y MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1912. County Court Supt. of Schools. T. J. Gary $ 30.35 C. F. Anderson 3.50 Fashion Livery Stable .... 7.50 J. E. Calavan 116.25 T. J. Gary ;. 7.00 E. C. Shaw 114.55 J. E. Calavan 3.50 C. F. Anderson 126.00 Surveyor. S. A. D. Hungate .. 60.00 Fruit Inspector. O. E. Fieytag $ 75.55 Board of Health. F. M. Morgan 59.50 C. H. Dauchy 41.95 Current Expense. Home Telephone Company . . . $ 10.85 Pacific Telephone Company . . . 40.70 Board of Water Comm 15.00 Huntley Bros. Co 155.30 County Poor. A. U. Bogden r 34.00 P. J. Winkel 18.85 D. C. Robbins 40.92 C. H. Dauchy 2.70 It. B. Beatie '. 68.30 L. Adams 4.60 Patton Home 7.25 C. R. Thorpe 14.15 Dr. H. 3. Mount : 20.00 R. B. Beatie 2.15 Sam Smith 10.00 Mrs. A. M. Brayton 20.00 Mrs. L. Guedon 20.00 Michael Kroll 5.00 Farr Bros. 10.00 Huntley Bros. Co 6.70 C. E. Swan 15.00 Wm. Danforth : 5.00 David E. Jones 8.00 C. E. Burns 5.00 W. T. Gardner 10.00 Mrs. Bradtl 10.00 J. A. Jones 15.00 J. W. S. Owens 10.00 . W. S. May 20.00 J. E. Seeley 7.00 Gregory Boyer lCr.OO Mary Moraj 12.00 Sam Booher 16.00 Niles Johnson 7.00 Fred Baker 15.00 S. M. Kelso 10.00 Richard Hartgreaves 8.00 W. O. French 7.00 J. T. Fullam 10.00 Mrs. Ella McLeod 8.00 Dock Mosier 10.00 Mrs. Jesse Allen 20.00 Patton Home 64.00 Henry Spiess 10.00 Court House. H. F." Hall 18.25 Frank P-usch 8.20 Geo. Zinserling 46.50 Geo. W. Wallace W. L. Mulvey . . F. H. King ..... 4.00 3.50 5.40 Wilson & Cooke 3.10 C. W. Friedrich 90 Wilson & Cooke 45 J. R. Kahler 8.00 Knoop & Gleason 4.15 Morris Bros 380.29 Huntley Bros. Co 10.35 Election. E. W. Bartlett $ 26.30 P. D. Newell 5.20 Oregon City Enterprise 49.70 F. W. Greenman 62.50 Insane.' Mrs. Wmr Bears $ 2.00 Electric Hotel 2.50 H. S. Mount 10.00 Jail. E. Seeley 1.60 R. Green 7.50 T. Mass 59.50 C. P. Westengard 50 Printing and Advertising. Oregon City Enterprise f 525.65 Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. 60.00 Juvenile Court. Mrs. C. J. Parker $ 10.40 Geo. Brown 15.84 Expenditures of the County for the Month of March. In the matter of the vacation of streets in Marshfield, ordered that said matter be laid over until the regular May term, to be consid ered at 10:00 A. M. on Wednes day, May 1, 1912. In the matter of the petition of Edw. M. Roberts, et al, for a coun ty road, said matter having been laid over from time to time, or dered that said petition be .and is hereby dismissed. In the matter of the petition of residents of road district No. 52r praying for permission to pur chase a road grader to be used ex clusively by road district No. 52, ordered that said petition be and the same is hereby allowed, said grader to be purchased with the regular money raised in said! district by taxation, which is to be repaid by subscription, said peti tioners to be allowed to work out their amount so subscribed. In the matter of the petition of Martin Lepartz, et al, for a county road, ordered referred to the County Board of Viewers, who are ordered to meet on the . . . .day of April A. D. 1912, and view, locate and survey said road. In he matter of the petition of D. N. Trullinger et al, for a county road, ordered laid over until the regfiular May term of this court. In the mater of the quitclaim deed from Geo. T. Parry, et al, to Clackamas County, for road pur poses, said road being located in Sec. 29, T. IS. R. 2 E. of theV. M. ordered that said deed be and the same is hereby accented and or dered filed with the County Recor der for record. In the matter of the petition of Carl Stromgreen, et al, for a