MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, MAY 18 1912. 3 WHY NOT BUY ONE OF THOSE $ 1 5 to $30 Box Back Suits "Evenbody 's Doing II" And there is only one place in town where you are never disappointed and that is at J. LEVITT'S Suspension Bridge Cor. Kipling Completed. "A woman Is only a woman. But a good cigar is a smoke," And that's no joke! And a bad cigar is a hor-ror-ror! OREGON CITY PARTY I Mrs. W. D. Martin of Sellwood, en tertained a party of fourteen women of this city, Canemah and Portland Friday at dinner. The party from this city and Canemah left early in the morning and a delightful enter tainment was furnished by the host ess. Among those attending the par ty were Mrs. Sarah Miller, Mrs. M. A. Willis, Mrs. Jennie Dingman, Mrs. Jul ia A. Frost, Mrs. Louise Freeman, Mrs. Dorothy Rakle, Mrs. Francis Faust, Mrs. A. H. Finnegan, Mrs. Lena Tay lor, Mrs. W. L. Midlam, .Mrs. P. J. Winkle, Mrs. N. A. Bowers, Miss Ada Bedwell, Mrs. A. E. Rhodes, Mrs. Mary Stevens, Mrs. Mary Hocker, Mrs. W. D. Martin, Mrs. George Martin, Mary F. Lowe, aSrah Taylor, George and Ray Martin and Elmer Taylor. LOCALBRIEPS Dr. J. A. van Brakle, licensed oste opathic physician, 806 Washington St. Ferris Mayfield, .of Highland, was in this city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, of Shubel, were in this city Thursday. Fred Steiner and family, of Beaver Creek, were in this city Thursday. A sure sign of summer Huntley's big soda fountain opens today. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Steiner, of Beaver Creek, were in this city Fri day. Strawberry pickers wanted by E. P. Dedman, - Clackamas, or phone Farmers 06. Miss Rhea Kirbyson, of Shubel, was in this city Friday, and while here vis ited friends. Kirk Cassaday, one of the well known farmers of Carus, was in this city Friday. "ME FOR HUNTLEY'S TODAY." Their soda fountain is open for busi ness. Pure Olive Oil, guaranteed, 85 cents quart at Oregon Commission Com pany. Mr. and Mrs. Herman and son, Eric, of Carus, were among the Oregon City visitors Thursday. "Lead Me To Huntleys" that's what the thirsty maiden said. "Their big fountain opens today and I must have one of their famous ice cream sodas." There will be a working "bee" at Highland, when the church will be re shingled. This will probably be done next week. Mrs. Walter Bruce and children will leave soon for Powell River, where Mr. Bruce has accepted a position as electrician. The big fountain at Huntley's op ens today the Fountain with a repu tation all over the state, of serving the best icecream in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene LaForest, of Portland, were in this city Friday vis iting at the home of the ' former's mother, Mrs. Mary LaForest, of Twel fth and Washington street. Rev. E. A. Smith, who has been walking the country preaching has de cided to ride on his bicyce the remain der of the summer, and on Sunday will hold services at Logan, the morn ing subejct of which will be "The Wo man's Service, to the World She Hath Done, and What She Could Do." The Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap tist church was entertained at the home of Mrs. D. C. Latourette. The business meeting reports were given from those visiting the sick, and strangers as a part of the program. Mrs. VanBrakle rendered a piano so lo. During the afternoon Mrs. Lat ourette, assisted by her daughter, ser ved luncheon. The next meeting will be held on June 19, with Mrs. H. M. Smith. Mrs. F. Hodgkin, of Vancouver, Wash., was in this city Friday, and while here visited friends. Mrs. Hodg kin was formerly a resident of Jen nings Lodge, being Miss Addie Jen nings, daughter of prominent Oregon pioneers. Mrs. Hodgkin since going to Vancouver has taken much interest in the city, and is for the second year in charge of Ladies' Textile depart ment at the Clarkes County Fair, which will take place in September. This is the third year of the fair, and there will be two other counties in connection with the Clarke county. E URGES MANY i ELECTION REFORMS NORTON IS NAMED (Continued from page 1.) sfer is requested musfc produce evei dence of previous good character and business reputation. Hereafter on all street work assess ments will be made as soon as pos sible and property bonded in order that contractors will be able to get part - of . their money when same is due. Previously contractors have had considerable delay in securing their money and this new move is made to eliminate this unpleasant feature of street improvement. Main street was ordered turned over to the Rose Show on June 8, during the Rose festival and the Society will have entire charge of the same, no side shows, wheels of chance, or street fakirs will be permitted to do business here that day as all attractions will be furnished by the society in charge of the festival. Councilmen Holman, Roake, Meyer, Beard and Tooze were present. 1,11 - " I FOR SUMMER DAYS. A miss' lingerie frock, simple in de sign, and unburdened by superfluous trimming, is sketched here . It is de veloped in white mull batiste. There is a shallow Dutch yoke of the batiste gathered into a narnow frill of lace at the neck and outlined omits lower edge by insertion running in points. A parallel of the same is placed about an inch below this and the space be tween decorated with hand embroid ery. The center breadth of the skirt is cut in one with the bodice, the sash running from either side of this ties in the back in a bow. On the lower half of the skirt are four close ly grouped wide tucks. Above and be low these is the pointed design of in sertion, the space between the points being filled with the hand embroid ery. The skirt is finished with a wide hem. Means ot Success. Stern Father-He who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind. Trodigal Son Well, he raises t-he wind aoywav. The Enterprise automobile