MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912. 1 J Oregonians Are Urged To Buy "Made In Oregon" Goods The made"Tn Oregon campaign to extend the home market for products of Oregon industries makes its first appearance in the advertising columns of this daily newspaper. A page to appear once a week for a year has been contracted for by representative manufacturers and readers of this paper are requested to buy the Oregon products. The "Keep twenty millions at home that are now sent east", means a great deal to the home market, the home industry and the Oregon wage earner. - It is interesting to know that Oregon industries and Oregon interprises can be made highly suc cessful if given an equal chance at Oregon patronage. The only line not purely manufacturing on this page is insurance and the amount of money sent out of the state for that purpose is appallingly large. The Oregon Life, with a record of $7,500,000 in policies written .in seven years and only $38, 000 loses is a record showing that the health, stability and prosperity of this state is without a parallel. The Pacific States company is an all-Oregon fire insurance company organ ized on the same conservative lines; and with the high character of Ore gon people and the low fire risk is destined to as great a career. Wood manufacturing is naturally given the largest share of attention. . Firms like the Central Door & Lum ' ber company, and the Carmen Manu facturing Campany build and equip interiors for business firms, banks, lodges, churches and club rooms. They construct art glass and metal work, marble and tiling. Oregon is a great furniture manufacturing state. The Kingeraft chairs of the Oregon Chair Company are found in the lob bies and parlors of the new Multno mah hotel. No finer chairs are made in the United States and no home or office is complete without one. R. Veal & Son of Albany make seventy styles of cheaper chairs and rockers. Their chairs are made from oak, ash and maple grown in Oregon and there is ittle excuse for sending money for furniture to Michigan. It is almost a crime against indust rial Oregon to send money east for flour and cereal products. The Crown and Columbia mills products chould displace all Minneapolis flour now used in carloads by Oregon peo ple. Albers Brothers Violet Oats their mills using 400 carloads of Ore gon oat3 in a single month surpass in quality any rolled oats made. Their pancake flour and the Columbia Wheat Flakes alone would keep $100,000 in Oregon if used by Oregon people. Clothing manufocture is naturally one of the most important lines and strongly represened. With a num ber of the largest woolen mills on the coast,, in eluding a mohair mill, there is an increasing demand for Oregon made clothing among the people of this state. The products of the Sa lem, Eugene and Brownsville woolen mills are made up'into suits for the Bowman stores at Portland, Eugene, Marshfield. Clohing is made up from the Oregon Woolen manufactured by the Oregon City woolen mills' and Fleischner, Mayer & Company. The mohairs made at Sellwood by the Multnomah Mohair Company froarthe Angora goats grown to perfection in this state, are fabrics that any man or woman in Oregon City should be proud to wear. It is estimated that a quarter of a million dollars are sent .east each year for paints, wood fillers and stains that are manufactured here in Oregon. In this line are products of the Ore gon Wood Distilling Company with its large plant at Linnton, where the fir stumps are thrown into the re torts and creosote and about thirty other chemical products are refined. This material forms the base of the Cendor paints and should be used by Oregon home builders interested in Oregon payrolls. By looking over the "Made in Ore gon' page readers will find they can sleep on Oregon made beddings, eat Oregon-made pickles and relishes, eat Oregon-made crackers and wash them down with Oregon-made good as any beer sold, count their money on an Oregon-made cashier, listen to music on an Oregon-made piano while smoking an Oregon-made cigar. Their are special interests in Ore gon that deserve special referance. How many know that the Bergman loggers shoe has the highest reputa tion in that line of any shoe made in the United States if not in the world? That the Central Door and Lumber Company makes plate glass mirrors as good as the finest imported? That Portland is one of the largest harness manufacturing cities in the North American and that McMonies gall proof collar is one of the greatest hu mane inventions of the age? That the Swastika Macaroni factory puts out twenty kinds of noodles and ali mentary pastes, the equal in quality of any imported products? That the Portland Cordage Company has one of the largest payrolls in Portland