Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, April 26, 1912, Image 4

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Mrs. Angeline Similker, of Anoka,
Minnesota, has been a recent visitor
at the Robertson home on Addie
Mis3 Esther Campbell, who is at
tending the Eugene University, spent
the Easter holidays at her home with
Miss Farnum.
Miss Eileen Dill, of Eugene, visited
home folks in Portland and spent one
day with Mrs. C. P. Morse.
Mrs. Wlevesick and daughter, of
Oregon City, called on Mrs. Hugh Ro
berts 3i Friday of last week.
Miss Flossie Jennings has recovered
from her recent illness and visited
with her sister, Miss Bronte Jennings,
during the week.
Messrs. John and Gus " Jacobson
have purchased a half acre from Chas.
Redmond. This tract is in a very
desirable location and has been fenced
and the sidewalk improved.
Little Ruth Truscott has been con
fined to her home for more than a
week with an attack of jaundice.
Ernest Bruechert, of Omaha, spent
Sunday with his cousin, Mrs. Bess
Bruechert, and children.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Shaver
autoed to Portland Friday and had
their household goods shipped to Port
land. Howard Smith has recently purch
ased the George Shaver property on
Boardman avenue.
Mrs. Will Jacobs was a Portland
shopper Wednesday.
Mesdames Emmons and MacFarlane
are to be the hostesses of The Circle
for May. Mrs. Emmons will enter
tain on May 1st, and a porch party
will be given by Mrs. MacFarlane on
May 15th. TJie May Day party has
been given up owing to a number of
other engagements which are taking
up the attention of the members of
The Circle at this time. Saturday,
May 4th, a picnic will be given on
the west bank of the Willamette. The
Circle and their families will enjoy
a day in the woods. The launch, Dix
ie, and the row boats will convey all
who wish to attend, across the Wil
lamette. v
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Soesbe and son,
Harold, came up from Newport Fri
day. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ostrom, of
Meldrum, entertained at dinner Tues
day evening the Symposium Card
Club of Portland. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ring, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Richmond, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. P. Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Mutzig, Mr. and Mrs. George Hen
derson, Dr. and Mrs. Pettit, Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Sin
gletary, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Woods,
Mr. and Mrs. Stockwell and Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Hopson.
Grange Visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass went to
Sheridan Saturday.
School in district No. 50 closed Fri
day, April 19. Miss Anna Duncan, the
teacher, went to Portland Saturday on
her way home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass en
tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs." Howlett, Mrs. Viola Douglass,
Miss Bina Douglass, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim DeShazer and children and Ed
Sherd Jones was a home visitor Sunday.
Some of the farmers of this neigh
borhood are still busy with spring
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Huntington, of
Portland, were the guests Saturday
and Sunday of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Huntington.
Mrs. Will Douglass, accompanied by
her uncle, John Handrub, and cousin,
Lizzie Luster, went to Stevenson last
week to visit a short time with rela
tives. Eagle Creek Grange held its regu
lar meeting Saturday, but not a very
large crowd was in attendance. Three
were initiated in the first and second
degrees. The Grange has decided to
give a May picnic May 18 in their
cedar grove. All are invited to at
tend. Bring your dinner and spend
the day.
Buzz Thomas, of Sandy, was a
Gallant Offer.
"I've been hugsins myself to dis
traction ever since dud gave me a
pearl necklace for my birthday."
"If you need any assistance you
know where to come for it." Town
FOR MARCH, 1912.
District No. 1.
R. A. Redell $ 58.50
C. E. Battin 65.00
O. A. Battin 7 82.50
Wm. Smart 6QM
J. A. Davis 100.00
J. Brodio 87.50
E. Atwood 19.25
District No. 2.
Security Vault & Metal Works. $ 0.80
A. V. Wicklund 5.00
Clarence Johnson 4.06
L. Hornberger '. .. 2.00
E. R. Bennett 2.50
Beall & Co. 40.80
District No. 3.
