Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, May 17, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Stories from Out of Town
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sherk spent
ounaay wun Mr. snerit s parents, re
turning to their home in Eugene that
Mrs. Geo. Sherk entertained Mrs.
TJnander and Mrs. Knatt of Portland,
and Miss McKean of Walla Walla Sat
urday. The Oak Grove baseball team won a
double header Sunday, May twelfth,
; on the home grounds. They defeat
ed the Woodlawn team, score 5 to 2
and the Fulton team, score 3 to 2.
Trappy pitched both games with ex
cellent head work. The wonder and
shortstop Clair Harpole had sixteen
chances and accepted every one. Sun
day, May nineteenth, they will play
the Honeyman Hardware team on the
home grounds. A good game is ex
pected. - E. C. Warren .Earl Emmons, J. H.
Graham and George Goetz left early
Wednesday morning for a fishing trip
up the North Fork of the Molalla riv
er in Mr. Warren's automobile. We
hope the fish will bite as a mess of
good trout will taste very good these
Miss Hudson left Wednesday after
noon for a trip of several weeks to
Silverton and Scio, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Warren and Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Graham went to Can
by Sunday to see Arthur Graham, af
ter dinner the party drove up to Hub
bard, returning home early in the even"
A joint meeting of the Oak Grove
and Concord parents and teachers as
sociation was held at the Oak Grove
Methodist church, Wednesday even
ing, May 8th Mrs. W. F. Feibig pre
siding, Judge Bonough of Portland
was the first speaker and gave a very
good talk on the moral training of
children He said that the moral con
ditions are one of the vital items. The
moral education of children should be
foremost in the minds of the parents.
Teach discipline and unselfishness.
Parents should educate themselves
along social hygiene lines in order
that they can teach the children.
Mrs. T. L. Elliott gave a talk on
the training of children from a moth
er's standpoint. She said that lack
of knowledge of Children create great
mistakes. Loving confidence between
parent and child the the most im
portant points of child training. Mrs.
Blackman sang two solos, accompan
ied by Miss Louise Kennedy and Mr.
C. J. Chambers.
Mrs. Arthur Smith and mother, Mrs.
Mulvey, of Oregon City, called on Mrs.
R. L. Herron Friday afternoon.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Balyntine will be glad to learn that
they have a little daughter, born Ap
ril 4th . Mrs. W. R. Allen, her moth
er, was visiting there and returned
home telling us the news. Mr. and
Mrs. Balyntine are on a farm out in
the Molalla country, formerly living
Some time Thursday evening some
one pried open the back window of
Turck and Company's store with a
small ax taken from the wood shed
of the postoffice, taking some pocket
knives and leaving the ax under the
window. Constable Holt was notified
and Sheriff Mass and Deputy Miles,
of Oregon City, came down Friday af
ternoon and looked into the matter.
They will look up the proposition and
it is hoped they will find the culprit
and he will be made an example of,
as this is not the first case of this
Wednesday evening, the 15th, at the
school house. Dr. Calvin S. White, of
Portland, will speak to the ladies of
the Parents' and Teachers' Associa
tion. The club extends an invitation
to everyone. "
Mrs. Anthony and daughter, of
Montavilla, spent Thursday with Mrs.
Ahalt and her daughter, Mrs. Owen
The Parents' and Teachers' Asso
ciation will hold its regular meeting
Friday, May 17th at the school at
2:30 P. M. Appropriate speaker will
address the association.
Fred Green, of Portland, was out
Thursday evening on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sherk spent
Sunday with Mr. Sherk's parents re
turning to their home in Eugene that
Mrs. Geo. Sherk entertained Mrs.
Unander and Mrs. Knatt of Portland
and Miss McKean of Walla Walla
Saturday. ,
The Oak Grove base ball team won
a double header Sunday May twelfth
on their home grounds, they defeat
ed the Woodburn team 5 to 2 and the
Fulton team 3 to 2. Trapp pitched
both games with excellent head work
Short stop Clair Harpole had sixteen
chances and accepted everyone. Sun
day ,May 19 they will play the Hon
eyman Hardware team on the home
grounds. A good game is expected.
