MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1912. J. LEVITT "If you can't be a hero, at least look like one" THOSE FAMOUS $15.00 TO $30.00 Box Back Suits will help a lot. AND AIN'T IT THE TRUTH?" Suspension Bridge Cor. AMBLER LOSES DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST MOTT A jury Friday in Judge Campbell's Court returned a verdict in favor of the defendant in the case of M. F. Ambler against Fred Mott. Ambler alleged that he was attacked and ser iously beaten by the defendant Oct obert 19, 1909. He sued for $1,850. Mott said the plaintiff trespassed upon his land and when he remonstrated with him Ambler struck him with a hammer. Cross & Hammond repre sented the defendant Oh, No, She Wouldn't. "I can't understand why a woman should lie about her age. I should never try to deceive anybody in that way." "Still you wouldn't want everybody to know you were forty-one, would you?" "Forty-one! The idea! I'll not be thirty-two till my next birthday." Chi cago Eecord-Herald. SK.RE' Qrcgonlifc has its entire operating plant in Oregon, makes all of its investments in Oregon securities only, has an unmatched record of success, is growing greater day by day, and receives preference from all discriminaitng buyers of life insurance in Oregon. Best for Oregonians A. L. MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager , ;1 AFArnTEWORITfsfe Rope 0 FOUR and imL fA Binder Twine CLOYER BRAND Trade Mark Made in the Northwest for Northwest consumers. Ask your merchant for our HOPE AND BINDER TWINE. Every rrticle represents in cost 25 per cent to r: per cent in labor employed. Support the manufneturer who gives employment 1 1 labor which, in turn, consumes your iuoducts ; also keeps your money at home. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Factories : Portland, Or. ; Seattle, Wash. Western Glay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE - u7k"eTdr3 111 Conscientious. J BLIND Deaf and Dumb Dick Say, Bill, see flat bloke? Blind Bill Naw. I never sees noth ln' durin' bizness hours. LOCAL BRIEFS Ask for S. &. H. Green Trading Stamps at the Hub Grocery. Mr. Long and family, of Mulino, were in Oregon City Thursday. Dr. J. A. van Brakle, licensed oste opathic physician, 306 Washington St. Herman Pipka, of Eldorado, was in this city Friday. The Hub Grocery gives S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. W. A. Shewman, of Risley, was i this city on business Friday. H. R. Dibble, of Rainier, Or., is in this city on business. M. Trullinger, of Molalla, was in Oregon City Thursday. W. E. Mumpower, of Stone, was in this city on business Friday. Frank Riley, of Portland, was in this city on business Friday. Earl Yeast and Carl More, of this city, visited friends in Portland Thurs day evening. Robert Cassady, of Carus, was tran sacting business in Oregon City Fri day. Thomas Davis, of Beaver Creek was among the Oregon City visitors Thurs day. Floral baskets also designs made to order for Mothers' Day at Jones' Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bulard, of Logan, transacted business in the county seat Friday. Miss Anita McCarver, who has been visiting relatives in Portland has re turned home. Place your order for flowers Satur day for Mother's Day at Jones' Drug Store. Sam Roake, of Clackamas, formerly of Oregon City, was among the vis itors to the county seat Friday. Get S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases at the Hub Grocery, 7th and Center streets. The Oregon census bulletin on Manufacturers shows that in 1909 the state had 2246 manufacturing establishments that gave employment to 34,722 persons, paying out wages and salaries amounting to $23,949,000. These factories utilized materiasl costing $50,525,000 and the total value of the products was $93,005,000" In other words these manufacturers added $42,453,000 to the wealth of the state. This page of advertising is to impress upon our readers the important duty of patronizing the home industries. When you are buying necessities or luxuries call for Made in Oregon products. Js the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon Home Office, Corbett Building, Portland CLARENCE S. SAMUEL" Assistant Manager THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS "MADE IN OREGON" R. Veal & Son ALBANY, OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The choicest hops and the finest barley malt, brewed scientifically In just the right way, are respon sible for its absolute purity and excellence. Mail us your orders. Henry Weinhard Brewery PORTLAND, OREGON Captain Young, who was recently operated upon at