re turning Monday. Miss Lewis and Miss Anderson went to Portland Saturday to see the "Pink Lady" played. Mrs. Mott of Canby, was visiting friends here Tuesday. All available teams and men will begin hauling and loading ties Wed nesday . The ties are owned by Hult Bros, and W. B. Tull has the contract for loading them. W. W. Irwin, of Aurora, called on Grandma Quint Saturday. LOGAN. ' Talk about "combines" that "run things up" generally, is nothing com pared to the thermometers running the mercury above the reading line, and you search for some of last August's left over lingerie, the thin gauzy kind, and cant' find it, 'tis then you feel that Webster overlooked a few words. Mr. Philip Kohl is erecting a fine new barn of modern type. The ma terial being grown on the home place, and converted into lumber in their I own mill. Mr. Kohl is one. of Logan's J prosperous farmers. , Mr. Swales ,the roa'd supervisor, is wormng at tne gravel pit, getting rea dy to haul gravel. The viewers are going over the 'proposed Logan & Barton road. Next Sunday the Weonas of Port land will play the Logan first nine at the latter place. Also Damascus sec ond nine and Logan second nine. Tough, but true, the score Sunday was eight to three in Damascus favor. Logan boys have lost their "rabbit foot" temporarily only. Next game may be a Waterloo for the other side. Barton Boys defeated Logan sec ond nine Sunday afternoon. It was some consolation however, to the Lo gan side, their "kid" pitcher fanned out eleven Barton men in five innings. Sunday afternoon four of-the Fisch er children were boat riding on the mill pond at Fischer's Mill when the boat went over the dam, fortunately all were saved. Alfred Hamblet, aged 80 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James McMurry, after a lingering ill ness, Thursday evening, and was laid to rest in Pleasant View cemetery Saturday noon. Rev. E. A. Smith con ducted the service at the grave. He was bora in New York in 1832 and came out here last fall. He is sur vived by a widow and several chil dren. The many friends of Mrs. Fallert are sorry to hear of her home being under quarantine on account of scar let fever. She formerly resided here, but lives in Sellwood now. Her two youngest children are the ones af flicted. SANDY. Attorney C. D. Purcell, of Portland, after having made several visits to Sandy, has decided to open a law of fice here. J. H. Prout has charge of agang of men painting red fir trees on the U. S. forest reserve east of here. Each man plants about 750 trees per dajt Messrs. Wolf, Deaton, Burns and Proctor made a trip to Oregon City by auto Tuesday. Gertrude Mening, Kate Junker, Bruce Schminky, Clarence Kehres, and Geo. Hennessy took the county eighth grade examination. Mrs. F. R. Menig is improving in health. Ed. Wolf and Katie Kehres of this place, were married Monday. The hot east wind has had such a rapid drying effect in this section that danger of destructive fires is feared. Several have thoughtlessly set fire to slashing, brush, etc., and lost control of it. J. R. Cornogg burned up the lumber he had drawn for a new house and A. Malar burned a number of rods of fence. It is now practically assured that the so-called Multnomah and Eastern R. R. will have a seven-mile line from Cottrell to Sandy ready to operate in side of twelve months . The right of way is ready guaranteed, and E. R. Ernsberger, president of the new cor poration, promises to push the grad ing and construction to completion. Arrangements have been made with local saw mills for ties and bridge timber. The sentiment of all people interested is strongly favorable to the project. It will be a positive and di rect benefit to all classes and will make Sandy the leading town of east ern Clackamas. Messrs. Ernsberger and Roots and their wives, of Portand, were in town Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tappendorf, of Bull Run, spent part of the week in Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wolf, will be gin housekeeping in one of the Proc tor houses. DAMASCUS. We are having extremely hot wea tiier fox- a few days, A it continues very long the crops will be injured. The road work is progressing nice ly nearly one-half mile of crushed rock has been laid and as much more to be finished. Logan's new baseball anita certain. ly are a "jinks" to them.. D. A. A. C. ball team went to Lo gan Sunday and defeated Logan, the score being 8-3. Logan boasted of not having been defeated this year, but Springwater and Damascus turn ed the trick all right Logan- used three Ditchers aeninst a tn nn avail Gerber and Anderson were batted out or the box and the other chap came too late . Kummer, of Damascus, was in fine form and was well