E. C. Warren, Earl Emmons, J. H.
Graham and George Goetz left early
Wednesday morning for a fishing trip
to the North fork of the Molalla riv
er in Mrs. Warren's automobile. We
hope the fish will bite as a mess of
trout will taste very good these days.
Miss Hudson left Wednesday after
noon for a trip of several weeks to
Silverton and Scio, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Warren and Mr.
and Mrs. J. H Graham went to Can
by Sunday to see Arthur Graham.
After dinner the party drove up to
Hubbard, returning home early in the
The last meeting of the parents and
teachers association for the summer
will be held at the school Friday,
May 17, at 2:30 p. m; A good attend
ance is expected and some good talks
will be given by the different ladies
on the line of child welfare.
School will close the seventh of
June. A large class will graduate
from the ninth grade. The program
of exercises has not been arranged as
The Oak Grove Girls Band will play
at Lone Fir cemetery Decoration day
for the exercises in the afternoon.
Calvin S. White of Portland, ad
dressed the parents and teachers as
sociation Wednesday evening at the
school, a great many were present
and enjoyed the lecture.
served and Mrs. Henderson received
a number of pretty postcards and two
waist patterns.
. Matt Dibble and Matt Jagman went
hunting last week. They reported
twelve feet of snow m the mountains.
Feaster Cadinau ,of Estacada mov
ed Mrs. Ina Bittner to Oregon City,
where Mr. Bittner has purchased lots
The family intend , to make-Oregon
City their home.
There were five eighth grade appli
cants who took the examination last
Thursday and Friday. They were
Miss Hazel Freeman, Miss Nouna "Val
len, Mr. Otis Vallen, Miss Effie Cox
and Miss Mattie Maplethorpe. Miss
Allen, teacher, and friends as well as
applicants are eager to hear returns.
Mr. Shestrune, of Portland, is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vallen.
J. Cox, with his road crew, are mak
ing hard hits for better roads via Es
tacada Mr. Meilike plowed for Mr. Dan
Stablnecker Monday.
Mrs. Ida Park visited Mrs. John
Park Thursday.
Mrs. Pan Stahlnecker spent a pleas
ant day at Mrs. L. Vallen's Thursday.
Jim Parks has sold his interest in
the shingle mill and has moved away.
Mr. Ernest Boylan is reported the
Mr. Miller 4rove to town last Thurs
day with the bride and groom as vis
itors. They are Mr. Albert Schwer
ine and bride ,of Willamette. They re
turned to Oregon City. They spent a
few days at the groom's parents here.
Miss Nellie Miller who works in
Portland, has been spending a few
days at her parents' homt
Saturday, May 18th, several able
speakers from Estacada will speak at
the Elwood schoolhouse on division
of Clackamas county. Wives and
friends be there, with full baskets fot
a basket dinner.
Hot East winds are visiting Elwood.
W. T. Henderson and daugther, Mrs.
Delia Vallen, were in Estacada Mon
day. Harley Freeman is improving. Mrs.
Delia Vallen caused a postcard show
er to be given him by his friends
Mr. Meilike was in Estacada Satur
day. Mr. Cane returned home with
him. He had been working in Port
land for a few weeks.
Mrs. Anderson had a birthday party
one night last week. All present re
port a good time.
Mrs. Delia Vallen surprised Mrs. W.
T. Henderson last Wednesday on her
birthday. Several ladies were pres
ent. Delicious refreshments were
Relatives from Portland have re
turned home after a lew days visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Bullard.
Afisa Mnri TTarvev was in Portland
in at Wertnparla v on a business trip.
Mr. McClure was calling on old
friends Monday. He was formerly a
resident of this community and thinks
there is no place like Twilight.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harvey were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith
Sunday at Mulino.