contest"! is the most popular thing ever pulled off in the Willamette Valley. CHEERFULNESS. Cultivate a cheerful disposition. . If a person determines early in life that a cheerful disposition is worth having and strives to obtain it and does so that person is a success in a fine sense of the word. Ol course comparatively few men and women ever st6p to think about success in this form, but if they will acquire the habit I will guarantee a larger measure of satisfaction than they may have met with " before. Leigh Mitchell Hodges. The legislative committee of the state grange, reporting its conclusions on the primary law, at the Roseburg meeting made suggestions for changes in the law that are arousing decided interest. The chief recommendation is an in dorsement of the second choice vote, or preferential system of voting. " An other suggested change is the repeal of the law for rotation of names on the , ballot and the placing of names on amendment of the registration law to do away with "blank A," by which votes may now be sworn in on elec tion day, and a plan for issuing cer tificates of registration to each regist ered voter, upon which he will be en titled to vote so long as he remains in the same precinct. The resolutions presented make a short argument for the second choice plan, urging that a small minority is often successful under the prsent plu rality rule. "Eight years ago the people of Ore gon adopte the direct primary law, the committee reported. "It has per formed a great service for the people in defeating the bosses and in restor ing to the people a large measure of the power ursurped by political ma chines. But good as it is, it is not perfect. Time has shown that some amendments should be proposed by the friends of the primary, and we grangers have always been loyal ad vocates of this law. "The greatest objection now found to the primary is the fact that a small minority does often nominate, and so gives a person of poor qualifications too great a chance for nomination. Thus in the last gubernatorial election the standpat element of the Republi can party lined up solidy ,for Bower man, while the progressive Republi can vote was divided amongst Dimick, Hofer and Abraham." The committee also suggested chang ing the time for filing nominating pe titions to not less than 30 days before election day and the sending of sam ple ballots to each voter. The com mittee favored limiting campaign ex pense to 15 per cent of one year's sal ary, whether -spent by the candidate himself or by others, but no candidate limited to less than $100. His Pain. Navvy Yiis. doctor; I still got that awful pain. Doctor-Does it hurt you much? Navvy Yus; it gives a awful twinge every time 1 twist . Doctor But you mustn't twist .Navvy 1 don't. London Punch. lummcr Vacations To the East Rose Festival Elk's Convention Via the VII SUNSET 0GDtN8tSrlA5TAI ROUTES SEASHORE or MOUNTAINS . Round Trip tickets to the principal cities of the east, going or returning through California, or via Portland. Going limit 15 days, final return limit October 31, on sale as follows: Sale Dates May 2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-24-29 Jane 1-6-7-8-13-15-17-18-19-20-21-24 25-27-28-29 July 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-26- Stop-overs Going or Returning 29-30-31 Within the Limit. Aug. 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23-29-30-31 Sept. 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30 Newpprt Yaquina Bay The home of the Rhododendron, and ideal place to spend the summer. Low round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates , out door amusements, bathing, boating, golf,, fishing, etc. Low Fares to Meeting of Women's Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to PACIFIC RAILWAY AND NAVIGATION BEECHES Are now wjthin easy reach by the P. R. & N. and a new field for a pleasant vacation open. Week end tickets now on sale and season . tickets from all points on sale June 1st. . PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Opens June 10 and Closes June 15. The greatest Floral Fiesta and Carnival of Pleasure yet held Isw round trip ticket on eal? from J5 point , For beautifully iliudiratti bcokitU i escribing Newport, B&y Oce&b and other points, as weli & information about Eastern Fare, vcutes, stopover, etc., call on earest Agent or 'vriT to. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passeiiget Agent, Portland, Oregon. B. P. O. E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 to 13, 1912. ON CORAL ISLAND SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. Ship wrecked a few days after a tugboat marriage in the South sea, and later cast upon a coral island where they were lavishly entertained by a dusky monarch, is the honeymoon exper ience told here today by Captain and Mrs. Thomas Endresen, who have just arrived from Papeete. Mrs. Endre sen was -formerly Miss Anue De La Tour of Pendleton, Oregon. Captain Endresen met and loved Miss De La Tour when he played base ball with the Grays Harbor team. When he sailed from Raymond, Wash, as master of the schooner G. W. Wat son, his fiance promised to meet him at Papeete, where they would be mar ried. At Papeete they learned that the French laws decree 'that the banns must be published 30 days prior to marriage. To avoid French jurisdiction, Cap tain Endresen chartered a tug, hired a minister and sailed out to sea. They were married, but on the return trip home the Watson struck a coral reef and stuck. By means of lifeboats they landed on the domain of a dusky king, who wept whenlhey sailed away three weeks later. 