supported. Two hits and two errors gave Logan their three tallies, while Damascus hit at-will. The next game will be played at our grounds June second and promises to be an interesting af fair . Chris Eckert sold his four-acre farm last week, which he had listed for J8500. WILSONVILLE. J. Peters was a Portland visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton were in the Rose City Thursday. Mrs. Flynn visited relatives in Port land during the week. Mrs. Cronin and Mrs. Melvin were Portland visitors Thursday. . Dora Seely is visiting reatives in Salem. Elma Summer is visiting friends in Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Aden attended the Epworth League Convention in Salem Sunday. ' Dr. and Mrs. Jobsy, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, have arrived to spend the summer with their friends ,Mr. and Mrs. McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Chalupsky visited rel atives in our village Sunday. Emma Stangel spent Friday in Portland. Mae Baker went to Newberg Sat urday to be absent for some weeks. .:. Mrs. Wood is visiting her son,-Aubrey. Mrs. Rand was In Portland during LOS ANGELES, May 18, (Special.) Vernon continued its winning streak today by defeating the Beavers, 6 to 3. Two misplays by Portland were costly. Both Koestner and Raleigh al lowed 11 hits. Portland made 2 in the third and one in the eighth. Ver non garnered 2 in the first and one in the second, third, fourth and sev enth. The results Saturday follow: Pacific Coast League Standings W. L. Pet Oakland 27 16 .628 Vernon 25 16 .610 Los Angeles '. 22 21 .512 San Francisco 19 23 .452 Sacramento . .'. 18 24 .429 Portland 13 24 .351 Yesterday's Results At "Los Angeles Vernon 6, Portland 3. At San Francisco San Francisco 3, Oakland 2. At Sacramento Los Angeles 2, Sac ramento 0. National League Philadelphia 12, St. Louis 5. Pittsburg 8, Boston 5. Chicago 5, Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 4, New York 3. American League Philadelphia 24, Detroit 2. Chicago 3, Boston 1. Cleveland 10, New York 7. St. Louis 8, Washington 2. the week. - . Wm. Black was in the Rose City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brobst have re turned from Prineville. Ben Moore visited his sister ,Mrs. Elmer Jones lately. P. H. Selby and Curtis Selby, of Or egon City, visited friends near Wllson ville Monday, coming by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham went to Portland Saturday. Mrs. Marion Young has been the re cipient of subscriptions amounting to about one hundred and fifty dollars, for the juvenile fair, to be held in our village in August Ray Baker's . horse became fright ened Sunday, smashing the buggy somewhat. Miss Mary Brobst our accomplish ed musical star, is going to take pu pils for the summer months at her home, or she will go to the homes of her pupils, if requested to do so. We are certainly fortunate in having this talented little lady with us for the summer. Don't forget the entertainment by the choir of the M. E. church Friday evening. Bring a basket and enjoy the evening as well as help a worthy cause. MARQUAM. Hot weather prevails the ther mometer stood at 94 in the shade here Sunday. Mr. Shoemaker is preparing to put up his property on Main Street for a barber shop. J. R. Skirvin died Saturday and his funeral was held Sunday. He leaves four orphan children, all under six teen years, his wife having died eight months ago. G. W. Bentley and Barton Jack were in Oregon City last week. . The Ladies' Aid are to have an ice cream supper and entertainment in the hall Friday evening May 17th. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marquam and Mrs. M. J. Stockwell and Wallace Al bright attended Judge P. A. Mar- quam's funeral in Portland last week: They went by auto. Mr. Melby lost two milk cows last wek from eating too much green clo ver. . School closes here this week. SUNNYSIDE AND 'ROCK CREEK . Geo. R. Ellis, "formerly of Sunny- side, who has been spending the win ter with his parents at Walnut Grove, Minnesota, has returned to good old Oregon and does not want to spend another winter there. Mrs. Ellis and daughter will return here when the school is out there. They intend to live on their place at Rock Creek. Some friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reed met at their home April-26th in honor of their birth days and spent a very pleasant after noon. " A number of presents were re ceived, which will be quite handy in the following year. An appetizing lunch was served, then after wishing them many happy birthdays the friends left for their homes. The new steel bridge is being erect ed across Scott Creek, Sunnyside, this will be a great improvement and has been needed