W. W. Cooke 45.00
H. Laye 15.00
J. C. Elliott & Co 56.30
Grant Mumpower 10.85
C. Wolfhagen 1.25
Wilson & Cooke 23.30
Lee Stradley 20.00
J. Pilster 30.00
W. Pilster 34.00
Guss Stein 28.00
C. Hemrick 22.00
H. Gerhardus 36.00
Gus Lingle 22.00
Leon Miley . ,.. 23.00
Boyer I)e Young 27.00
August Hellar 16.00
District No. 6.
Straus Lumber Co ..$624.19
Paul R. Meinig 1.70
Chas. Krebs 10.60
Gust Finger . . '. 11.00
F. Stoike 23.00
C. Stoike 23.00
R. Netzel 5.00
F. Lauderback 22.00
J. Hacelwander ' 8.00
J. Albel 6.00
Chas.- Ruther 12.50
N. Schmitz 34.00
Emil Grunner 12.50
R. Kaiser 6.75
District No. 7.
Paul R. Meinig $105.45
Geo. Gibbons 7.00
Fred Gibbons 7.00
C. Cockelrease 6.00
J. Phelps 2.00
Ed TenEyck 3.00
Chas. Bailey 50
Geo. Bornstedt 3.00
E. R.. Leaf 24.75
District No. 8.
Firwood Lumber Co $209.90
B. Allen
W. Gourdeau :..
Sharnke ..,
Biedenstein ............
W. O. Rugh
D. W. Douglass 10.00
District No. 10.
Beall & Co $317.45
Security Vault & Metal Works 86.13
Paul Holm 25.00
F. E. Thomas . . . . .C . . . 285
J. H. Tracy 10.00
J. Duus 10.00
F. Rhodes I . . 10.00
D. Califf . .-. 10.00
G. Inglisb 10.00
G. DeShields 10.00
J. chultz
E. Steinman
W. Rhodes
O. Califf
R. Palmateer
F. Crawford
J. Califf
M. V. Thomas
F. E. Thomas 8.45
District No. 11.
J. D. Adams & Co. $100.00
J. R. Livsay -1.00
Percy Jones . 2.00
C. R. Livesay 1.25
District No. 12. '
J. D. Adams .$100.00
Henry Swales 10.00
Henry Gill . 43.25
Ben Swales . .. 12.00
District No. 15.
Wm. Fine ."T. '..:.$ 20.00
Dick Long 18.75
Frank Quinn ,., " 20.00
Wm. Raney 18.75
John Green 17.50
Wm. Groshong : 10.00
Wilson & Cooke 3.85
C. J. Hood 1.65
Wm. Fine 37J50
Dick Long " 5.25
Frank Quinn 7.50
Wm. Rainey 11.25
John Green 5.00
Jim Ausbern .... 20.00
Chas. Broom 20.00
Charles Shockley 25.00
LMattoon 25.00
A. Klemsen 21.00
L. W. Davis 32.50
Joe Hill ... 8.00
F. C. Thomas 2.50
E. L. Camp .' 6.00
District No. 17.
W. A. Winder 9.50
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts.
April 23-24-25-26-27-28.
Games Begin Weekdays at 3:30 p. m.
Sunday at 2:30 p. m. -
Boys under 12 Free to Bleachers Wed-
E. Rhodes 30.00
E. Craund 14.00
Chas Tbomas ............... v 30.00'
D. Skinner ... 12.00
J. Bunkey ". 10.00
T. J. KenKnight 8.00
Ed Shull 11.00
Wilson Evans 13.00
D. R. Dimick t. .'. 20.00
Fred Roth . 2.00
Carlton & Rosenkrans Co. ... 7.10
John Robbins 8.00
F. Reace 4.00
Ivan Dimick 4.00
D. R. Dimick 10.00
E. Rhodes 15.00
H. Cochran 9.50
Wm. Rider 8.00
District No. 19.