Mr. William Fine ,the road super
visor, has a large force of men break
ing rock preparing to build a gravel
road. When this is completed this
will be one of the most desirable
places in Clackamas to live, as we
have a sidewalk to Oregon City, hav
ing been built through the energy of
the neighbors
Automobile Drive Is One Of Most
Popular On Pacific Coast
Banner Season. Has
beach season- is on. Saturday - last
the North Bank road inaugurated its
week-end special train service,,, and
Friday of this week the double daily
service was started. -. The warm
weather of the past few days has
started the people going to the sea-
as deep or so long a beacn of hard
sand. For twenty miles from Gear
hart to the mouth of the Columbia
river there is an automobile drive
equaled no where in the world.
If one. should tire of the sunshine
and the beach "Gearhart-by-the-Sea"
has a wooded section picturesque in
the extreme, and cut in two by the
lazy, safe-gliding Neacoxie, ever flow
ing softly, sweetly, gently toward the
turbulent sea. This woodland section,
consisting of 200 acres, is a natural
park, chock full of beauty spots atfa
its natural attractiveness intensified
by the handsome work of man. -
Because of its magnificent beach,
better surf-bathing can be had no
where, and for those too timid for the
ocean, there is the Natatorium, the
best equipped water gymnasium in the
Pacific Northwest. The swimming
pool is ninety feet in length, and its
heated salt water is freshened daily
and kept fat .delightfully even temper
ature. Even those too timid for
anything larger than a bath tub, thor
oughly enjoy the Natatorium for it
rcontains a gallery upon which specta
tors watch the antics of the human
water dogs.
The Hotel Gearhart, with its long
sheltered veranda, its sun:porch din
ing room, overlooking the broad ex
panse of the pacific; its old-fashioned
open fire place with its blazing, cheer
ful fire; its airy and well-furnished
rooms, supplied with" bath tub, sea
water and pure cold mountain wat
er, is a attraction in itself.
At "Gearhart-by-the-Sea" there are
no saloons, no boisterous -amusements,
no trashy attractions. It
certainly is the place for the man. of
family; for at "Gearahtr-by-the-Sea"
he and his family get that rest, re
laxation and recreation which the
worries and cares of this strenuous
twentieth century life we aje leading
demand. Add to its othr attraction
a dining service unsurpassed evenin
cities of metropolitan proportions,
and there is not much left to make
"Gearhart-by-the-Sea" the ideal spot
for a month's, a week's or a day's
outing. It makes no difference wheth
er it be Summer-time or Winter-time,
for "Gearhart-by-the-Sea" is an all
year resort.
"Gearahart-by-the-Sea" has its
golf-links, tennis courts, and base ball
grounds so that all may indulge in
these sports so dear to the American
heart. Expert golf players have pro
nounced the links the equal of any in
this county. Nature has given them
the soil, the roll of the ground and
the desired moisture. Such is the
character of the soil that within a
half-hour of hard rain one may play
the game without even getting his
feet wet.
Come to "Gearhart-by-the-Sea" for
your outing, but if you do come pre
pare to come again for one visit be
gets another.
Of Ft f
LOS ANGELES, May, 16 (Special.)
Vernon won an exciting game to
day. The score was 4 to 3. Portland
got 2 in the sixth and made a gallant
effort to win the game in the ninth
but could put over only one tally.
Both teams made 9 hits. Portland is
credited with 3 misplays. Klawitter
and Castleton were the pitchers.
A farewell party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett
Saturday evening in honor of Miss
Knutson, school-teacher. Her school
closes this Friday. Several young
people of Canby attended the party.
All reported having a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herberlach
and his two sisters, drove to Goble
in his auto Sunday, also visited friends
in Portland. ,
shore. Sunday last "Gearhart-by-the-
Sea," Oregon's famous Ocean-side re
sort, was filled to capacity.
The improvements made at "Gear
hart-by-the-Sea" have been many, and
those making and to be made, will
maKe tms tavonte Summer play
ground the equal of those famous in
the South and in the far East, A
I number of cottages have been built
j others are building, and plans have
been drawn for many others. The
'shicing, removing the said dunes
i north of the hotel, is prosecuted both
day and night, and miles of side walks
bave been laid. Last week the Gear
hart Park Company contracted for
200,000 feet of additional lumber
which is to be used in the construc
tion of a board walk along the beach
2000 feet long and when completed
will be electric lighted.
