MORNING ENTERPRISE, -r TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1912. (HORNING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON e. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. "Satcred as Moond-eUaa mattr"3 ary , it th port office at Omos Llty Orejon, under the Aot at Uttrnh TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ou Tear by mail st.M Six Months, by mail IM Four Months, by mall I N Par wiek, by oarrier , i CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. - THE MORNING ENTERPRISE ia on sale at the following stores every day Huntley Bros. Drugs Main Street. J. W. McAnulty Cigars Seventh and" Main. EL B. Audsraon. Main near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door to P. O. City Drug Store Electric Hotel. Scaoenborn Confectionery Seventh and .T. Q. Adams. May 7 In Ameri:2i KL'.c;;. 1774 William Buinbridpe. nuv:n Le:-o. born: died 1833. laaA Ptoiicoj Ftllznliptli P.nrrow. lun . ...... . - "Aunt Fanny." popular writer fur children, died: born 1812. 1910-Thomas Byrnes, former superin tendent of New York police, known throughout the country as "Inspec tor" Byrnes, died; bornlS32. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Sun sets 7:03, rises 4:50. Evening stars: Mars. Saturn. Morning stars: Venus. Jupiter. Mercury. CAPITAL AND BOOSTING Los Angeles California, is the great est product of the art of boosting on the Pacific Coast. From, a dessert country to one of the greatest cities on the Coast has been the work of only a very short while, with noth ing to fall back upon or on which to build except climate, and a few people brought up in the right way, educated to know that industry and capital can do more for a district than any other thing or hings. From a lot of sand duns and river bed gravel to prosperity and one of the best ad vertised and generally known cities of the world is a work of which any community can well ' be proud. A building site at .,4th and Spring changed hands recently for hall, al million which only a few years ago was transferred for a consideration of a team of horses. We have everything, natural re sources, a climate the equal of South ern California eight or nine months of the year, water power beyond com parison in the states, land the equal of any. Anything will grow here that grows out of doors under equal cli matic conditions. We have large mar- Our Saucy Little Reporter Interviews Teddy and Hears Something New 5 ' AucKitiw-HtiA '""Uh.5"1" ill' oo wtsTERn tit i okth V4p Arw 4 C0MTEDY.xVl. . - .Er Ofcour I 11 1 I Hi , nfcWllHr "The Man and The Crowd." Hear it Sunday evening, May 5, at the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH kets being supplied largely from East ern and other states for want of suf ficient farmers, poultrymen and stock raisers to supply the demand. Clack amas County has over-700,000 acres of tillable land with pnly a small per cent in cultivation. We have people the equal of any district, but we must change our tactics and policies with regard to capital; we have the mak ing of ag reat industrial city no one can deny that. We have every thing to bring that end; but we must all look forward to the time when capital will accept our invitations from the public generally as eviden ced by the favorable laws tey pass either at General elections or through the Legislature, for capital in our industrial center is more essential then natural resources. Capital can make artificial conditions but natural resources lie unknown to the world and our city remains " undeveloped when .capital refuses to aid. Boost and results will be forthcoming. Knock and reward in like coin will be our lot. We will grow as fast as our conditions will allow, but no growth will result with knocking such as came to our ears during the recent primary campaign. Clackamas Coun ty deserves the cream of the indust rial world. Will our people demand the cream or be satisfied with, skim med milk. We have some of the larg est mills in the world of their kind; they have grown with the coast from one machine plants, until they are now supplying, the demands of many states; they have added machines as the demand warranted until 1908, since which year the natural increase has gone elsewhere to states and countries where capital and industry are received with open arms. We have sufficient power for mills of twice the capacity and employing more than double the number of men now on the pay rolls. Do we want them? .ELECTRIC RAILWAY RATES We are thought unreasonable by officials of the P. R. L. & P. Co. while the people of the community feel somewhat the same as those in authority in the company referred to. If what the company contends is true then the Railway Commission of Ore gon also comes in for some of' the credit for the rates now in effect. Jennings Lodge