coun ty road, ordered that said petition be laid over until the regular May term. In the mater of the petition of A. W. Brickley, et al, for a county road, ordered referred to the County Board of Viewers, who are ordered to meet on the day of April A. D. 1912, and view, locate and survey said road. I In the matter of the Fellows j road. This matter coming on reg ularly fcf be heard, and the Court being fully advised in the premis es, it is hereby ordered that said road be and the same is hereby! ordered opened on the line of the j original survey. ; In the matter of theBlufT's Plat, ! said plat having been approved byj the same is hereby approved and ordered filed with the county re corder. v In the matter of the plat of the extension of Fifth Street in Wil sonville, said plat having approv ed by. the assessor and surveyor, ordered that said plat be and the same is hereby opproved and or dered filed with the county recor der for record. In the matter of the plat of Redland Park, said plat having been approved by the county as sessor and surveyor, ordered that said plat be and the same is here by approved and ordered- filed with the recorder. In the matter of the deed from Gerald Wilcox, et al, for a county road, said land being located in Sections 21 and 28, T. 2 S. R. 4 E. of the W. M., ordered that said deed be and the same is hereby accepted and ordered recorded. In the matter of the application of M. J. Lee for the right to cross all county roads between Canby in Clackamas County, Oregon, and Molalla in Clackamas county, Oregon, see seprate order. In them atter of the contract of District No. 13 with Kerr & Schwartz, to furnish lumber for road district No. 13, see contract. In the matter of the plat of Winston Acres, said plat having been approved by thee ounty as sesor and surveyor. Ordered that said plat be and the same is here by approved and ordered filed. In the matter of the claim of the City of Estacada of its share of ther oad tax, ordered that said claim be, and he same is hereby allowed in the sum of $1063.27, and the clerk is hereby instructed tod raw a warrant on the general road fund in favor of Estacada. In the matter of the claim of Oregon City for its share of the road fund. Ordered that said claim be allowed in the sum of $10,635.91 and hte county clerk is hereby ordered to draw a war rant of the road fund (general) of Clackamas county in favor of Ore gon City fro thes um of $10,635. 91. In the matter of bids of S. A. D. Hungate, Don E. Meldrum, J. A. Lizberg, Ray E. Cole, Chas. S. Noble and Lee J. Caufield, for making road plats for Clackamas county, this matter coming on to be heard on inspection of the bids submitted by the above named parties, and the court not being fully advised, ordered that said matter bee ontinued until the ad journed term of this court to be the county assessor and survev- Pope & Company 13.80 or ordered tliat said plat be and Baseball AT PORTLAND RECREATION PARK Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth- Sts. OAKLAND VS PORTLAND April 23-24-25-26-27-28. Games Begin Weekdays at 3:30 p. m. Sunday at 2:30 p. m. LADIES DAY FRIDAY Boys under 12 Free to Bleachers Wed- held April , 1912. ' i In he matter of double payment 1 of taxes on lot 5 Block 44 O. I. & S. Co's. Add to Oswego, ordered that the sum of $3.82 be refund ed to Mrs. E. J. Russell on ac count .of said double payment, and the county clerk is hereby in structed to draw a warrant on the general fund on Clackamas county in favor of Mrs. F. J. Russell in the sum of $3.82. In the matter of the appoint ment of B. J. Staats as chief dep uty sheriff of Clackamas county, ordered that said apointment be, and the same is hereby confirmed. In the matter of the appoint ment -of J. O. Staats and W. N. Brown as special deputy sheriffs for Clackamas county, ordered that said appointments be and the same are hereby confirmed. Expenditures on General Roads For 1912. City of Oregon City ..