D. L. Trullinger ......$ 24.40
ArthuE Johnson ......... "7 12.00
Rich Johnson 16.0J
Chas. Kerns 2.00
O. J. Culbertson 5.00
Geo. Hostetter ." 8.00
D. L. Trullinger 3.00
D. N. Trullinger 36.25
District No. 20.
Larkins & Robbins $120.00
District No. 21.
Hult Bros, ..$280.00
Jonas Peterson 10.00
John Erickson. Y. . 10.00
Alex Erickson . . .- 10.00
A. Johnson 10.00
E. A. .Swanson 19.25
R. Gordon 6.00
A. N. Swanson 6.00
Hult Bros 280.00
District No. 23.'
R. W." Zimmerman ;$ 32.25
A. Bachert 6.00
D. Kenagy 8.00
V. Berg 14.00
J. H. Krause 6.00
J. H.Hartman 8.00
G. Brune '. 1.00
J. J. Kopper 2.00
C. Potwin .. 2.00
M. King , 9.35
3. H. Hartman 9.35
S. M. Yoder 13.50
H. Gilbertson 12.00
V. Berg 13.50
S. J. Kauffman 6.00
L. I. Kenagy .... 12.00
J. B. King 8.50
W. Howe 12.00
W. W. Irvin 11.25
H. H. Dietz "15.00
District No. 24.
Leo Aakin ........... . . $ 15.00
Geo. Askin 6.00
R. Askerson 16.00
W. Noblitt 8.00
G. E. Wyland 8.00
J. J. Leonard .1.00
W. A. Winder 52.50
W. D. Miller 7.00
Geo. Askin, Sr. . 8.00
Geo. A. Ellen 6.00
C. G. Hoffman 2.00
C. E. Miller 54
J. J. Wurne 14.50
C. E. Miller : 33.50
District No. 25.
Canby Hdw. & Implement Co..$ 30.55
Cole Bros. & Co .-. 2.25
A. G. Harmack ..... 14.00
J. Bruscb .' 12.00
lakes Sewing a Pleasure
fF you could eliminate the jiresome drudgery of
pedahng-wouldn t sewing be a pleasure instead
of a task?
An electric sewing machine motor attached to your
machine does all the WORK, giving any speed de
sired by the mere pressure of the foot On the treadle.
Current can be drawn from any one of. your electric
light socketsat any time--in any room-at a cost of
but a half-cent an hour.
Let us explain how simply the motor is attached how easy the con-rol-how
safe the operation. Ask us today.
s -
Portland Railway, Light
and Power Company
PHONES MAIN 6688 AND A. 6131.
W. Baty 8.00
C. D. Keasling 9.00
H. Smith 4.00
Ed Gipson ............... - 4.00
J. B. Mitts "... -. 21.00
F. Merz 6.00
F. Wehner 4.00
G. McFadden 3.75
J. A. Mitts 3.00
C. A. Wallace
C. Terry
M. Walch
District No.
2.00 W. W. Everhart
Lloyd Shaver . . ;
B. F. Harless . .
S. A. Cordill
J. M. Cross. 7.00
.75 L. Callahan .
1.75 District No. 27.
J. H. Barth '
$ - 2.00 Orville Jackson
2.00 Joe Jackson
4.00 A. Olsen
7.00 O. Olsen
7.00 A. Barth .:
5- o
Working for thelother fellow arid
Get Busy for Yourself
What can be won with a little
work a fine prie every JO days
To what people are saying and
you. will see how popular you are
Yours for the
Hr s ?. --:: J. A i - ft
- , " i . "' , . .
... ( T r f 1
Don't it look good
To sMmulate inlerest in the voting and- ivc each one a chance to profiKby their
work we will give a prtee every ten days. These prizes will not affect the fina1
count in any way as all votes will count on
These prizes will be given to the one that hands n the largest number of votes
very ten days. V "
$100 In Gold
We will give $100 to the contestant who makes the second best
showing. If you don't think you can win the cat get in and win
the $ J 00. Jast think; $100 for a. few week's work in the even
ing or before work. ;0 .
$ 11.5Q.