and makes binding twine, wool twine and hop twine superior to the im ported? Why not ask your dealer for the Oregon-made products? Do you not owe that to the home industry that in timemakes a market for your product? Is not the home manufact urer who is nearest to the consumer compelled to keep up the quality of his product more than the eastern manufacturer who is far from the market. The answers to these questions are equally true of every line represent ed on this page. The same quality goes into the products of the Dwight Edwards Company, who import coff ees in bulk from the plantations di rect from all over the world. The products of the Union Meat Company go direct to the consumer through the retailer who hears the slightest com plaint as to quality. A soft drink called "R-Porter", made by the Puri tan Manufacturing Company is dis placing a great deal of the ginger ale and grape-juice. It should be sold on all buffet and dining cars. It is made of pure fruit juice and distilled water and is displacing stronger bev erages. The manufacturer of the Lionite Giant Powder near Portland, a safety and sanitary explosive that is displacing the more dangerous and nausea-producing dynamites, will save millions for Oregon in money and hu man life. Vitrified sewer pipe, made in Oregon will interest every city in the state. A visit to the large plant of the Irvin-Hodson Company at Port land, or. the Willamette Pulp and Pap er Mills at Oregon City would con vince anyone that there is little ex cuse for sending money out of Oregon for trifles like rubber stampts, cellu loid buttons, lithographing or print ing paper. Boosting a City. There is a great opportunity for city boosting through the combination of. the municipal bond and municipal ad vertisement. This is the day when the bond issue builds the city. With mon ey comiug to it from every side of the country, money drawn from the sav ings bank and sometimes the stocking hidden between the mattresses, the modern city, has gained the beauties which make it famous. The public school buildings of the southeast are mode possiWe by the money of orange growers of California, and the Massa chusetts mill owner and ,his operator often furnish funds for bridges and boulevards in a western city John' J. Duffy in Leslie's. . English Daisies. The word "daisy" means "day's eye," because the little pink English daisies I always"close their petals when the sun goes down. An American woman found that out once when she was in England. She thought the English people didn't appreciate their little pink daisies. They rooted them all out of their lawn with big knives and said they were just weeds,, So the American said she was going to wear some at dinner. They said nobody but babies wore daisies. But she picked a bunch of them and wore them. And in the middle of the dinner she looked down and found they'd all gone fast asleep. Exchange. N LIFE TO BE PICTURES MANNER OF CONDUCTING ORE ' GON PENITENTIARY TO BE THROWN ON SCREEN Only a short time in which to make good in the auto contest. ' DO YCUR BEST. No maiter wrat the task, always do the very best you can. Only to the few Is given the chance to do great and shining deeds, to link their fame with some mighty achieve ment, but to every man it has been given to act well his part to per form the many duties, each simple in itself, whose sum is vast and whose effects are enduring. Not a Landlubber. Nelle Maude makes some queer re marks. She says Cholly does his court ing like a sailor. Delle Nothing queer about that. That's only her modest way of saying he's fond of smacks. Philadelphia Record. The Tea Problem. , "Is tea harmful?" "Sometimes it drives a man from home," replied Mr. Cumrox solemnly. "It all "depends on whether yourwife is content to drink it or insists on giv ing it to ope." Washington Star. Facinating Hair For Women It's Easy to Have-Natural Colored, Luxuriant and Radiant Hair " I T So'many women have grey and faded hair that makes'tnem'appear much older than they really are. They are not using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. J I yourr hair is grey or faded; if your hair is full of dandruff; s youa scalp itches ge a bottle of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH at HUNTLEY BROS. ;druggists today; useit regularly and you'll be surprisedt the'results HAY'S HAIR HEALTH is guaranteed to give ati if action or money back. Huntley Bros. Co. The manner in which the Oregon penitentiary is being conducted under Gov. West is Causing much excited discussion pro and. con all over the United States, and even in Europe. Leading magazines of the east the Outlook for one have sent special representatives to this state to invest igate, and the Oregon prison is con tinually in the limelight of the news