$10365.91 City of Estacda 1063.27 Oregon Arsenical Spray Co 2.00 D. C. Robbins 17.23 Wilson & Cooke . . 11.70 J. D. Adams & Co 150.00 R. B. Beatie .. . ..... 14.00 W. H. Mattoon 27.00 N. Blair 23.00 Straight & Salisbury . .90 Wilson & Cooke .50 Scripture & Beauliau . . 1.85 j John Kent ... .. . 54.00 j Wm. Dutcher 42.00 H. A. Brown 9.00 W .W. Smith 66.50 J. Wanker "8.00 J. R. Myers 35.00 Wm. Dutcher 36.00 F. Quinn 30.00 W. Raney 30.00 F. M. Long 30.00 G. Raney 30.00 W.'Groshong . 54.00 E. Patsch 15.00 G. Askin 12.50 C. V. Green 56.00 W. E. Mumpower 43.50 Henry Cromer 40.00 J. D. Adams & Co 200.00 Frank Busch 5.50 W. B. Tull 75.63 R. W. Zimmerman . . . 40.25 A. Bachert v 26.00 D. Kenagy 22.00 V. Berg . .' 16.00 G. Brune 6.00 W. L. Preston - 6.00 C. Potwin 12.00 J. B. King 4.00 M. King 47.60 J. H. Hartman 44.60 S. M. Yoder .27.00 H. Gilbertson 15.75 V. Berg 36.00 S. E. Kauffman 27.35 L. I. Kenagy 30.00 J. R. Sanders . . 24.00 F. Kerr 24.00 D. Sheppard 6.00 C. Oathout , . 4.50 J.B.King 15.50 Hoover Bros 12.03 W. Howe .... 11.25 j W. H. Irvin 7.50 ! H. D. Dietz : . . 7.50 I G. A. Ehlen 1.8) Sadler & Krause .Vol wiison x uooke .io G. Schneider 6.00 A. Flannon ... . 14.00 Geo. Gill 8.00 C. E. Coope 6.00 John Stewart 24.00 JT T. Hingle 45.50 RON ON THE PORCH Get out in the fresh air where it is cool and pleasant. Make ironing day a different and better day. You can do it with an Electric Iron The iron that needs no stove and is kept always at the right temperature by the electric current. Let us arrange your porch for electric ironing. It will cost yery little, whether you have current in the house or not. t Phone for our representative, who will give you an estimate with no obligation whatever on your part. Portland Railway, Light and Power Company MAIN OFFICE SEVENTH & ALDER STS. PHONES MAIN 6688 AND A. 6130. W. H. Bonney 36.00 Henry Babler 72.00 W. Kerr 48.04 W. P. Brehm 48.00 A. Funk 43 (0 W. C. Oldham 48 dJ N. S. Oldham 4.u') G. Courtwright . . 12.-;Q G. Schneider 2 4 '0 Alfred Schneider ..... 21.00 Arnold. Schneider 13.00 Lloyd Allen 2.00 A. L. Allen ' 2i.00 Don Allen- . 40.0 ) John Founds 4 4.00 J. T. Fullam 38.. "5 J.M.Smith 107.0;. F. Mattoon 3151 W. C. Paine 45. John Potter 42. D. C. Robbins 17. Wilson & Cooke 4. A. Mather 2062. Wash. Portland Cement Superior Portland Cement Co 246, R. B. Beatie ... 41. Working for the other fellow and Get Busy for jYourself What can be won with a little work a fine prfce every JO days AUTO THE To what people are saying and you will see how popalar you ate THEN GET IN AND WIN Yours for the asking Don't it look good to, you To stimulate interest in trie voting and tve each one a chance to profit.by their work we will give a prize every ten days. These prizes will not affect ;the fina1 count in any way as all votes will count on THE GRAND AUTOMOBILE These prizes will be given to the one that hands n the largest number of votes very ten days. $ 1 00 In Gold Wc will give $100 to tie contestant who makes tne second best showing. If you don't think you can win the cat get in and win the $ J 00. Jast think; $ J 00 iot a few week's work in the even ing or before work. 1 50 75 15 45 68 00 04 3