the St. Vincent hos pital, Portland, is improving. Mrs. A. W. Cheney,' of Portland, was in this city Friday visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Doolittle. Herman Fisher, one of the well known farmers of Carus, was in this city Friday being accompanied by his wife. . L. T. Lewis, a lawyer of Portland, was in this city on legal business Fri day. Miss Erna Petzold left Friday even ing for Eugene," where she will "be the guest of Miss Hazel Tooze, a student of the University, of Oregon. Buy your groceries where you can get S. & H. Green Trading Stamps, the Hub Grocery has them, corner 7th and Center streets. Mrs. Viola Douglass, of Beaver Creek, was in this city on business Thursday, settling up the estate of her late husband, J. W. Douglass. Barton Jack, one of the prominent residents of Marquam, was in this city Friday on business, and while here visited his' brother, County Assessor J. E. Jack. if you use one of those new mop wringers. Just a turn qf,ihe foot does it. At Harris' Grocery. Drop us a card if too busy o call aud see it. Losson Winslow, of Spokane, Wash, a mining man, who was called here by the death of his brother, the late Frank Winslow, returned to his home Thursday. Miss Olive Risley, of Risley station left Friday morning for Eugene, where she will visit her sister at the Delta Delta House at the University of Ore gon. Mrs. F. A. Miles and daughter, Mrs. Lillian Glenn and the latter's young son, Fred Glenn, were in Portland Thursday visiting the former's daught er, Mrs. Roy P. Martin. Mrs. Anna Johnson and Mrs. Aug ust Rakel and baby left Friday morn ing for Colton, where they will re main for about three' weeks on the homestead of the Rakels. Mrs. C. N. Greenman has gone to Bonneville, Or., where she is the guest of her son, E. C. Greenman and wife, Mr. Grennman is superintendent of the government fish hatchery at that place. Miss Charlotte Baker, after suffer ing for the past two weeks of pneu monia, is improving, and will be able to resume her position as bookkeeper of the Enterprise Monday morning. Dr. L. G. Ice, E. P. Elliott, Ralph Miller, Herbert Martin, Edward Schwab will form a party that will go on a fishing trip Sunday morning. The men will fish in the Milk Creek and also in the Molalla river. Mr. and Mrs. Smalley, of this city, left Friday for Eldorado, for the pur pose of bringing the horses belong ing to Frank Irish to this city, where they will be cared for during the ill ness of Mr. Irish. COSTS YOU NOTHINGTOTRY OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee tl goods packed under the brand of "DEPtMMIlf" tm be MtwfactofT to every reepect, yon alone to be (be fodgje. fault i inrtrtr xnnr frnrrr half of it, and If yon are Mot aatiafied with It, retnra tbe package to your (Tocac, who DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON MANUFACTURERS OP HIGH-GRADE MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufacture all merchandise we offer for sale Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. PORTLAND, OREGON THE CELEBRATED BERGMANS SHOE, made in Portland, Oregon 621 Thurman Street MADE IN OREGON CROWN FLOUR LatestBest '.CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon We design and make the celebrated ALSO PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory, 15th and 16th and Pettygrove streets America's Largest Music Honse EILERS MUSIC HOUSE General Offices: Ellens Building Alder Street at Seventh. Portland, Ore. FORTY STORES Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gross and A a ,1 ell t ar T T n 1 1 1 1 flmoa Qnfinmnoniail by Misa Jennie SchatZy went to Wil- onniHllo ThiiMflav avaninff whurathov were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner., well known residents of Wil sonville.' " - R. N. Kohlman, the popular repre sentative of the Jacobs-Stine Com pany, of Portland, was In this city on business in connection with the real estate firm Friday. Mr. Kohlman is one of the advertising representatives Of the company. .; Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Friel, Sr., of Firwood, near Sandy, who recently sold their household goods and farm ing implements, are in this city and are registered at the Electric Hotel. Mr. Friel has not yet decided upon' a location. Fred Winslow, of Spokane, Wash., has arrived in Oregon City, and is at present visiting with Claude Winslow of Milk Creek. Mr. Winslow came here to attend the funeral of his uncle, the late Frank Winslow, and expects to return to Spokane within a few days. Mrs. Duane Ely and little daughter, Dorothy, left Friday morning for Tual atin, where she was. called