for some time. Rock Creek also needs one badjy. - The Sunnyside Amateur Dramatic Club gave a play at Damascus Satur day evening entitled "The Ranchman," which was well rendered. After the play the young people danced until half past one. Mrs. Elva Hunter, Mrs. L. Stoll and children were visiting at Mr. Grady's at Oregon City Wednesday. - School will be out at Rock Creek school next Friday. HIGHLAND. There will be a basket social at the Alberta school house Saturday even ing. Miss Kleinsmith has prepared a splendid program for the occasion. There will be a good time for every body. You are invited. " Nat Scribner waB in Oregon City Saturday. - im tine Aofo Cooitest Contest Closesat at 7pm Positively No Votes i I This Pine, 5-Passenger Touring Car Will Be Won by someone on the above date.. IT MAY BE YOU; Any Contestant That Is In The race has a chance as a winner. - The,:Second Prize of Will be given to the one making the second best showing. Jtist think what yoa could do with $ 1 00.00, think of the fine vacation yoti cotild have. If you have been discouraged, just figure jwhat 4 sobscriptions a day will do' for you ; THE N GET BUSY Frank Rees was in Oregon City Tuesday. The Trustees have put a flag pole at the Alberta school house. We are having some fine weather these days. Mr. Holland and sons were culti vating their potatoes Monday. . Irene Moehnke is home for her va cation having finished her term at the Canyon Creek school. STAFFORD. After first enough rain to make gar dens grow nicely we are now having ideal weather. Mrs.- Ben Atty and little grandson are better. Mrs. Gebhardt's brother and wife, from Wilsonville, took dinner with Mrs. Gebhardt and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Holton with their two children came out to Stafford with their machine .Saturday night and re turned Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson from Alto Park and their son Paul, drove oat in their new Ford machine on Booster Day.. . Mrs. Gage was agreeably surprised on the afternoon of May Day to find r. - n T some fairies 'Without the sound of footsteps had hung a beautiful May basket on her door knob. It is nice to be remembered by the fairies. .The new switchboard for the Farm ers' Telephone was installed at Jack Ellegren's last week. A man hauled a load of electric insulators for the power from Willamette to Willson ville. Mrs. Gage has been having an at tack of the grip this week and says she knows what the old darky meant when he said he felt powerful weak. The Rev. Fricas is slowly regain ing his strength. Mr. Weddle is busy building his new house. Eddie Rabic and his grandfather have the pit dug and material on hand for the concrete foundation to a veg etable cellar. Mr. Schaltz and his boys worked a long time with his gasoline engine, which had become balky, taking it all apart and giving it a general clean ing, but still it wouldn't go. He was about to give It up when he accident ally touched some place and presto, it began to hum all right, and now he and his boys feel perfectly confident to run their new Ford auto when they Wednesday, June 5, 1912 Counted After 7pm 5 . ; get it KELSO. Born, Sunday, May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ned Nelson, an eleven pound boy.' " School Clerk P. C. Spooner con ducted eighth ' grade examinations Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs. S. B. McKinney has returned to her home at Maxwell, California, after a week's visit with her folks here. Mrs. A.. Dickson is recovering from a severe illness. - Mrs. Harry Bickford is quite ill with inflamatory rheumatism. Measles in a light form have been prevalent in this neighborhood. MRS. BLACKMAN GIVES MUSICAL The following program was render ed at a musicale given by "Sarah A. Blackman, of Courtney Road, Wednes day, May 15th, entertaining the Port land Chapter E., P. E. O.: Piano Solo Selected Mrs. Carrie Beaumont Reading Original Poem "Love's Surrender" Mrs. Blackman Solo (a) "nou conoBCi 11 bel - suol" .........From Mignon $100 .(b) "Thoughts Have Wings' Lehmann Mrs. Blackman Duet "Wanderer's Night Song". .. Rubenstein Mrs. Risley and Mrs. Blackmas. Miss Lois Kennedy, accompanist WILLAMETTE. Harry Berdine has commenced to clear his land of the stumps and ties. Harry bas one of the finest located places for peaches near Willamette. . Bill Reams has a crew of men put ting in new ties and (repairing the roadbed for the Willamette R. R. Co. Jonas Johnson is home with a severe cold . Mrs. LeMay's baby is quite ilL .- $10 REWARD For the arrest and conviction of any person or persons, who t unlawfully remove copies ot Th Morning Enterprise from the premises of subscribers after paper has been placed there by carrier. -