'K.RE.G The A, B, C of commercial prosperity is to give preference to the products of home industries. Your own prosperity becomes greater if you insist that your dealer always furnishes you with Oregon-Made goods. That policy will give employ ment to Oregon workmen, keeps Oregon money in circulation in Oregon, for the development of Oregon, to enrich Oregon and to enrich 'you. That is'good business. Readers of this paper are asked to cut out this page and ask for articles advertised here as the best way to build up the industries of the stater ' Oregonlife Is the Only Life Insurance tZ Company Exclusively Oregon has its entire operating plant in Oregon, makes all of its investments in Oregon securities only, has an unmatched record of success, is growing greater day by day, and receives preference from all discriminaitng buyers of life insurance in Oregon. Best for Oregonians SSSSSS 3 A. L. MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Assistant Manager Rope and Binder Twine ilSli FOUK LEAF RED CLOYER BRAJiD Trade Mark Made in the Northwest for Northwest consumers. Ask vour merchant for our l:OlE AND BINDER TWINE. Erery Article represents in cost 25 per cent to f-' per cent in labor employed. Support the manufacturer who gives employment t Inbor which. In turn, consumes your products ; also keeps your, money at home. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Factories : Portland, Or. ; Seattle, Wash. THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON a "OUT LAwaQflfcttO" Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills I FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS v.. "MADE IN OREGON" R. Veal &Son ALBANY, OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The choicest hops and the finest barley , malt, brewed scientifically in just the right way, are respon sible for its absolute purity and excellence. Mail us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery PORTLAIfD, OREGON C0SI5Y0UN0THINGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE We gurnet aD good packed under the brand of "DEPEIQallt" tm be satisfactory in every respect, you alone to be the judge. frrrhir package of your grocer: we ball of it, and tf yoo arc ot mit1 with it. return the package to yoav grocer, wbs 1 authorised to refund your Moey. DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANUFACTURERS OP HIGH-GRADE MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufacture all merchandise we offer for sale Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. PORTLAND, OREGON THE CELEBRATED BEEGMAJfJT SHOE, made in Portland, Oregon 621 Thnrman Street MADE IN OREGON GROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon "We design and make the celebrated ALSO PIPE ORGANS, At our Portland Factory, 15th and 16th and Pettygrove streets America's Largest Music House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE General Offices: Eilers Building Alder Street at Seventh. Portland, Ore. FORTY STORES OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our new fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men's tail oring, are made of the best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. TOUE TAILOR CAN PURCHASE DIRECT FROM THE 31 ELL "SWastika" Brand Macaroni, Noodles and all Alimentary Pastes Made in Oregon PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. Portland, Oregon look: FOR 'PkkleS J avwOTB in in m wmm m an THIS LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS 115! I C5 ss,'rzr" m- isrr-i All Oak used in KJna(k&ft line grows inXorrhemJapAB where winters are cold which is necessary to highest class O&Jf. King Q&ff is branded into the mood of this line and isa guarantee of the O&Jt, SuperiorifjAf Quat ity. Workmanship and absolute Satisfaction. D I r ewer tinr jmwm vt OregonChatr Co QUALITY BEST PRICE EQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand them from your dealer! W.H.McMonies&Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Schiller Cigar PORTLAND OREGON Factory Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere IShiiopia BRAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PIONEER PACKERS of the PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co. PORTLAND, OREGON "White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory5 Wheat Flakes ARE BEST OF ALL "MADE IN OREGON" ' ORWOOD Shingle Stains Lice Killer, Sheep and Cattle Dip Wood PreserratiTe Rust Resisting, Damp Proof Concrete Faint : Barn and Roof Paint, House Paint Floor Paint, Tarnishes .-. Paints, Oils, Etc. Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works at Linnton PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon Only Fire Insurance Company in Oregon CLOTHING OREGON WOOL Each year we manufacture and sell nearly ten thousand Men's and Boys' Suits from Oregon cloth, made by the three big woolen mills In Brownsville, Salem and Eugene. You can buy these Suits at very reasonable prices or send for samples to either of our stores. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Eugene Marshfield Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon' By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of ,. all kinds of -FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets PORTLAND, OREGON . Willamette RoUNews 1ST MADE AT Oregon City, Oregon Insist npoa MINUTE WASBPjD COMPOUND UovasuDtcsnt23aKB CONTAINS NO LYE. ROSIN. ACID OR" AMMONIA A Concentrated Camphorated Product Heals the Hands Will Not Injure tha Finest Fabric ASK YOUR GROCER Mail this to us and get free sampla United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREGON Office: 708 Lewis Building Factory: Kenton Manufacturers of Automatic Computing nhannfi-Makina Rp.nnrdina I . w . , f and Adding Coin-Paying Machines drink TRUE FRUIT FLATOR See that Trade Mark Is on Bottle A Pure, Delicious, Soft Drink A Sure Thirst Quell Made in Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. 881-383 East Pine Street, Portland "LIGNITE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MADE IN OREGON CALLAN & KASER : Selling Agents J22 Teon Building, Portland, Ore. Main 1633 Main 1700 SSavaQ