by the death of her father, Edward Byrom, whose death occurred Thursday even ing about 8:30 o'clock. She will re tnurn to Oregon City Monday. Mrs. Ely also was accompanied by her niece, Miss Gladys Byrom, who is at tending school in this city. Mr. and Mrs. William Schatz, well known residents of Stafford, will leave today for North and South Da kota, where they will visit their daughter and other relatives. Mr. Schatz formerly lived in South Da kota, but has been away from that state twenty-five years, and expects to find many changes in his old home town upon his return. Earl Lutz will- leave for the moun tains today accompanying S. S. Moh ler on his trip in the interest of the government. Mr. Mohler has taken the contract of planting fish in some of the mountain lakes, and also in Southeastern Oregon. They will take seven norses with them, five of which will be used for packing. They will be gone about five months, this city Friday. HOTEL ARRIVALS The following are registered at the Electric Hotel: L. S. Major, Portland; Mr .and Mrs. J. T. Friel, Sr., James Atkins, city; W. E. Mumpower, H. R. Dibble, Rainier; M. W. Connor, Port land; P. L. Schamel, J. E. Sinclair, J. L. Downer, Portland; M. Trullinger, Molalla: E. P. McFarlane, Ed Hughes R. Murphy, Portland. Good Enough as It Is. "Doctor, if a pale youug man named Jinks calls en you for a prescription don't let him have it. "Why not?" "He wants something to' improve his appetite, and he boards at my house." OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our new fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men's tail oring, are made of the best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. TOUR TAILOR CAN PURCHASE DIRECT FROM THE MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Noodles and all Alimentary Pastes Jtfadpin Oregon PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. -Portland, Oregon look: FOR THIS LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO. . Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS lis- f i - 'Vr. fcTS'i'J i. 1 fit, -iHt rr I All Oak used -' in Kingffrrff line gross inAiorrhernl&pM where winters are cold which is necessary to highest class O&A. King (s&ft is branded into the wood of this line and is a guarantee of the O&Jc, Superiority of QiaL in; Workmanship and absolute Satisfaction. from fh sbops of OregonChair Cq. II CITRON COLORED CLOTH. This is a delightfully rich and pretty little gown for early spring wear. It is developed in citron-colored drap souple with bandings elab orately soutached in the same shade These bands cross the bodice in sur plice fashion below a yoke and collar of lace. Another similar band in turn crosses these, forming a bolera effect around the arm, while over the shoulder is a crushed fold of black satin. The sleeve which boast quite a fullness is made of citro: chiffon over self-tone satin with a cuff of the soutache band. Below this and. over the plain underskirt is a knotted drapery of citron-colored satin. Cautious. An old north country farmer visiting London put up at one of the big hotels. He. had barely turned in on the first night when the "buttons" rushed into the room and switched on the electric light, exclaiming: "Make haste, sir: (Jet up! The ho tel la on fire!" The old man slowly raised himself on one elbow and. fixing the boy with a determined look, remarked: "M-ind ye. if I do 1 winna pay for the bed." Loudon Answers. Stopping the Leak. Mother Bobby, why have you stuffed cotton in your ear? Does it ache? Bobby No. Papa said that everything he tells me goes in one ear and comes out the other. I want to prevent this. St Louis Globe-Democrat. QUALITY BEST PRICE EQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand them from your dealer? W.H.McMonies&Co. PORTLAIfD, OREGON Schiller Cigar Factory PORTLAND OREGON Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union 5 "MADE IN OREGON1' THE BEST Produced here or anywhere BRAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PIONEER PACKERS Of the PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co, PORTLAND, OREGON White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory" Wheat Flakes ARE BEST OF All "MADE IN OREGON" ORWOOD Shingle Stains Lice Siller, Sheep, and Cattle Dip Wood PreserratiTe Bust Resisting, Damp Proof Concrete Paint . Barn and Roof Paint, Honse Paint . Floor Paint, Tarnishes ; Paints, Oils, Etc. Oregon Wood Distilling Co." Portland, Or. Works at Linnton Plan Your Vacation Now To the -v EastSeashore or Mountains . ' The Southern Pacific Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal cities of the East, going or returning through California or via Porland with go ng limit 15 days. Final return lim it Oct. 31st . ' Sale Dates April, 25, 26, 27 May, 2, 3, 4, 9, Ifj, 11, 14, '15,17,18, 24,29 -June 1 6 78 13141517 18 19 20 21 242527 28 29 Imperial Council Mystic Shrine, Los Angeles, April 30 to May 4 th Newport Yaquina Bay Offers Many advantages for a seashore outing. Low fares from all points in Oregon, reasonable hotel rates, outdoor amusements and all the delights of the seashore. The New P. R. & N. Beaches Tillamook, Garibaidl (Bayoceaa), Tillamook, Garibaldi (Bayocean), Lake Lytle, Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rocks, Tillamook Beach and Bay City will open a new field for a summer outing. Low round trip fares from all points in Oregon. Call on our nearest Agent for full information as to East Bound Ex cursion fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent .':. Portland, Oregon Eat Californa Raisins. Raisin Day April 30th. Ruined H:s Stomach For Science. One of the most singular things about the great nervous specialist Dr. Brown-Sequard was the way in which he saved his nerves for science, but in jured his stomach for the same cause. "I never smoke." he once said, "be cause I have seen the most evident proofs of the- injurious effects of to bacco on the nervous system." But his desire to investigate the contents of his own stomach by swallowing sponges to which a thread was tied and pulling them up to examine the gastrict juice which they had absorbed brought on a rare affection, known as merycism, or rumination, which com pelled him to masticate his food a sec ond time. . BAD HABITS. Shun bad habits. Every evil and wasteful babit draws upon our strength and resources without mak ing any proper return. On the other hand, every task faithfully done, every responsibility manfully borne in the path of c!u!y, steadies us like, well bestowed baiiast. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Of f ice: Portland, Oregon Only Fire Insurance Company in Oregon CLOTHING 7rt OREGON WOOL Each year we manufacture and sell nearly ten thousand Men's and Boys' Suits from Oregon cloth, made by the three big woolen mills in Brownsville, Salem and Eugene. You can buy these Suits at very reasonable prices or send for samples to either of our stores. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Engene Marshfield Call For LIBERTY SODAS "Made in Oregon' By the INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. FC"J Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of all kinds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets PORTLAND, OREGON . Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT Oregon City, Oregon July, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15,16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31 August 1, 2, 3,6, 7 12 15 16 22 23 29 30 31 Sept.456 78 11 12 30 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C. M. and Evelyn J. Hurlbert to Pearl C. Pompe, lot 27, of block 9, Oak Grove Park; f400. Christ and Susan Boss to W. E. Rosencrantz, 149.65 acres of sections 20 and 29, township 4 south, range 2 east; 2500. O. C. and A. M. Yocum to H. H. Hayward, lots 1 and "2 of block 11, Pompeii; $100. James E. and Mary E. Maher to Harry Long, lots 3 and 5, block 14, Hyde Park; $10. Harry Long to Carrie Bailey, lots 3, 4, 5, block 14, Hyde Park; $600. Grace E. Breithaupt to Oscar Brei thaupt, 6.342 acres of sections 5, 6, 7, 8, township 2 south, range 2 east; $1. Mary J. Jack and Barton Jack and Lillie Jack to S. H. Lima, 11.5 acres of D. L. C. of Jeremiah Jack; $383. W. L. and Mary E. Gilsan to Elmer Enes, lot 15, block 9, Oak Grove Park; $10. The Enterprise automoDile contest Is the most popular thing ever pulled off in the Willamette Valley. The Morning Enterprise is the best breakfast food you can have. (nsifc upon CONTAINS NO LYE, ROSIN. ACID OR AMMONIA AVINUTE A Concentrated Camphorated Product WASHING Heals the Hands Will Not Injure th Finest Fabrio COMPOUND UotttsfflHsm&axs ASK YOUR GROCER Mail this to us and get free sampU United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREGON Office: 708 Lewis Building Factory: Kenton Manufacturers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording and Adding Coin-Paying Machines - DRINK TRUE FRUIT FLATOS See that Trade Mark is on Bottle A Pure, Delicious, Soft Drink A Sure Thirst QueU Made in Oregon PURITAN MFG. CO. 581-8S3 East Pine Street, Portland "LIONITE" STUMPING AND ROCK POWDER MADE IN OREGON ' CALLAN & KASER Selling Agents 722 Teon Building, Portland, Ore. Main 1633 Main 1700 '