No resort on the Pacific Coast has
The Knights of Pythias, their fam
ilies and the Pythian Sisters had a
most delightful meeting at the Wood
men hall Wednesday evening, the
hosts of the evening being the
Knights. The 'affair was largely-at-tended,
the early part of the evening
heinsr devoted to a literary and musi
cal program, which was followed by
refreshments and dancing.
'JJ 'J "B'wt"-vM'Ll m m-'tv'
....-, s,; .- -- ' '
v The Fairfax Cub met at the home
of Mrs. Rosina Fouts Monday even
ing, the prize in cards, a handsome
Fairfax spoon, was won by Mrs. C.
D. Latourette. Refreshments were
served. The decorations were of roses
and ferns. The next meeting of the
club will be at the home of Mrs. M.
J. Brown Monday evening.
Mrs. Fouts' guests were Mrs. J. J.
Tobin, Mrs. H. P. Brightbill, Mrs.
Lena Charman, Mrs. E. T. Fields,
Mrs. W. R. Ellis, Mrs. E. T. Avison,
Mrs. C. D. Latourette, Mrs. E. T. Av
ison, Mrs. C. W. Evans, Mrs. H. E.
Hendry, Mrs. A. B. Wilmot, Mrs. C.
H. Meissner, Mrs. M. J. Brown, Mrs.
Elizabeth Fox, Mrs. T. L. Charman,
Mrs. George Hankins, Mrs. F. T. Bar
low, Mrs. G.- A. Harding, Mrs. M. D.
Latourette, Mrs. Thompson. -
Didn't Want Him to Laugh.
Hewitt You would make a donkey
laugh. Jewett Cut out your hilarity.
New York I'ress
Watch the automobile contest.
'. Men in greal place are thnce
servants, They are servants of the
sovereign or state, servants of fame
and servants ol business, so as they
have no freedom, neither in their
persons, noi in their actions, nor in'
their times. It is a strange desire
to seek powe ovar others and to
lose power over a man's own self.
The results Thursday follow:
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. L. Pet
Oakland , 26 15 .643
Vernon 23 16 .590
Los Angeles 21 20 .512
San Francisco 18 23 .450
Sacramento 17 23 .425
Portland 13 22 .371
Yesterday's Results .
At Los Angeles Vernon 4, Portland
At San Francisco San Francisco 7
Oakland 3.
At Sacramento Sacramento 3, Los
Angeles 2.
Northwestern League Standings
. W. L. Pet
Victoria 16 12 .571
Vancouver 16 14 .533
Tacoma 15 14 .517
Portland 15 15 .500
Seattle 13 16 .448
Spokane 12 15 .444
Yesterday's Results
At Portland Seattle 2, Portland 1.
At Seattle Vancouver 10, Victoria
6.' -. ,
At Tacoma Tacoma 8, Spokane 4.
National League
St. Louis 5, Brooklyn 4.
New York 4, Pittsburg 1.
Cincinnati 8, Boston 5.
The time to read the Morning En
terprise is at the breakfast table or
a little before.
For the arrest and conviction
of any person or persons, who
unlawfully remove copies of The
6 Morning Enterprise from the
premises of subscribers after
paper has been placed there by
Working for the other fellow and
Get Busy for Yourself
What can be won with a little
work a fine prize every JO days
To what people are saying and
yot will see how popular you ate
. n i i mi i3-i .y. ijijwwii aiiim .imut .;'JJW3V--"M,U'--k ft .VJitt'-,Jsiig5'V ' ' W)la- '. "fl
m." jjji a - - - s- - .... m
Yours for the
eW ft 3...
i t 7 SL
' ' '; -
Don't it look good
to you
To sHmuIafe interest in the vonng ana ive each one a chance fo profit by their
work we will give a prize every ten days. These prizes, will not affect ;the fina1
count in any way as all votes will count on
These prizes will be given to the one that hands n the largest number of votes
very ten days. v:'--.;';.'.;:-!-..' , . ""
100 In Gold
We will give 00 to the contestant who makes the second best
showing, li you don't think you can win the cat get m and win
the $100. Just think; $100 lot a few week's work in the even
ing or before work. ,