certainly has a griev ance; the school children are entit led to some consideration and if Ca nemah's scenic railway is in the shape reported someone should be called down. Oregon City is a center; it has natural trading districts; zones on a railway system should not change these natural conditions. We heard more about zones Saturday night than had we been in geography class, but the torrid zone was most in evidence. The next meeting should bring results; so far we have gained two points with two more points, we can then make some concessions, aft er which we trust all will ride to Ore gon City on business or otherwise -on 4 and one-half cent tickets. Interest ing we should think to our business men. Live Wirelets (By Edgar Bates.) Some fine day yesterday! A few more and every ice cream stand in town will be working overtime. Looks like straw hat day hasn't struck Oregon City yet. Almost time to begin thinking aboHt that vacation isn't it? Where will it be this time, the mountains or sea shore? Why not start today and save all your small change for this big trip. 4 There is considerable agitation in Portland regarding deceitful adver tising done by unscrupulous merch ants. "Bankrupt," "Fire' and kindred sales are extensively advertised. Our city has in the past been remarkably free of this class of store keepers, and our home merchants have an en viable reputation in refernce vto the veracity of their advertisements. . the county clerks office is in a fair way to establish a new record for li censes issued. Has the fact that 1912 is divisable by 4 anything to do with it? ' It won't be long before the old fa miliar yellow water wagon will again be seen on the streets. v An office man in the Beaver build ing has been greatly annoyed, by find any place In the hall. After investi gation it was found out that the car rier always placed the paper in front of the office door but other people, anxious to read the news would take the paper, read it, and then toss it on the floor where ever they happen ed to be. The office man came down town a bit early Saturday and found three men reading the same, paper, who, when they saw. the office man, dropped Ihe paper and walked away. The office man "?as somewhat anger ed but curbed his temper and gently said, -"Say, you fellows gota quit kickin' my Enterprise around." r ,. Ten hours after the Titanic sank, singers in New York picture shows were introducing the latest 'When the Big Ship Goes JDown.' ' Heinze, the fifty-seven variety man is looking over Portland to choose a suitable site for a plant. "Knockers say there are a lot of sites" in Port land that should be "pickled." The pickle man knows his business. . Cooking with paper bags seems to be getting more and more popular. In roasting meats, the bag method eliminates a lot of extra work in washing pans, etc., but when it comes to roasting "mere man" a woman doesn't need a paper bag." " The "Pink Lady" must be a peach one of the boys went to the city last night to see her and he hasn't re turned yet. What next? We have the Pink Lady the Pink Lady music, Pink La dy candy, Pink Lady Perfume, and ice cream "creation called the Pink Lady, Pink Lady shade of pink and Pink Lady cigarettes. Who will Start the Pink Lady rag? - The Multnomah Club swimmers are trying to break several records in their new tank. We have a few citi zens right in our town who hold en viable "tank" records. . " This is about the time of the year when school teachers begin to wonder about their berths for next year. BANNER SEASON FOR OARSMEN 1912 Season Promises to Be Greatest In American History, BIS REGATTAS SCHEDULED. Watch the automobile contest. Opening Event Will Be at Annapolis When Columbia Meets Naval Acad emy National Association Contests at Peoria. III., Aug. 9 and 10. The American rowing .schedule for the season of 1912 is one of the best arranged. Not only will it bring to gether more varsity crews than have hitherto met In u single season, but the bout club associations will make a record for the number of their regat tas and the entries thereto. These regattas have been decided upon, and every enthusiastic follower this season -will get the finest array of sport. Furthermore, the meets are to be held ait such time and ut points that all rowing fourti no matter where their resiliences may be. can be ou hand at one or another date and place with little loss of time. The chief event, of course, will be the iu'.ercollcgiate regatta at I'ough keepsie. where Columbia. Cornell. Pecn syhaniu. S.vracuse and Wisconsin will come together on the picturesque Hud son four mile stretch. Next In importance perhaps will be the Vale-Harvard races nt New Lon don. And It looks as though this an nual fixture will not be quite as one sided as it lias been jn the past. But this season we are to have more