papers. Even the people of England have become familiar with Governor West's prison policy, through the dis cussions of this subject by the great London dailies. , The motion picture houses, too have taken up the matter, and; recent ly a series of splendid pictures has been prepared, covering all interest ing phases of convict life in the Ore gon prison from the receipt of the prisoner at the station at Salem, by Warden Curtis, to the convict's final liberation. The interesting thumb print sys tem is clearly explained, the Dertil lion measurements shown, the Harry Tracy escape, etc., in facts, stories and pictures. Packed houses have been greeting these pictures through out Oregon. Elmo S. White, well known locally, has these pictures in-charge, and will show them throughout the the east Before starting on the extended trip, however, they will be shown at the Grand Theatre Wednesday and Thurs day, May 8th and 9th, both afternoon and evening. IT' C3T I3K- . W A art Look at this Dollars' fU Worth ! f- T U A Perpetual Sacred Fire. In the peninsula of Abeheron, for merly belonging to Persia, but now a part of Russia, there is a perpetual or, rather, what the natives call an eternal sacred fire, which is known to have been burning continually for more than 2,000 years. It rises from an irregular orifice of about twelve feet in depth and 190 feet square. The flames, which are constant, rise to a height of from six to. eight feet, unaccompanied by smoke or disagreeable smell, waving back and forth with the wind like a field of goldeii grain. Quick Riches. Getting rich quickly is not always difficult, but it is always dangerous. Youth's fYimnnninn U 1 P-V- 1 fTATTT771 T? 1 jLT.iii.ji is uiii v one bigger dollars' worth in America than 4 pairs of for $1.00, and that is our Special IsBsfofo? Value of 3 pairs to one box; , Single pair 35 cts. We recommend them above any 35c stockings on the market, In fit, finish and appearance they are perfection, and have the same broad guarantee as pro tects all 2j2222&. You do not have mg quality. Do you know of any other 35c stocking that combines style, fit, finish, and appearance, with a guarantee of satisfactory wear ? " , mm L. "ADAMS Big Department Store 7 and Main Ore. City. 63. Si 1 It is better to be 10,000 ahead than 10 votes behind in the auto contest. f!j MADE IN OREGONj&r REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Eugene Cumis and Olive Cumins to E. Mclntyre,-1 acre of section 8, township 4 south, range 3 east; $10. W. G. and and May- Brickley to Northewestern Trust Company, land in Brickley Tract; $10. , A. W. and May Brickley to North western Trnst Company, land in Brickley tract; $10. ; C. A. and Delia M. Evans to E. E. Myers land in section 30, township 1 south, range 2 east; $10. "MADE IN OREGON" , J. H. and Winnie E. Bissell to W. E. Bissell, one-fourth acre of section 33, township 3 south, range 1 east; Nels N. and Anna L. Rodlum to Carl Gust Fransen and Ida Fransen, land In section 27, township 1 south, range 3 east; $1800. Sam Cass and Mary Case to Sher idan Lillia, lot 10, of block 2, C. T. Tooze Addition to Oregon City; $10. Charles H. Dye trustee, to T. L. Charman, lots 1, 2 block 5 south, Ore gon City; $10. - T. L. Charman, trustee, T. L. Char man aifd Kate L. Charman to F. O. Minor, lots 1, 2, block 5, south, Ore gon City; $10. This page of advertising is paid for by the Oregon Manufacturers to educate the people to use and buy Oregon-made products They want to bring to the attention of people all over the state the firms here represented who should be patronized when ever possible. It is a patriotic duty to give goods "Made in Oregon" -preference over all foreign-made products. The way to build up Oregon is to build up it's Home Industries by giving preference to the products of those industries over others. Encourage Home Manufacturers by asking for the products of Oregon Labor, and maintain and increase Oregon payrolls. 'fj MADE IN OREGONjy Oregonfife Is the Only Life Insurance Company Exclusively Oregon has its entire operating plant in Oregon, makes all of its investments in Oregon securities only, has an unmatched record of success, is growing greater day by day, and receives preference from all discriminaitng buyers of life insurance in Oregon. Best for Oregonians !ssaS?.SSS A. L. MILLS President L. SAMUEL General Manager - CLARENCE S. SAMUEL Ascistant Manager AFAMHirFAVORIT&ii05 and Binder Twine' .r Rope f0 i'o ir LEAF EED CLOYER BRAND Trade Mark Made in the Northwest fir Northwest consumers. Ask your merchant for -our HOPE AND BINDER TWINE. Erery article represents in cost 25 per cent to 5!) per cent in l.ibor employed. Support the manufacturer who gives employment tii labor which, in turn, consumes your products ; also keeps your