preliminary varsity crew races than ever before And these will conclu sively show, for the year at, least, the superiority of Poujihkeepsie or New London. The full American rowing schedule for the year is: May 4 United States Naval academy plebes versus the University of Pennsyl vania freshmen at Annapolis. May 11 United States Naval academy first crew versus Columbia university var sity crew at Annapolis. May 18 United States Naval academy first crew versus Syracuse university var sity crew at jtnHapolIsT- .May 18 United States Naval academy second crew versus Syracuse university second crew at Annapolis. May 18 Columbia, Princeton and Penn sylvania yarslty crews at Princeton. May 23 Cornell, Harvard and Princeton varsity crews at Boston. May 25 American Henley at Philadel phia. May 30 Harlem Regatta association re gatta at New York. June 15 Schuylkill navy regatta at Phil adelphia. June 20 Harvard-Yale regatta at New London. June 29 Intercollegiate regatta at Pough keepsie. July 4 New England Amateur Rowing association regatta at Boston. July 4 People's regatta at Philadelphia. July 4 Springfield Rowing association regatta at Springfield. July 13 Hudson River Rowing associa tion regatta at New York. Aug. 2 and 3 Canadian Henley at St Catherines, Ont. Aug. 6 and 6 Central States Amateur Rowing association regatta at Peoria, 111. Aug. 7 and S Southwestern Amateur Rowing association regatta at Peoria, 111. Aug. 9 and 10 National Association of Amateur Oarsmen's regatta, American championships, at Peoria, 111. Sept. 2 Middle States Regatta associa tion regatta; place not yet decided. Sept. 2 New England Amateur Rowing assQciationat Boston. . n OcC I2-New Ungland Amateur Rowing association at Boston. ' The amateur American champion ships at Peoria, III, will end the great est week of rowing this country has ever seen. Daring the meet three bod ies will hold regattas he Central States Amatenr Rowing association, the Southwestern Amateur Rowing as sociation and the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen. And at this meet the American "nweep men and scullers can be compared with the best men at the English Henley as well as at the Olympic games. The Argonaut Rowing Club of Tor ronto is to send abroad its eight and four, which won both the American and Canadian championships in their respective classes last year; also that phenomenal sculler E. B. Butler, who swept everything before him both here and In Canada, is going along. This crowd, under the coaching of Joe Wright, is sure to render a good ac count They are to have a busy season. In-' deed. After Henley and Stockholm they will return at once for their own Canadian Henley on Ang. 2 and 3 and then go to Peoria, 111., where they will row throughout the week. The Arundel Boat club four of Balti more, which won at Saratoga last sum mer, has been entered for the Olympic games, but it is doubtful whether this crew will go abroad, as there are no funds available for sending it W. J. McKILLICAN WINS DECREE; ALIMONY $500 Judge Campbell Monday granted W. J. McKillican a divorce from Mary J. McKillican. The plaintiff was ord ered tQ pay the defendant $500 ali mony. TJ'Ren & Schuebel represent ed the plaintiff and Dimick & Dimick the defendant. . Where are you going to finish in. the auto contest The Morning Enterprise Is the best breakfast food yon can have. Agents for Standard Patterns T he C C Store Agents for Buster Brown Shoes ' WATCH OUR BUSINESS GROW Special Sale of Children's Wear for This Week Children's Wash Dresse sat Co:t 85c and 75c. Values, special 48c $1.13 Values .. 75C $1.25 Values ". . ... 83c $1.50 Values .98c $1.75 Values $1.13 Boys' Blouses made from best Amoskeag gingham, 35 val. ..25c Black Satin Blouses 25c Navy blue figuered Blouses...... ....19c An odd lot of dark and light waists ;..10c Children's Muslin Drawers with ruffles 2 pairs 25c Plain Muslin Drawers 3 pairs 25c Children's 25c Nazareth" Waists, special . ..19c Children's Gingham Romperong Pub ogV v 1 " Working for the other fellow and Get Busy for Yourself What can be won with a little wofk a fine prte e every 1 0 days DES the AUTO - r To what people are saying and yoa will see how popular yoti are THEN GET IN AND WIN Yours for the asking Don't it look good to you To stimulate interest in the voting and ive each one a chance to profit by their work we wilt give a prize every ten days. These prizes will not affect tthe fina1 count in any way as all votes will count on THE GRAND AUTOMOBILE These prizes will be given to the. one that hands n the largest number of votes very ten days. $100 In Gold We will give $1 00 to the contestant who makes the second best showing. If you don't think you can win the cat get in and win the $ 1 00. Jtist think; $ 00 for a few week's work in the even ing or before work. MM J 5V