mojiey at home. F0RTLAND CORDAGE CO. Factories : Portland, Or. ; Seattle, Wash. THE Irwin-Hodson Co. Printers Lithographers Blank Book Makers Rubber Stamps and Seals Celluloid Buttons PORTLAND, OREGON "MT. HOOD" SHIRTS and OVERALLS Sole Jobbers of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. PORTLAND, OREGON ASK FOR Western Clay Co. Portland, Oregon Manufacturers VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE ....U.lilHi! MU.jail.l.JMUIUUUL m Albany Chairs and Rockers SEVENTY DESIGNS "MADE IN OREGON" R. Veal & Son ALBANY, OREGON WEINHARD'S Columbia The Beer Without a Peer The choicest hops and the finest barley malt, brewed scientifically in just the right way, are respon sible for its absolute purity and excellence. Mail us your orders. Henry .Weinhard Brewery P0RTIAM), OREGON COSTS YOU NOTHINGTO TRY f ymmmBmiJ' OUR GUARANTEE ihJM pockjMe at your grocer: nc half ol it, mm il yon my Mtiliad with it. ream the package to yoor grocer, whs is DWIGHT EDWARDS COMPANY PORTLAND OREGON "N lis J,BlDa NO coS MANUFACTURERS OP HIGH-GRADE MATTRESSES PILLOWS COMFORTERS Woven Wire Springs We manufacture all merchandise we offer for sale Pettit Feather & Bedding Co. PORTLAND, OREGON ...... mm ...I- .i THE CELEBRATED BERGMANS SHOE, made in Portland, Oregon 621 Thurman Street Made in Oregon flf CROWN FLOUR Latest Best CROWN MILLS Portland, Oregon T V J V We design and make the celebrated ALSO ' PIPE ORGANS At our Portland Factory, 15th and 16th and Pettygrove streets America's Largest Music House EILERS MUSIC HOUSE ' General Offices : Eilers Building Alder Street at Seventh. Portland, Ore. FORTY STORES OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS Oregon City, Oregon Our new -fabrics, designed exclu sively for women's and men's tail oring, are made of the best grades of wool and warranted fast colors. YOFB TAILOR CAJT PURCHASE DIRECT FROM THE MILL "Swastika" Brand Macaroni, Noodles and all Alimentary Pastes Made in Oregon PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. Portland, Oregon Loorc FOR tPicklo ijwwm to mm m mmi too i XjlyPOrYTUAMO aT OREGON J' THIS LABEL OREGON CHAIR CO. Line guaranteed by Manufacturer Ask Dealers for This Line CHAIRS n d 'V 1 O r- i O AH Oak used O ;n r,.d, icv i: ii III MJMCyljOMM 11UC grouts in MorrhernJ&paa where winters are cold, which is tieeess&ry to highest class O&M. King QtJt is branded into the wood of this line and is & Guarantee of the OiJc, Superiorityof Quit uy, workmanship and absolute Satisfaction. from the shops of Oregon Chair Co. QUALITY BEST PRICE EQUAL. GALL CURE Horse Collars Why not demand them from your dealer! W.H. McMonies & Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Schiller Cigar PORTLAND OREGON Factory Call for La Gran Marca The E. Schiller Schiller's Union S "MADE IN OREGON" THE BEST Produced here or anywhere BRAND Hams Bacon Lard UNION MEAT CO. PIONEER PACKERS of the PACIFIC Columbia Milling Co. PORTLAND, OREGON "White Mountain" Flour "Morning Glory Wheat Flakes ARE BEST OF ALL "MADE IN OREGON!' ORWOOD Shingle Stains Lice Killer, Sheep and Cattle Dip Wood Preserratlye East Resisting, Damp Proof Concrete Paint Barn and Roof Paint, House Paint Floor Paint, Tarnishes Paints, Oils, Etc Oregon Wood Distilling Co. Portland, Or. Works at Linnton PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Home Office: Portland, Oregon Only Fire Insurance Company in Oregon CLOTHING J OREGON WOOL Each year we manufacture and sell nearly ten thousand Men's and Boys' Suits from Oregon cloth, made hy the three big woolen mills In Brownsville, Salem and Eugene. You can buy these Suits at very reasonable prlceB or send for samples to either of our stores. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Portland Eugene Marshfield Call For LIBERT SODAS "Made in Oregon By the INDEPENDENT rRAfKTB PA Portland luAllVJLK LU. Oregon Carman Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of all kinds of FURNITURE Eighteenth and Upshur Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Willamette Roll News IS MADE AT - Oregon City, Oregon insist upon MINUTE WASHING COMPOUND CONTAINS NO LYE, ROSIN. ACID OR AMMONIA A Concentrated Camphorated Product Heals the Hands ffl Will Not Injure tha -3 Finest Fabric ASK YOUR GROCER Mail this to as and get free sample United States Cashier Company PORTLAND, OREGON - Office: 708 Lewis Building Factory : Kenton Manufacturers of Automatic Computing Change-Making Recording . and Adding Coin-Paying Machines DRINK TRUE FRUIT FLAYOR See that Trade Mark is on Bottle A Pure, Delicious, Soft Drink A Sure ThirsJJJuell Made in Oregon PURITAN MFC!. CO. 881-383 East Pine Street, Portland "LIONITE" POWD STUMPING AMD ROCK MADE IN OREGON C ALLAN & KASER Selling Agents . 722 Teon Bnilding, Portland, Ore. Main 1633 Main 1700